Jesus’ little brother pulls no punches.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions? Can that kind of faith save anyone?” ‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You don’t want to belief-spar with James, Jesus’ brother. He watched the gospel become the fulfillment of God’s plan from the inside out. What was it like being the little brother to Jesus? Did Jesus prank James? Hide dead bugs in his bed? Tell Mary what James was really up to at a “friend’s house”? James didn’t believe his brother was the Messiah until after the resurrection! Did James seriously think Jesus was holding out for the long con?

I’ve often thought about James’ book and it’s hard-hitting, guilt-triggering truth! James grew up watching Jesus say a lot of stuff about God and about himself. But I can tell, James also watched Jesus physically follow through with every one of his beliefs, sermons and promises. Jesus said what he was going to do and he did it! There’s an old axiom that actions speak louder than words, I can guarantee, Jesus lived a very loud life.

James’ crystal-clear clarity message: faith absolutely translates into behavior. And if it doesn’t… it’s a dead, worthless faith to hold on to. “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” James‬ ‭2‬:‭17‬. Ouch! James also speaks the truth, calling out the nonsense between conservative and liberal practics. Conservatives say, it’s what you think, believe and talk about. Liberals say, it’s what you do, live, rally and physically take part in. One gives money, the other gives time. I know that’s exaggerated, but either way – James declares, it’s both and! He writes, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” Nonsense – James says.

This connection, this necessity, is so vital that James compares the air in our lungs to the requirement of life itself, writing, “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.” Good works, applying the truths and principles of God’s Word through service, love and behavioral application is the very air of our faith.

This challenges me to constantly translate what I read, hear and learn from the Bible directly into obedience and action. If I spend my life only hearing, only reading, only listening to Bible preachers and podcasts and never DO WHAT IT SAYS, Jesus himself said, I’ve just built a really nice life completely on the sand! First storm and it all comes crashing down. Faith without works becomes the curse of a shabby build, maybe it looks pretty but it’s not sustainably secure.


So the real struggle here is not how much of your Word I can quote and cram into my brain, it’s how much of your Word can I apply, can I obey, can I put to work to change my behavior, get my hands dirty in serving – right? Am I missing something? I love Your Word! It didn’t just save me it SAVES me. I love learning more about you, your character, your will, your ways. But if I am not careful to work out obedience and service seeing physical changes in my behavior, then what happens to your Living Word in my heart and life? If I don’t yield, doesn’t my heart harden? If I don’t obey, doesn’t it turn bitter in my soul? There seems to be a stern warning about how I handle the Word of truth, letting it work in me and through me rather than just storing up quotable knowledge like a spiritual wikipedia. Help me yield, obey, change and put your Word to work! Amen.

Pendulum People?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Or, the age of anti-works. Are we so against works that we’re no longer gracefully good?

As a believer I think I would call Christians the “pendulum people.” Over centuries of history and experiencing God myself for the past 46 years, I have seen the Church swing from one extreme to the other. This “works” versus “grace” is just one example. Free will verses sovereignty is another.

One huge swing was from total social involvement in mission, like giving an actual cup of water with the gospel, to just giving the gospel only. At one point Christianity WAS a social gospel, hands on, running into plagues to care for the sick and such. Then it was deemed to liberal to only feed, cloth or shelter and possibly do it in the name of Jesus. So, mission was defined as just giving the gospel and not tending to real needs at all.

We’ve bounced around blaming styles of works and grace, competing and comparing one denomination to another. Both saying, “we’re better because we are Biblical!” When will we get it?

Paul writes to the Ephesians and says, “grace saves you!” Paul writes to the Philippians and says, “Word hard!” Which is it Paul? Of course we should know – it’s BOTH! How long will it take for us to see that FAITH and OBEDIENCE go together and can never be separated? Apparently, we will not fully get it until we reach heaven.

How can we love God and live for Him without both His grace and His power to do, to create, to WORK here on this earth as His Kingdom has arrived and is arriving. It is grace that saves us AND it is works that are the joy of that salvation! Paul says works are the results, the application, the outcome. He uses this interesting Greek word, only found here in Philippians. katergazomai – work out, bring about. It combines two words “work” and “down to the point or thoroughly.” He also adds these two “kick-in-the-pants” words: fear and trembling.

Of course these words are connected to obedience, not necessarily the work. When God rescues and redeems, He does so with purpose in mind. That purpose becomes a mystery and a delight to figure out and get busy with it. If you’ve ever seen a toddler or a preschooler “play,” you know to them it IS work. If you’ve every witnessed a master craftsman building, shaping or painting you’ve seen the joy of pure play. But we say “she’s working” on something or “he’s in his workshop.” God’s grace releases us, frees us to play, with joy, in this world – participating in the Kingdom of God. My advice, quit swinging to the extremes of the pendulum and get busy in the tension of being a human being. Live and love in the paradox of God’s will for us.


The older I get the more frustrated I become with the polarization of opinion! We fight about the edges of extremes and abandon unity. We quarrel in our corners wasting precious time pointing at each other to bolster our pride and embarrass your grace towards us. I just want to believe and obey. I just want to please you with faith and do what it is you’ve said. Should I become a friend of my brothers and an enemy of yours? Or, a friend of God and let you decide who will join with me? My faith and obedience is in you, for although I love my brothers and sisters, they are not the ones who saved me!

Who’s my Mother?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The son of the slave wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God’s promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God’s own fulfillment of his promise. These two women serve as an illustration of God’s two covenants. The first woman, Hagar, represents Mount Sinai where people received the law that enslaved them. And now Jerusalem is just like Mount Sinai in Arabia, because she and her children live in slavery to the law. But the other woman, Sarah, represents the heavenly Jerusalem. She is the free woman, and she is our mother.”  Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭23‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul uses his lawyer training, his pharisaical training to straighten out some questions regarding the Old Testament law. Paul takes these discussions very serious because it has a direct effect, not just on our salvation, but also on our behavior towards others – believers and nonbelievers alike. The very old story about Sarah and Hagar is a living object lesson to the approach the works versus grace and or perfection and judgment verses freedom and forgiveness. One doesn’t just lead to MORE sin, but also a mindset, a perception that the law gets one closer to God and separates them from the common sinner. This snobbery of perfection is WORSE than the than the clueless lawbreaker.

In our postmodern world, it’s not the direct following of the “big ten” commandments, it’s the casual substitution of other perceived rules that govern the “Hagar Covenant.” The enslaved mentality is wrapped up in Do’s and Don’ts.

The don’t’s
The don’ts are very physically apparent. Don’t dress a certain way. Don’t adorn yourself a certain way. Don’t tattoo yourself. Don’t do things that are clearly harmful to yourself and your family. Things like drinking alcohol, smoking or snorting whatever goes into your lungs – cigarettes, pipes, marijuana, vapes or cocaine. Don’t flaunt addictions like gambling, sex, porn or drugs. And, don’t hang out anywhere where “those” kind of people gather. And don’t curse and tell dirty NSFW jokes.

The Do’s
Do dress nice. Do go to church. Do read your Bible. Do be nice and kind. Do give to the church and the street-corner beggar, Don’t get caught gossiping, lying or cheating on things like taxes or business deals. It’s pretty clear that we have lists of Do’s and Don’ts.

The “doers” and “don’t-ers” know who’s who are are pretty happy being associated with their “people.” Sure, there are plenty of folks who play both sides, popping back and forth uncomfortably trying to have it both ways – do good er some times, don’t do good other times. In Paul’s day it was very clear who was supposed to be the righteous and who was clearly the sinner. Paul’s illustration to the churches in Galatia must have been super eye-opening and frustrating at the same time. He doesn’t compare the Do’s and Don’ts to appearances or un-ending list of behaviors. He says it comes down to faith in one of two ways.

Abraham & Sarah made a decision that became two different and quite oppositional ways to follow God. One, MAKE the promise happen by Hagar. Or two, RECEIVE the promise through Sarah. Two very different paths: One was a human plan, one was a God plan. One led to and still leads to SLAVERY the other led to and leads to FREEDOM. If we choose to live by religious rules and perceived perfection where God owes us salvation because we checked off a list, then this is what we get. We have chosen to forever be slaves to those rules, that ever-changing, non-transformative, transactional, self-motivated and determined righteousness. But if we choose the God plan, and receive the promise, we have to let go of all the natural human expectations on ourselves and others! When we choose the Sarah plan, the promise fulfilled, we will walk in a path of grace, mercy, forgiveness, understanding, wisdom and definitely drop the snobbery, the judgement, the eye-rolls and whispered comments under our breath. We’ll drop the unrealistic, unrelenting expectations of perfection and performance for us and others to prove ourselves worthy or pull ourselves out our muddy puddles of disappointment.

The God plan requires us to shut down our judgments and comparisons to others. It requires us to let God constantly wash our souls of the stench of selfishness and self righteousness. It is not easy! The former pharisee, Paul, reminds us “So, dear brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman; we are children of the free woman.” Whose YOUR spiritual momma, Hagar or Sarah?


I choose Sarah! I choose your plans for my life and my redemption. I choose freedom. I cannot choose both Hagar and Sarah! And since I choose Sarah, I must renounce judgment and looking down on others who’s stories are unknown to me. I must renounce comparison and replace it with compassion. Thank you for reminding me who is my real mother in faith!

How could religion can be so off mission?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees watched Jesus closely. If he healed the man’s hand, they planned to accuse him of working on the Sabbath. But Jesus knew their thoughts. He said to the man with the deformed hand, “Come and stand in front of everyone.” So the man came forward. Then Jesus said to his critics, “I have a question for you. Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath, or is it a day for doing evil? Is this a day to save life or to destroy it?” He looked around at them one by one and then said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! At this, the enemies of Jesus were wild with rage and began to discuss what to do with him.” Luke‬ ‭6:7-11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How could things have gone so far off-mission? We have the teachers of religious law and we have Jesus, completely human and God. And, they don’t agree on the correct interpretation nor the intent of God’s law. So the gospel writers give us these little “show-downs.”

Over the hundreds of years the scribes appointed by Ezra were asked to fulfill an important role on behalf of God. God never asked Ezra to assign this to a specific class of men, but it started out so simple, what could be the harm? The scribes duties were as caretakers: protect the law, the temple and the priesthood. Don’t MAKE laws or create systems to care for the temple or elevate and secure the priests to positions of power and wealth. Just help Israel keep God’s stuff in good working order.

Then over many hundreds of years through captivity and wars, and two complete cultural collapses of Judaism, the scribes took on the role of the Israeli secret police per se. They were the watchdogs of everything sacred and meaningful to the Jewish people. It is both surprising and heroic that they were successful in their pursuits and that the law, the temple system and priesthood were still in tact and operational by the time Christ is born and Israel/Judaism is still alive!

The names changed from simple scribes to Pharisees and Sadducees, but their roles had only increased in power and authority. By the time Jesus was thirty, these guys ran EVERYTHING. These “religious leaders” were now wealthy, powerful and very politically involved (too involved). I’ve written this before, but I’m kind of surprised Jesus didn’t THANK them for doing such a fantastic job protecting God’s stuff for him! They actually did keep things going!

Ah, but I’m also surprised that Jesus never had a conversation like this, “Did you guys forget who you work for?” You look and behave nothing like any of the prescribed attendants that Moses wrote about. I’m shocked that Jesus didn’t just directly tell them, “you’re supposed to work for me!”

These stories of conflict over the law and its practical application are how we know the religious leaders were OFF MISSION. The law was FOR people. God’s law was created for people, not people created for the law! Jesus question struck at the heart of the conflict about the Sabbath, “is this a day to SAVE life or DESTROY it? This question would apply to ALL of God’s laws really. Was the law created to save or destroy humans? That one is tricky. Of course it was created to save humans. However, it was also created to give us a clear standard of perfection that would prove how selfish and self-centered we really are. No one was able to keep all of the big ten. And anyone that could not keep the entire big ten would be judged and sentenced for NOT keeping ALL of them!

But, back to the story. Jesus was furious that these self-elevated scribes had so twisted God’s intention – that HEALING on the holy day would be even considered WORK! How horribly wrong could they be? As religious leaders they should have been FIRED and smoked!

Luke writes about the audacity of their complete and utter misunderstanding of their mission. They were NOT protecting they were perpetrating! And they were angry, wild with rage AT God for allowing such a flagrant disregard for all the work they done to perfect themselves. How dare God question our laws! Well now you see now what the fight was all about and who wins. Humans will always create their own laws and their own pitiful paths to perfection. Sad huh? So don’t be like that. And, don’t try to hold others to some ridiculous alternative plan to salvation. It will never work and you’ll end up working against God not for him.


Wow! I do not want my pretentious, religiosity to ever create some false system of salvation for me or anyone else. I get why the Apostles were so frustrated and angry at the regular and ongoing attempts to create these alternative doctrines trying to circumvent the mission of Jesus being the only way to salvation. No additions, no subtractions!