Was Jesus mad?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

One time Jesus entered a house, and the crowds began to gather again. Soon he and his disciples couldn’t even find time to eat. When his family heard what was happening, they tried to take him away. “He’s out of his mind,” they said. But the teachers of religious law who had arrived from Jerusalem said, “He’s possessed by Satan, the prince of demons. That’s where he gets the power to cast out demons. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭3‬:‭20‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

His family thought so! Mark’s gritty journal records a rare moment where Jesus’ mother and brothers may have thought he had truly lost his mind. It was commonly known at that time that ANY gathering that gained a crowd would catch the attention of the Roman authorities. I mean if Rome stood out for anything, it was law and ORDER – emphasis on order. As a culture, they weren’t known by “Pax Romana” (Roman Peace) for nothing. Peace at all cost was the way the Roman government would promise their citizens the safety, calm and quiet they paid good taxes to enjoy the “Roman Way.” Sound familiar? Yeah, riots, protests, homelessness, mayhem, violence and vigilantes do not make for a peaceful culture.

When Mark begins this confrontational passage, he does so by writing, “the crowds began to gather again.” To the casual reader, it means nothing. But to the first century reader, it means TROUBLE. Jesus’ mother, Mary, not only feared for her son’s life, she also feared for their family future as well as their community. A good Jew deeply care about the welfare of family and the community! These were not individualistic thinkers like we are today, they were group thinkers.

To further complicate things, the religious leaders were trying to figure out a very real dilemma – who is this guy and where does he get his charisma, his confidence and his authoritative demeanor? Why would demons obey this guy? Their answer: Jesus works for Satan! It just made sense to them. When the Jewish Scribes encountered Jesus, he baffled them. The Scribes worked for God. They meticulously study the Law. In their minds, the only reason a demon would obey Jesus is because he was their master. Oooh, get that. Jesus was in fact their master, but it did not mean that he was working with or for Satan, the trickster, the liar! Jesus gave them a little logic lesson about how the world works – civilization works because of unity, not division. It works because of cooperation not coercion. Jesus said, “A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse.”

Back to Jesus being mad. Most likely using the guise of Jesus being “crazy,” (existémi) not behaving like yourself, beside yourself, or mad – Jesus’ family were telling the crowd, “don’t listen to him.” They were not trying to stop Jesus from preaching or healing, they were trying to get the crowd to disperse before the guards showed up! Who knows, maybe there were already Roman guards keeping an eye on the whole scene!

In verse 31, Mark tells us that Mary sent word into the house, “come out, we want to talk to you.” Mark writes, “There was a crowd sitting around Jesus, and someone said, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” This is when Jesus famously answers the messenger’s request with an amazing moral dilemma. First, Jesus asks, “Who is my mother?” “Who are my brothers?” Where is Jesus going with this line of thinking? Then he says, “Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.” Whoa. Bottom line, Jesus is not mad, he’s right. Jesus is not crazy, he’s smart, he’s wise.

There are some moments, there are some decisions where obedience to God’s will overrides the apparent need for safety and security. God is NOT safe. God’s will is not safe. Security, here, in this life is NEVER guaranteed! However, God’s will, God’s way is both safe and secure in fulfilling God’s plans. “Thy will be done!” Jesus was never “safe,” as we would understand it as “beyond harm.” Jesus was on mission to the most unsafe decision he would ever make! The Apostles were never safe. Most of them were martyred for their faith. The Apostle Paul was never safe. Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-27.

Jesus wasn’t mad, he was obedient. Will we choose safety or security over obedience? Also remember, obedience doesn’t look like some act of terrorism, violence or protest. Obedience is proclaiming and living the truth of the gospel – which is the gospel of peace and of love. Let God handle the judgment.


Let my life declare the power of your salvation. Let my words be graceful and merciful. Let my life match my words. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen.