When family & community fail.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When I came across this episode several years ago, I was struck by one glaring issue, I had not seen it before. Question: How does a demon get into a child? We are not given the reasons behind several of the demonic possessions throughout the gospels. But most of them are in adults. It is believed that, at one point in their life, they either peddled or meddled in evil realms of spiritual darkness which opened doors for evil spirits to come in and take control over a human body. Another theory is that through narcotics, alcohol or other addictions, their minds are left defenseless and similarly open to demons making themselves at home. The mad-naked-man, in the tombs, was an adult that became infested with thousands of demons and caused mayhem in the hills above the city. The citizens would bind him with ropes and chains trying to subdue him, possibly trying to keep him and the neighborhood safe. Mark’s gospel uses these examples as a way to let the reader know that Jesus has all power and authority over evil spirits, so demon possessions are mentioned about ten times.

Here, the story is very dark and very sad. A father, in desperation, brings his son to Jesus. Notice, the father identifies this as a spiritual episode, not a physical one. Are we missing something today when we see a person unable to speak, throwing themselves to the ground, writhing, foaming at the mouth and grinding their teeth? We would only see this as an epileptic episode and safely hold them down until it passes. I absolutely believe in medical epileptic episodes and I am not saying that today these are possessions.

This father knew it was more than a physical abnormality! The father also reported that “The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him.“ When Jesus approached the child, he spoke to the evil spirit (that also kept the boy from hearing or speaking) and commanded the demon to depart, “the evil spirit then threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.” Everyone suspected the child was dead. This was something far beyond a physical or mental disorder. Jesus, knowing the difference between a physical problem and a spiritual one, didn’t command healing, he commanded deliverance!

There is enough hints in the story and the cultural background of the city where this took place, Bethsaida, a city known for its lack of faith (Matthew 11:21), that tells me the father and the community knew they were responsible for allowing evil into their town and their own children. The father told Jesus, “Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” Help “US,” “IF” you can. The community not only had become known for unbelief, it had stopped being protective agents against evil – finally affecting even the children among them. This also makes sense why the disciples couldn’t just dismiss the demon. This evil spirit knew it could resist given the fact that the gawking crowd had little reason nor belief to kick it out. Of course, this would take prayer and fasting! Not just for an exorcism, but even more importantly to confront their stubborn hearts for resisting to God.

Do we have families that leave their children exposed to evil, practically inviting demons into the their homes and neighborhoods? Do we have cities with reputations of resistance and unbelief, where it becomes intensely laborious to speak truth and penetrate harden hearts with the gospel? I believe we do.

Ironically, I think our own “city of angels,” Los Angeles has become that. It’s not just that California is a state of known for hard, stubborn hearts, the city itself reeks of crime, corruption, sickness, poverty, and mental illness. Our dear city is a violent place, also filled with lawlessness, desperation, power and greed. It seems as though every attempt to bring healing and freedom takes prayer and fasting because the evil spirits know they are happily welcomed and accommodated in LA. What about your home, your neighborhood, your city? What you accommodate, your children will willingly accept!


I get the allure of selfishness to live the “adult” life. Which translates into little to none responsibility for children around us. My parents, all five, mostly did what they wanted. I know my adoptive mother worked hard and sacrificed to provide a good home, food and prompted my sister and I to do well in school. However, spirituality, there just wasn’t much there. I shiver to think of what suppressed or forgotten things we were exposed to! The story of this Father, coming to you, realizing he had messed up is heartbreaking but filled with hope. I can relate to that Father in this; what a powerful prayer to ask you for help in overcoming his unbelief. In agreement with all Dads out there, please help us in our own unbelief and have mercy on our children. Amen.

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