Saving the enemy.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“At this time Aramean raiders had invaded the land of Israel, and among their captives was a young girl who had been given to Naaman’s wife as a maid. One day the girl said to her mistress, “I wish my master would go to see the prophet in Samaria. He would heal him of his leprosy.” 2 Kings‬ ‭5:2-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​The healing of a foreigner, an enemy. Here in Kings, Jeremiah has this well told story about an Aramean General named, Naaman. I talk about this often, but the Bible doesn’t often mention other countries, at least not in a specific thread of the grand story of the messiah. So why is an enemy of Israel (invaders) and one their generals given quite a bit of Old Testament real estate? Remember, Naaman is an ancient “gentile,” a non jew. Here in this story you have a seven degrees of separation from Naaman’s own servant, slave girl to his proclamation of God being the true God. This is after his rather second-hand, non-hospitable treatment by the Prophet Elisha. Elisha may not have even cared if this general lived or died, he was just teaching Jehoram a lesson about the authority of God’s prophet and the king’s own lack of true relationship with Jehovah.

All of this may have just been reminder to Israel and even to modern Jews today – their job, their reason for being “God’s people,” was to bring the story of God’s grace through the messiah to the entire world! The Jews wanted to keep their special relationship with God only to themselves, even though their were unfaithful to him throughout history. Of course, we and all of humanity behave adulterously, the same way. God and the restoration of humankind is NOT for one particular people group. He’s not the Jewish God, nor the Christian God, nor the Black, Caucasian, European, Hispanic, Asian Native American or Persian God – He is God above, and for all humans! God is not the patriarchal, nor matriarchal, nor binary God – He is creator of all, for all, above all. Ol’ Naaman going down to the river to dip reminds me that no one is outside of God’s love and He sees them. Romans 5:10, even while we were yet enemies of God, we were reconciled to him through the death of His son.


I have always looked at this story for the miraculous perspective of connections and the path it takes for someone to find you, admit who you are and give their life over to you. I’ve not really focused on the fact that this “foreigner” fits quite nicely in the story of how far you will go to reach a human being. I am grateful for that because you came after me and I so desperately needed you to come after me. Thank you.

Dictators as slaves to God?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Why are the nations so angry? Why do they waste their time with futile plans? The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one. “Let us break their chains,” they cry, “and free ourselves from slavery to God.” Psalms‬ ‭2:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​I am not a big pundit on the geopolitical landscape of our globe. However, as I see it, there is someone, somewhere that is shaking their little dictator fist at the heavens and with that little squeaky voice of a shrunken toy screaming, “I am the king!” And, with either their hand positioned over an imaginary “nukes” button or control over the flow of massive natural resources, they just rant and rave nonsense and wield unfettered power over the masses of their domain. You know who they are, I don’t need to write down any names, lest their virtual tech-terrorists turn to torture me as well.

The psalmist, in his own wisdom of his time, asks a really good question. “Why are all these Kings so angry?” And, when David say they plot against God and “his anointed” one, we see the words as the messiah or Jesus. Likely David was talking about the supernatural plans of God in choosing and using the “rulers” of this world to do His will. Just Google “world’s worst rulers,” and you’ll be shocked at who shows up on that search.

However, even the worst of them were certainly wicked smart, paranoid and eventually mental! We’re they angry? I’m sure they were. They must have figured out how they could get away with anything they wanted while in power, and could wield unfathomable fear on the masses, but they could not BE God.

Sadly, people see God through these warped lenses of being like a dictator. In every one of those men in history or current events (And, it is almost 100% men) there’s a seen struggle to break free from “slavery” to God. Why does humanity want to get away from their own creator? If you see yourself saying, “But I’m not a dictatorial leader,” or don’t you believe this selfish thread runs in your own DNA, you would be wrong. It’s in all of us, it’s sin, it’s free choice constantly choosing the wrong path, the shiny selfish route.

We all have these little voices saying, “let’s break away and free ourselves from God.” Weird huh? It takes faith and fortitude to keep looking for God options, narrow paths, tough choices, suffering over revenge, generosity over stingy, and service over power. Godly results yield a life more free of anger and definitely control. The real freedom Jesus gave me was the freedom to chose to run to God, not away from Him.


I am so glad you are in control and I’m not! I’m so glad that you hold all truth, justice and finality in your hands – not mine. I’m so thankful for mercy instead of what I desire. And, even though I can’t completely understand why you allow wicked men so commonly rule and cause enslavement, suffering and death for far too long, I can trust you because you are God. I trust you with my life.

Am I a one percenter?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“I said to myself, “Come on, let’s try pleasure. Let’s look for the ‘good things’ in life.” But I found that this, too, was meaningless.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​The heart searches, but does it find fulfillment? First of all Solomon was afforded something most humans never have access to – leisure.

I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard about this 99% of the world don’t have a lot. Does the majority of humanity even have the resources to enjoy leisure?

Solomon had a life that gave him the opportunity to even ask the question, “What do I really want?” Most work, sleep and eat very little and have no time to ask about dreams, wishes or even a moment to search for Solomon’s list.

Look at what he tries out for fulfillment. Pleasure. Laughter, enhanced by wine. Then he pauses and admits, “I tried to experience the only happiness most people find during their brief life in this world.” He knew he was entitled. He knew he had the access, money and opportunity to push every boundary possible to see what’s out there to fill the emptiness and/or cravings in his soul.

He tried more noble pursuits, like building. Oh, he didn’t build these things himself, he only dreamed the design and architecture of what he desired. Slaves built HIS dreams. Read the plurality of he “built,” big homes, vineyards, gardens, and man-made lakes (reservoirs). He bought slaves! He bought people to serve himself and his kingdom. And, he had the unashamed, zero self-awareness to couple those purchases with animals. He bought people like he did animals, and used them for his search for fulfillment! He acquired massive amounts of wealth, wealth upon wealth, money that makes more money, by ever increasing in value. He hired singers and had numerous sexual encounters with women and possibly men as well (concubines). He captured his plenty in this sentence, “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure.” He even tried actual WORK. What did he go out an pull a weed? Did he play slave for the day?

What is the point of all this pursuit? And, why the excess? Solomon decided, since he was the wisest human to ever exist until Jesus came along, that he would find the answers and record them for anyone interested in knowing what’s out there.

You know what he found, exhausting every known pursuit – nothing! Nada! Zilch! He writes, “There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.” I question the wild, abandoned pursuit of any of these things Solomon thought would bring him fulfillment or satisfaction of life itself.

But, I do know this. One, he did it so that I don’t have to wonder, “what if.” Two, Jesus, being the wisest ever, lived a totally and completely opposite kind of life. He didn’t live for pleasure, humor, wine, buildings, vineyards or gardens. He didn’t buy people or animals to amass a popular image. Jesus was financially BROKE, not having any real money or real estate to his name. Every cool little luxury he had was borrowed! Yeah, donkeys, rooms, goblets, gardens and even his own tomb – all donated by others. He died naked and even wore someone else’s burial clothes!

Solomon lived a life of excess and ecstasy so we can see how worthless it really is. Jesus lived a simple life, even a poor life, to show us the perspective of God towards a truly generous and eternal life. Jesus owned NOTHING, but had EVERYTHING. And, in God and accomplishing his mission, found the fulfillment that Solomon searched for.


If I am living the 1% life, and I believe I am. Then I really need to pay attention to a couple things: To whom much is given, much is required and I need to live a far more grateful, thankful existence. I need to constantly tend to my generosity and gratitude!