Why laziness is so irritating to your boss.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Lazy people irritate their employers, like vinegar to the teeth or smoke in the eyes.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Why in the world would the New Living Translation and Eugene Peterson’s, The Message Translation call “those who send them,”employers? I had never seen a Proverb talk about employers before. It is all about this little Hebrew word, “shalach: to send.”

Hebrew is much more poetic, than perfect. It’s more subjective than specific. I believe it’s a language of picturesque beauty and mental translations of emotion and imagery. It’s a heart language. As you dig into small passages like this one, you discover there is a story behind the word. I also agree with Tim Keller when he promotes the idea that Proverbs was a young man’s curriculum for learning about life and how to live well, godly, through wisdom.

This word, “shalach” is mostly about the critical nature of communication and how important messages get from one person to another, one town to another or a king, head of family or even an employer to someone of importance. As you can see, accuracy and urgency would be critical to deliver news or emergencies. Think about a network of B2B, or calling 911 or sending a fast mail carrier on horseback to the president. Kind of like the pony express, Paul Revere or the bat signal.

The messenger is crucial because the message must get through! Now think of how you would run a business, a household or a country while depending on a lazy messenger. The one that wakes late, leaves late, naps too often and meanders to their destination well past the deadline. The person or deal is dead, the news is stale, the message now useless. Can you see how dangerously frustrating this would be?

One commentator writes, “They who send a sluggard, who make him their agent, do it to their own sorrow.” Compare and contrast to this Proverb 25:13, “Trustworthy messengers refresh like snow in summer. They revive the spirit of their employer.” Proverbs point for young men and women or anyone who wants to structure their life with wisdom – lazy people are not dependable… so DON’T be one! Don’t be a person that tastes like vinegar in your employer’s mouth or tears in their eyes. Make and live a reputation of hustle and reliability and you’ll never have to worry about work or money.


I am so thankful you changed my life so much that I have been able to prove my mother wrong! As I’ve said before, as an early teen she told me I was lazy, and I was. Even as I got older, I was still lazy compared to her work ethics. I am thankful for her and for the work you’ve done in my life. Do I still like to nap? Absolutely. But, my grit and determination has grown 1000%. I do not want to lazy about my purpose here on earth or to my calling as a Pastor. I want to work hard to be all about your Kingdom here on earth.