What a parental conundrum!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“His parents didn’t know what to think. “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.” “But why did you need to search?” he asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house?” But they didn’t understand what he meant. Then he returned to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. And his mother stored all these things in her heart. Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭2:48-52‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have read this story through the eyes of a parent and I was FURIOUS. If you’ve ever had an independent, strong headed wanderer in your family then you know how Joseph and Mary must have felt. Yeah, there’s the whole, where was Jesus? with the whole, “traveling with family,” so they were concerned that they didn’t see him for a few days – a few days! I get that. It bugs me that Jesus didn’t TELL someone, “hey, I’m going to check out what’s happening at the temple.” Am I even allowed to be bothered by Jesus taking on such “young adult” qualities at twelve? I don’t think he had even celebrated his Bar mitzvah yet!

We had a young wanderer in our family, it was Matthew for us. If he got bored, or saw something interesting in a store or just felt free to meander – boom, he was gone! It was kind of mystical/magical in our family. One second he’s standing there or eating with us at the table and the next second, POOF, he’s disappeared. Anyone seen Matt? Did anyone see where he went? Nope.

However, the line Jesus gives to his parents is equally annoying and challenging – “Didn’t you know?” By twelve years old, parents have figured out most of the tricks, quirks and idiosyncrasies of their kids. Jesus must have had a hard genetic pull towards his origin story! And, his parents were probably aware, but not quite sure what to do about it. How can they help foster Jesus relationship with his bio-dad? Wow, that’s a tough one!

At twelve years old, Jesus is pretty much telling the rents, “I got this from here,” in terms his understanding of God and who he was, his real identity so to speak. I’m sure he wasn’t all prepared for the world, and his entire future, but he knew enough to let his parents know they didn’t have to worry about explaining his birth story 😉.

But here’s the lesson as Jesus speaks as the Word of God, there are times, there are situation, there are moments that supersede all the norms of culture, and regular behaviors. Those moments as Jesus AMAZED all the professional religious men with his understanding and his QUESTIONS.

Truth: He, we, must be about our Father’s business! Yes, there is life in all its wonder, it’s highs and lows. But running on a higher, parallel plane is God’s ways, His Kingdom and it’s not only MORE real, it’s by far more true and certainly eternal. For Jesus, it all made sense in the temple, what Jesus calls his Father’s house. When people gather in a place that is set aside for worship, prayer and the reading/hearing of God’s word, there will be a unified sense of God’s presence and purpose. Where the sum becomes far greater than the parts.


Even at twelve, I am so amazed at Jesus’ wisdom and his understanding of who you are and probably understanding his mission while here on earth. It really boggles my brain! Yet, I see such encouragement of not only gathering together and finding purpose as an individual but in the context of community it makes so much sense. That I, that we must be about your business. We live in this life but our real existence goes far beyond and into your Kingdom. Help me, help us always remember that as we go about our day.