Cannot see but set on being seen.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting beside the road. When he heard the noise of a crowd going past, he asked what was happening. They told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by. So he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” “Be quiet!” the people in front yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke‬ ‭18:35-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is so much packed into this story Luke brings, highlighting Jesus’ compassion, attention to details, human needs as well as elements of faith. What I like is the triple surprise effect. The beggar, the BLIND beggar obviously had his spot at the gate. We’ve all seen the similar and consistent characters on our own neighborhood street corners. Surprise! That day wasn’t going to be normal at all. All the other days are mundane if not miserable, but this one – oh no – everything changed. Days can be like that for us, right? God can and often does surprise us.

The blind beggar man had lost his sight, but hadn’t lost his ears or voice. He had instincts, street-smarts and knew when something unusual was happening. I’m guessing he could sense trouble or the thrill of a crowd. What a great situational awareness skill! The crowd heard him, yet didn’t really see him. And, even though they themselves were excitedly talking, possibly even shouting, they did not feel the beggar needed to distract the miracle working Rabbi. Maybe the crowd had their own needs and we’re pressing in around Jesus, similar to the mob with the woman and her medical issue. Yet, the blind beggar would be heard.

There is something refreshing when someone has gumption, the nerve, the determined drive to be heard. Luke writes, “when Jesus heard.” The crowd had been listening, but Jesus was not yet close enough. Luke says “he stopped.” He told some of the people, bring him to me. You can feel the tension of the medical-powerball-lotto ticket numbers being read.

Surprise. Then Jesus does this thing I’ve only seen in one other situation. He asks the man, “what do you want me to do for you?” Now, before we might say, “isn’t it obvious!” I have to remind myself that “obvious” is only what WE see, not what God sees. The man that was paralyzed, you know where his friends lower him through Peter’s mother-in-law’s roof. It was obvious to everyone that he NEEDED to walk again. But Jesus knew he needed forgiveness! The paralyzed man by the pool of Bethesda only wanted a push into the miracle-stirred water. Yet Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be well?”

The blind man now SEEN by Jesus had an immediate response – “I want to see.” And surprise, Jesus says, “receive your sight!” Two miracles just like that. Being seen by Jesus, then seeing God! The first person his eyes would see was the only one he would ever really need to see!


How do I get the blind beggar skills without having to be blind myself? This guy was super-enabled! His grit and determination. And, his faith! Wow. I have great eyesight, yet there are so many times I do NOT see. I don’t see the needs of other. I don’t see your hand of grace and mercy. I don’t see Jesus nearly enough living in the mundane days. The blind beggar teaches me so many lessons. Thank you for these stories. Thank you for the surprises throughout the day. I am humbled.