Powerful political plots.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Mordecai sent this reply to Esther: “Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” ‭‭Esther‬ ‭4‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In the book bearing Queen Esther’s name, where the name of God does not appear, it reveals a story within THE story. Israel had already served their time out, its leaders and its people now 100 years AFTER captivity in the great Babylon. The Bible Project is helpful in giving us a timeline and facts about this amazing book.

“This is one of the more exciting and curious books in the Bible. While some Jews did return to Jerusalem (see Ezra-Nehemiah), many did not. The book of Esther is about a Jewish community living in Susa, the capital city of the ancient Persian empire. The main characters are two Jews, Mordecai and his niece Esther. Then there is the king of Persia and the Persian official Haman, the cunning villain. Esther is a curious book in the Bible because God is never mentioned, not once. This may strike you as odd because the Bible is supposed to be a book about God. However, this is a brilliant technique by the anonymous author. It’s an invitation to read the story looking for God’s activity, and there are signs of it everywhere. The story is full of odd coincidences and ironic reversals that force you to see God’s purpose at work behind every scene.”

One of the more powerfully poignant moments is captured here in chapter 4. Haman’s decree of “death to Jews” had gone out and word of it finally reached Esther. In this intense scene, Esther’s uncle, Mordecai pressures her to take a serious look at what will happen and providentially why Esther has been favored by God to serve in such a high position. It’s a real nail-biter for the reader.

Mordecai & Esther exchange secret letters through a trusted eunuch. It is a phrase that has captured our attention and become a life-lesson for so many since Mordecai wrote it! It may be “for such a time as this.” When we look upon thousands of stories of history and naturally try to see ourselves in similar circumstances, this phrase helps us to heroically rise above the doldrums of life and stare down our own threats of defeat or death and face the facts – maybe this entire scenario is exactly tailored for me to see the future of two very real possibilities. Will I be a person of faith or fear?

For Esther, the stakes were sky-high! Even in her uncle’s intense pressure to take the risk, he wisely writes, “if you keep quiet…” relief for the Jews will arise from some other place. But, YOU and YOUR relatives will die.” God will still make a way, so why not be the one he uses to bring about his will – saving and sparing us.

You’ll need to read the rest of the story for yourself, but let me remind ourselves – God looks for heroes every day! His grace, mercy and power is actively ready to be released through anyone that will be obedient and act on their faith to trust Him. How many “ for such a time as this” moments have we each let slip through our fear-filled fingers? Faith is brave. Faith is courageous. Faith is also dangerously daring! Where has God placed you? What Haman in your life, family or company has politically plotted against you? What opportunity has arisen for you to see something and say something that is right and true? Maybe the circumstances are not as dire as Esther’s, but to those who are being mistreated or suffering it could be just that right moment to save them.


I don’t believe I have ever been in a situation so critical as Esther’s! However, I know there have been many times I have been presented with the choice to speak up or just go with what everyone else says is good. I feel compelled in those moments to be fully truthful and honest within myself to do what is right. I have often reflected on Mordecai’s words that those moments were providential NOT accidental! By your grace, and with your help, I will continue to yield to faith and obedience and do what is required of me. Amen.