The Testimony.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. For he has gathered the exiles from many lands, from east and west, from north and south.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭107‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Returning home. After 70 years of being hauled off to Babylon, and living an entire generation under Persia’s thumb, Israel returns home. This Psalm, written by Ezra, captures the mood, the attitude, while making that journey up the hill back to Jerusalem. It was gratitude! It was thankfulness.

History and misery were behind them, but hope and home were before them. There was a lot of work to be done, rebuilding their temple and their famous 52 day fortified wall, but they were gratefully giddy.

Ezra asked a great question after a moment of explosive praise to God. Has the Lord redeemed you? Wow. That makes us think? What have been the times and seasons we felt alone and darkness seemed to surround us? When were the times of deep despair and little emotional reserves to fight? Then, the miracle, or miracles happened and things began to turnaround again? The agonizing cloud of pain and suffering begin to evaporate. The rays of sunshine and possibility begin to shine on our soul. What then?

Ezra gives his people a great response to all that has happened, to all that could have happened, but didn’t. Tell others! There is something deeply profound – physically and spiritually lifting, when we tell our story of redemption. Telling others helps reframe our own past experiences into a new reality. From our despondency to a dream to a declaration – God is good! Whenever our heart begins to reflect on the past darkness it’s as if the redemptive story sweeps in and reminds us of our rescue. Telling the story doesn’t remove the memory, instead it lifts the moment to new heights of meaning, purpose and victory. I did not die! I did not just survive! I made it through, and I am thriving because of God’s goodness to me.

Telling the God story also has a wonderful effect on those who are living in captivity, going through suffering, struggling to find hope and answers to their own pain. Speaking out, giving the testimony of God’s greatness injects a glimpse, a glimmer of hope in those who are still surrounded by dark clouds. This is our testimony! Give thanks. God is good. Speak it out, tell others, share the wonderful stories of hope every time you can.


Ezra’s psalm reminds me of the many dark times in my own life. And sure enough, right alongside those memories are the highlights of when you rescued me, you redeemed my situation. With even a twinge of pain comes a flood of grace, not to mask the pain in some sort of denial, instead the sweetness of You meeting me there overwhelms my soul with gratitude. It’s shocking to hear myself and others say, “I wouldn’t want to experience that time again, but I’m glad I went through it.” You’ve removed the sting and left a beautiful reminder of your grace. The scar is now a wonder to behold. I give thanks, for You are good. And, I will tell the story of how you rescued me.

Big God stories.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“O God, we have heard it with our own ears— our ancestors have told us of all you did in their day, in days long ago:” Psalms‬ ‭44:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The descendants of Korah give us a generational perspective, “our ancestors.” There were stories, there were songs of God’s intervention and advancement. And, the current generation were able to summarize, “God did this for us!” Their greats and grands passed on these markers in history. It is really important to get the God story of history down straight and to pass it on in tact so that future children will have their own stories to tell.

“You drove out the pagan nations by your power and gave all the land to our ancestors. You crushed their enemies and set our ancestors free. They did not conquer the land with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm and the blinding light from your face that helped them, for you loved them.”

And they surmised that God did all of this for our elders because He loved them! These memoirs and stories also gave them their own faith and courage to face current struggles and battles. “You are my King and my God. You command victories for Israel. Only by your power can we push back our enemies; only in your name can we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow; I do not count on my sword to save me. You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies; you disgrace those who hate us. O God, we give glory to you all day long and constantly praise your name.”

Is there no room, no opportunity to share our elder’s God stories today? I’m not talking about the price of milk, gas or houses! I’m talking about moves of God. Times of supernatural, national or global sweeps of God’s spirit. Where God changes the trajectory of human history. Where are those stories? Are they in our songs of old, hidden in our hymns? Are they passed down from one generation to another through testimony of God’s great mercy and grace. Maybe that’s where these current generations have lost hope? They have not been handed the stories of how and when God has worked in the past.


I feel old, but not too old to remember how you’ve worked miracles in my lifetime. I wonder what stories we (now an older generation) tell our children and grandchildren of you working in our world. My world of the nineteen sixties through the new millennium. Even a forty year span of what you’ve done, how you’ve showed up. I wonder if I have done my part in deeply thinking of the past and how to communicate it today.

Radio Interview for my book

Reading Time: 2 minutes20120701-165635.jpg

I’ve been a guest on a few radio broadcasts but they’ve always been about Royal Family KIDS. I seems weird to even write the words – radio guest. How would a guy like me end up on a radio program? Believe me I am not spectacular or anything. It’s all about a grand God doing miraculous things in my life. Maybe it’s simply because I’m one of His kids. Reading through the Bible I find plenty of common folks catapulted into history because God likes showing up when the odds are not good.

So, you can listen to the broadcast on Rhonda’s website.

Let me tell you how I met this great lady.

I was poking around on LinkedIn and noticed that someone had checked out RFKC. When I looked up the person’s name it turned out to be Rhonda Sciortino and she was an author! Her first book

    From Foster Care to Millionaire

caught my attention. I read it and knew we had to meet. So I zipped off an email and arranged for her to come by the Royal Family KIDS office.

The meeting was amazing and she has been a friend of RFK ever since. Rhonda has spoken at many of our camp fundraisers and church services and has been a keynote speaker for our annual leadership conference. Our people adore her! She carries herself with a humble confidence that points to the grace of God working through her life. Pick up a copy of her new book,

So you can hear the quick audio version of my testimony by listening or downloading this radio interview.

Thank you God for a thriving life and family and thank you Rhonda for giving me a brief “web-celeb” moment. It was a blast!