I can shine brighter than a rock!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Praise the Lord from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather that obey him, mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars, wild animals and all livestock, small scurrying animals and birds, kings of the earth and all people, rulers and judges of the earth, young men and young women, old men and children.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭148‬:‭7‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And, ​everything means every thing. The Psalmist captures the height, breadth and width of all that should give our creator what is do – PRAISE.

The Hebrew word for praise, hal·lū put together with the name of God, yah is where we get hallelujah. Interestingly enough, the Hebrew root word for praise (hallu) is halal: shine. Doesn’t that remind us of something to do with light? God made light, but God is also light. Jesus said he was the light of the world!

We as human beings are all light-bearers, or we are supposed to be. The Psalmist goes wild with extravagant words describing how EVERYTHING that God created should reflect light and SHINE or praise Him. All creatures, all elements, all the parts that make up the earth itself and especially those who govern it. All kings, rulers, judges, young and old adults and children – all human existence should reflect, should praise God because He is worthy of it. The only reason we exist is to reflect His light, His glory on the earth. If nature itself could speak, it would shout God’s name in gratefulness. If animals could talk, they would sing songs to the greatness of their creator. It would be wild to discover that whales, dolphins, birds and hyenas aren’t just communicating to each other, but also praising their creator! All creatures big and small, all creation singing, shouting, reflecting God’s glory, His light in thanks. The Psalmist set the declaration in 148:5, “Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being.”

How odd it is that every thing instinctively knows God and has no problem giving Him what is due, yet humans struggle. Humans struggle precisely because God breathed himself, His image – imago dei, into our souls. We struggle because God gave us a free will, a choice to know Him, choose Him, even a choice to praise and reflect Him. We are supposedly the smartest of all creation. We are given so much more, above all that was created, yet we can choose a fake, a lie to believe and love another. Such a dilemma, such a sad story.

While all the earth dances and sings and praises the creator, we pout and brood, curse and complain like a dramatic, moody toddler on Christmas morning. I will not let the earth out praise God for me! With every breath, with every ounce of strength and will, I declare, I am determined to reflect and shine for Him.


I don’t want a whale, a monkey, bird, rock or tree praising You, shining, reflecting Your glory better than me! I mean, it’s sounds a little competitive, but I want to be better at praising You not worse than other parts of creation. You’ve given me more than words to sing and speak. You’ve give me a grand imagination to draw, paint, build and act out my praise to you. And I can make an instrument out of almost anything! Every creative expression I can think of is at my disposal to shine for you. And, I want to use all of them to reflect Your glory.

Quick to “clip in” and anchor my hope.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Some have been able to witness this beautifully simple moment as a deer timidly approaches a stream for a drink of water. I’ve only been able to see it on some nature show with a videographer capturing the moment while the narrator, maybe Morgan Freeman or Dylan Dreyer does the voiceover. The deer makes it’s way to water knowing that it’s a tenuousness moment. The deer has to, wants to drink but it’s enemy also knows it’s the best time to catch its prey while the deer is distracted. It’s likely that David watched this kind of scene many times in his life – he was practically born and raised as a nature boy, living life in the hill country of Judah.

David repeats a thought about his life and where he stands with God watching, controlling everything that happens around him. He speaks to his own soul and asks, “Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad?” These are amazing questions to ask ourselves when things get dark and difficult. Yeah! Why, exactly, am I down? What is it? Can I name it? The answer will likely come to us if we take some time to stop and have a conversation with our soul and with God!

David doesn’t write the answer in the text, but we know from history there was a lot going on in his life. A quick search on www.blueletterbible.org will show that David was running and hiding again, this time from his own son Absalom (his third son). If your a parent, it’s not too hard to imagine one of your adult kids coming after you to kill you and take their inheritance – especially if that inheritance is the kingdom of Israel. So one answer his soul might kick back to him is, “yeah your sad… because your kid is trying to kill you!” Legit, right?

David follows up his question with more than just an answer from his soul, he writes, “I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God! Now I am deeply discouraged, but I will remember you— even from distant Mount Hermon, the source of the Jordan, from the land of Mount Mizar.” Whoa. David flips his thoughts to a far more reliable and powerful outcome in his situation – his HOPE in God. Hope is not a wish or a squishy, wispy fantasy. Hope is a carabiner, a stick-clip, attached to a climbing anchor that saves your life should you fail and fall. And that anchor is imbedded in the rock, THE ROCK, in our case. David’s psalm teaches us that when we feel we are starting to free fall in our feelings of despair, hope clipped into the anchor then catches us. No matter what my soul answers back when I ask (and asking is the best way to get some kind of clarity) “why am I so sad?” I must be quick to clip my hope into the anchor and let God catch me.


David’s response, at least how it was written, was almost immediate. Maybe there was a pause, a moment or two as he reflected on the questions he asked his soul. I’m trying to be faster at realizing that my feelings, along with my crazy thoughts are running away, dragging me to horrible outcomes. I just want to catch my soul at the earliest possible moment and force it to answer – “why are you discouraged?” If I can catch my soul before it spins and my mind runs, maybe I have a moment to listen to the answer and then securely “clip in” my hope to the Rock of my salvation! Sounds like a plan – I just need to get better at it.

Happy King, happy kingdom?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“How the king rejoices in your strength, O Lord! He shouts with joy because you give him victory. For you have given him his heart’s desire; you have withheld nothing he requested.” Psalms‬ ‭21‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is a common phrase and understanding in many households, especially back in the day, “If momma ain’t happy, no one is happy.” If you go further back in time, way back, you’ll find the original concept, “if the king ain’t happy, no one is happy.”

Psalm 21 is a song of thanksgiving. It focuses on King David at a time in his life when things were going well. The interesting point to this imagery of a king is this, the king is often credited with being an example of the moral state of a kingdom in the Old Testament.

The Psalms were all written to be a foreshadowing of the coming messiah. And in the messiah’s arrival would come a final season of peace, prosperity and justice for all the wrongs done to Israel. The messiah was definitely projected to be the inevitable, invincible conqueror! So when Jesus showed up as a baby and did everything contrary to any Jewish leader before him, the Jews were naturally suspicious. What kind of conqueror lays down his life, seemingly ending his rule and reign. And Jesus had no heirs! What kind of leader was this?

I wonder if this Psalm 21 characteristic turns out to be true in leaders today? When a leader is happy, the followers are happy. When a leader ain’t happy… well we’ve all seen plenty examples of this on a global and local stage. My take away isn’t exactly about a king or a momma. As a leader, a shepherd, a servant I see the absolute necessity in guarding and protecting my own heart to more or less stay in a place of calm, you could call it a “guarded gratefulness.” There is a lot of chatter and situations that can cause a perpetual state of unhappiness and I end up seething AND seeding a whole batch of angry, frustrated and divided crops of unfruitful and unfulfilled trees! A king, a momma or a leader needs to find a place of perspective and peace to not perpetuate the “ain’t no one happy” culture in their kingdom, home or organization.


I try and try and try to remember these concepts and work hard to not take the bait to become bitter. It is so very hard. My mind triggers my emotions and they just ramp up faster than I can coral them back into place. I need to seek and ask far more questions before flying off into unrealistic scenarios that end with poor behavior or words that can not easily be retracted or rescinded. Help me seek you first before I fire up the whole emergency response mechanism in my head. Thank you for your grace and mercy when I blow it.

Enemies and snares oh my.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Praise the Lord, who did not let their teeth tear us apart! We escaped like a bird from a hunter’s trap. The trap is broken, and we are free! Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” Psalms‬ ‭124‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Certainly in ancient times the world was a delicate balance of violence seeking peace or peace just in the edge of violence. In my world and in these times, I do not face a neighboring country or people who want to tear us apart and enslave us. That doesn’t mean it isn’t happening around the globe. I’m fact it is for many countries and people groups. It may be the norm!

Who are my enemies that present a real and present danger? At one point, about five years ago, I had one. Yeah, just one I could identify, but with the help of God I was able to escape with just my ego and bank account bruised. These enemies, David wrote about were very real and persistently trying to kill him. I do not have anyone trying to hunt me down and kill me.

The only enemies I can identify are more spiritual in nature. One is certainly Satan himself, the deceiver, liar and very real threat. The other one is sadly my own mind. I struggle with what Daniel Amen calls, ANTS – automatic negative thoughts (brainmd.com). Just an overwhelming sense that there is always more to be done and I’m not skilled enough to do it all. After going through a series called “Content,” and focusing on the word “enough” instead of “more,” I’m realizing that God has ALWAYS been good to me and that He is enough in my cravings for more, but also I am simply “enough” in who He made me to be! I can only be me and can only do me. To keep those healthy boundaries, I have to remind people around me, “I am not you,” in other words, I can’t approach problems or fix them like someone else. And, “I can’t be great at everything!”

Life and leadership sometimes feels like it moves too fast for me to process what is happening, in real time, around me. And when I’m overwhelmed I just freeze up! I shut down. I get stuck. So between the devil lying, manipulating and just mucking up my life along with my own brain betrayal, telling me I can’t do certain things well – the snares are set and I step right into both of them.

David’s war-cry declaration is just as valid now as it was for him in ancient times – Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!!! The snare is broken and we can escape.


I desperately need your help to reframe all that is going on in my life and in our world. I need to see and feel your perspective, your plan, your will and desire. With expectations piling up around me and having to address old fears of failure, my own social delays and pure lack of leadership experience – I need you and cannot accomplish eternal things without your Spirit. Break the snares and traps set to stop me. Free me to be who you created me to be and do the work you called me to accomplish. I am yours, always and forever.

Short n Sweet.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth. For his unfailing love for us is powerful; the Lord’s faithfulness endures forever. Praise the Lord!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭117‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Hebrew, “laud (shabach: commend) Him all you Gentiles!” SHINE (halal: shine) to Yhvh (Yahweh).

God’s was considered to be so holy that it should never be pronounced by human lips. The Jewish priests had the scribes omit the vowels, thus making it difficult to really know how to pronounce God’s name. It is a guess to insert an “a” and an “e” giving us an approximation of Yahweh. The root word is havah: to become, but God himself referred to his name as “I am” (hayah: to fall out, come to pass, become, be), I was, are and will be. The word hallelujah can be seen in the combining of some common words, halal, shine or praise, to hayah (I am).

In Hebrew it is much clearer: Laud Him, Gentiles. Laud Him people of God (Jews), His truth endures and His merciful kindness towards us is great! Laud Him forever. The Psalm is an eternal declaration due from God’s greatest creation – us. That all people, Jews and Gentiles would recognize and extol our creator.

Any notion that creation, especially us as human beings, came from NOTHING is the greatest insult of arrogance ever perpetrated in history. To believe it and proclaim it shows absolute contempt of intelligence and any shred of humanity towards God, who needs no acknowledgement to exist or extend in His mercy. The mere fact that humans are the only ones stupid enough to shun their creator shows us our own ultimate sin of arrogance and ignorance. The Psalmist writes the declaration of truth that everyone seems to pretend can be decided for themselves outside of God. Even in that denial of existence, that defiance of truth, that selfishness, the Apostle Paul writes, while were yet sinners, Christ died for us.


Simply said, we are an embarrassment to ourselves. Creation itself believes and mocks us in our arrogance. What must the angels, created lower than us, even think about our freedoms spurned against you in such a manner? I humbly apologize for our kind. And, I am thankful for your loving kindness and patient mercy as you woo us towards yourself.

God’s wrath. He’s still got it.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“No wonder you are greatly feared! Who can stand before you when your anger explodes? From heaven you sentenced your enemies; the earth trembled and stood silent before you. You stand up to judge those who do evil, O God, and to rescue the oppressed of the earth. Human defiance only enhances your glory, for you use it as a weapon.” Psalms‬ ‭76:7-10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Psalmist has a good reminder that God is still God. Just thinking about God having emotions or feels is an odd, mind-bending exercise. Of course, since we were created in His image, we know we got ALL of our emotions from Him. Love, ✅. Hate ✅. Anger, jealousy, ✅. Fear? Not than I’m aware of. We fear God but God does not fear us or anything at all. But wrath, absolutely.

The absolute difference between us and our creator is this – God’s emotions are perfect! There is no error nor evil in God’s emotions. Some have said that the emotions in the Bible are not from God or about God, only a reflection and a way for us to understand Him. I don’t believe that’s true.

In all the emotions known to us – God is perfect in having them and using them in His plans and purpose for all creation.

What do you think about this line the Psalmist throws out? Human defiance only enhances God’s glory. Wow. Different translations take a shot at helping us understand what this phrase means. ESV says, “Surely the wrath of man shall praise you; the remnant of wrath you will put on like a belt.” NIV says, “Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise, and the survivors of your wrath are restrained.” Clear as mud, right?

Commentators try to help. One opens with “The text of this verse as it stands is unintelligible.” No kidding. One, trying to bring clarity says, “For the end will show that the enemy was able to bring nothing to pass: also you will bridle their rage that they will not accomplish their purpose.” Another, “All rebellion against God’s will must in the end redound [contribute] to God’s glory: it serves to set His sovereignty in a clearer light.”

This is clear. Human’s free will to be naughty and to do real and permanent damage to each other does not, CANNOT diminish God’s purpose, plan, will or desires! Evil deeds, done by evil humans, feel as though they “got away with something wicked.” They have not.

We un-approvingly and impatiently want immediate justice and judgment for others, but most certainly delayed for ourselves. God is not unaware nor distant to these thoughts of ours. God is at work always, bringing about redemption and restoration out of His love for us. Any perceived delay is His long suffering in action, waiting for us to come to repentance! Fortunately for everyone, humans DO NOT get a pass on their behaviors.


I can’t say that I fully understand these concepts. They are above my play-grade. I do understand, sort of, your perfection in all things, even emotions. And the end of all this, there is still a perfect and still trust to the one who rescued me and gave me a life worth giving. I can easily suspend understanding until I get the full scoop later in eternity.

Cave Prayers.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I cry out to the Lord; I plead for the Lord’s mercy. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn. Wherever I go, my enemies have set traps for me. I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.” Psalms‬ ‭142:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is David’s prayer as he’s running for his life, being hunted down and most of all hiding in caves. This guy eventually goes from caves to being King! These cave prayers capture his helplessness and hopelessness. He sees no path that reflects the fact that Samuel (Samuel 16:1) has anointed him as future king of Israel. The first part of these anguished prayers are filled with cathartic venting. The endings come around to recognize that God is still there and very much desired, “Then I pray to you, O Lord. I say, “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.”

How many times have told God, “you are really all I want, all I need in this life?” Oh I have. I certainly have prayed this way under duress and dark times. And, it’s true, God is all I need. In good times, times of blessing and favor, this prayer comes out as gratefulness. I experience these moments of remembering where I came from – in chaos and obscurity to where God has brought me – family and a good name.

Doesn’t everyone NEED some cave time, along with cave prayers? We would never invite it, but shouldn’t we welcome it when it comes along? Cave prayers reveal our dependency, our humanity and humility. Cave prayers position us in suffering and force us to recognize God in a way that courts, kingship and abundance cannot. Cave prayers reveal our hearts and intentions, showing us our surroundings and admitting our need for God’s presence. It takes a cave to flip our view of our future. Instead of seeing those who pursue us, we see God who surrounds us with His peace. Instead of seeing our own dreams and aspirations, we can only see God as He comforts us.

I am not currently in a cave, but I remember when I was. A few times in my life when I felt completely alone and crushed by the darkness of those cave moments. I felt like the life I had known was gone and I could not see anything ahead in my future. Yet, God was there with me, right-there-with-me.


There is no way I can say that I liked my own cave time. I did not enjoy the loss of senses, direction or future. However, I did like the very cozy comfort of your presence, knowing that I was completely in your care, dependent on you in every way. And, like David, I realized that you were truly all I need.

I am enjoying gratitude much more than looking back than the dark desperation trying to look forward. I need a daily reminder of your presence, your will, and your ways. When I can get my heart and mind into that place of peace and assurance that you have all things under control and surrender to you, I can feel responsibilities, ToDo lists, even minutiae lift off my shoulders.

Fake rainbows.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me. Let all Israel repeat this: From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never defeated me. My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut me free from the ropes of the ungodly.” Psalms‬ ‭129:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is true, that from the time of Israel’s birth, back in the days of Abraham, the founding father, it is evident that the world, their enemies have been against them. And, reflecting back to 400 years of Egyptian slavery, their backs, as a collective illustration, are covered with lashes received as slaves back in this early years and metaphorically even today. Israel has been used as a the whipping post for the global animosities against the people of God, even against God himself. As Israel makes yet another trip back up to Jerusalem, there are many reflections for the way back home. Yes, Israel was disciplined and taken away specifically for their sins, their arrogant and very public flaunting of idols mixed with sexual, physical and sacrificial offerings to wooden poles creepy little stone-carved idols that sat in prominence in their homes.

Israel, like all prodigal sons and daughters did the shame-walk back home. Yet, through this very long and sad cyclical story, it is undeniable that we see ourselves – all of humanity living out this very same pattern. We want, we desire, we frolic after fancy things. We search, we run to and fro, from promise to promise that this pole, or that carving, this high or experience, these gods will fulfill and give us everything we desire!

We, like Israel, like the psalmist could say, “from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me.” The enemy is very real and very alluring, but the end results are ALWAYS the same. Brokenness, sin and shame await at the end of the fake rainbow. The enemy of our souls and of God delight in us finding broken promises of happiness and, of all things, freedom. We constantly struggle to be free of this presence of a holy God, so we run towards a gleeful captor ready to slap on the cuffs or ropes of slavery.

It is then that all the warnings, pleas and truth begin to dawn on us. Like Pinocchio found out on the island of pleasure, it was all a lie. Like Christian, in Pilgrim’s Progress, who seeks paradise but only finds detours, yet never releasing his burden and only increases it.

All of us are welcome to come to the same place the psalmist describes. The place where we see that God is good and can permanently CUT the ropes of the ungodly. For those searching for real freedom, not fake, flashy, self-fulling nonsense – but real and eternal freedom. There is but one way, the only way. That is through Jesus Christ and his gift of death, of salvation, of redemption, of transformation offered to pay for that freedom. But it requires our very life to be given in exchange!


The return to what’s good and right is a tough one. It feels so good to “come clean,” and rid the backpack of burdened sin and stupidity. It also feels so humiliating to return to the right path. Oftentimes I have seen my friends treated so badly when they wander, or even blow up their lives and families, knowing full well that judging them this way makes it near impossible to come home, returning to community. This walk back to Jerusalem is Israel’s shame walk, but at some point in our lives, it’s everyone’s walk. Help us love folks through their sin and welcome them when they’ve come home. We need your extraordinary, lavished grace to embrace.

Deciphering the cry.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“O God, listen to my cry! Hear my prayer! From the ends of the earth, I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety,” Psalms‬ ‭61:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Every parent has to learn to listen, learn and decipher the “cry” of their child. Not every child cries the same and certainly not all children express their pain, discomfort, need, or even boredom the same way. Some cry immediately and are excellent communicators of uncomfortabiliity. I remember Dr. Karyn Purvis teaching on childhood traumas saying, one of the first things babies need to learn is “I cry, you come.” It is vital to establish trust in littles that there is someone bigger, helpful and listening. She said, “babies orphaned with no human contact quit crying because they learn that no one will come.” Infant orphanages in some foreign countries are silent 😢.

Then there are those children (toddler age) who quickly learn to vary their cries to more or less leverage the drama to, you know, sway the situation in their favor. Real cries, real tears, real emotions – yet not all cries need the quick response of first aid or first hugs. We have a couple of grand-toddlers and they cry when frustrated, hungry, tired, curious, or just want something they want and want it immediately! Oooo, and when they can’t IMMEDIATELY have the object of their desire, they throw the biggest fit, with a wonderful water show and lots of flailing of body parts!

Even though we are no longer babies or most of us may have grown out of the spiritually “toddler phase” or our relationship with God, it is so good to read David’s prayer and learn to pray it ourselves. “Listen to my cry!” And God does. We have a whole slew of actual needs happening in us or around us all-the-time. We hurt or someone close to us is in pain (physical, emotional or spiritual) and WE CRY. Notice, we don’t CONTROL anything, we just cry. Ah, but we don’t cry like someone abandoned as orphans, we cry knowing that God, our Father, hears and deciphers our need and will respond! Try this for yourself, cry out “God HELP! I am overwhelmed.”

By the way, the “towering rock of safety,” was likely the shepherd’s lookout tower. Outside of Jerusalem there’s a very famous one. This is the tower that the highly skilled, and trained shepherds would “tend” the sheep. The tower was a place they would take the newborn lambs to clean them up and keep them warm and toasty. They would also bring injured lambs to nurture them back to health. It was from this tower the shepherds had the most extraordinary annunciation every when one night, an angel of the Lord came and told them, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!”

For years God heard our agonizing cries bearing the grief of our own sin and living in a war-torn battlefield of suffering and He answered. Somehow, I think David, the author of this Psalm knew the day would come when a rescuer would arrive, the promised Messiah.


I know you hear every cry and see every tear. You even said you collect our tears, knowing how deep our pain goes. And, I know you are working in us, through us, constantly. Through the great times of rejoicing and the necessary times of suffering, you are right there. Thank you for hearing our cries, seeing our suffering and coming near to comfort and give insight and wisdom in tough times.

Self pep talk.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” Psalms‬ ‭62:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David often pep-talked himself, in declarations describing God’s nature, His character. In other translations, this verse uses the word “rest.” The word is dumiyyah: a silence, a quiet waiting. If there is one place to feel safe, secure and not anxious it is in this cleft in the rock. It’s this idea of being surrounded by a naturally strong hiding place or standing upon an immovable object. I need somewhere safe to run to, to stand on, to feel protected. God is that person, personified as a place.

I never had a sense that I could run into my mom’s or dad’s arms and feel loved and safe. Having never met my birth mom and being adopted into a strange home, was difficult as a child. I guess it’s not their fault, maybe they were waiting for me to reach out? Either way I had no sense of someone bigger, stronger or smarter to run to when I felt threatened or overwhelmed. God became my only refuge, my only hope of consolation. I learned as David did, that God is physically, emotionally, spiritually there for me when I was afraid.

David closes out this thought with a powerful encouragement. “God has spoken plainly, and I have heard it many times: Power, O God, belongs to you; unfailing love, O Lord, is yours. Surely you repay all people according to what they have done.” I think about this in terms of the word control. I have very little. I do not control most of the situations that happen all around me, not the least of which is people. And, I have learned the hard way, neither do I have the power to fix humans! However, God DOES control, guide, and continues to make ways where there were none. And, best of all, God has ALL power. He can and does fix humans, if we’ll let him. He’s the only one that can heal a broken soul, restore a broken relationship, transform a life once littered with trash and tragedy. God has done this in me, for me. If I can be an agent for leading and directing people back to him, I will have accomplished my purpose in this life.


Just knowing you as THE source of protection and of power is encouraging. Just knowing that all things work together for your will and our good is comforting. Just knowing that you and you alone are a quiet place of refuge, to be still, to breath deeply is restorative for my own restless soul. And when I come across broken people, or impossible cultural behaviors that are barriers to where you want us to be, I believe you are powerful to change hearts, minds and situations. Thank you.