Gap Fillers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“How we thank God for you! Because of you we have great joy as we enter God’s presence. Night and day we pray earnestly for you, asking God to let us see you again to fill the gaps in your faith.” ‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭3‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you want to read the Apostle Paul’s most genuine, generous and gentle letter to a church – read Thessalonians. Paul was only able to stay with this new church plant for a few weeks. And, although it was difficult, he had to leave them. His young sidekick, Timothy, kept the Apostle in the loop as to what was happening in this baby church.

Soon after Paul left there was horrible persecution. It was so bad that Paul often wrote about the wonder and glory of end times, of heaven, to help them deal with suffering. God had not abandoned them, God was WITH them in the struggles, even in martyrdom! Paul wanted to return in person, but that never happened. Oddly enough, Paul tells the church that their perseverance, their dedication brought joy to his heart. Like a proud papa, Paul extended his own faith in deep and sincere prayer for them.

Paul used an interesting phrase and a word to describe how desperate he was to see them again. The New Living Translation gives us a glimpse into Paul’s thinking, he wanted to “fill in the gaps” in their faith. The other translations use the direct translation from then Greek word, husteréma, which is lacking, a defect or shortcoming. The root word, hustereó, helps a bit more. This word means to come late, be behind or come short. What was lacking? What did Paul want to catch them up on?

The general consensus is that Paul was able to share the gospel, how one is saved through faith and given grace as a gift, not through works of our own. But, he was not able to instruct the new church about end times. Since people in the church were being put to death, there was a lot of questions about where they would go and how long it would be until Jesus came back. They had heard the part about Jesus returning, but when. They had hoped it was very soon.

Where most people see the apocalypse, or end times, as terrifying, folks who were under extreme persecution saw it as HOPE. Hope for justice for the innocent, hope for a better life than struggling in starvation or constant mocking of their faith. The Thessalonian church was eager for it all to be over and get on with eternal life! The gap fill was a proper understanding on suffering, perseverance, persecution and what life AFTER death looks like!

Do we know what life after death looks like? Does our friends and neighbors understand that life, our physical body and soul continue to exist? There are few choices to be made when our culture removes God – the God – out of the equation. One is reincarnation, coming back again and again – trying to get it right. One lives “good,” and you come back as a “higher” existence as a more advanced creature. A horrible person comes back as a despised creature, like a mosquito or a tick! The other is the idea of annihilation, where nothing and no one exists at all. It’s just over and you’re gone.

Believing God means that there is life after death! However, this life and definitely the afterlife has consequences attached to it. For the church folk Paul was writing to, they did not have answers or proper teaching on life after death, so they were very concerned. Let me just ask? What are the gaps in your faith? What are things you’ve heard about and wonder if they are true? What questions do you have that you’re afraid to ask, because someone might think you’re silly or too simple? Do us all a favor – ASK anyways! One of the biggest regrets I have in the church is for folks to be shamed or silenced into not asking questions. This is not of God, and it is wrong. Ask me if you’d like. I can’t guarantee I’ll have the answer, but I won’t think less of you for asking – in fact, I’ll be proud of ya.


I sure had A LOT of questions as a new believer. I wasn’t afraid to ask! I think people knew that I was new in my faith, so they didn’t shame me. However I did get a ton of over-simplified answers and Bible references that didn’t make sense and had nothing to do with my question. I would have rather them be honest and tell me they didn’t know the answer. I want people to feel comfortable with asking to fill in the gaps of their understanding of You. I don’t want folks lacking in their faith because it leaves them unsure of their future or relationship with you. Help me, help us be better gap-fillers for others. Amen.

When God quizzes humans

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind: “Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorant words? Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.” ‭‭Job‬ ‭38‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​We think we know so much. God created us to be curious and creative, so we think we’re so smart. God quizzed Job with some simple questions… for God that is! Two full chapters of amazing scope and sequence of questions, sixty-eight verses regarding the breadth and depth of Job’s “knowledge.” The tree of knowledge of both good and evil did not give humans a total understanding of how everything works! The tree didn’t make humans know-it-alls. But somehow it made us think we do. God’s questions are breathtaking, like a docudrama from NatGeo. Here’s a few:

° Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
° Who kept the sea inside its boundaries as it burst from the womb?
° Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east?
° Have you explored the springs from which the seas come?
° Do you know where the gates of death are located?
° Do you realize the extent of the earth?
° Where does light come from, and where does darkness go?
° Have you visited the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of hail?
° Where is the path to the source of light?
° Where is the home of the east wind?
° Who created a channel for the torrents of rain?
° Who laid out the path for the lightning?
° Does the rain have a father?
° Who gives birth to the dew?
° Who is the mother of the ice?
° Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens?
° Can you direct the movement of the stars— binding the cluster of the Pleiades or loosening the cords of Orion?
° Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain?
° Can you make lightning appear and cause it to strike as you direct? ° Who is wise enough to count all the clouds?
° Who provides food for the ravens when their young cry out to God and wander about in hunger?
° Have you given the horse its strength or clothed its neck with a flowing mane?
° Is it your wisdom that makes the hawk soar and spread its wings toward the south?

This is just a sampling of the pop quiz God gave to Job. How did you do? It doesn’t take long to realize that explorers and scientists have painstakingly, patiently taken YEARS to find the answer to some of these questions. But not all. The more discoveries reveal more mysteries and more questions. In both micro and macro biology science is still pondering how infinitely small and immensely complicated even one living cell can be. And how massively expansive the yet unexplored multi-universes appear to be. These are still within the physical sciences!

There are even more questions regarding the soul. Where do emotions come from and why do we have them? Understandably Job, like most of us failed the quiz. And, even if we could say we “know” the answer, it is likely that we heard or or learned it from someone who heard it or learned it from someone else! Who actually has firsthand, observational knowledge of any of these questions?

When God asked Job about the “extent” of the earth, do we know who has physically measured the earth? Scientists use mathematical theories that “prove” sizes, ages and dates, but which one of these physically and spatially limited scientists existed in history.

God’s final question to Job is the best! “Do you still want to argue with the Almighty? You are God’s critic, but do you have the answers?” Job‬ ‭40‬:‭2‬. Job had to apologize for his arrogance by saying this, “I am nothing—how could I ever find the answers? I will cover my mouth with my hand. I have said too much already. I have nothing more to say.” The wise person realizes we really know very little! This doesn’t work well for apologetics (defense of religious doctrine), but God’s quiz should spotlight our pride for putting Him on trial for things we have no real understanding of. Read Job 40 when God ask Job more questions about justice! Job final reply to God, “You asked, ‘Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance?’ It is I—and I was talking about things I knew nothing about, things far too wonderful for me.”


All I know is that I know very little. I ask questions out of curiosity, not out of some arrogant critique of how you run things. I have a lot of tough questions, but they are all contained in a complete and total trust that you are always right, true and just. Any confusion or variances are because of my lack of knowledge and wisdom. I have faith and I believe in you.

A Straightforward, earnest and honest question

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“The disciples of John the Baptist told John about everything Jesus was doing. So John called for two of his disciples, and he sent them to the Lord to ask him, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?” Luke‬ ‭7:18-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A Straightforward, earnest and honest question, John asks if Jesus is really “the one.”

Remember, Matthew, Mark and John record that John the Baptist himself had baptized Jesus and it was quite the miraculous moment. Interestingly enough, Luke had mentioned Jesus’ baptism but leaves out John’s role and the supernatural occurrence, almost as if it were a footnote. Luke shocks us by being the only one with this gritty question.

Are you bothered by John’s question? Did you sort through the facts that Jesus and John had some mystical, supernatural connections in their blood relationship? Jesus and John’s mothers had shared secrets about the possible true identities of their little boys – one being the forerunner of the messiah, the other the messiah himself. Yet, John still asks the question, albeit through a couple of his own followers. It’s okay to ask questions! It’s good to ask really hard questions.

Jesus answered in his own mystical messiah way. And, if you read the answer, Jesus is straight up asking John right back, “isn’t it obvious?” We understand that neither John, a blood relative of Jesus, or Luke, a follower and author gets around a required personal faith. They both have to come to a “I believe” and “I commit” kind of faith. After John’s guys leave, Jesus goes into this amazingly emotional and honoring tribute to John. On one hand he says John is the most awesome forerunner anyone could ask for, but in the Kingdom of God, almost anyone can be greater than even John. I think we forget the human journey that each and every person written about in the New Testament had their own journey, their own struggle to get to the fact that Jesus is the messiah. And even then, everyone of them could not believe what the messiah’s real job was in the end.


I don’t have doubts, but I still have a lot of questions. I just want people to feel safe enough, in the church, to ask the hard questions without fear of being labeled a rebel, or someone unsure of their faith. If John the Baptist can actually ask Jesus if he was the ONE, I think it’s safe to say that we should not only entertain questions, but also be willing to admit, some things we just don’t know. We can’t keep removing the mystery of our faith! Please help us be patient and even witty with folks who have deep questions about you.