So BIG it leaves us confused and disturbed.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David. Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!” Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭26‬-‭33‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There were promises and there were warnings. Clearly ancient words were spoken and recorded, prophesying, predicting what was to come – but few in the future believed. Time ebbed and flowed, dynasties and massive people groups shifted over hundreds of years, burying the truth alive in plain site. Yet one day, perfectly timed with precision, God sent Gabriel to announce the day of all days had come! Did the other angels know? Was heaven notified ahead of time? The news was never a secret, but the moment must have been highly guarded – maybe just God and Gabriel!

All history and all future would be extraordinarily changed by this annunciation – Mary, “you will.”

You will conceive.
You will give birth.
You will name him.

Then, He will be great.
He will be called.
The Lord God will give him.
And He will reign – over Israel forever and His Kingdom will never end.

All of this spoken to a humble, virtually unknown, young woman. Understandably Luke tells us Mary was “diatarassó,” thoroughly disturbed and “dialogizomai,” debated within herself – what does this all mean? Mary was completely knocked off center simply by Gabriel visiting her and complimenting her as being “highly favored with grace.”

After hearing what would take place within her young womb and who would yet to be conceived, and who that yet to be born person would become, she asked, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.” Gabriel simply explained this one time supernatural event that would take place within her. The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.” Mary’s famous words, “I am a female servant, a “doulé,” of the Lord. May it come into being, exactly as you have said.” From disturbed and debating to resolute with the will of Almighty God!

Even though this was a one-time, never to be repeated event, God is still fulfilling promises today. There are hundreds of yet to be announced prophecies that are scheduled to happen – maybe within our lifetime! For sure, we can give ourselves permission to question how or when, but being a believer or not – what God has said will become reality. Each one of the BIG, bizarre predictions and promises found in Revelation, will happen! Through who, or by when, or how it will all come to pass – we don’t know. But like Mary, anyone who is as wise and humble as this once young virgin, will say, “I am your “doulos,” your servant, may it come to be exactly as God has said.” Be aware. Believe and be ready! We may not have regular angelic visitors, but God is still dropping earth-shaking moves around the world. And, there some really BIG events yet to come.


I know you are still at work, still fulfilling prophetic promises all around us. It should not surprise us nor catch us unaware. Your word tells us that when the BIG events of wrapping up this life and the creation of a new earth, people will be having “normal” days when the events of Revelation take place. I don’t want to be confused or disturbed, I want to be excited to see the return of Jesus! Come quickly Lord Jesus, Amen.

Urgency of Jesus return.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near. ‭‭James‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The “parousia” (a presence, a coming), the snatching, the “rapture,” as we know it today. It was 100%, absolutely expected within the first century of the New Testament Church! Why? Because all the signs were there – namely unprecedented persecution. The world as they knew it was ending. The powerful Roman regime was falling apart and global chaos was at an all time high.

Of course Jesus was returning – SOON. But he didn’t. One hundred years has turned into two thousand years, and the world cyclically got WORSE, not better. Think of the wars, conflicts, pestilence and disasters over the years. Who would read the words and warnings of Jesus himself and NOT think of the end, the apocalypse?

The hard news is this, the Lord’s return was intended to inspire HOPE not escapism! God was at work, so that NONE would die without believing and committing their life back to himself. God’s mercy is extremely long suffering! His grace is abundantly patient. After all these years, do I still believe in the return of Jesus Christ in His second coming? Unequivocally YES. However, am I weary of all those who secretly figure out some formula promising the date Jesus will come? Do I want him to return? Of course I do. The “parousia,” still gives me hope that there is a finality, an end, when, like childbirth, we see the beginnings, the Braxton Hicks of pain, when we know delivery is soon. The second coming is just the beginnings of the end.

However, I am not looking to get out of this world. I am looking for God’s presence to sweep over our globe bringing many to himself, a last effort of mercy to flood the planet like the water that covers 70% of the earth! I can be patient, as James encourages, because God knows what he’s doing. I trust in God, His timing and His will for all our lives. Sure, I can pray, “come quickly Lord Jesus,” as Revelation 22:20 says. But I am looking for signs of renewal, not rejection. For signs of a last revolution, not the great rebellion. My rapture glass is half full, not half empty!


Ever since I learned of the rapture and its resurgence in the late seventies, it was terrifying and ominous for sure. But my life in You was just getting started! And, there were still a lot of people I wanted to see come to faith. I had no problem with the idea of delaying justice or judgment when I knew that you had saved me and called me out of my own sin. I wanted so many others to experience similar. Everyone was looking for “the antichrist,” while I was just getting to know THE Christ, your Son. I wouldn’t dare ignore any of the signs you have given us in Your word, but I would much rather look for the stirrings and signs of miracles, wonder and folks turning their hearts towards You! I agree with Peter, that none would perish, but that all should come to repentance! Amen.

Soon and very soon.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen. You, too, must be patient. Take courage, for the coming of the Lord is near.” James‬ ‭5:7-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We’re going to see the King. Andraé Crouch wrote the soul inspiring song in 1976. And by 1978, churches like ours were singing it often. Andraé and the Church never thought we’d see the 80’s.

In 1967 the “Summer of Love,” wherein 100,000 hippies gathered in the San Francisco district of Haight-Ashbury. They had a hippie-style revival and were found openly worshiping God, carrying and reading the Bible. Time Magazine headline in June, 1971 “The New Rebel Cry: Jesus Is Coming!” By the end of the 70’s, it was the end of the Jesus Movement and thousands of young people had come to Christ, supernaturally. I came to Christ in 1977 and knew nothing of the movement, I only knew my life and family was a mess and I desperately needed God.

Back to James in the first century church. James believed Christ would return in his lifetime. He encourages the Church to be patient. He uses the agricultural illustration often used by Jesus, “consider the farmers who patiently wait.” I don’t think James or any of our spiritual leaders over the centuries thought the Church would be looking at well over 2000 years of patience! And with each swell of unbelievable, undeniable rise of wars, wickedness and societal stupidity, the Church rallies – this has got to the sign of the coming of the Lord!

Two points to remember: One, Christ is absolutely returning. Two, just not yet. Many a believer and doomsday prep-per alike has sold everything or bought up every roll of toilet paper thinking that end is NOW. Our eagerness, as believers, has been – let’s get out of here! Yet, quite contrarianistically, God’s eagerness is “none should perish.” Look at the historically heightened seasons of complete chaos and global distress. Whether that is super hurricanes, earthquake fueled tidal waves, volcanic eruptions or melting ice caps – they all signal that even the planet itself is done! Add to that the unstable, verge of war, countries threatening nuclear domination and a good old fashioned 100 year pandemic and you’ve got yourself another opportunity for folks to look around, take stock of their lives and realize something.

The world, the culture and even my life is a complete mess! The crazy part, the super powers of media and entertainment keep playing and pushing the same, tired solution. Lose yourself in pleasure, music, sex, drugs, alcohol, or causes and campaigns – do whatever you desire, whenever you desire it and don’t let anyone tell you different! At some point, and I believe soon, folks start figuring out they’ve been lied to? Then the smart ones start looking up, not in, not around and certainly not into their own screens.


Oh how I look forward to Jesus’ return, it’s just for the same reason as James wrote about. I am, most of my friends aren’t suffering the way the early Church did. I am not suffering the way much of the world, led by maniacs, suffer. My suffering is waiting for finality of never ending injustice and cycles of hubris talk and incessant dribble of searching for meaning through selfishness and denial of You as creator and God. And who suffers, it’s the children, the youth. They have to live in this world of falsities and fallacies about the one thing, the one person that would bring true freedom… Jesus. I appreciate the delay of Jesus’ return simply to have more time to tell them, to show them.