Livin’ La Vida Loca

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin recorded that song in 1999. According to Bible Scholars, Psalm 34 is a psalm of David, regarding the time he pretended to be insane in front of King Achish, who sent him away.

If there is one thing we have to admit about David, shepherd to hero to criminal to King, he led a very interesting life for the 70 years he lived. David lived the crazy life in ancient days! The rollercoaster ride from obscurity to oligarchy, then crashing back down to some serious dysfunctional family problems – what a journey. He had seen all facets of humanity.

David was a scrapper – self-willed, determined, persistent and completely authentic in his missteps and mistakes. In this psalm, David centers himself by looking up, praying to God when he was trapped, cornered, and this time he runs to an enemy king, King Achish, to escape King Saul. But first he goes to Ahimelech the priest and lies to him, saying he’s on a secret mission for Saul.

David and his men are desperately hungry and defenseless. David begs the priest for a weapon, anything will do. Interestingly enough the only weapon was the famous Giant’s sword that David used to decapitate Goliath! Read it for yourself in 1 Samuel 21. David takes off and heads to Gath (the land of the giant warriors) and tries to seek protection with an enemy king, King Achish of Gath, but as David is making his pitch to Achish, he feels that something is off and decides to pretend that he’s mental, crazy, out of his mind! So he starts scratching on doors and drooling down his beard. Achish buys the ruse, saying, “Must you bring me a madman? We already have enough of them around here! Why should I let someone like this be my guest?” What a crack-up! David and his men escape with their lives.

It is in this wild, absurdity of life on the run that David writes about – God freeing him, rescuing him, saving him from all the calamities that life can bring. It is yet another HONEST Psalm David brings. As we read it, it sounds so determined, so encouraging, so hopeful. Remember, it was written after experiencing pure CHAOS.

This always comforts me. Knowing that these words were not written by a monk, in peaceful bliss of seclusion, surrounded by silence and mountaintop beauty. No, it was written in the most insane moments of how crazy life can get! Is your life crazy right now? Do you feel like you need to feign insanity to escape a really bad situation, a relationship, a job, a debt, an illness? David gets it. God gets YOU and me. Cry out in desperation like David did. Pray, and God will listen and come to your rescue! Let Jesus, THE Angel of the Lord, guard you with peace that passes our comprehension. Shalom Shalom.


I’m the middle of crazy and chaos, you are here. When all that surrounds me seems to close in, suffocating my perceptions and ability to feel safe and be at peace, you bring your presence. Let my face be radiant with Joy as David wrote. And, let there be no shadows of shame on my face because of your brilliant grace that shines on me.

Stellar prayer for you!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When you are looking for ways to pray for one another, put this one on your list. What a powerful, helpful prayer for friends.

Every year I write hundreds of birthday cards and dozens of anniversary congrats to friends of mine. When I have the chance, I call and leave voicemails on their birthdays as well. And, for the past decade, I have included a scriptural prayer reference of what I prayed over them in those cards. Like in 2023, the verse is Psalm 20:4-5, asking for God’s favor to go before them. If you’re birthday is still ahead, sorry for the spoiler.

I just think that I need, we need every mean’s possible to encourage one another and a hand written card is like a heart IV straight to the soul! These verses give hint to why some scholars believe that Paul wrote Hebrews (I don’t) because of the phrase, “may the God of peace.” After reading Ezekiel’s own version of the “great shepherd” in chapter 34, I love finding another reference here in Hebrews.

Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep (us). But it’s more than a shepherd’s care and blessing, it’s a reminder of purpose. I know, I am drawn in by Jesus’ provision. But it’s the admonishment of equipping to “do his will,” and producing “every good thing” that is “pleasing to him” that inspires me to stay on task. It’s that kind of prayer I pray for you, the reader; to be at peace, be encouraged, but also stay on task – stay focused on what is right, true and lasting! May this eternal contract, cut with Jesus’ blood be enough to not just hold you, but propel you to purpose – finishing well. You can do it! We can do it together. Share this prayer with a friend and let them know you are cheering them on.


I read this and so many of my friends, who are struggling, need to hear this. May your peace, that peace that goes beyond, that peace that blows our mind, go before them and surround them. In all the mental messes we find ourselves in, your peace is tangible and sustainable even in the worst milieu of emotions we find ourselves drowning in. My prayer, Oh God, is that you would not only remind me of other’s struggles, but give me the extra push to reach out and let them know they are not alone and to not give up. We need you. We need each other to remind us how much we need you. Be our great shepherd today!