May your cause be true.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“After this, I heard what sounded like a vast crowd in heaven shouting, “Praise the Lord! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God. His judgments are true and just. He has punished the great prostitute who corrupted the earth with her immorality. He has avenged the murder of his servants.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The voices of those who have seen, known, maybe experienced the bait, the traps, the allurement of this great prostitute are now shouting the praises of God for His judgements. Who, or what is this great prostitute? Interesting that the word, porné, for prostitute, is also the word used for an idolatrous community. That’s the true nature of porné, a person or thing that pulls us away from God. When we leave the covenant with God to turn to an idol. We find try to find fulfillment in ANOTHER. John says this porné, is the corrupter, the moral deterioration – i.e. decomposition (break-down), due to the corrupting influence of sin.

The cheer rising from the crowd is the great relief, the rejoicing of pure accountability for the one who lies, steals and kills the lives of those he has lured away. The shout is for justice and judgment to be served!

This generation aches for justice. This generation wants judgment so badly that it looks for any opportunity to rise, riot and celebrate what it deems to be worthy of violence to achieve justice. The passion is real, their hearts desire for wrongs to be made right. The difference between the many false causes that manufacture and manipulate the crowd and this gathering in heaven is God Himself.

God is the only one whose judgements are true and just. Crowds have always found their voice in violence throughout history. And crowds are easily swayed by salacious lies that appear to be based in truth, their truth, group-think, mob truth. In my mind, I can still hear the crowd screaming, begging for the death of an innocent man. The hate-filled rage that drove the lie that would lead to the torture, beating and horrendous death on a cross for Jesus. The crowd screamed, “crucify him,” and took a paradoxical pledge to prove their commitment, “may his blood be on us and our children!” Their just cause seemed real, seemed true, but it was all based on subterfuge and lies. It was but a plot from this same great prostitute to poison the truth and an attempt to silence the judge and justice over all humanity.

No wonder the crowd in heaven shouted and cheered, giving God glory. There will be no force great enough to silence these final moments of God’s judgment. It will be final and it will forever end the deceiver’s reign of terror. This will happen. The book of revelation is the book of truth of humanity’s future and the end of the war against our souls.


The greatest relief in knowing that you are in control and will judge rightly and rightfully are found in this book of endings. I know and I have settled the issues, questions and doubts of my youth. My course is set and I believe! You are always just, right and true. Your Word is truth, it is the light that illuminates my path. Your cause is the redemption of humans. Anything or anyone that detracts from that is of the lie, of the deceiver. I will join with that crowd that cheers for Your judgment. For all things to be laid out bare before you. Nothing hidden, nothing silenced or spun for further discussion. Even when my life, along with every life will be fully exposed and disclosed, we will all rejoice for the war to be over. Praise to You for your salvation, glory and power!

Who moved the truth?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Justice is a joy to the godly, but it terrifies evildoers.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Justice, like truth, seems to be a matter of opinion, a perspective. The wisdom writers didn’t have an “open source,” public opinion, social media slant on justice. Wrong was wrong, right was right. Cheating the poor – wrong. Lying for gain – wrong. Bullying and beating the oppressed – wrong. Murder, theft, rape – wrong, wrong, wrong.

The only reason that justice and truth have been blurred or distorted are because some in our culture refuse to acknowledge the God behind such realities. No God – anything goes. No God – no one is right and no one is wrong. There’s only noise, violence and protests. Loud and proud do not equate to justice or truth.

Justice is joy to the godly because there is a judge, an arbitrator who is perfect – always, right, true and yes, JUST. It is terrifying to evil because it strips away the thin veneer of selfishness and ill-gotten gain. Of course, every human wants what we want and do not want anyone or anything to tell us NO, or cross us with the reality that we are wrong!

There is that one creepy story in 1 Kings 3, where Solomon has to judge a difficult decision. Two women, one living child and one dead child. Two stories, both claiming the living child is theirs. No other witnesses, no DNA test – just two plausible stories of what happened on the night in question. Truth seemed to favor BOTH stories, both women. How can that be? Both women are yelling – the living child is mine! Are both telling the truth? The woman whose child died in the night certainly is in pain and now her truth becomes a boldfaced lie. If the living child is going to be raised by one or the other, should it be the real mother or the liar? You know the story. Solomon asks for a sword and tells both women, he will equally give them half a dead child! Done, settled. Both lose a life, but it’s fair, right? Of course the real mother wants her child to live over the other mother’s perceived truth. The real mother speaks first, “please don’t kill my son, give him to her!” The other mother then speaks, “go ahead cut the child in half, that way we both lose.” Solomon gives the child to the real mother and justice is served. Along with it, the godly, those who do right, want to live right rejoice at the decision. Evil would probably rather have seen the child divided to satisfy the “fairness” of the situation. Life is cheap and worthless to evil! If I want to see who believes in justice all I have to do is see who is loud about ideals not caring about the loss of life. True justice should terrify evildoers, because it exposes their lies.


It is difficult to discuss right and wrong and justice in a world where people have decided that truth is an opinion, a perspective. I ache for your final judgment only for the sake of seeing absolute justice and for all our lies to be exposed. There will be joy and terror in those days. Help us O’ Lord, pour out your Spirit of Truth and give us the chance to make things right with you before that day comes.

Hardcore Seventies Vibe.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭24‬-‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Coming to Christ in 1977, the tail end of the “Jesus movement,” was a radical time of faith. Calvary Chapel and Chuck Smith were very much at the forefront of this raw truth, with this “turn or burn” belief system. Our youth group’s messages were all about picking up your cross, expecting opposition, even suffering and doing life for the cause of Christ! Yes, we all had rapture fever. And, there was a unified feeling that our family and friends could miss heaven and spend eternity in hell, if they didn’t believe and become saved. “Chic-tracs,” and salvation pamphlets could be found everywhere in restaurants and restrooms. The new translations of the Bible were selling like crazy. One of them, “Good news for modern man,” was a paraphrased version of the Bible. It read like a modern young adult drama, using surfing lingo instead of the King’s English. It was offensive to older folks and a bit off in the translation, but it was a big attention getter in High Schools. It became a conversation starter on campuses across America.

Students curiously stared at those who carried a Bible to school and read it at lunch. They would pass by these new “Bible Thumpers,” and with some respect say, “Whoa, that’s radical man!” I can tell you that it was powerful to be counter-cultural with Christianity in the seventies. But the message wasn’t soft, and filled with comfort and peace. It was considered to be hard-core, and in one’s face about their faith. When we would openly talk about Jesus in class, on campus, it wasn’t seen as judging, narrow minded, bigoted or phobic, it was hard truth. And, it was expected to challenged – we were taught that our faith would be challenged because Jesus himself was challenged!

In my high school science class, my teacher made this brash, arrogant statement about the theory of evolution. But in stating evolution as a fact, he just couldn’t help taking a jab at Christianity, saying, “who would be stupid enough to believe the God created the world?” I was young in my faith, and didn’t think through the moment. I just heard him insult my faith! I raised my hand and said, “I am.” I don’t think he expected anyone to challenge him. Ah, but the sixties and seventies were all about challenging authority figures! He gleefully took opportunity to mock me in front of the whole class.

“Garvin!” He shouted, “you are dumb enough to believe that God created the world?” “Yes,” I said, my cheeks turning bright red with emotion and embarrassment. “How in the world could you believe such nonsense?” he asked. I quietly responded “God said He did in the Bible. And I believe it’s true.” He went on with his lecture and I immediately thought of this idea of picking up the cross and losing my life – or at least my dismal high school reputation. My Youth Pastor had told me this kind of thing would happen when one follows Jesus and quoted Jesus saying “pick up your cross!” Great lesson, right?

I wasn’t being bold, I was just determined not to have anyone knock my faith in the One who had saved my life, promised to change me, lead me and love me. After class, I tried to slip out to avoid the blowback from other students. Shockingly, several of my classmates came up and said, “I’m a Christian too,” and congratulated me for standing up to “the man.” Quietly, I thought, why didn’t anyone else say something? Why didn’t any of them side with me in class? Here’s the thing. I was not some kind of bold, brash evangelist. I didn’t stand on a lunch table and start preaching. I just carried my Bible, had a few conversations with friends and lived my faith with confidence.

Where is that boldness to carry my cross of faith and conviction? Where is the fear of losing my life today? It’s been masked and submerged in trying not to OFFEND others. I must remember the Apostle Paul’s words, “the cross is offensive!” It’s also foolish, he said. (Galations 5:11 & 1 Corinthians 1:18). I understand being gracious, but I was much more forward about defending my faith when I was new believer. Christ died for me, saving me. That’s not just my story, it’s millions of others as well.


Restore unto me the joy of my salvation! Kindness does not mean I should deny truth, not my truth – THE TRUTH. It should not mean that I can’t boldly tell my story and let you work in those who will listen. Thank you for reminding me to pick up my cross, laying down my life to follow you.

Religious brand of yeast.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Later, after they crossed to the other side of the lake, the disciples discovered they had forgotten to bring any bread. “Watch out!” Jesus warned them. “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭16‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I am told that yeast has some pretty unique, if not plain freaky properties. IT’S ALIVE! I’m not a baker nor a microbiologist, studying eukaryotes (fungi), so my only experience with “leaven” is eating it in pizza or sourdough bread (yum). When I’m told that it can live forever, if properly fed and tended to, it’s pretty creepy. The fact that yeast has to eat and grows and spreads rapidly gives us the perfect object lesson from the most common household ingredient.

The subject of Biblical leaven is spoken of all through the gospels – zýmē, leaven (yeast); (figuratively) the spreading influence of what is typically concealed (but still very dramatic). Leaven is generally a symbol of the spreading nature of evil. Jesus gave multiple warnings about a particular brand of yeast – the religious brand, known as the Pharisee and Sadducee brand. You could pick it up everywhere that people gathered – water-cooler (city gates), church (temple), and grocery stores (marketplace). By the way, the Jews were only allowed to eat Jewish leavened bread, NOT Gentile’s bread. A simple synopsis, given by a Bible Commentary, highlights the beliefs of these two religious groups: “The doctrines the Pharisees taught were the commandments and inventions of men, the traditions of the elders, and justification by the works of the law: the doctrine of the Sadducees was, that there was no resurrection of the dead, nor angels, nor spirits: now because they sought secretly and artfully to infuse their notions into the minds of men; and which, when imbibed, spread their infection, and made men sour, morose, rigid, and ill natured, and swelled and puffed them up with pride and vanity.”

So there’s the brand of yeast, the mother – the starter! The real beauty of Jesus’ illustrations isn’t just the content of the yeast (the arrogant traditions), it was the insidious spreading of these beliefs that so quickly infected others. Its “mother” is traced back to the garden of eden when the choice was made to believe a lie over the truth. God told the first humans not eat because He himself was to teach them about good and evil. The tree was a shortcut to get the “knowledge” sooner, faster and satisfy their own desires as quickly as possible.

This starter brand of yeast was the choice to sin, and the religious zealots peddled it everywhere they went. The argument about who forgot the bread (while traveling WITH the bread of life) was a sure sign of Pharisee’s and Sadducee’s recipe. Jesus smelled the rising aroma of religious yeast, the division and lack of spiritual awareness, then warned his friends TWICE. Can you smell it?

If we could only smell the difference between the wonderful aroma of unity and spiritual perception rather than the attractive fumes of bitterness, division and solely physical experiences! The rising yeast of one is very different than the other. Jesus’ warning wasn’t that the religious bread stunk and could be identified by a putrid smell. Contrarily, it smelled like human desire, pungent and looking delicious to quickly take it and eat it. BEWARE He said. Maybe a modern axiom would be, “if it smells TOO good to be true.”


I don’t want to eat or promote the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees! I want to know, carry and share the aroma and bread of life – Your gospel – THE truth. Help us see and smell the difference through our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. I noticed it showed up in how the disciples reacted to a problem and then turned to blame each other. Is this how it works? Give us wisdom in these last days to love one another and stay clear of sin’s religious yeast.

Contrarian Hunters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Watch out,” Paul says, for people who cause division! Well Paul, that’s been happening for a very long time. Division in the Body of Christ is the quickest, and most effective way to nullify our testimony of the gospel’s work in our lives.

Similar to using the phrase, “keep your eye out for…” Paul uses the root word, skopos: a watchman, a mark (on which to fix the eye), like a hunter intensely focusing on a target. It would seem that Paul understood, and that we should also understand, there were and are teachings contrary to what Jesus taught. Folks have always determined to cause “dichostasia,” (standing apart, dissension) divisions which wrongly separate people into pointless (groundless) factions. And, these dissensions create these “skandalon” (sticks for bait of a trap or a snare). C.A. Chase writes, “Scandal is worse-as it involves seducing another to blaspheme, in order that another might willingly choose a negative option with eschatological consequence.” These divisions and baited-trap scandals, cause others to be deceived.

The tricks are as old as Satan’s lies. The kerfuffle is as damaging as the lie itself! It is interesting that Paul advises us to mark (skopos) but not to go in for the kill. Enlisting the community of faith to rally with pitchforks and torches just gives the scandalous teachings more attention and inevitability causes the division that plays right into the enemy’s plan! Paul’s, Holy Spirit inspired advice, is just to “ekklínō” – AVOID, bow out, deliberately walk away from it. Isn’t division worse than false doctrine? Let God handle the weeds sown among the wheat! We’ve got to warn our truth-lusting brethren who hunt down heresy, don’t make the issue bigger by highlighting the scandal. Mark it, watch it and then walk away.


You know that I know, there is a lot of trashy theology out there. You know there is damnable doctrines, sown and seeded by Satan himself! Yet, even as we are tempted and believe the lies, grabbing and eating the fruit of shortcuts and what seems to be appealing and appetizing to our souls, you are greater than our sin. You are greater than the lies, divisions and scandals. Your grace and mercy is powerfully effective in reaching our human hearts and frailties. Help us keep our eyes fixed on you!

Slavery and infanticide as a population control plan?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Eventually, a new king came to power in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done. He said to his people, “Look, the people of Israel now outnumber us and are stronger than we are. We must make a plan to keep them from growing even more. If we don’t, and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

History can be most creepy when one sees it repeat! Ancient kingdoms, ancient leaders and people circle and recycle over time; but what has really changed? Technology? Modern adaptation and advancement? Sure. The human heart… not so much. We believe ourselves to be so advanced, so much more humane and good. Ah, but “the human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9. God knows it. And, if we’re honest we know it!

This new Pharaoh in Egypt simply saw a problem brewing on the horizon. And, not knowing that God had a plan for the Israelites, he assumed their multiplication had evil intent. Have you ever known a leader or social group who saw population growth in a specific ethnicity as a threat? Yeah – many times over, right? God was building a people group for a purpose, but it wasn’t to take over Egypt or to conquer the pharaoh, it was a long story of redemption itself.

This Egyptian leader, like many other leaders, took this population explosion as a threat to his own plans. Pharaoh’s plan to control was diabolical and pure evil. His answer, enslavement and infanticide. Make the Jews slaves through force and murder all the males to try to stop Jewish people from reproducing. You may remember these two deplorable actions have been repeated multiple times through our human history. And, in modern times, some still blatantly use this methodology.

Of course, with America’s sophistication, education and wealth, we don’t come right out and enslave other ethnic groups, right? And, course, we wouldn’t stand for murdering infants just because they may stand in the way of OUR plans? No, never! Oh Pharaoh, what lessons have we learned from your grand social experiment? How did it go? Did it work out like you planned? Pharaoh was wrong. And every world leader, every political, social leader has been wrong in thinking that they could just enslave and murder other human beings to keep them from “taking over!”

Pharaoh, Pharaoh, Pharaoh – you did get exactly what you didn’t want. A war. A war, not fought from the mistreated slaves in your care. No, a war from God himself. You invited the judgment and justice of God! Your selfish, hubris power became your own downfall. God came against Pharaoh and God caused Pharaoh to give the Israelites all the treasures they could carry, as they escaped from the county they helped build and helped prosper! We should heed history’s warning. Our own country, our own leaders, should be aware that God’s judgment and justice is not something to mocked nor to foster some social experiment. Power and wealth has blinded our social sense of right and wrong. It has twisted justice to suit the advantaged, not the poor, not the widow or orphan. It’s a grand lie, not new but always fashionable. A new king came to power in Egypt and God used him to bring about the exodus of His people and the architecture of what freedom costs, the death of the firstborn son. We will discover exactly what Pharaoh discovered, his coming to power and nefarious plans are all subject to God’s will. My prayer is that those who have believed the lie, that big lie of doing whatever we want, whenever we want to do it is not new, but very, very old and dark. Living that lie has horrible consequences, both in our lives and the lives of our children. But God will also have the last word! He will supernaturally pour out His Spirit and truth that will opens the eyes of the blind, depressed and enslaved. God’s mercy will flow in abundance in the last days, and many will turn and be rescued.


Help us. Have mercy on our souls. Forgive us of selfish pursuits that wreck personal and communal havoc on ourselves. Bring down the modern-day pharaohs that desire to steal your glory and desire to become gods. Protect the innocent. Bring justice to the poor and weak who have no time nor money to rescue themselves. We ache for truth and life to be known. Amen.

The two sides of every story.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Only simpletons believe everything they’re told! The prudent carefully consider their steps.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Ah the tale of the pethi and the prudent. “Pethiy” is one of the Hebrew words for the simple, the fool. The second most often used word for “fool.” It is used 15 times in Proverbs and represents the silly, seducible or simple.

I feel I play this role far too often when it comes to hearing people share their story … er, their truth. I believe people. I believe in people. I want to believe everything they tell me, because I want to like them and get to know them. Maybe that makes me gullible? Maybe even susceptible to gossip with its dainty morsels of truth wrapped in unsavory untruths.

The colloquial sayings are helpful for me. Like, “there are two sides to every coin,” or “two sides to every story.” Being very relational, I easily get caught up in one person’s version of a truth, a position or story. And, admittedly, I believe it wholeheartedly. Until, I hear the other person’s version and realize the truth is blurry and they definitively do not match! Yes, of course, this mostly happens in disagreements or conflicts, between couples or friends. You know what’s hard? You realize there’s truth in BOTH stories, hidden in there somewhere in the middle.

Prudence, defined as shrewd, crafty sensibility, says that I need both sides of a story, or an opinion of a situation to find out what really happened. I’m sure the wisdom writers intent and application of this proverb are not at all about refereeing or conflict management, but it is helpful for me to sort out being wise or playing the fool.

The proverb is likely instructing those who blunder forward in naive believability without the cautious steps of decision-making. But remember, the general rules of fools and “seduction” still apply. Definitely remember the point of this proverb – beware of slick sales techniques and skipping steps to lazily take the shortcut to any idea or project.

But, in relationship management, I must remember the side benefit of this wisdom principle as well, get two sides of a story before making a judgment or decision. And, I also discovered this caveat in relational squabbles, “the first one to spin the story has the advantage, but it’s not always the whole truth!”


This whole discussion on foolishness and wisdom has me reflecting on Psalm 139:14, “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.” I love that you have made us incalculably and extraordinarily distinct from each other and anything else in your creation. However, I also have to constantly admit, we are quite a mysterious piece of work. I marvel at the levels of complexity that our sin has introduced into such a masterpiece. The Psalmist declare how marvelous we are and “how well he knows it.” I don’t think we know ourselves well at all! We need your wisdom. We need your constant guidance and exquisite mercy on this journey through life. I love the idea that your thoughts and ways are far above our own! But I am continuously baffled by the fact that we can’t quite figure our own thoughts and ways! To know you and to be known by you is our only hope! God, help us 🥴.

Out-tricking truth.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Then what’s the advantage of being a Jew? Is there any value in the ceremony of circumcision? Yes, there are great benefits! First of all, the Jews were entrusted with the whole revelation of God. True, some of them were unfaithful; but just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful? Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say about him, “You will be proved right in what you say, and you will win your case in court.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Jews are the chosen people of God, the deal was made a few millennia ago with Abram. Ever since that time, they have made religion a high level profession. Who better to try to outsmart, out maneuver God? They believed they could convince God they were perfect, sinless because they “kept” the law.

Paul, who is Jewish, and a former Pharisee himself, explains their foolishness in this idea. Circumcision, for example, was a physical mark of dedication to God, but it did not make them perfect, not even a little. Then, Paul masterfully walks them through how all people are under the “power of sin.” No work, no act, no effort could ever be enough to break that power and erase the infractions of sin.

It is wild to me that people still believe that actions or behaviors are still the only way to heaven. People, who deeply care about a sense of right and wrong, still struggle to figure out how many kind or good acts does it require to be made right with God and gain eternity? And obviously, there are others who get frustrated trying. They just push past their conscience and “sin-it-up!” Paul addressed this in v5-8. Just giving up altogether risks the hardening of our hearts towards God! This makes it harder and harder to hear the Spirit of God helping us make good choices not to sin.

The old evangelism explosion question was, “if you were to die today and stand before God and He asks you, ‘why should I let you into heaven’? Folks still try to justify or prove they are worthy by talking about the good things they’ve done or by comparing that they are not as evil as the next person. The belief in Jesus, the faith required is that Jesus is the only perfection possible. And, through Him, we are accepted before God and set on a path towards heaven. It is faith alone, it has always been faith in God’s way. It’s not our goodness or even attempts at being good. It is has nothing to do with us better better than the next person. This is the gospel, the good news. Even the chosen people of God (Jews) must come to Him through faith in the Messiah, Jesus.


I am not only well aware of my sin, I am also aware of my ideals of perfection in me and others. Any goodness that comes out of me is because of you. And anytime I choose to use myself as the standard of goodness as compared to others is just rubbish! It is Christ and Christ alone! My life is hidden within His perfection. And for others, I just want them to see you in my life.

Following the voice of God

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. Those people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them. But we belong to God, and those who know God listen to us. If they do not belong to God, they do not listen to us. That is how we know if someone has the Spirit of truth or the spirit of deception.” 1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

John uses his position and authority to help us, warn us, about who we should be listening to and who we should not be listening to.

In the earlier verses John writes clearly, “DO NOT listen to those who believe that Jesus wasn’t a real human being.” Jesus was fully God and fully human. The early Church not only argued several positions about Christ’s divinity and his humanity, but the Church did so for about 500 years after his death!

John was laying down a baseline – any denial of both divine or human is not worth listening to – period (‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭2‬). But wait, there’s more.

John takes a position and helps us build a decision-grid, not only of truth, but of following the voice of God. God gave you and me His own Spirit, living and active in our lives because we have made a declaration of faith in Jesus. This Spirit of truth is enough to help us lean in and listen to God about ANYTHING we struggle with, any question we may have about faith and obedience. John writes, “The Spirit within is GREATER than the spirit of the world.” This is helpful in knowing the truth and yielding to Christ. I’m not sure how effective it is in knowing the truth and telling other nonbelievers of Jesus how they should live their lives.

John doesn’t really use the phrase, “those people,” that’s a clarification found in the NLT version of the Bible. John simply writes, “they” referring to those who do not believe nor yet belong to God. “They,” belong to this world. They speak from the world’s viewpoint and it is the world that listens to them. At this point it sounds like John is describing an “us versus them” situation, like one of us are aliens! Well, that’s not too far off.

There is a spirit of the world (kosmos) and it is different and from the Spirit of Christ. The world order is not only based on the idea of “original sin,” where there was a chasm created between God and humans based on disobedience and the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:15-17). There is also a real enemy, the slanderer (liar, deceiver) who was thrown out of heaven and down to earth’s domain (Isaiah 14:12–14, Ezekiel 28:12–18, Luke 10:18 & Revelation 12:7–12). The Apostle Paul tells us that satan is in fact the god of this world and has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Here’s the summary: There are quite a few voices to listen to and it’s important to know the difference between them and make decisions based on only one of them! There’s a voice inside our head which gets pretty loud and often confusing. There’s the voice of others Godly or worldly. There’s the voice of the slanderer himself, thwarting and twisting everything. And there is the voice of the Holy Spirit, God himself. Wow. Simple, right?

John’s advice, which is Godly wisdom, is to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, who WILL LEAD US (and is greater – mega good). He also says we can, and should, listen to the voice of the Spirit of God coming from a trusted believer. Paul uses this helpful phrase in Romans 8:16, “The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit,” Saying, it’s a match and it’s trustworthy. That same principle is applied when we are speaking into one another’s lives in helpful ways with affirmation, encouragement and sometimes even admonishment (gentle correction). We CAN hear from God and from one another. Clearly, John wants us to know that this whole idea of hearing from God and listening to the Holy Spirit is helpful, but it becomes critical when deciding about TRUTH. Is it the Spirit of truth or is it the spirit of deception? Spirit of God or spirit of the world? I also believe that God has given every living soul a conscience of right and wrong, that’s a topic for another time. Know this: you can hear and be led by the voice of God through the Holy Spirit!


The only way I discovered how to listen and discern your voice was to read Your Word, listen and obey your Holy Spirit! Both took discipline and practice. It was not simple at all. It took time and patience. It was filled with joy and grief. Getting it right, learning to be obedient and trusting you was not easy. Yet through years of practice (and still today) it has helped me to truly discern your Spirit from the spirit of deception. And oftentimes, in hindsight, I discovered I had been thrown off by my own desires, voices of others and flat out lies when trusting the wrong person! It has not been a perfect process, but it has built trust and faith in you. It has also built some confidence and boldness when I had to choose you over all other voices. I am thankful that your Spirit in me is greater than the spirit of this world.

Voice of God.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭29‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David reflecting over his entire life, remembering the peaceful times in the pasture while tending his father’s sheep. The early entry into the limelight, becoming the giantkiller. Through the rapid rise to fame and possibility as the heir apparent to the throne of Israel. Running and hiding from Saul, Israel’s first king. To the forty years of being king. A circuitous life to notoriety, writing 73 out of the 150 Psalms. Having 8 wives and 18+ children. He lived to 70 years old.

David writes about the powerful voice of God. The voice that created all that exists. God’s voice louder than the roar of the sea. His voice making the earth itself shake and dance. And finally, God speaking in the temple, where the people respond GLORY! What a theme to think about as he reviews his own life.

When we look back on a year, or three or thirty, what do we reflect on? What memories fill our mind? Is it on our own life, family or kids? Is it on career choices or the ups and downs of decisions made in our past? Or, is it on local and global events we’ve experienced and remember the “good-ol-days” even though we know they had their own troubles? David reflected on God and His powerful voice directing the earth and human affairs. Maybe we should consider the same as we look back or better yet, look forward. May The Lord reign as king forever and give his people strength. And, may the Lord bless them with peace.


Every human will eventually, clearly hear your voice and either be shaken and convicted because they ignored your grace and mocked your love and mercy. Or, they will be overjoyed, comforted by the sweet and familiar sound of being welcomed home. I love your hearing your voice in the quiet sound of correction or the calm sound of peace to my soul. I want your voice to heard as you speak justice, righteousness and truth over the nations of the world. Speak Oh Lord, we need you now.