The experience of a lifetime

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“But even as he spoke, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my dearly loved Son, who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” The disciples were terrified and fell face down on the ground. Then Jesus came over and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” And when they looked up, Moses and Elijah were gone, and they saw only Jesus.” Matthew‬ ‭17‬:‭5‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This powerful episode, this transfiguration, takes place high up on the mountain. A transfiguration is, “a complete change of form or appearance into something more beautiful or spiritual.” We would use a similar word, “transformed.”

Matthew tells us that this is what happened on the mountain when Jesus took three of his closest friends (the minimum for number of witnesses in legal matters) with him to pray. How did Matthew know what happened? He interviewed Peter as an eyewitness.

As Jesus’ physical appearance rapidly changed, his face and clothing bursting with blinding white, two other figures also appear in that moment. Two super, well known characters from the Old Testament – Moses and Elijah. The whole scene is reminiscent of the high mountain moments that took place on Sinai. The presence of God had clearly descended on that place. Jesus, Moses and Elijah are having a conversation, like it was normal, you know, old friends catching up after not seeing each other for 1600 years! The three disciples, Peter, James and John are just standing there, taking it all in. Peter, of course, has to say something, offering to build some temporary tents for the three to have an extended time of fellowship if they so desired. Mark’s gospel adds, “he didn’t know what to say.” Jesus doesn’t respond. But then the cloud comes down.

This descending cloud is directly connected to when God came down on the first tabernacle (Exodus 33:9) and filled the house of the Lord on the dedication of the Temple” (1Kings 8:10). It was, in later Jewish language, described as the “Shechinah” glory of God’s presence. It was a holy moment. It was also a difficult moment to process for the disciples. This friend of theirs, Jesus, was indeed the messiah. But they could not wrap their brains around the concept of what the messiah would be and do according to everything they had been taught about him. Their understanding did not match these experiences. Jesus had proven that He is God through miracles. He had proven that He had all power and authority over ALL things! And now this supernatural moment just put it over the top. And yet, Jesus had already told them he was to die, resurrect, then leave?

In this moment on the mount, these three average guys are experiencing something no one else could even dream of – a meeting with Jesus, two famous Prophets and God-the-Father’s voice coming out of an ominous CLOUD! What’s the protocol for such situations? What does one do when in the middle of a supernatural, other-world event, taking place right in front of you? You fall! You bow! You make yourself as low as possible and stay that way until someone tells you different. You don’t peek! You don’t look at your friends to see what they’re doing. You flatten down, shut up and be very, very still – like you’re dead! Being terrified doesn’t even begin to capture the emotions of that moment. Think about this, when the Apostle Paul says, “every knee will bow and tongue confess,” this moment describes why. Humans won’t bow and confess, being forced to do so. It will be the natural response to complete and utter realization of who Jesus is! Jesus touches them so they can get back up.

This whole experience must have been so overwhelming for the three apostles, Peter, James and John. It did not however, prevent them from having future doubts, questions and even failures! It would be a mistake to think that spiritual high-points are somehow the answer or “fix” to our problems. It didn’t happen then, it’s not going to happen today! The deep patterns of a spiritual life are still the same, denying ourselves, being obedient to pick up the cross of Christ and follow Jesus daily. When we fail, we confess, repent and get back at it.


It is so hard for me to imagine experiencing something so powerful, so profound, so supernatural. It would take me forever to even process an event like this. Even so, I would completely expect my life to not just be changed, but that I would never again wrestle with doubt, faith or even sin! Ah, but they did, and I realize… so would I. I need your grace and mercy all the way to the end! I need your forgiveness and patience my whole life through. I am grateful for your long-suffering love.