The law of lazy.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Lazy people are soon poor; hard workers get rich. A wise youth harvests in the summer, but one who sleeps during harvest is a disgrace.” Proverbs‬ ‭10‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I can’t stand the word lazy. The reason; my mother swore I was lazy and told me so. The truth; in comparison to my adopted mother, I was lazy. She worked very hard, ALL-THE-TIME. She was a line-worker at a thermostat company in Long Beach, California – Robertshaw. She was an assembler. Think Lucille Ball on the candy conveyor belt episode. She was a union gal and a fierce advocate for herself and those who worked hard for very little money. She was up and out the door of our house everyday weekday at 4:30am and didn’t get home until 3 or 4pm. Saturdays were clean the house day, so she slept in until 7am when she would flip on the alarm clock/vacuum cleaner announcing that a day of chores had begun. Cartoons on Saturday were always a negotiable luxury. IF all basic, daily chores of bed making, room spotless, teeth brushed, face washed, hair combed, and breakfast (at the dining room table only) was finished. PLUS, the promise of hard-labor, yard work, then and only then was few morning cartoons an option. Mom would continue vacuuming in the back of the house, but we knew it was eventually coming to the living room where we had the one and only television set. So, yes, comparatively, I AM lazy! But I was just a kid, then I was just a teenager – you get the picture.

What my mother was trying to teach me, but I never got it, was this principle: laziness and work yield results! Laziness yields ZERO results. Work yields results like resources, money and opportunities. The Biblical principle is a law of nature. If you put the phrase, “sowing and reaping” into a search engine, it will give you pages and pages of Christian responses. However, if you put “gravity” in the same search engine, you’ll get pages and pages of secular/scientific responses. You know that sowing and reaping is a scientific fact, right? If something isn’t planted, nothing is the guaranteed result. Planting is necessary to reaping. In the odd parable of the talents that Jesus told, the person given one talent, yet buries it, is scolded by the owner. In a very one-talent, defensive response, the one talent person says, of the owner, you are a hard man “reaping where you have not sown.” What? Really? This parable is a lesson of God’s expectation that His kids inherently know. God sows into us and expects to reap results. Those results are certainly salvation, but also to whom much is given, much is required. The last thing I’d want to be is lazy with what God has given me!

Also, what a tragedy if I were to be so busy sowing and find myself sleeping when it comes time to harvest. Again, I’m no farmer, but I have seen some great movies about living off the land. To think of all the work, money and time it takes to prep and plant seed in a field and then to watch it all rot because it was not harvested. When it’s harvest time, everything and everyone makes it the top priority to bring it in! God has been planting seeds of the gospel in the culture right around us – even today. He has been working long hours cultivating the soil of human hearts. Some of us have been participating with him in this endeavor. I tell you, there is a harvest coming. There is another revolution on the horizon. Who knows, it may be the last big one! I do not want to be lazy nor unprepared to get out into the fields and reap God’s abundant harvest that’s coming.


I not only want to be a part of sowing seed, the good news of your love, salvation, rescue and redemption. I also want to be a part of the great harvest. I want to be the Dad who goes out to the road everyday, looking for signs that our prodigals have returned. And with fast legs, waving open arms and rejoicing voice, I want to say welcome home.

A word from our sponsor.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just a quick, simple reminder that God’s wisdom is a health benefit to our life and body. It’s not free though. To pursue it costs everything. It’s the pearl of great price that Jesus told the story about. And, since wisdom is the personification of Jesus in the Bible, getting Him is paramount. When we get wisdom, there are so many promises of wealth, health and fullness in life. This is not a prosperity promise, it’s advice from those who’ve known God, walked with God and have proven that it’s true. From Proverbs, it’s like sitting down with the wisest, wealthiest human being to have ever lived and asking him how this all works. It’s all very practical.

I understand folks hesitation to follow some laws or rules handed down by a God they don’t even believe in. Plus, I know there’s the problem of submitting one’s life to this God. As people, we are a stubborn bunch. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can read Proverbs for yourself. You can look for wisdom! I’d love for someone to explain why they think it’s all some kind of religious propaganda when clearly it’s for their own, our own good. The choice is up to you, believe it, live it and experience it for yourself or don’t. I chose wisdom. I chose Christ. However, I did find the amazing truth – God was looking for me all along! And, God chose me long before I chose Him.


I did not have wisdom and I had no idea how to get it! I felt like I knew nothing about life or how to live it. Not only did I feel severely, socially delayed (like everyone else knew what to do), but I felt that everyone around me had help from parents or family. I did not feel like my Dads or Moms gave me a good roadmap on how to live. I came to you with such deficits! I am so thankful you met me, led and guided me and lovingly disciplined me in wisdom’s ways. Coupled with a commitment to read Proverbs everyday for like two years, there was also the gentle leading of your Holy Spirit. I don’t know how “long” my life will be, but I cannot say it hasn’t been full.

The Magnanimous Gift!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

[WARNING: This contains theological controversy]

Who knew this little verse in Proverbs and this one little word, in this verse, would have such controversy and division surrounding it. You may have never heard of Arian or the “Arian Heresy.” However, this one verse and one particular word in this verse gave cause for some to believe that Jesus was less than the Father and it was a teaching that attempted to dismantled the three-in-one or trinitarian understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here in the ESV translation, the word, “qanah: to get, acquire” is translated “possessed.” “The Lord possessed me at the beginning.” The problem is the Greek Septuagint (Hebrew to Greek translation) wrote it as ἔκτισεν” which can also be translated as “created” or “formed.” The more simple NLT translation, sadly uses the word “formed.” A first century theologian named, Arian, chose to see the translation as “created.” Another theologian, Aquila, stood his ground and translated it as “possessed.” Arian the took this translation, along with some words from John 1:1 and built an entire belief system that still exists in cults today – that Jesus was a created being and far less than God himself. Arian’s own Bishop Alexander of Alexandria met with him and told him this was an unacceptable translation/interpretation of this verse and other passages of scripture. He was in error and Alexander tried to prove to him that if Christ is not God himself then there was no perfection of sacrifice for our sins and the whole gospel would be reduced to works alone and not by grace! You see the same lie living in modern cults today – one must EARN salvation.

This controversial persistence on Arian’s part, caused the second major council meeting of leadership. The First Council of Nicaea (325), I say second, because Acts 15 is really considered to be the first council (meeting) of leadership. As a basic common declaration of what Christian’s believe, the Nicene Creed is still taught, quoted and recognized as “orthodox” (correct). Arianism was declared heretical and forced it to be dismissed as the way or teachings of Jesus.

Not knowing the controversy behind this one verse is actually helpful, because we are able to take in the full power and beauty of this personification of Jesus depicted as wisdom. The word, “before,” is used in an escalation of scope pertaining to EVERYTHING that wisdom predates and sits in judgement over.

“Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.” Read Proverbs 8:23-29 yourself and just grasp the magnitude of all that wisdom can offer us. Then listen again as she woos those who lack her gifts, “And so, my children, listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful. Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it.”‭‭


It is some seriously dark comedy to see what we have been able to do to Your Word. We’ve broken it, we’ve bent it, manipulated it and flat out misrepresented it! How can you even put up with us and our evil ways? No wonder you search the whole earth just looking for a few righteous. The rest of us are using your Word – your living, eternal Word to start own own religions, or make ourselves rich, famous and powerful. What is wrong with us? I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how patient you are with us. Honestly, I am embarrassed to think about how we want to warp something so good, so pure and make it into some cheap gimmick to gain such a temporary advantage over others. Shame on us, this is NOT wisdom, this is NOT the way. Your wisdom is not only beautiful it’s right, just and true… always.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I, Wisdom, live together with good judgment. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech. Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The New Living Translation says that wisdom and good judgment are roommates. In Hebrew, the wisdom writer actually list three roomies with wisdom: ormah: craftiness, daath: knowledge and mezimmah: discretion. The root word of daath is yada, or know. Who knew, when George’s new girlfriend Marcy, from the Seinfeld show, kept saying yada, yada, yada, she was speaking some Hebraic slang… “ya know, ya know, ya know.”

As the personified Jesus in the Old Testament, wisdom loves hanging out with three character traits of witty, smart and socially intelligent people. What a group of friends that makes, right? However, the writer also seem to make the point that, not only does that God hate evil, but there is a reason for doing so. Evil erodes good. Evil sucks the vibrant, authentic life out of the soul and leaves these hollowed out expressions behind. Shocker! Look at what’s left when evil has its way with us – pride, arrogance, corruption and perverse speech!

Wow. Pride is a false puffer, the rising of our fake self. Arrogance is our “self-made” projection, like we made it all on our own, everyone else is our pawn. And our perverse speech is a mastery of speaking in a way that “turns” or twists our words to hide the fact that we are a fraud. Whew. Evil guts us and leaves our soul with ugly, selfish qualities.

Turning from evil to wisdom means we choose to hangout with these amazing roommates listed in this Proverb. The Apostle Paul wrote, “bad company corrupts good morals.” 1 Cor. 15:33. Having wisdom as a friend means that one has access to her advice. Because Wisdom is really that good, her advice is sound, solid and successful! Wisdom owns these qualities and shares them freely to those who walk with her.


If we just learned from mistakes and missteps, things would be a whole lot easier to do right. We would benefit and so would everyone around us. The problem is I love doing things my own way and I come to think of myself as so independently smart. And, I also love taking shortcuts! What a mess I make of things. The ways of wisdom, which is the way of Jesus, not only requires humility but also submission. And it’s a slow process, nothing like my quick-fix shortcuts that fail every time. I want wisdom as a friend. I want to hangout with her friends, witty, smart and socially intelligent. I could use all the help I can get. Thank You!

Wisdom, begging for you to listen.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I call to you, to all of you! I raise my voice to all people. You simple people, use good judgment. You foolish people, show some understanding. Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you. Everything I say is right, for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception. My advice is wholesome. There is nothing devious or crooked in it. My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.” Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Many of us are physical learners. I have a granddaughter that is very kinesthetic! She learns through physical exploration. She grabs, climbs, rocks and pushes back in her seat, just for fun. Then through falling, scraping and slamming to the ground she discovers the beauty of pain as a teacher. Every kinesthetic toddler seems to be shocked that things didn’t go the way they thought they would. My granddaughter then looks for comfort and somewhat blames her elders for not saving her before the inevitable happens.

Every parent, grand, teacher and friend knows what it’s like when you have to BEG a physical learner/extreme adventurer to heed WISDOM. I’m NOT saying these kinds of learners are simpletons, as Proverbs professes. I am saying that wisdom knows that some are destined to learn through failure and pain. Wisdom calls, begs and beckons to just give her a chance! She is right, truthful, wholesome, plain and simple. All one has to do is listen and heed her advice.

Ah, but we know better, right? It won’t happen to us, right? A thousand have tried and failed, but I – I will beat the odds! Ha – that’s original. My two cents, my fractional bitcoin – just give it a try. I have discovered that wisdom is right and good and I have benefited from it even as a knuckleheaded-youth. Don’t take my word for it, take hers. Get wisdom. Make her one of your bff’s.


What can I say? You know what you’re doing! Your will, your way is THE best, the most helpful. And, when I listen. When I obey. Things go far better than I could even imagine. Help me to continue to learn wisdom and never be satisfied with what was learned, but stay curious until I die.

God hates?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“There are six things the Lord hates— no, seven things he detests: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that kill the innocent, a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong, a false witness who pours out lies, a person who sows discord in a family.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭16‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I think everyone hates these qualities and behaviors in humans. In a world that celebrates what is wrong and aggressively, verbally shames what is right, there are still a few things we all agree are bad: Arrogance, lies, murder, scheming, serial crimes, betrayal, and chaos. These things, Proverbs says, God hates.

In an odd fascination, many are entertained by these behaviors making the twisted plots of podcasts the most popular genre. The Idaho murders, the Murdock trial are just examples of America’s lust for gruesome reality. But we all still think it’s wrong.

I know God thinks they are wrong, but why would our progressive, “enlightened” culture think they are wrong? Aren’t these people just expressing their true self, living their best life? Shouldn’t the proud be paid handsomely and worshipped for their confidence? Shouldn’t liars, murderers and betrayers just be given the freedom to do their thing, even if it’s authentically evil? Seems kind of progressively judgey and hypocritical doesn’t it? If it’s a right to murder infants, why isn’t it a right to murder adults? (oh, but it is under certain circumstances. And I don’t mean the death penalty).

First of all, I believe God sets the rules because he created us. But also, this list of things God hates and thankfully, culture still frowns upon, is absolutely catastrophic in our relationships! Every one of these behaviors destroys the binds of trust necessary to have a thriving relationship. The arrogant cares only about themselves – not you. The liar, the swindler/schemer only wants your money, love or alibi. That disruptive family member is living off the emotional rush of negative environments like anger, friction and discord. These behaviors are hated because you can’t build a life, relationship or community on them!

You think you feel lonely now. Wait until this list of wrongs aren’t just seen as entertainment, they are expected to be the new rules for living! Can’t you see where this is all heading? Can’t you see that we can’t be trusted to determine our own destiny, setting our own rules? The New Testament writers warned of this kind of environment towards the end, when this world winds down and God brings it to an end. The end of this world means that we will be begging God for justice and the creation of a new heaven and new earth.


I do not like the intensity of living in an upside down world, where wrong it right and right is wrong. It’s not just confusing and frustrating, it’s divisive and dangerous. I long for both your mercy and your justice, even judgement, to make all things right. I also hate the things you hate. I also hate seeing any those qualities bouncing around in my mind even if I never plan on acting on them. I agree with you when you tell us the heart is desperately wicked, who can know it? Only you know and judge perfectly, rightfully. For that I am thankful.

Proverbs promotes purity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“For the Lord sees clearly what a man does, examining every path he takes. An evil man is held captive by his own sins; they are ropes that catch and hold him. He will die for lack of self-control; he will be lost because of his great foolishness.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭5‬:‭21‬-‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The entire chapter is a contrast/comparison to giving into immoral decisions or staying true to one person and remaining pure. The cast of characters is the young man, referred to as son. The immoral woman, seen as a thirst trap, luring and devouring innocence. And, the wife of one’s youth, depicted as a spring, a fountain filled with blessing and satisfaction.

The wisdom writers get gritty in detail when they ask, “Why spill the water of your springs in the streets, having sex with just anyone?” Directly referring to not just love but a man’s semen seed for procreation. This is clearly a chapter on purposeful restraint, shutting down the entire fallacy that sex should be abundantly and freely engaged with anyone you like.

Again, since Proverbs is mostly a young man’s wisdom curriculum, I’ll let you figure out how to reverse the roles and applications for young women seeking moral men instead of being seduced by fantasy and false promises of “players.”

Proverbs chapter five gives a summary that captures a strong word of advice for the wise and the fool. God sees all. God knows the motive of EVERY human heart. In the end, the hell or heaven that one finds is determination of decisions. Hell is the cage constructed by our own desires. The ropes of slavery and captivity are woven by our sins. And death awaits because we will lack the will to be made pure and whole. The warning to the young and old – be very careful about giving into the lust and cravings of our body, mind and soul.

The promiscuous lies that promise peace and fulfillment are not just dangerous, they are deadly. Words like chastity and purity are for temporal and eternal safety as well as real satisfaction.


How absolutely ludicrous that the cultural lies pitched today are all word-swapped, redefining truth. Phrases and words like sexual freedom, exploration, experimentation all masked by this lie. It’s a very clever trap leading to the opposite of everything we really need. It quickly becomes exploitation leaving perpetrators and victims with hollowed out souls, finding no peace. We are left with a vicious cycle of unquenchable desires that become our master of a slaved life. Oh, how we need your Spirit to pour over us. Breathe life in us once again for we have descended back into the dust of our dirty lives.

This is THE way.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭25‬-‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sounds obvious, simple. Wandering eyes and distracted attention is bound to get you walking into a pole or traffic. Anyone noticed the new pedestrian entitlement? Especially in parking lots. Folks wander, zig-zag and just walk right in front of your car or just keep walking when you’re backing out of a space. There’s a creepy sense that modern cars with cameras and warning systems will auto-stop the car before hitting them. And now that jaywalking is no longer a crime, pedestrians rule the streets! I think some people WANT to get hit just for the insurance money. Sorry for the rant.

Wisdom makes a far more spiritual point using this idea of focusing our eyes so that our feet will follow. The eyes of our heart is our mind. And the things we think about absolutely dictate the direction of our attitudes and behaviors. The idea of fixing our thoughts to control or drive our behaviors is not a new concept in the Bible. Proverbs 23:7 in NKJV begins with, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” The Apostle Paul picks up the idea in Philippians 4:8. “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” This is wisdom’s way, walk in it.

Proverbs also reminds us that these practices of looking and focusing can keep our feet from following evil. We realize our feet have no sense of desire or cravings, right? Our feet are a symbol of our behaviors, they just obey our eyes and brain telling them where to go. I am still very much reminded of Jesus’ words that the “safe” path is also the narrow one, less popular, more difficult.


I sure hope my thoughts of you, your Word and your Will dictate my direction! It’s a mental struggle for sure. You call it sin, Paul calls it the flesh (sarx), but boy can it get me or lead me into trouble. It’s hard to fix my eyes on what’s right, good and holy when there are so many stinkin’ shiny objects dangling all around me. No wonder Job says he made a covenant with his eyes! Your Word is the light on my path and the wisdom to choose to walk in it. This is the way.

Common sense got cancelled.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them, for they will refresh your soul. They are like jewels on a necklace. They keep you safe on your way, and your feet will not stumble. You can go to bed without fear; you will lie down and sleep soundly. You need not be afraid of sudden disaster or the destruction that comes upon the wicked, for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭21‬-‭26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And, uncommon sense (foolishness) is now king. Oh, I’m not worried about the fact that only a tiny minority believe and try to live out this rejection of all authority and replace it with anarchy and whatever seems right or feels good at the time. My concern is that all the major influencers in our society (TV, streaming, socials, podcasts and news driven by advertisers) are pumping out lies suggesting that these self-driven “free” expressions are now the cultural norms.

Proverbs gives us this “sound” wisdom and judgment or discernment as THE keys to a good life. This Hebrew word, tushiyyah (wisdom), is a “successful” abiding wisdom. A life represented by jewels (financially sound), safety, deep sleep with happy REMS and the absence of constant fear. Sounds peaceful right?

Yet the anti-principled life, lacking common sense and clear thinking would also be true. Uncommon senses leads to a bad life, filled with trinkety costume jewelry (debt), fear, insomnia and constant anxiety that something terrible is about to happen. Yeah, anti-wisdom (foolishness) breeds depression and restlessness!

Proverbs being a book of principles means that these are the scenarios we get to choose; wisdom or foolishness. I’ll tell you what is NOT taught in public schools, especially to the young – wisdom and basic good principles for life. Of course education used to be based on a completely different moral foundation, the Bible. Now, the moral underlying platform is authenticity of SELF.

Young men and women need wisdom more than ever before. I believe they crave it, look for it and would love to see it modeled in their parents. Sadly, many parents are still trying to find themselves and have little time or interest in guiding their own children. The prevalent parenting advice is to let the children guide themselves. Why would parents project their own beliefs, morals or behaviors onto their children’s little self-defined souls? Doesn’t that sound like uncommon sense? Parents are SUPPOSED to guide their children! Proverb’s principles tells us that wisdom, seen in common sense and discernment, will lead to a good life for a child!


You and I both know my parents tried to do right, tried to be good parents. But all five of them just couldn’t pull it off. Long before I knew you, I had a creepy sense that if I found a way to live OPPOSITE of my own parents decisions, there might be a chance that I would make it. I thought that as a kid! What child should have to seek a good model that is opposite of their parents? I love my moms and dads (well not psycho Ben), but I know I would not have survived without you. My heart aches for children having to raise and parent themselves in this culture of “freedom” and self-authenticity. They need you! Help us Oh God! Pour our your Spirit and save us and our children!

The sweet spot of wisdom – decision making

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

These simple verses could be the synopsis for the entire book of wisdom. My mistake was thinking it was just for youth, just for late teens, early twenties. Once I got going in life; graduated college (first ever in my family), got married, had a child and settled into my calling from God to be a Pastor, I would be able to take things from there.

These verses were never meant to be a fortune cookie saying. I only thought the hard decisions were about getting started in life or at super big crossroads. I did not think of sustaining a godly life by continually trusting God, ignoring circumstantial signs and seeking His will. Oh silly young Padawan!

Robin and I both have had multiple missteps, life-altering moments and decision points since our youth. And, although I had memorized this verse and mentally quoted it at the start, I somehow had it hardcoded to our beginnings. And, I made the mistake of ONLY associating these verses with big life decisions, when clearly there are daily applications in them. Let’s put it this way, I STILL must trust. I still must ignore the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts). I still must seek God’s will in everything. With every decision pondered in prayer. Then with every conviction of faith, I must look for the path that God wants me to take. After that, it’s just about standing on that decision, confident that God has not and will not mislead me!

For example: With most of my people judgements I use the decision tree template of love. If I am to push my way in, wading into the muck and mire of the mess we get ourselves into, I have to decide if love requires that I enter into someone’s personal space to help. I ask, “What is my motive here?” Because if it’s to gain or spitefully be right, then it’s not love. Then I ask, “Am I willing to see this all the way through?” Because if I don’t count the cost, I may flake out when it gets really hard or expensive. Then I have to confront myself by asking, “What if I’m wrong?” I am talking about being wrong to get involved, butting in, throwing myself under the bus! If I make it through the mental flowchart and I get the go ahead, I quietly whisper, “For Christ and His love!” and with Paul’s words to the churches in Ephesus (Eph 4:15) – I go for it. I can definitely add these verses as a pre-checklist prayer as well.

I plan to tattoo these verses on my brain so I can quickly access them everyday.


Remember how many times I cried and quoted these verses in my teens and early twenties? I was scared out of my mind! I was desperate to do right. I felt ill equipped and awkward making big life, adulting kinds of decisions. You were the only one listening! You were the only one I could trust. I kind of miss that desperation. I also remember having one of those MAJOR crossroads moments when I was forty. I felt like I was completely changing my calling not just careers. You were and are so faithful to answer, to lead and guide. I am so grateful for your kindness and patience with me.