Humanity, the epitome of humor in heaven.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health.” Proverbs‬ ‭15:30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Are you happy? Please tell your face. I know the world doesn’t run on giggles and smiles, but I wish it did.

A smile, a cheerful look and countenance changes the environment of a room full of people. Of course the suspect types will wonder what you’re up to, but it’s still worth it.

Science says that a smile will trick your brain into thinking you’re happy! One of the most striking truths of a new series on the life of Christ (The Chosen) is that Jonathan Roumie, playing the role of Jesus smiles A LOT. He laughs, jokes and is playful around children. Most depictions of Jesus are ONLY of a man of sorrows – clearly dying for humanity’s sins will do that. But, to think for one moment that God isn’t joy-filled in the core of His character is a serious mistake.

Besides, humanity may be the epitome of humor in heaven! Wisdom writers got this one right. Jesus even spoke this truth in John’s gospel, “Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.”


I have to force myself to remember how absolutely and totally lost and miserable I was before you found me! And, when I get bogged down with excessive minutiae about non-eternal things, I get cynical, grumpy and lose my joy. I hate swimming in muddy, mucky minutiae! I want to be a life-giving person and spend my life in life-giving ways. And, for heaven’s sake, your Church, your people should BE the most life-giving, cheerful, joyous place in this crazy chaos called humanity. It’s not that we have no sorrow or pain, it’s that we know that you hold our future and that you are good.

Tell your face

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.” Proverbs‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you’re happy and you know it, tell your face! The commonly used phrase is “it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.” That’s a bust. Scientists just don’t agree on the number of muscles it takes. But there is a social science or physiological truth, we tend to mirror or mimic each other’s faces! And, it has been proven that a smile benefits the smiler and the smilee (observer).

The wisdom writers capture a truth about us, an ancient truth about us that transcends culture (don’t tell the Soviets), race, creed or color – when we smile it changes the perspective of those around us. And yes, Americans smile the most out of any country. It doesn’t mean we’re happier, we’ve just been socialized to do it more. And, I like it.

I’m back to driving our beloved freeways on my commute to our church. Traversing “the” 5, 605, 22, 405 and 91 (whew) I am a big-time people watcher with my 3 second neighbors. I can tell who is going to change lanes, or cut me off before they (or if they) use their blinkers. I watch their eyes in their tiny little mirror. I spend MORE time looking in my rear view mirror to see who’s naughty or nice and try to get out their way so they can go and “get my ticket” 😀. Anyways, I see a lot of freeway emotions everyday! Do you know what emotion I like seeing the most? Yep, a smile. When I see people smiling, it really does make me smile. It momentarily makes me think about my own life, circumstances and instead of being all grinchy, I just join in.

Some people think about how much God loves them and it makes them smile. I think about how God is in control of what I see as chaotic, and it makes me smile knowing that I don’t have to fix anyone or anything. I smile thinking I’m going to be obedient to God and give him my best! Even when my heart is broken or one my friend’s spirit is crushed, I still believe that God is at work on his good plan and pleasure. So go on get your heart in a glad place and then your heart WILL tell your face to smile.


You know I’d much rather be happy than sad. I am completely okay with moving through sadness, madness, frustration or even exhaustion – I just don’t like staying there. I often think about how terrifyingly miserable my life was from four to fifteen years old, eleven years of my precious childhood. Then I look at what life has been like since you transformed me. What a difference! It’s not like everything went perfect, or that some seasons weren’t extremely difficult. But the difference was YOU. You were with me. I was not alone. You walked with me through those times. I have determined to be as happy as I can because my heart is no longer broken. Thank you!

You can get what you want.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward.”
— ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:14‬‬

Am I reading this Proverb correctly? Did the wisdom writers actually have and USE the word, “backslider?” I am shocked! I promise you, I thought it was some judgey word from a holiness/pentecostal era. Backslide? Backslider? The Hebrew writers tap into this idea that if Humans don’t want to constantly, continually move towards God, so be it. No one is forcing them to follow God. Well, yeah, there’s also the idea that they CAN get what they want!

The Rolling Stones had a song, “You can’t always get what you want.” It turns out you can. New Living Translation says, backsliders “deserve,” but the Hebrew word is “derek: way, road, or journey.” God will and does give humans the freedom to walk… away.

Oh, and I get the feeling that walking away feels so GOOD, so mature, so freeing, for the moment. Instead of freedom from sin and a redemptive life story, you get whatever results from the rugged, independence of God, “I’ll choose my own truth, own beliefs, own reality – thank you.”

Let me be honest, my parents (all five of them), and much of my extended family choose that way of life. All it brought was a huge pile of poopy for them and us as kids. I’ve been on this God path for over 45 years and there is no way I want to go for it on my own! I’m not perfect either. I’ve had my short bursts of moving away from God, not really intentionally, but just being lazy. The second I realize I’m drifting into a Glenn path, I turn, make it right with God and get back on His road – you know, the narrow, less travelled one.

So be warned or be encouraged, God will let you move away from Him and make your own way. Just know that either way, you’ll reap the results. My advice: move toward and with God. If you’re not on the right path TURN NOW. Find God’s way and get back to following it.


I had no idea the word, “backslider” was a real thing! I’m kind of shocked about it. Of course, I remember Jesus warning pharisees and prodigals that they can receive their little praise for cool prayers or loud generosity and certainly the son who demanded his future inheritance so he could squander it on Pig Island. They got what they wanted and it wasn’t your desire or path for them. But wow, this is right in our face! I can move towards you or backwards to slide away from you. I want to choose you always. I want to stay on this path, your path for the entirety of my life.

Attention dog and dolphin lovers!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel.” Proverbs‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You may ask why such a strange principle shows up in wisdom training. What does animal care have to do with wicked and cruel humanity?

Whether you’re a dog, cat, duck or dolphin lover you know that there is something inherently good about being kind and yes, caring to animals.

Confession time. When I was a teen I had two unfortunate moments where I killed or injured an animal. Both had to do with a BB gun. The death was a dove innocently sitting on a telephone wire above. It came flying down right at me and died at my feet. I wept. The other was sorta accidental. I also shot at a cat walking down the sidewalk in front of my friends apartment. As it turned out, the cat belonged to MY OWN next door neighbor and I was “coincidentally” asked to cat sit while she recuperated from a vet removing the BB from her back leg. I had to CARE for the cat I had shot. That was it for me and animal cruelty!

I was also an avid reader of C.S. Lewis and he was an activist who constantly opposed vivisection (experimentation on animals). Lewis actually wrote about animal cruelty in many of his books. I came across the concept in one of his books, That Hideous Strength where Weston, the antagonist, picked up innocent little frogs and tore their limbs off, causally tossing them off into the grass along the path. Lewis even believed in animal immortality, and was adamant that animals would be in heaven – and likely talk!

There is scientific proof that children, mostly young boys that systematically harm, torture and kill animals are showing early signs of a psychopathic behavior. And, it’s been widely known that adults, again, mostly males, have used animal abuse and torture to threaten and control children – oftentimes their own children. Why? Why? Why? Lewis believed that it was one of the ways that our deeply evil brokenness gets a chance to lash out at our loving creator.

It appears that throughout our human history that cruelty and abuse eventually spiral downward to harm the most innocent, the most defenseless. Animals, unfortunately, fit that example.

The wisdom writers make a clear connection between care for animals, representing innocent and defenseless to godliness. And it rightly follows that the wicked, are ALWAYS cruel.

No one in their right mind speaks of cruelty as a human right. No one says they believe that evil and wicked people should be free to carry out their every desire. Ah, but follow the thread. Who says evil people shouldn’t act out on their desires? Isn’t cruelty, their self-made, humanistic, evolutionary propelled truth a right? That’s sounds unfair. That sounds so judgey to tell the wicked how wrong they are. Among the benefits of believing in God is the knowledge that He and He alone dictates true justice, true morality. And I for one am glad God tells us to be nice to animals. Believers should be better at it because wisdom says it’s a godly characteristic.


I absolutely love the clarity of focus on your righteousness, your justice. Let’s just say I love your eternal and perfect perspective on everything in creation, including us as humans. So for me to “get wisdom,” is to understand you. It’s to understand your character, your ways, your interactions with me, with all of us. And, even in our “freedom” to choose to believe in you, but even further, to trust you with our lives and our future is beautiful and amazing. It does all come back to trust doesn’t it? I guess it’s similar to faith, but trust feels so much more intimate. I don’t just have a “belief” in you, I completely and totally live my life TRUSTING you. I don’t have to know all things. I don’t have to control all things. I just have to trust and obey… there really is no other way to be happy in Jesus!

Is Proverbs a Pollyannic, positive thinking pusher?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!” Proverbs‬ ‭11:27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wowza! Talk about a cycle of self fulfilling prophecy, right? Whatever you look for, you’re sure to find it. This could be a conversation about your job, family, relationship, life or even your church.

If you put on the “evil” lens glasses everyday, guess what? Yeah, everything looks evil! If you put on “good” lens, you see… you get it.

Previously this was called putting on “Rose colored” glasses or seeing a Pollyanna perspective in all things. There are plenty of idioms about being a half-glasser, and whether it’s full or empty.

I’ve spoken with folks who are critical, suspect or conspiratists about almost anything. Their defense? “I’m a realist,” they say. Are they happy being a realist? No, I don’t believe they are. They are just super low on the trust factor.

The wisdom writers are not trying to make grand sweeping, total lifestyle statements. They are just stating a truth, a wisdom nugget to remember.

Was the Apostle Paul being a Pollyannist by telling the churches in Philippi, “If…” If there is anything excellent. If there is anything worthy of praise. Think about these things.” (Phil 4:8). There may not be excellence or praise in EVERYTHING going on in our lives, but there is bound to some!

Look for it, search for it. Hold onto that thought rather than letting evil or gossip, anger or hatred drag your soul down to the darkness of the abyss.


Not only do I need your favor in living this life and following Jesus. We need your help to find favor by our choices of what we focus on, what we choose to dwell on. As our friends and family struggle to claw our way out of a post-pandemic, highly divided season of life, please God – help us find good. Help us search for good. Help us to FIX our gaze on the hope that you are in control, that you are at work in the messes we’ve made, that you are WITH US even in our suffering. Thank you for your grace and mercy that is new and fresh and given to us each and everyday.

Honesty IS the best policy!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“The Lord detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights. Honesty guides good people; dishonesty destroys treacherous people.” Proverbs‬ ‭11:1, 3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Isn’t it interesting to think that the God of all creation is not just about truth, but also honesty.

Honesty is a characteristic of God? Truth has not only been divided and degraded it has also oddly been weaponized! But honesty, how is that going? Lying, or at least telling partial truth is crept into every part of our culture. Why? Because, people now want to play the games of hidden agendas and non-disclosures.

Honesty may invite more questions. Honesty may hurt feelings. Honesty may be embarrassing. The whole idea of dishonest scales in ancient times is like our modern day of “hidden fees.” And, back then it was common to rig the scale to make a little extra on the exchange especially taking advantage of the poor! The poor couldn’t do anything about it. They knew they were being cheated but risked being shut out from buying goods or food if they reported the owner.

Years back we had honesty in a lot of our work related phraseology. Honest day’s work. Honest pay. Honest wages. Honest business! Over taxation and complicated laws birthed a whole era of “under the table” and cash only earnings.

I also find it interesting that God is absolutely interested in the unseen, almost invisible behaviors of humans. Honesty and dishonesty is hard to spot, because it is built on trust. This is how reputations are made. This used to be how individuals and businesses would thrive. Hand shakes and humans that keep their word were valued and sought after. No one did business with “crooked” owners. Oftentimes, an owner or business became so dirty in their dealings that they ended up doing business with mafia and gangs just to keep their business afloat – but that comes with a horribly high price.

Bottom line, God HATES dishonesty because it’s is anti-God and it always takes advantage of the poor, the weak and the outcast. There are entire companies that PREY on senior citizens, on widows, on special needs people, even orphans! Whoa to these crooks, these politicians, these business cheats – God is watching and he will have his justice.


Even though I was a total creep in my youth when it comes to being honest, it now really gets me angry when I see people cheating or taking advantage of those who have no one watching out for them. I feel a sense of frustration with our government leaders who try to legislate care and protection for those at risk but end up creating horrible loopholes and drive the dishonesty even deeper and harder to spot and prove.

I feel like the church should be so much better at stepping in for the weak or disadvantaged, but we just don’t have our act together and folks just figure that’s what social or government services are now there to take care of. Government is horrible at care! Systems cannot love! Bureaucracy is not merciful or kind. Help us be better God.

Hello, my name is Glenn and I’m a blabaholic.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut.” Proverbs‬ ‭10:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is one of those Proverbs that keep coming back to smack me in the face. Have you ever posted or put up sticky notes or cards with sayings and Bible verses you’d like to memorize and live by? This is one I should make into a T-Shirt.

I talk too much. I overshare, tell too-long stories and have determined it’s way too much like gossip. I shouldn’t even be writing this because it’s probably the last time you’ll tell me anything! I do have some safety features built into my blabbering ways. Sometimes I remember to ask friends, “is this confidential or is it something I am free to share?” Honestly, if it’s confidential I don’t share it with anyone, not even my wife. That word, confidential, seems to be the key to keeping my mouth shut! And those confidential things shared with me go into the VAULT.

I find it interesting, no HAUNTING, that the wisdom writers associate “too much” talking with sin. It’s like I hear people talk about drinking alcohol. A little, they say, is like “social” drinking. Like Paul telling Timothy to take “a little” wine for his stomach. But TOO MUCH and boom, you’re drunk. I don’t drink, but too often I blab. I’d love to say “oh, I’m just a social blabber,” or, “a little blab for levity.” Truth is I’m kind of a blabaholic.

There, confession is good for the soul or confess to one another so I can be healed. I see the remedy right there in the saying – just keep my mouth SHUT. I’d get that tattooed, but I hate needles. Plus, I’d have to explain it to anyone who asks, then I’d be shunned for sure!

Anyways, Proverbs is right and I need this constant reminder. If we talk please us the phrase, “this is confidential,” that should keep us both safe. Thank you for reading.


Wow. Many times I look into your Word, the Bible and it is experienced much like looking into a mirror. Except, I don’t like the reflection I see looking back at me! Forgive me of my sin. Help me in my sin. Help me change and grow to not increase in foolishness, but instead in wisdom. Thank you for your grace and power to overcome my big mouth.

How is your family name and legacy doing?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The proverbs of Solomon: A wise child brings joy to a father; a foolish child brings grief to a mother.” Proverbs‬ ‭10:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There are a number of these son to parent proverbs. Modern translations substitute “child” for son, but that undermines the purpose of these writings. If Tim Keller is right, and I believe he is, he says that the proverbs were written as curriculum training for young men. This isn’t a put down on young girls or women in general. It was poignantly written to train boys to become great men – nothing wrong with that, right? We do want our boys to become great men, correct?

Think of this curricula idea being drilled into every Hebrew boy – your decisions effect MORE than just yourself. A constant theme of respect and family responsibility towards their own parents. I was given no such training, no such purpose, no such direction. Yet, even with zero input from my own fathers on how to be man, a husband or a father, I personally learned from God, from Proverbs one of the foundational necessities of life – get wisdom!

By the time Robin and I had children I was able to give regular and constant reminders to all three of our children about this proverb right here – “be wise” and it will bring us ALL joy. Be wise and you will have what is necessary to live a good life, influence every single person you meet and leave a legacy for our family. I didn’t quote the verse to them, I lived it with them. I was adopted, so my birth name is Spear, but when my last name changed at four years old, I grew up understanding that my own adopted father had trashed his family name.

When Christ rescued and redeemed my life, I spent time absorbing the wisdom of God through Proverbs, I instinctively knew my responsibility- clean up the family name and pass it on to my children in good standing. I have worked so very hard to rebuild the Garvin name in every way possible. I wanted it to be morally sound, fiscally sound, socially sound and every bit spiritually sound. I wanted my children to be proud of their father’s name and even more proud of the work God had done to restore that name. Garvin would come to mean, faithful, funny, hopeful, caring, responsible and respectful. I told each one of my children to remember they are a Garvin and to be proud of it!

I know of families who bear the grief of a tarnished name, especially when both parents tried to live godly lives, and raised their children the best way they knew how. There is no shame or judgment towards my friends, I have known them our entire adult lives. But I do know the shadow that their own children have cast on their family reputation.

I also know something else. God’s stories are very long and prayer still works. A momma’s prayer, a daddy’s prayer can move mountains and shake the heavens to bring about change in the hearts of our children. So like the prodigal father who waits, everyday looking for his son to come home, so I know that there can be a “come to their senses” and a desire to return home. Angry words towards and bitter images of our prodigals will not bring them home. However, a godly prayer and prophetically seeing a redeemed image of possibility will yield a huge hug and welcome home party someday. How important is it to raise a child in the wisdom of God? The difference between great joy or great grief in all of our futures!


My job, our job is not done even though our children are grown. We still influence them and their decisions. They still need us to speak godly wisdom into their lives. Plus, we now get to focus on our grandchildren and not only reinforce what the parents may say, but put our own special touch of grand wisdom and love into their lives as well. Many a child have rejected a parents advice but still hold to the love of their grandparents. Help us continue to give our family your grace and wisdom to leave a godly legacy!

Wisdom’s own Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Wisdom has built her house; she has carved its seven columns. She has prepared a great banquet, mixed the wines, and set the table. She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come. She calls out from the heights overlooking the city. “Come in with me,” she urges the simple. To those who lack good judgment, she says, “Come, eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed. Leave your simple ways behind, and begin to live; learn to use good judgment.” Proverbs‬ ‭9:1-6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​What an amazing way to look at God’s wisdom, actually preparing for and inviting people to a beautiful setting and a meal. There are so many pictures that come to mind as I read this.

First the enormous space that wisdom has anticipated for the event, it had seven columns. It’s not just a great feast it’s a large setting, a banquet hall ready for guests to be honored and treated like royalty. Do you see this? The SIMPLE are given a chance to feel like kings and rulers. Fools are invited to this feast! This is the Hebrew word, pethiy, fool, silly (i.e. Seducible). These are the ones who are easily enticed, misled. It’s the second most used word (15 times) for “fool” in Proverbs.

The other picture I see reflected in these verses is Jesus talking about a banquet feast that no one showed up to! Luke tells us in chapter 14 that Jesus told this story of the man who wanted to throw a huge party and invites had all gone out. However, when regrets started coming back, it made the man angry. He got excuses from the rich and/or well off – a man who just bought property, who was so wealthy he didn’t even need to see it first! Another who picked up some oxen and didn’t know if they were any good. And finally, a married guy, who forgot to tell his bride he’d been invited to a posh event, sorry no plus one. All of these smell of entitlement! So the man got really angry and instructed his servants to go out and invite the disenfranchised. They were not fools, but would likely not have opportunities to attend an event like this. This old proverb is different because the entire extravaganza was planned and prepared for those fools on the fringe.

And, here’s the kicker. Wisdom reveals her motive right there in the last stanza. “Ok,” you might think, “there’s the hook, the switch, the real truth.” But look at WHY wisdom would go to such extremes to host this party specifically for those who are specifically and regularly targeted for being taken advantage of. The catch, wisdom wants them to LEAVE their normal patterns of gullibility and find out how to LIVE! And to LEARN to use good judgment. This was a fancy, free dinner and seminar on how to better themselves and to quit being duped all the time!

Genius! Come for the elegance and free drinks and stay for a life seminar. If you could only see how much God wants to GIVE you a solid life, a good life, a smart and morally sound life, you would see how much He cares for you. Jesus retold a form of this parable with the edgy, entitled angle to basically say the same thing. This grand banquet, this free seminar is open to any who would take God up on his offer. In a very odd coincidence, it feels like Wisdom has its own Chocolate Factory and has invited the Charlie’s of the world to experience it!


Why is it so hard for folks to see how much, how hard you work to love us and give us a life filled with adventure and fulfillment. Why have we pitched salvation and redemption as a jail cell filled with rules and a boring funless life? We’ve really been duped! I think the church has been complicit in pitching holiness and righteousness and as joy and freedom killers. We’ve got it all wrong, all backwards! The real lie is this idea that our free choice to do what ever we want leads to happiness. And having our every wicked desire fulfilled leads to freedom. We have played the Pethiy fool, the simple seducible for believing that! We have all been DUPED! Help us see TRUTH, live truth!

It can be a wonderful life.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me. I have riches and honor, as well as enduring wealth and justice. My gifts are better than gold, even the purest gold, my wages better than sterling silver! I walk in righteousness, in paths of justice. Those who love me inherit wealth. I will fill their treasuries.” Proverbs‬ ‭8:17-21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wisdom is so generous! But she must be sought after and respected. It is interesting that when people think of riches or wealth, be it bitcoin or gold and silver, no one really associates it with wisdom. Wealth is more often associated with greed, manipulation and slick, smooth fast talkers bilking folks out of their hard earned money.

Wisdom says, get me and wealth will follow but it will not only come by hard work but also earned by how you treat others.

I know some wealthy people and they did not gain by i’ll-means and they are super generous. Their wealth had all the markings of hard work, smart decisions, right decisions, justice and yes – wisdom. It would be foolish to think for some moment that I should strip away their wealth and give it to someone who has not worked, not earned, not made good decisions and certainly not learned or even attempted to get close to wisdom!

This is not equality, this is moronic shortcuts to some humanistic principle of “rights.” I’ll tell about rights, wisdom says “come one come all and search for me, learn my ways, listen to me and I will lead you.” Wisdom gives the right to a great life by invitation NOT by some kind of socialistic lottery system. Why won’t some just come and learn? I have no idea! But wisdom (which by the way IS Jesus himself) doesn’t come free. It comes at a great cost to the giver (God) and the receiver (learner).

There are wealthy that are wicked for sure. And they did not gain their money or power through paths of righteousness or wisdom. Their path was stealing, manipulating, tricking and hooking the poor and the fool to gain their trust. Their path looks like casinos, lotteries and unaccountable welfare systems that rob humans of dignity and traps them into cycles of debt and dependency. Our only hope is through wisdom! And, wisdom is the first thing God gives a new believer who will continue to commit and walk with him in this journey through life. Get Jesus, get wisdom.


You are generous beyond measure in grace and wisdom. Knowledge itself starts with fearing your. And a all-in pursuit of you is a life long curiosity and education in wisdom. Thank you for the disciple and the patience to walk these paths of righteousness and justice to find wisdom and love her ways. Now looking back, wealth or the reality of having enough was absolutely a concern and often an outright fear. And, I can’t ignore the financial responsibilities that you have allowed wisdom to so carefully teach me. But I have learned that money is not the only riches that come from a godly life, a life engaging with wisdom. I also have friends, wonderful eternal friends that remind me of how truly wealthy I am. It becomes a wonderful life for sure!