The Haunting of Truth.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Herod Antipas, the king, soon heard about Jesus, because everyone was talking about him. Some were saying, “This must be John the Baptist raised from the dead. That is why he can do such miracles.” Others said, “He’s the prophet Elijah.” Still others said, “He’s a prophet like the other great prophets of the past.” When Herod heard about Jesus, he said, “John, the man I beheaded, has come back from the dead. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just the mere mention of the miracles that Jesus had performed spooked the Roman officials. Herod was a 1st-century ruler (tetrarch) of Galilee and Perea. His father, Herod the Great, was responsible for ordering the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem. Herod Antipas had tremendous political, economical and social power in his day. As a Roman ruler he did whatever pleased him, like divorcing his first wife Phasa’el, and marrying Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II.

Surprisingly Herod and John the Baptist had an interesting relationship. Mark comments that Herod “respected John; and knowing that he was a good and holy man, he protected him. Herod was greatly disturbed whenever he talked with John, but even so, he liked to listen to him” (6‬:‭20‬). It was in these conversations that John must have confronted Herod about his decision to marry.

We often talk about religion mixing with politics and how we should not judge non-believers in their choices, but John the Baptist did not subscribe to that AT ALL. John had extraordinary access to a top Roman official and Herod respected the relationship. John was very outspoken about the marriage and everyone knew he pointed the finger at Herod regularly pointing out his sin saying, “It is against God’s law for you to marry your brother’s wife (6‬:‭18‬).”

But who was offended by this “truth spoken to power?” It wasn’t Herod. It was Herod’s new, also newly empowered wife! Herod had to be tricked into killing John. Herodias was the offended one and she couldn’t stand someone being critical of the king! She wielded her own power, convincing Herod to take action, “For Herod had sent soldiers to arrest and imprison John as a favor to Herodias” (6‬:‭17‬). Eventually scheming and manipulating a plan to have his head on a platter!

Herod saw something similarly convicting in the news of Jesus. Herod believed that the same spirit of John the Baptist came to haunt him through this rabbi, Jesus! Does God haunt our wickedness with truth? God was after Herod, just like He pursues every other broken human being! When Jesus was arrested in the garden, twelve hours before his death, he was sent to Pilate. Remember Pilate wanted nothing to do with Jesus, knowing that he was innocent. So Pilate handed him over to Herod Antipas. But what did Herod do… he sent Jesus back to Pilate’s court. Herod was not going to put another truth whisperer to death!

God doesn’t just work on and in the least of these, He also comes to the powerful and the proud, haunting them with truth. No one escapes the love and truth of God’s pursuit. It’s the human heart that turns, ignores or denies God.


I am grateful that you pursue us. You are not hidden from those who seek. You are not hidden from those who want truth, justice and peace. You come after all of us and I am so glad you came after me! I pray you help us wield the power of Your truth, not as a weapon of judgment, but as an instrument of mercy. Amen.

The two original reformers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch of Syria, some men from Judea arrived and began to teach the believers: “Unless you are circumcised as required by the law of Moses, you cannot be saved.” Paul and Barnabas disagreed with them, arguing vehemently. Finally, the church decided to send Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, accompanied by some local believers, to talk to the apostles and elders about this question. ‭‭Acts ‭15‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is a primary role of an Apostle – shut down heretical teaching. This example of bad orthodoxy is just one of many wrong teachings that floated about during the early Church. The group became known as the Judaizers. The judaizers believed in the Jesus+ gospel. Yes, it is Christ that saves, but there are a couple of other things a believer must do to “truly” be saved. This one practice is a very old physical mark of a contractual agreement between men and God – circumcision. The cutting of flesh as a covenant sign of following God. It was commanded by God in Genesis 17:10, “Every male among you shall be circumcised.” In the Old Testament it was a clear sign of being a covenant keeper of God by physically “cutting” a deal with God.

In the New Testament the physical cutting of the covenant was permanently and finally done through Jesus cutting the deal for us! So, the danger of adding anything- ANYTHING to the finality of what Jesus did for us would outside of God’s will and would be no longer be the gospel. Anything humans add or subtract from the once and for all payment for sin by Jesus would be a grave error in teaching.

What’s so interesting about this “conflict” that arose in Acts 15, was in fact a critical necessity in the message and acceptance with the Gentile (Greek or non-Jew) to become a part of the Church. This circumcision as an “extra step” was accepted as truth before Paul and Barnabas called it out. This well known “heresy” or contrary to orthodox belief was completely accepted by most Jewish believers until Paul and Barnabas contested it! Of course, the Gentiles weren’t in agreement! And even though Paul & Barnabas argued with the men from Judea, it was accepted and taught as a part of this “new” faith, known as Christian faith.

This confrontation led to the Church’s first summit or gathering and would later become known as a “ecumenical council.” There have been a number of them over the centuries. The first seven councils were generally accepted by all the denominations (sects of Christianity), but after that there are differences between Catholic & Protestant Councils. Today only trinitarian (God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit) believing denominations take part in protestant (non Catholic) councils.

I have always been amazed that there were and are teachings within Christianity that are just ACCEPTED as truth, even using the Bible as the main argument for its belief. But they are not true at all! Some of these teachings just continue to float about even in our churches today. These errored teachings come and go like stubborn warts that won’t go away. We no longer seem to have a sense of “Apostles” confrontations nor legitimate councils that take in these teachings and call them out as wrong, or worse, outright heresy. There are still councils that meet in modern times.

I find it encouraging that Christ said that he would build his church and the gates of hell would not overtake it. I also find it interesting that Jesus told us that there would be “tares” or weeds sown right alongside good wheat. Jesus said to NOT pull the weeds because it may harm the young seedling. I believe the tares or weeds to be similar to bad teaching. And, I wonder how much harm we do when people take it upon themselves to police all the preachers out there – looking for heresy, then they blast it out on social media.

I also believe all the major theological issues were highlighted and dealt with in the first 500 years of the Church. I don’t think there’s anything “new,” that we already consider dangerous and damnable. The old heresies just seem to recycle through with new names and a fresh coat of nonsense.

The best way to guard against false teaching is like the Bereans did in Acts 17:11, “And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth.”


I love that you entrusted the Church to us as human beings. I know that the gospel will withstand any and all evil schemes that come against it. I just hope that we can maintain a civil and unified message presented as one body of Christ and not thousands of factions jabbing and poking one another. Help us Oh Lord. May your word continue to go forward with power.

A lot of quibble over dribble.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Teach these things, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them. Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. These teachings promote a godly life. Anyone who teaches something different is arrogant and lacks understanding. Such a person has an unhealthy desire to quibble over the meaning of words. This stirs up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions. 1 Timothy‬ ‭6‬:‭2‬b-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy, his young protégé, not only reconfirms his authority as an Apostle, but also gives us the truth about leading and teaching the Church. Timothy was sent by Paul to the church in Ephesus to get them back on the right track – unity in the faith. Paul simply passed on the teachings of Jesus, as he was taught, but also as the Holy Spirit relayed, reminded and reinforced what God wanted to accomplish through His Church. It is sound doctrine. It promotes a godly life, Paul writes.

But “others” taught something different. Paul calls them out as arrogant and lacking. Apparently there are people who have a (noseó) sickness or spiritual disease to mince words or quibble over dribble. They have a bad case of (logomachia) a strife of words or unprofitable controversy! And, what’s worse is that these folks with diarrhea of the mouth cause far more damage to the body of Christ than their claims of hair-splitting of the truth. Out of this diseased thinking comes (phthonos) envy, (eris) contention, (blasphémia) abusive language and evil (huponoia) suspicions!

Here’s the thing though; these heresy-hunters cause far more damage to the unity of the body of Christ than their claims of corruption. I find it interesting that the majority of heresies concerning the truth of God’s Word, mostly surrounding the identity of Christ himself, were fought over a thousand years ago. They are old and have been proven wrong long ago. Yet, we still have those who believe it is their job to police the body of Christ sniffing out the modern errors of denominations, pastors and teachers in the Church.

The fact is – they are still causing more damage than good. And now, their words are still logomachia – sowing strife faster than ever because of the speed and reach of social media. What are the results? Well, take the church of Ephesus for example. Timothy pastored that church until his death when he was around 80 years old. Where is the church of Ephesus today? GONE. There is no effective church in this little ancient tourist-town. There are a tiny handful of lonely believers, but no church. How do I know? I met the shop owner of a small gift shop across the street to the famous Apostle John’s burial place. She told me she was so thankful to have Christian “tourists” come through and pray with her – that’s her only fellowship.

I am not saying that these people that spread strife caused the downfall of the Ephesus church. I am saying that Paul is absolutely right, these squabbles over minutia lead to nothing but trouble.


I know you are at work – constantly! I know your plans, your will are unstoppable. It still hurts my heart that we, as believers, still have these spiritual diseases of strife-spreading among us. It gives your Church a bad rap! I am sorry for any contribution I have made to the problem. Help me to speak well of Your bride, the Church. Help me to see the body of Christ as whole and beautiful as it should be. Forgive us of our arrogance and contentiousness. Amen.

The walking drones.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jesus instructed his disciples to have a boat ready so the crowd would not crush him. He had healed many people that day, so all the sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him. And whenever those possessed by evil spirits caught sight of him, the spirits would throw them to the ground in front of him shrieking, “You are the Son of God!” But Jesus sternly commanded the spirits not to reveal who he was. Mark‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

They walk among us. They are us, or they used to be. Horror stories and stereotypes have completely destroyed the truth or have severely masked it under mental euphemisms. A recent poll asked, “Do you believe demons are real?” Result, 45 percent of Americans believe demons and ghosts really exist. Ghosts? Seriously? Weirdly, they also found that Republicans are statistically more likely to believe in demons, ghosts and aliens than Democrats! 😳

The gospel journalist, Mark, has quite a few demon reality stories. How does one get possessed? Is it by invitation or infestation? Is it by brute force or sips and bits of lies believed over time? There is a whole section of theology (study of God) called demonology (study of demons). I was taught it was much better to study the ways of God, than the enemy. Sounds safer too, right?

The Bible is clearly filled with episodes where Jesus shows up and demons demonstratively show up as well. BTW: My fav demon story is the mad naked man in Mark 5. Mark’s whole purpose and presentation of demons or evil (unclean) spirits, as they are referred to, is to show the reader that Jesus has power and authority over all things! Power over demons is not considered a high level use of invoking Jesus name. It’s down there with healing the sick. Miraculously reproducing food, commanding wind and waves, and bringing the dead back to life – now that’s some power! In the very next section, Jesus appointed the apostles and gave them the authority to cast these dark, spiritual creature out of human beings! Also, Mark, the evangelist and author of this book wasn’t an apostle.

I am fascinated by a few facts:

One, Jesus wasn’t the least bit fearful nor intimidated by these hybrid human/demon encounters. I get the feeling that to Jesus, all the antics of shrieking, flopping about, and behaving like a wild animal came off about as scary as a toddler throwing a tantrum!

Two, Jesus deeply felt compassion, not for the demon, but for the human trapped inside! These humans, image bearers of God, imprisoned in their own skin, commandeered by some low level minion of satan.

Three, these creatures knew who Jesus really is! What a rip off! These puppet masters had the insight and ability to know the true identity of Jesus when thousands could only see him as a lowly carpenter’s son from Nazareth! I don’t think they were trying to “out” Jesus, I think they had to confess who He is – the Son of God!
And, for unknown reasons, Jesus did not cast them out at that time.

Bottom line; the ancient world and what we call “third world,” or countries filled with the poor and disenfranchised know all about demons and spirits. Us, on the other hand, live in a culture of denial. Like we are so enlightened and far too intelligent to believe that evil, darkness and chaos is at war with us! C.S. Lewis, in his book Screwtape Letters, reveals that “non belief” is much preferable in satan’s domain. We’ve got thousands of mental diagnoses (DSM-5) labels to cover up any possibility of demonic possession or oppression. I’m not a psychiatrist, but it seems that most of these disorders are rooted in our own rebellion to do whatever we want, or a deep seated need to find relief from someone else perpetrating on us! The Bible just defines it as sin or the wounds of someone sinning against us.

There may be hundreds of different methods on how a demon might take up residence in a human, but there’s only one way to kick them out – by the power of Christ!



I have no idea why we would think these things, these creatures don’t exist. And, I have no idea why we would be so blind, so full of ourselves to think that we could somehow “get along” with these spirits and that they might be helpful to get us what we want, what we crave or desire. In our denial of who You are, we seem to believe the strangest, darkest, most dangerous lies, believing it leads to freedom. It only leads to being the walking dead or evil drones for the enemy of our soul. Help us, Oh God! Reveal truth in our panmoralistic culture. Shine light in our dark hearts. We desperately need You!

Bringing it full circle.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This letter is from John, the elder. I am writing to the chosen lady and to her children, whom I love in the truth—as does everyone else who knows the truth— because the truth lives in us and will be with us forever. Grace, mercy, and peace, which come from God the Father and from Jesus Christ—the Son of the Father—will continue to be with us who live in truth and love. How happy I was to meet some of your children and find them living according to the truth, just as the Father commanded. ‭‭2 John‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

John, writing to the Church and the children of the Church is ecstatic (exceedingly rejoicing) to find out that some are still walking with Jesus!

John says, he finds them “living according to the truth,” NLT translation. Here the Greek is much more specific and full of meaning. John uses the word, “peripatéō,” from two Greek words – walk and around. It’s a picture of completion, of closure, to walk around to complete a circuit or coming “full circle.” Whys that important? The old phrase, “God’s got no grandchildren,” comes to mind.

Each person, each family member needs to make their own decision of believing and following Jesus. Some believe, but don’t follow! Some seem to follow, but don’t really believe. Being raised in a Christian household or going to church their whole life, can be the best or the worst experience, depending on their own faith being anchored in Christ or casually taken as a family heritage. I’ve heard it said hundreds of times, “My FAMILY is…. Catholic.” Or whatever their religious experience growing up. There is more than just an age of accountability, knowing God exists. There is also an age of personal responsibility, a lifelong commitment to follow Christ.

John’s excitement is met with another possibility; some, but not all of our children will walk in truth 😢. There have been plenty of books, discussions and podcasts concerning the “children of the Church,” walking away from Jesus, from truth. Whether it’s church hurt, or they believe God is too boring or too weak, mean or unfair – some are not coming full circle of the faith of their parents or spiritual leaders.

Can we, as representatives of the chosen lady, the Church do better? Yes, we can and should! Yet, some will choose to believe and live for Christ and others will not. Should we love them any less, or treat them as apostates? Absolutely not. John’s admonition is to love ONE ANOTHER, but he takes a seriously hard line when it comes to the truth of Christ! He writes in vs 9-11, “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.” I don’t plan on excommunicating anyone, nor denying children of the Church hospitality, but the seriousness of spurning Christ is real.


This is such a tough topic these days! I am sure there have been thousands of cycles of faith and denial over the eons. Are we in a period of a “cleansing of Your Church.” Is this the winnowing Jesus spoke of? It is so disheartening to hear of so many who seemingly gave up or walked away. Yet, I pray that your powerful grace and mercy, your rich love and kindness will lead all of those who’ve wandered, back to repentance, back home to you! Amen.

The search for answers.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Bring out the people who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf. Gather the nations together! Assemble the peoples of the world! Which of their idols has ever foretold such things? Which can predict what will happen tomorrow? Where are the witnesses of such predictions? Who can verify that they spoke the truth? Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

People search with eyes that do not see and listen with ears that do not hear. Sounds like a riddle, right? When it comes to looking for answers though, it’s not a joke.

Is Isaiah’s point that we, as human beings, have physical eyes and ears, but what we lack is a solid spiritual perception? God confidently puts out the universal challenge. Get the world together and ask them about their “gods!” Which one predicts the future? Which one sticks around long enough to witness their future, let alone verify that they are true and came to pass? Lies get buried in a myriad of time. The more time, the less likely anyone was around or will be around to prove their “truth.”

Take the fake-god/religion of evolution. The lies just keep adding a few million or billion of years hoping that our limited understanding just believes that anything might be possible given enough time. Time doesn’t verify truth! There were no single cell organisms proclaiming truth or making promises of the future of humankind. Who was there? Were there witnesses to this impossible unscientific “fact?” Even with eyes to see and ears to hear, we are blind and deaf to truth.

What about all the other fake-gods peddling their “truth.” They demand obedience, sacrifices of time, money and belief. What do they promise? What do they really know or give back – NOTHING. Their hucksters promise knowledge, enlightenment and strange glories of an afterlife, but who can verify that it’s true? None of them can fulfill on their fake promises, because it’s all based on lie. Name one prophecy, one prediction that has come true. And, who was there to record such promises? And who will be the one to validate that those promises have come true?

God speaks to Isaiah who captures and records God’s words. The promises from the beginning of the earth and creation of human beings are well known. And the fulfillment of those promises have been verified to be true. The promises God had John write down and recorded in Revelation will be the same – it will all happen just as God said it would.

In all the searching for answers, I pray that people take a hard look at what God has promised. A hard look at what has already come true. And, a really hard look at how it all ends. God has and always will be trustworthy and true.


It’s all been written and recorded. It’s all there. The answers we seek as humans are all found in You through your Word. We’ve done some amazing mental gymnastics to avoid the truth. We’ve believed in fake gods, fantasy theories of our beginning, all while seeing and hearing what we want just to get answers that will never be true. Answers that will never satisfy, never fulfill, never save us. We are such an interesting bunch! Thank you for your enduring patience and mercy for those who look, but have yet to find You. Let your undeniable love penetrate our selfish theories and moral avoidance of truth. Amen.

Wisdom won’t perfect us.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By wisdom the Lord founded the earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon writes this amazing chapter about wisdom – how to get it and where to get it. Here in these two verses, Solomon goes beyond just this “concept” about wisdom. He writes about something much deeper, much more profound. Solomon writes of the personality and character of God as entity in which all things that exist, exist because of someone, not something. Of course we know that entity, that person, to be Christ! The Apostle Paul makes this abundantly clear in his letters to the New Testament churches. In Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:24) he writes, “Christ is the power and wisdom of God.” And in Colossians (1:15) he writes, “through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Solomon in his own gifted wisdom sees that everything that exists was in fact created by someone even wiser… historically and prophetically speaking of Jesus! Solomon wants the reader to understand that by looking at the earth, the sea and sky, you will see the perfection, precision and power of God who not only creates, but systematically sustains creation through wisdom.

Science knows how “perfect” our world MUST be or it would cease to exist. They’ve known for years, even through the demonic detours of Darwinism, that perfection is at the heart of universal existence. Our “just-right” gravitational force. Just right distance from the sun. Just right amount of light, darkness, heat and cold. Just right EVERYTHING. This is the wisdom perfection of Christ seen in creation and leveraged for our own salvation.

Christ, as wisdom, is the Goldilocks’ story of our lives! Jesus is JUST RIGHT. Solomon’s proverb plainly points out that if one is looking for wisdom, they will find it in God. If one is wondering how to get wisdom or how it all works, they have to surrender to Christ who invented it, freely gives it and shows us how to live a godly life. I’ve seen wise people in the Church. I’ve seen folks who have a 100% grasp and memory recall of the Bible. Yet, they often lack love, often lack mercy. It’s almost as if their wisdom and knowledge has had a hubris effect on their ability to see themselves as still sinners saved by grace. May our wisdom and knowledge never rid us of humility and grace.


Once again I am completely amazed at the depth and beauty of Your wisdom. I am smitten by the love, sacrifice and wisdom of Jesus. Yet, I am confronted by the fact that Solomon, being the wisest person in human antiquity, still could not obtain perfection through wisdom alone. He sinned, just like the rest of us. He lost the Kingdom because of his own distracted lusts for other gods. He was wise, but corruptible. My own pursuits of wisdom and knowledge can never be eclipsed by my love for you and you alone. Thank you for wisdom, it has saved my sanity. But thank you more for your grace for it has saved my soul.

Dare to mess with the Holy Spirit?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

But there was a certain man named Ananias who, with his wife, Sapphira, sold some property. He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest. Then Peter said, “Ananias, why have you let Satan fill your heart? You lied to the Holy Spirit, and you kept some of the money for yourself. The property was yours to sell or not sell, as you wished. And after selling it, the money was also yours to give away. How could you do a thing like this? You weren’t lying to us but to God!” Acts ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Luke writes this book to tell the story of the early church and the Apostles who led them. Some believe this entire book was a testimonial account, written for Paul to deliver to Caesar himself. It reads very much like a continuation of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) recording the acts and stories of Jesus.

Luke writes, ”Then the apostles returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, a distance of half a mile” (Acts 1:12). It is explosive reading from a “well, what happens now?” perspective. Acts 2, the Church explodes on the scene with the Holy Spirit bringing supernatural signs and wonders. Peter finds his voice, preaching to his own people, the Jews, and sounding very much like the Prophets of old. As a result, there is transformation in the lives of thousands of people. Even among the rise of persecution for being a Christian, the Church grew rapidly. The rulers, elders and teachers of religious law even met together, still hell-bent on crushing this “new” faith and belief in Jesus. Yet, more decisions, now an additional 5,000 people following the ways of Christ!

Luke records the “believer’s” prayer, and it is powerful. They prayed for God to, ”Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (4:30). And God answered with this, “After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness” (4‬:‭31‬).

It with this context that Luke records that the Church came together with an incredible sense of unity, writing, “All the believers were united in heart and mind.” Chapter five seems to come out of a story that points out that there were some who were kind of faking it? Just regular folk who may have had good intentions, desperately wanting to be a part of this supernatural move of God in the community of faith. Maybe they were just caught up in the excitement, an electricity in air, where God was doing miracles. Seized with this fervor, they also sold some property and decided to give it to the community fund that was used to both help the poor, but also pay for any expenses that this new and expanding Church would need.

But there was a problem, deep in the heart of this couple. They wanted to sell the property, but didn’t want to give ALL of the profits, believing that some or most of the proceeds would suffice. To be clear, there wasn’t, there isn’t, anything wrong with selling property, giving some of the profits away and keeping some for themselves. The decision, on both their parts, was to make it look like they sacrificed to give it ALL away. Ananias and Sapphira brought part of the money to the apostles and CLAIMED it was the full amount!

As Ananias handed the money over, the Holy Spirit must have told Peter there was something very wrong with this particular gift, this transaction. It was given with subterfuge! Peter called it and spoke it out, “You lied to the Holy Spirit!” When Ananias heard Peter openly reveal the content of his own heart, he dropped dead! Peter, then knowing how this “gift” came to be, gave Sapphira a chance to come clean. Like a parent who already knows what happened before they ask their child, Peter asked, “Was this the price you and your husband received for your land?” “Yes,” she replied, “that was the price.” At this point, it was pretty Bold for Peter himself to let her know that God would also deal with her – O.T. style 😳. Saying, see those guys with the sheet…they just buried your husband and now they are here to help you – TO THE GRAVE! Whoa. This story also went out in the faith community – don’t mess around with the Holy Spirit!


You give us a ton of grace, mercy and patience. Yet, you will discipline those you love! And, I know your love for the Church is just as passionate and powerful as it was then. I’ve seen some friends of mine, uh, “drop” way earlier than expected because the motives and games that were being played in their heart, completely disregarding your Holy Spirit and presenting absolute lies to the body of Christ. You are faithful and just to forgive, but also faithful and just to bring out truth and keep the shady shadows out of your Church! Thank you for loving us and loving Your Church!

The Sordid Past of Jesus’ lineage.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”All those listed above include fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the Babylonian exile, and fourteen from the Babylonian exile to the Messiah.“ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The disciple, journalist and author, Matthew, is extremely detailed in his historical and genealogical record of Jesus. Even though we plow through a long list of names, there is a story behind each one of them.

Notably, Matthew listed the names of five women – an unheard of move at the time. And in those five women, we have pictures of either their sinful past or their horrific, unjust circumstances. Tamar disguised herself as a religious prostitute and tricked her father-in-law Judah into getting her pregnant. Rahab was a prostitute and a Gentile. Ruth was a Moabite, again a foreigner, forbidden to marry for a Jewish male. Bathsheba, she is the woman King David raped, forcing an adulterous relationship with her and murdering her husband, Uriah, one of David’s previous “mighty men” crew. Then, of course, Mary herself, who was “found to be pregnant,” and Joseph wasn’t the father of the child! This is just some of Jesus’ “mom’s” story.

The men, through Jesus’ foster dad, Joseph, didn’t fair much better. In the list of Israel’s great kings, more than half were wicked leaders! Six were good kings, great men. However eight were awful! One of those worst kings, Rehoboam, listened to his young friends’ advice and it split the twelve tribes into two factions – Judah (10 tribes) and Israel (2 tribes).

In a sermon series called, “Coming Home,” I ask a couple of questions, “Why didn’t Jesus’ heritage come from a long and consistent line of righteousness, upstanding men, and women?” and “How does knowing that Jesus came from a sordid past give hope to those with imperfect families or pasts?” I really wrestled with some difficult questions in Jesus’ birth story. Why did God CHOOSE to do it this way? We’ve glamorized the Christmas Story in so many ways and I agree it’s a cute, wonderfully fuzzy tale to tell. The truth is much darker, mysterious and definitely not safe for young children – and apparently not safe for the church either!

It’s because in ALL THINGS, Jesus was human says, Hebrews 4:15. That included a some seedy family struggles that were not hidden in history, but openly listed to give us hope! If you have come from an imperfect family story, this should give YOU hope. Quit comparing yourself to the false narrative that church families have it all together and have some kind of holy, supernatural perfection in their family story. The only miracle we ALL share is that God’s grace is enough to change and redeem a broken family story and make it brand new!


You can and do make all things new! Even years of horrible family origin stories filled with pain, shame and struggle. But that’s why every one of the broken people, listed in Jesus’ genealogy were highlighted. In the darkest of situations, you shine bright with full disclosure and grace. Our stories, even filled with shame, should not be hidden, but should be told in light of your grace. It is not what we’ve done in sin, but what you have done in redemption! Let Your story eclipse ours, bringing light to shadows and our dark history. Thank you for your grace, mercy and enormous light that dispels darkness.

Waiting for final justice.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and you smooth out the path ahead of them. Lord, we show our trust in you by obeying your laws; our heart’s desire is to glorify your name. In the night I search for you; in the morning I earnestly seek you. For only when you come to judge the earth will people learn what is right.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Isaiah, in telling the true tale of two cities, one of Babylon and the other of Jerusalem, describes the citizens of each. Even though the walk up the hill to Jerusalem is steep – from the valley below to the top of the mount is 2,500ft. Yet, Isaiah writes, “for the righteous, it’s not steep and rough.” Most of the stories of people coming to Jerusalem, or even returning to Jerusalem after years of captivity, write about it being a joyous journey. They come up to the city with excitement.

Isaiah tells us, yet another reason, this is true. Of course, it has always been depicted as the “city of God,” but in this passage he writes about its citizens. The citizens of God’s city, who are righteous, will not even break a sweat because it is God who smooths out their path. Imagine for a moment the true wonder of a city that is known for doing right, filled with justice and held accountable by God himself. Think of the cities we have now! We’ve got cities that are not safe and are filled with poverty, violence, and powerful gangs (in the streets and in the government 😳). Have you noticed our driving habits on the freeways lately? High speed, reckless drivers, racing as though there were no CHP to stop them. Businesses have practically given up trying to stop shoplifting and smash-n-grab mobs. Many have just closed stores rather than deal with the massive financial loss. There is a certain brazen behavior when there are no apparent consequences. The laws are there, but there is no enforcement. Isaiah challenges me when he writes, “we show our trust in you by obeying your laws.” It is both God’s laws and His justice that make this future, great city safe! The final word is hopeful and disturbing at the same time, it is “only when you come to judge the earth will people learn what is right.” That finality of accountability to what is right, will for many, be too late. Our behaviors testify that people do not believe God exists nor will He be perfect in His justice and judgment.


I thought everyone wanted to live and possibly raise a family in a safe city. Apparently, this is not true for all. The wicked, those who race to do wrong, preying on the weak and innocent; disregarding the law and peace, they just want the freedom to do whatever they want, to whomever they want to do it to! It’s no wonder our cities are full of pain and brokenness. Those who want to just live their lives and enjoy their neighborhoods will have to wait until you bring justice to the whole earth. Even though Isaiah was Your spokesperson, it did not protect him from the violence in his own time and from his own people. May your peace and mercy go before us as we wait for the fulfillment of your promises.