In, but not of.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” ‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul, writing to “young” Titus, gives Pastoral instruction of how to guide the flock in the faith. “Young” Titus does not mean that Titus was a young man, just that he was younger than Paul. Titus had served with Paul before Timothy and long after Barnabas. Titus was such a devoted and trusted Pastor that Paul sent him to one of the most difficult cultures to become Bishop over several churches that had been planted.

Titus was Bishop of the island Crete. The Bible Project talks about the Crete culture and just how throughly worldly they were. The Cretans were proud and known for being deceitful liars! Titus’ first task as Bishop was to kick out the compromised pastors and install true godly men. Here in chapter two, Paul makes the point that is crucial when living under extremely wild cultural influences. The gospel must prove itself in the public square! “The gospel has got to work in the worst of the worst cultures. Christianity is compelling when it looks culturally similar but is based on a different value system and devoted to a different God,” (Bible Project).

The churches in Crete were failing because the people and their pastors mimicked the culture so the word of God was discredited and the message wasn’t compelling. Paul’s words to Titus was to have high, holy standards, but be culturally relevant on the island. Not an easy task when Cretan culture was corrupt. One of their own philosophers, Epimendes, said, “Cretans are always liars, vicious beasts and lazy gluttons.” This is why it was so critical for the Pastors and their families to be different, but not so different that it made them unapproachable. The church’s elders were to set examples of marriage fidelity, not sleeping around. It was important for the elders to actually have children instead of being just a hip and cool childless couple. The kids would have an active role in also setting an example of godliness without judgment in the community. We’re not talking about some kind of super fake “holiness,” caricatured kids. It just means they were not lying, conniving, rebellious, drunken, and sexually loose teenagers! Sometimes it just takes someone who’s not a potty-mouth, crass, trash-talking gossip who just happens to go to church. It’s really NOT that hard to be “different” from the popular culture of the day – to be IN the world but not OF it. Paul basically wanted Titus, the elders and their families to not drink the immoral cultural-punch of society and be susceptible to every social virus that sweeps through town. So, Paul instructed Titus in a solid gameplay – to live IN this evil world WITH wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God, yet not be disconnected and disengaged from the people.

This is tough. It means we have to keep our own heart and mind clean – free of “sinful pleasures,” constantly attending to our own disordered desires, submitting them to the power of Holy Spirit to free us from every kind of sin. That alone should keep us humble and busy, realizing we’ve got our own battles to face. We cannot hide behind a false righteousness, like we are better than the culture, better than the liars, vicious beasts and lazy gluttons of Crete. May Jesus be revealed IN us and THROUGH us.


I get it. If I had not been raised in a totally non-christian household, this would be more difficult to understand. I knew the culture, the ways of our family and the their friends. For a while, I felt the need to pull away from all of it – just for my sake of sanity! I realized this was not good as a witness and had to humbly reengage, proving that I was still myself, but changed because of Jesus 👏🏼. Now, I clearly see how tough it is for those who are being changed by your grace, to see ourselves as sinners, still needy, humble and hungry for You. I completely agree with Paul’s words to Titus – they are true, but oh so difficult to live out. Help us live authentically, yet self aware of our own struggles. Amen.

A Titan for Titus.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This letter is from Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began. And now at just the right time he has revealed this message, which we announce to everyone. It is by the command of God our Savior that I have been entrusted with this work for him. ‭‭Titus‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Paul introduces himself in this letter to his other “true son,” Titus. He does so in such a unique way. Paul’s business card would say he’s a “Slave of God,” and “an Apostle of Jesus Christ.” A (doulos), bond slave. And a (apostolos), commissioned messenger. Paul certainly lived and led a life that exemplified both of these titles. Paul, writing from Corinth, had two young men specifically chosen to Pastor churches that were struggling in their theology and practice. Both Ephesus and Cretan churches had gone off course. Both churches had allowed judaizers and dissidents to destroy the unity in the churches.

Paul sent Timothy to Ephesus and Titus to Crete. Both Timothy and Titus had served with and under Paul in the Corinth churches, so they were not inexperienced when it came to wacky theology and massive influence of powerful, societal and religious cultures in these cities. Paul’s charge to Titus was to begin work on setting up godly leadership within the church to help him Pastor. He wanted Titus to get things back on track of the church, living the gospel and being Jesus to the city. They had to get rid of these influencers who continued to propagate a heretical theology. Namely those who would add anything to the gospel, with a Jesus+ circumcision or food rules or separation of worship between Jews and Gentiles.

Paul immediately writes to tell Titus how to find and setup godly leaders, establishing local church governance by ordaining presbyters. It is here that we find how to bring order and unity into a church that will help it flourish in the community. Appoint (presbýteros) elders in each town. It is interesting that Paul’s biggest concern is the proper structure of leaders and leadership instead of church policy and procedures. Jesus, nor Paul gave a godly template for how a church should be organized or structured in its decision process, democracy or levels of authority. It is clearly up to these elders or leaders as to how the church should come together, make corporate decisions and effectively do the gospel.

Today churches are free to choose several different ways of “doing church.” However, they are all instructed similarly on how to choose its leaders. Why did Jesus not leave us a church template on how to “do” church or how to make unified decisions. Why didn’t Paul leave us a governance model? Could it be that the Church should depend on individuals listening and following the Holy Spirit, keeping in mind that Jesus is the true “head” of the Church. Every pastor, elder, presbyter is an under-shepherd to the great Shepherd! It is well known that a good leader means there will be a good organization. Great leader = great Church. Bad leaders not only lead poorly, they also allow dissension, disunity and division to happen. And unqualified or poorly prepared deacons do similar in church as well. The model of choosing godly leaders IS the template for corporate structure.

People may struggle with this leadership model, complaining about top down authority structures or having too much power at the top. Whether folks decide to deconstruct their faith or just quit attending a church, refusing to be a part of the internal change that needs to happen. We must remember, this how God chooses to structure His church. I don’t know if it’s possible to LOVE God and hate or even dislike the Church. It’s still God’s Church, that will never change.


I’ve always wondered why the Bible hasn’t been more specific about how the Church should work, how it should look. Then I realized that any kind of structural methodology would not be flexible enough to work in New Testament times as well as today, or even the future. Like our own lives, you want us to lean into and be led by the Holy Spirit. That makes is so much more adaptable and simple over all the years. We are the ones that make things complicated! Thank you for Your Church – through all the highs and lows of change, it will not fail. It will accomplish your will. Amen.

My portfolio.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“An elder must live a blameless life. He must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who don’t have a reputation for being wild or rebellious. A church leader is a manager of God’s household, so he must live a blameless life. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered; he must not be a heavy drinker, violent, or dishonest with money. Rather, he must enjoy having guests in his home, and he must love what is good. He must live wisely and be just. He must live a devout and disciplined life. He must have a strong belief in the trustworthy message he was taught; then he will be able to encourage others with wholesome teaching and show those who oppose it where they are wrong.” Titus‬ ‭1:6-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I made a decision to follow Christ at fifteen and another decision to be a Pastor at seventeen. In both cases, I had no idea what I was really doing! I say that, not because I have regrets, only to remind myself that I was in over my head from the very beginning.

I had to learn so many things that should have come, let’s just say more naturally, from being raised in a stable home environment. I was not. I was awkwardly, socially delayed in many ways. And to the ways of God, the things of the Spirit – I was super naïve. I didn’t know Pastoring came with a predetermined job description that the Apostle Paul laid out for Titus and Timothy.

Robin and I were married and we did have children, but from there it seems it took half my life just to qualify for this calling. You realize that Titus and Timothy were likely NOT married when Paul wrote this letter. Paul believed in both these young men to the point that he assigned them to Pastor the churches in Corinth (for Titus) and Ephesus (for Timothy). These were not easy assignments!

Paul lists these qualifications for Pastoring, but ALL of them are character qualities – not educational, nor business accomplishments but packed full of acumens. Marriage and non-rebellious kids are listed first. The kids can’t be “asótia: wasteful nor anupotaktos: un-submitted, unruly.” The general idea is, “how can someone lead when they have no one to struggle with/fight against wills with?” Marriage, coupled with parenting has a way of stripping a person down to their core and hopefully allowing them to rebuild their life to love and lead with a framework of servitude. A wife/husband and children know more about you than anyone else in the world. You just can’t hide character flaws from these folks!

An overseer, (NLT, church leader) is simply a “oikonomos: the manager of a household.” So it makes sense that Paul says, just find someone who is already managing their own household well. The rest of the qualifications are about a temper, drunkenness, violent and dishonest with money. All of these, again, paint a picture of a good manager.

Paul, however, then lists more leadership qualities: hospitality, loving goodness, righteousness (dikaios: correct, righteous, by impl. innocent) and disciplined (egkratés: mastered from within, an inner strength). These go beyond management and speak more of someone transparent, positive, and focused on what’s godly. These are folks that are trustworthy to follow! Echoing Paul’s words to “follow me as I follow Christ.” As a Pastoral portfolio goes, this is not just a job, it’s a calling. It’s also a lifetime commitment to continue to grow and mature, not to just maintain the “look” of a leader, but increasing in faith and love.

Who aspires to be this kind of person? Who desires to manage and lead their own life as well as others? Without the calling and grace of God, you would be crazy to even attempt it! I am never really qualified, I am humbled to believe that God would use me to fulfill this assignment!


At the end of my time here on this broken earth, I hope to live up to Paul’s portfolio of a Pastor, an Overseer, and definitely an under-shepherd for those who gather and are called your Church. I would be happy to cross the finish line with a “well done, good and faithful servant.”