God hates?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I think everyone hates these qualities and behaviors in humans. In a world that celebrates what is wrong and aggressively, verbally shames what is right, there are still a few things we all agree are bad: Arrogance, lies, murder, scheming, serial crimes, betrayal, and chaos. These things, Proverbs says, God hates.

In an odd fascination, many are entertained by these behaviors making the twisted plots of podcasts the most popular genre. The Idaho murders, the Murdock trial are just examples of America’s lust for gruesome reality. But we all still think it’s wrong.

I know God thinks they are wrong, but why would our progressive, “enlightened” culture think they are wrong? Aren’t these people just expressing their true self, living their best life? Shouldn’t the proud be paid handsomely and worshipped for their confidence? Shouldn’t liars, murderers and betrayers just be given the freedom to do their thing, even if it’s authentically evil? Seems kind of progressively judgey and hypocritical doesn’t it? If it’s a right to murder infants, why isn’t it a right to murder adults? (oh, but it is under certain circumstances. And I don’t mean the death penalty).

First of all, I believe God sets the rules because he created us. But also, this list of things God hates and thankfully, culture still frowns upon, is absolutely catastrophic in our relationships! Every one of these behaviors destroys the binds of trust necessary to have a thriving relationship. The arrogant cares only about themselves – not you. The liar, the swindler/schemer only wants your money, love or alibi. That disruptive family member is living off the emotional rush of negative environments like anger, friction and discord. These behaviors are hated because you can’t build a life, relationship or community on them!

You think you feel lonely now. Wait until this list of wrongs aren’t just seen as entertainment, they are expected to be the new rules for living! Can’t you see where this is all heading? Can’t you see that we can’t be trusted to determine our own destiny, setting our own rules? The New Testament writers warned of this kind of environment towards the end, when this world winds down and God brings it to an end. The end of this world means that we will be begging God for justice and the creation of a new heaven and new earth.


I do not like the intensity of living in an upside down world, where wrong it right and right is wrong. It’s not just confusing and frustrating, it’s divisive and dangerous. I long for both your mercy and your justice, even judgement, to make all things right. I also hate the things you hate. I also hate seeing any those qualities bouncing around in my mind even if I never plan on acting on them. I agree with you when you tell us the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it? Only you know and judge perfectly, rightfully. For that I am thankful.