The view on the road back home.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!” Psalms‬ ‭126‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What’s it like coming back home or reconciling with family and friends after you’ve left, drifted or stormed off in anger. It’s tough. I have no understanding of Israel’s forced captivity in a foreign country as a disciplinary action from God. They were marched out of their land and into Babylon where they were immigrants for 70 years – that’s a long time! And while they were gone, their beloved homes, city and temple were all ransacked and destroyed.

They only small comparison I have is being given up for adoption at four years old. My world, my home, my toys, my neighborhood friends all gone. I was placed with a new family, in an unfamiliar apartment and never did returned home. All that was left for me was fragments of memories, like an assortment of puzzle pieces that do not fit together to make a picture.

For Israel, the journey back was humbling and difficult. Everything they remembered had to be rebuilt – their homes, their city wall and their temple. Ezra, the priest, convinced them to rebuild God’s house before doing anything else! And, it made sense because it was the neglect of God’s house and His commandments that put them in the generational time-out to begin with.

When things go wrong, it’s hard to figure out this concept still today. Am I being disciplined by God? Is this just life in a broken world? Or, am I being targeted and harassed by the devil? Oh, you didn’t know that God still disciplines either putting us into timeout or allowing it to happen? Sorry to break it to you. God loves us enough to come after us, even if it means putting us into situations that require us to look up and reevaluate our decisions!

This Psalm captures the hope, the joy of not just returning, but the giddiness of rebuilding. Rebuilding a life, a home, a church or a city is certainly difficult, but it beats captivity! It’s a wake up call to remember what freedom is really all about – freedom to do right, not do whatever we want. The Psalmist, Ezra, declares “YES! The Lord as done amazing things for us! What joy!” It’s honest and real after being gone for so long.


Oh my heart just breaks for those who knew you, loved you and then for so many different reasons, decided to walk out. Whether is was some awful experience in life or the church or just wandering off, looking for something else. It’s still painful for me to watch. So many friends, so many family members who walked away from you. I don’t plan on leaving your presence, even when I’ve been exiled in a holy timeout for my own good. Where would I go? You are the author of life. You have given me so much. I cannot deny nor turn away from that. However, I ask that I do not become the “elder brother” in the prodigal story, comparing my life to others and thinking I need a big party celebrating the fact that I never left. No, help me to always be the father in that story. The one who daily goes out waiting, watching for those who’ve decided to come home!

God sees and hears you.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭40‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is really powerful and supportive when someone not only knows you are in hard times, but reaches out with a simple text or phone call just to say they are with you. Oh, to be seen and to be heard is actually comforting. It’s mysterious and welcomed. This was a Psalm David wrote himself. We don’t know when he wrote it, but it was placed among the poetry prayers in the collection towards the end of his life.

He writes about waiting for God’s help. Waiting while in physical or mental distress is extremely exhausting. They tell us that pain causes our mind to lie to us and tell us that the present circumstances will be permanent, like there will be no end to it. We just want out of it. We want to get back to normal, back to easy, back to joys of living and loving.

This Psalm is so powerful because David most likely remembers a moment when he was just a shepherd boy, tending his family’s sheep. As a shepherd, it was common for sheep to wander into these mud holes after a rainstorm in the open pasture. These holes looked shallow, but they could be deceptively, dangerously deep. The sheep would step in and sink down, deep into a mud so thick it was like wet cement. The shepherd would hear the cries of the sheep, immobilized in the muck. These holes could also be large enough that the shepherd could not reach the sheep with the crook of his staff. The shepherd would have to climb into the hole, wading in to the depths to wrap his arms around the muddy, scared sheep. He would have to pull the sheep out slowly while the sheep struggled by kicking, even biting at the shepherd. The shepherd’s rescue meant the sheep would be saved!

David sees his own life, filled with his own deep muddy holes and rejoices that God, the great shepherd heard him, turned to him, climbed into the muck and mire, wrapped his arms around him and lifted him out – saving his life. David sees his life as a series of rescues when God continued to set him on the rock of solid ground. David, then in response, lifts his own song of praise to God, thankful that God sees, hears, turns and lifts him out to safety. This is what God does in our life. He sees, hears, turns and rescues us.


How many times have I found myself in a muddy hole of life? How many times did I wander off? How many times was I trapped? How many times did I feel that I could do nothing to set myself free, rescuing myself? Many times! I also waited. I also cried out. You saw me, heard me, turned to me and lifted me out of the muck! Thank you! I remember and give you praise!

Voice of God.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The Lord thunders over the mighty sea. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭29‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David reflecting over his entire life, remembering the peaceful times in the pasture while tending his father’s sheep. The early entry into the limelight, becoming the giantkiller. Through the rapid rise to fame and possibility as the heir apparent to the throne of Israel. Running and hiding from Saul, Israel’s first king. To the forty years of being king. A circuitous life to notoriety, writing 73 out of the 150 Psalms. Having 8 wives and 18+ children. He lived to 70 years old.

David writes about the powerful voice of God. The voice that created all that exists. God’s voice louder than the roar of the sea. His voice making the earth itself shake and dance. And finally, God speaking in the temple, where the people respond GLORY! What a theme to think about as he reviews his own life.

When we look back on a year, or three or thirty, what do we reflect on? What memories fill our mind? Is it on our own life, family or kids? Is it on career choices or the ups and downs of decisions made in our past? Or, is it on local and global events we’ve experienced and remember the “good-ol-days” even though we know they had their own troubles? David reflected on God and His powerful voice directing the earth and human affairs. Maybe we should consider the same as we look back or better yet, look forward. May The Lord reign as king forever and give his people strength. And, may the Lord bless them with peace.


Every human will eventually, clearly hear your voice and either be shaken and convicted because they ignored your grace and mocked your love and mercy. Or, they will be overjoyed, comforted by the sweet and familiar sound of being welcomed home. I love your hearing your voice in the quiet sound of correction or the calm sound of peace to my soul. I want your voice to heard as you speak justice, righteousness and truth over the nations of the world. Speak Oh Lord, we need you now.

Ragged to rich.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people! He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭113‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God is the writer who tells the ultimate stories of rags to riches. Ezra writes this Psalm as the people of Israel return home after a 70 year timeout under a foreign country. A generation of loss. This exit out of exile is just the beginning of rewriting their story, rebuilding their lives, along with their culture. Eventually they would finish the rebuilding of their temple and the repair of their city walls.

Think about this. We know that several amazing stories and people come out of this time period. We find out about Daniel and the young men who were selected out to be trained in the royal Nebuchadnezzar courts in service to the king. We also find a most dramatic story of Esther who’s beauty and charm opened the door for her to also rise to become queen and save her entire nation from a racist madmen. Even Nehemiah who was critical to God’s story. The Psalmist writes these verses of God not just looking down on the earth, but stooping down to attend to the affairs of humanity.

God sees. God stoops. God lifts. He relocates the outlier, the desolate and desperate to high places of influence. He sees the loneliness and longing in a mother who desires to give life and nurture a family. God sees, he is moved with compassion and makes destiny happen to fulfill us and accomplish his will. It is God who places people in positions of power and high purpose. He takes Daniel from a position of a slave to the king’s advisor. He takes Nehemiah and makes him the Chief Operations Officer in the royal palace. And he takes Esther all the way to becoming the queen. Who else can do this? No one. God moves and positions people for his purposes. And, for those who obey, he blesses them. For those who disobey, he disciplines them, removing them from power. Why do some rise to evil and stay in power? I don’t know. History reveals that God uses evil leaders, dictators and even madmen to accomplish his own purposes. But when God promotes the poor, it gives us all hope.


Certainly I did not come from a poor family, in terms of the essentials like housing, food and education. But in terms of safety or family, it was pretty rough. I do know one thing. My friends and family did not see any hope of me becoming much in my own future. Yet, you see, stoop and lift the poor and the desperate. That is exactly what you did for me. I may not be a king or an advisor to one, but I have lived a royal life because of your grace. I am so very thankful for you seeing me and setting an amazing future of purpose before me.

Everything is good when God is at home.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Mighty King, lover of justice, you have established fairness. You have acted with justice and righteousness throughout Israel. Exalt the Lord our God! Bow low before his feet, for he is holy!” Psalms‬ ‭99‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm is one of the expressions of the Ark of the Covenant being moved back into the tabernacle – God’s mobile home. In other words, coming home. God set this system up where he had Israel’s top craftsmen make a beautiful, gold covered box, filled with a few powerful reminders of God keeping his promises. Hebrews 9:4 says the ark contained the gold jar of manna, Aaron’s staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. The manna was added later, after the contract and budding staff. Why the ark? It was a representation, filled with memory-reminders, that God makes and keeps his promises. He also shows up to come through for his people. A few Psalms, 97-100, are the celebrated passages of God not just “coming home,” but also gives a sense that everything is right and in its proper place. These two verses capture the essence or feelings of Israel’s leadership and the people of this now great nation. I must remember this Psalm is just a snapshot, a moment in place and time, but it’s these moments that are highlights of how things should be, could be when God’s people simply follow his ways.

The Psalmist boldly repeats this theme – God loves justice! God established both “shaphat” – good judgement or government and “yashar” – fairness, to be straight or equitable. God created humans and the rules of how all life should be lived. When those rules were broken by US, there were consequences. God would not be just or fair if he just flippantly let go of even one infraction. If, even once, God were to wink at it or just pretend he didn’t see it, he would not be just at all. God is either right, just, fair and true or he is not! The first humans broke the one rule God gave “Don’t eat,” and there were eternal consequences. He made several contracts with Israel, his own beloved people group (then and now). They broke the rules (chasing other loves) and there were consequences. God delivered discipline, correction and forgiveness over and over again with Israelites.

These verses acknowledge what every human soul introspectively understands, if they will just quit making excuses and get super quiet to listen to their God-given conscience! God always acts with justice and righteousness. Our lack of perspective and complete knowledge and wisdom of how everything works is no excuse to judge God’s character or intentions. It would be more honest for me to say, “I know God is always right, just and true, I just don’t LIKE it!”

This is what the Psalmist helps us with… fixing our perspective and our posture. He declares to us, still today – EXALT God, for He is always good! And bow low before his feet, for He is always holy (pure, sacred and beyond our complete understanding). When we don’t know or understand something (or truly know and understand so little), get this… God is trustworthy and right every time, all the time! Welcome your own amazing box of memory-promises into your home, your heart to remind you as well.


We may not have a beautifully crafted box of memories like the ark of the covenant, but we do have plenty symbols and memories of our own to regularly remember your goodness and mercy in our lives. I not only want to bring those memories into my heart, my home, but I also want to keep my heart open and clean for your Holy Spirit to reside there.

Powers that pound the throne.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial. You yourself are from the everlasting past. The floods have risen up, O Lord. The floods have roared like thunder; the floods have lifted their pounding waves. But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these! Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.” Psalms‬ ‭93‬:‭2‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When I first wrote about this Psalm, I did not know it’s author was Daniel and it was written while he and the majority of Jewish people were captives in a foreign land. One of the best, quick resources I came across was a Bible resource link to describe the probable date each Psalm was written and who wrote it.

Psalms is a collection of writings. This Psalm describes the hope of God’s power and ability to stay in control while everything else feels like a destructive storm. Daniel describes how powerful these pounding waves can be. Babylon was the biggest and strongest force on the planet at the time and it looked as if the nation, that king would destroy the throne of God himself.

We have the benefit of knowing the before and after! Babylon was used as a disciplinary entity to put Israel in a 70 yr timeout. Yet, this massive kingdom would not overtake God’s throne. Think about this. There is no kingdom past, present or future that has storm-waves big enough to destroy God’s eternal throne. NOTHING can stop nor thwart the will of God! Not then, not now, not ever.

Daniel’s hope in God paints the picture of one of the most powerful forces on the earth – the seas. Untamable and unstoppable itself. As the sea, depicted as God’s enemies, roars, pounds and breaks on the steps below the throne of God, it will never overtake it. Daniel states this majestic truth, God’s royal laws cannot be changed and will never be subverted! This Psalm is a reminder of hope. No matter the size and relentlessness of the storms we face here on this planet, may they be attacks or even directed disciplines, they will never diminish God’s power or his throne! I take comfort in that. The darkness, the chaos may be great, but our God is GREATER.


I do not find fear in your power, I find comfort in it. I find hope in this; no matter what I see going on around me – you are on the throne that will never be overcome. No matter what I feel, my trust, my faith is steady in your power. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on his unchanging grace. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand: all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

Hitting basement bottom.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“But you, O Lord, will sit on your throne forever. Your fame will endure to every generation. You will arise and have mercy on Jerusalem— and now is the time to pity her, now is the time you promised to help. For your people love every stone in her walls and cherish even the dust in her streets. Then the nations will tremble before the Lord. The kings of the earth will tremble before his glory. For the Lord will rebuild Jerusalem. He will appear in his glory. He will listen to the prayers of the destitute. He will not reject their pleas.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭102‬:‭12‬-‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Psalms have a rhythm, a pattern that often looks down, laying out the reality of grief before turning our hearts and heads upward. This idea of lamenting is often seen as negative and many of us are trained to stop it in ourselves and others, lest we plummet to the bottom. Maybe that’s where we are supposed to go. But, just not stay there.

Daniel (yes, lion’s den Daniel) wrote this Psalm just before Babylon began to release Israel from their 70 year timeout. Notice, there is no stand off between Cyrus the Great and God. Cyrus, the Persian king, had conquered Babylon and sent Israel home. No plagues, no death, no Red Sea, no wandering, just freedom to go home. However, just before Daniel pours out his heart as if he had hit bottom. Daniel didn’t feel like he could stand one more minute of being an immigrant in a foreign land. He wrote, “For my days disappear like smoke, and my bones burn like red-hot coals. My heart is sick, withered like grass, and I have lost my appetite. Because of my groaning, I am reduced to skin and bones.” Daniel was done. He continued, “I eat ashes for food. My tears run down into my drink because of your anger and wrath. For you have picked me up and thrown me out.” I can’t imagine someone telling him to stop being so negative and just snap out of it. No one seems have been there to tell Daniel how blessed and favored he and his people were for being in captivity because they were being disciplined by God himself. Do we have ANY room in our theology today for suffering or discipline?

But as with most of the Psalms, there is a healthy, true ride to the bottom before coming up again. After pouring out his heart before God and recognizing how disheartening and difficult their situation was, he begins to look up. “But you, O Lord…” How arduous the ride down, but how beautiful the ride back up into the presence of God. “You will arise and have mercy,” Daniel declares.

I don’t know if Daniel and Nehemiah were even aware of each other, it seems they did not know what the other was doing. However, you’ll see a small reference in Daniel’s renewed reflection of God’s grace on their beloved city. Daniel writes, “For your people love every stone in her walls.” Isn’t that amazing! We know from Nehemiah, that the people loved those stones so much that they were able to rebuild Jerusalem’s protective wall in just 52 days!

Daniel’s lament turns into a swell of hope and faith in God, “For the Lord will rebuild….” These Psalms are perfect prayer templates for us. Don’t be afraid to ride the pain, grief, loneliness and sorrow all the way down to the bottom, even the basement. Just make sure after you’ve hit bottom, you push the button of faith and trust God that the ride back up will be filled with His grace and glory. I believe Daniel and his prayer, God will not reject our pleas!


I should not fear the trip down, even as life, in its reality looks dark. I remember one of David’s Psalms that said, “if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there.” Because even when I hit bottom, I can look up and see your mercy and be embraced by your grace! Thank you.

When God shows up.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This short Psalm was written when the first temple was being dedicated and the ark of the covenant was being brought into it’s new home. I’m not sure we even have words to describe the moment. This relief, excitement and sense of well being when the physical presence of God, purposely and symbolically represented in this elaborate gold, hand-crafted container, is in its place. As Ezra describes Solomon’s extraordinary opulent, abundance of decorum and cost of this celebration, no wonder it’s so grand! In 2 Chronicles 7, “Solomon offered a sacrifice of 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep and goats.” And so the king and all the people dedicated the Temple of God. Chronicles records that God showed up in spectacular glory, “The priests could not enter the Temple of the LORD because the glorious presence of the LORD filled it.”

God was so pleased with the unity, worship and massive display of gratefulness that he came to Solomon with a durable promise. The promise we often quote as though we, in our current situation, as citizens of the United States, could claim for ourselves. Even though it is not ours to claim. 2 Chronicles 7:12 “Then one night the LORD appeared to Solomon and said, “I have heard your prayer and have chosen this Temple as the place for making sacrifices.” Then it says, “At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place. For I have chosen this Temple and set it apart to be holy—a place where my name will be honored forever. I will always watch over it, for it is dear to my heart.”

WARNING: NSFC (not safe for church)!

Wait, wait, wait… Am I saying that this promise, made to Solomon is not ours to claim. Yes, it is not specifically. Promises, especially these contractual promises are NOT ours to personally or corporately claim. Don’t throw stones at me yet. I do believe there are principles within the context of these circumstances that are applicable and can be emulated. Like the unity, the humble attitude, the outpouring of real worship and rejection of selfishness and evil – these postures are ALWAYS good and acceptable before God. In those moments I am positive that his presence is supernaturally present in abundance. Even in those completely unified efforts of humility and sacrifice of praise, I am sure that God would show up in forgiveness, mercy and possibly even new promises of restoration. The promises may even be better than Solomon’s promise. But this one was to Solomon and the people of God in that place and that time of history. I believe similarly about Jeremiah 29:11. Of course God has plans for us and they ARE good. But that contractual promise was for Jeremiah and again the people of God a that time. Principles can be applied but I do not take those promises as our own.

It’s kind of like, put in the work yourself! Spend the time with God. Press in and humble yourself. Repent and worship him yourself individually or as a community. Then maybe God will move, speak and give you (or us) our own promise, personally, even contractually! I don’t need to take Solomon’s, Jeremiah’s or even Abraham’s, Isaac’s or Joseph’s promises for myself (or our community) – I can go, we can go and get our own. Agree or not, this is a proper way to not only interpret scripture, it’s the better way to apply it!

These days of celebration and community commitments to God were beautiful. God’s response is miraculously amazing. We can even celebrate what God did then. However, we need to have our own experience and not just try to draft off of theirs. God is living and present now, not just in the past.


I love reading stories of the past and how you worked and moved among people back in time (history for me, present for you). However, I didn’t live, I don’t live back there. I am here now, today. And since I truly believe you are the same yesterday, today and forever (because you’re eternal), I would really like to have our own experiences now. In fact, I would love for us to practice the same posture that prompted your amazing promises back then! I want to practice humility, mercy, confession, worship and wonder before you today. I want us (our community of faith) to do the same. Not to get something from you but to experience an outpouring of Shekinah glory, your presence together! Because we want and need your presence more than just your promises. They needed you then, we need you now.

Coming home.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Oh, praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve at night in the house of the Lord. Lift your hands toward the sanctuary, and praise the Lord. May the Lord, who made heaven and earth, bless you from Jerusalem.” Psalms‬ ‭134‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Seventy years of serving under a foreign king, in a foreign land, as forced refugees. If anyone understands being homeless, displaced and living as strangers, it’s Israel. And you and I both know it was intentional. The golden deal made with God and his people were well known. The blessings were clear, the consequences were clear. Yet, that did not stop millions of people from doing what they wanted to do. It didn’t stop an entire nation from jealously pursuing the cultures of its neighbors – it’s enemy neighbors. They had a king, we want one. They had flashy… fill in the blanks – clothes, riches, palacious palaces. Israel wanted all that and more. They wanted clout, power and significance that reflected their appetites. And, they had that under Solomon. But it wasn’t enough. The one thing that finally caused them to break their contract with God was the one thing that still breaks God’s heart. They wanted another lover, another God.

None of their deep generational lessons would stick. None of ours will either. God let them chase after another, and another and another. Then out of love, God put them in several generational time-outs. By the way, living, serving and existing under the Babylonian kings wasn’t all bad. God had placed some undercover high-level operatives in the upper echelons of leadership. Yet, it wasn’t home and a remnant still ached to return to their first love, their God.

You can wander, you can search, you can party with friends and pursue the life you think will fulfill you, but it’s all a mirage with no lasting substance. Ezra writes this Psalm on the way home! Back to their homeland, way of life and their now broken down temple where God no longer visited. Yet, there was hope that this time the people were serious and there would be forgiveness, reconciliation and most importantly a restoration of the contract. Israel would, once again, be God’s favorite. This theme runs the length of our human story. In some way or another we are always longing to come home – and stay home. I’m not talking about a location, I’m talking about a way of life. I don’t know what has kidnapped or enticed you away from home, from a life filled with God. But I do know that at anytime, you are welcome to come home.


I was born a refugee, in terms of family and any sense of home. I did not know of, nor have a sense of belonging or of home – not with You. I felt lost and I wandered because I didn’t know any better. Even in those dark and blurry days, I had a tiny little sense that someone, something was watching over me. Then I found out it was you. And when you called me to yourself and offered me a forever home, I gladly said YES. I still feel the tug of other loves and other lovers, but none of them could possibly fulfill that place in my life of being home with you. Thank you for giving me that permanence! I pray that others who search will find, others who ache will turn and come home.

What can people do to me?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Yes, the Lord is for me; he will help me. I will look in triumph at those who hate me. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭118‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Psalm 118 opens with David’s bold declaration of trust – “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” He had decided to center on who God is and what God wanted to accomplish, not the whirlwind of threats, intentions and plans of his enemies.

After the prophet Nathan had blown up David’s life, confronting him for his triple atrocities – rape, murder and coverup. God then deconstructed his faith, judging him and stripping him of the promises God had made to him when he was a younger man. These Psalms are the rebuilding and reconstruction of a whole new life. Yet, even with this fresh start there were consequences that followed David until the end of his life.

Along with this declaration, came the familiar sense of how powerful God’s will is and how weak are the constant veiled threats of people. Why do we listen to people compared to listening to God? It’s a common, flawed theme, in our lives! David writes out his process that is worth emulating. “In my distress I prayed to the Lord.” Again, how many times do I need to be reminded to go to God FIRST? We hear it, we are quick to encourage others to do it. But why do we wallow and wander in our hearts and ruminate in our minds when it looks like bad things may be heading our way?

David’s answer came quickly, “the Lord answered and set me free.” Wait? Did the threats stop? Did his enemies stop mocking? Did his own family situation just suddenly resolve? No, no and no. Circumstances did not change. David’s perspective, conviction and confidence changed! “The Lord is with me, so I will have no fear.” Then David scripts one of the most powerful narratives in the Bible, “what can man do to me?” NIV translates it, “what can mere mortals do to me?” The Hebrew text says, “What can adam (mankind) do?” Yahweh (Yhvh) is on my side! It is better to take refuge in and trust in Yahweh than people or princes.

David in his very natural, normal process of being confronted by his own sin and failures as a man, a husband and a global leader, decided to receive both consequences AND forgiveness. He begins the slow progress of reconstructing his faith and his life. This is extremely hard to do, right? If you don’t think so then maybe you have not blown your life up and watched the shattered pieces of friends and families have to rebuild their trust in you. David didn’t stay down, he didn’t continue to roll around in the gutter of his past. When God offered a hand to pull him out of the pit of despair, discouragement and depression, David took that hand and let God lift him. No, God didn’t not let him off easy for his sins. David paid dearly through massive loss of his sons and family integrity. Yet, God gave him a chance, a do-over. Psalm 118 is a great model of active repentance and rebuilding a life with God.


Whew. What a rough read. To go from a happy, singing shepherd boy to giant killer to a global leader. Then, with all that power, wealth and opportunity, to see David cave to his long-battled, selfish lust and desires is so gut-wrenching. He knew better, he should have behaved better, but he didn’t and I’m not beyond making those stupid, selfish mistakes myself. Yet, in your mercy and massive long-suffering, you gave him another chance to get it right. Even then, David had to go through the consequences and climb out of his own darkness and depression to let you forgive and help rebuild his life. Thank your for your mercy and patience over me. I never want to take it for granted.