Can jealousy cause cancer?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.‭‭ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sure, the New Living Translation takes some liberty by using a shocking word like cancer. Cancer, of course, is a mysteriously, radical rebellion that starts within a cell of our own body! The Hebrew word isn’t cancer it’s, “raqab,” rottenness or decay. Which is morbidly more creepy.

Bone rot? Proverbs gives us a stark reality – envy or jealousy in our heart does real damage to our physical body! This overly passionate want, this zeal for more, or for what others have, is doing far more harm than just be a soul-sucking experience, it will cripple us!

The comparison to what the Hebrews considered to be a “marpe,” sound or healthy heart – which Bible translations choose to use the word, peaceful or tranquil heart GIVES health, GIVES life itself. A jealous heart gives this rottenness and decay to our body’s infrastructure. It’s a clear warning to not let envy drive the conscious moments of our thoughts lest we release death throughout our bodies!

Dismiss jealousy. Kick envy. Do not let these toxic emotions sit and fester in our heart. Seek God’s perspective. Seek wisdom. Seek contentment with what you have, not what you want or think you need. Stop looking for more – especially when comparing to what others have! God’s word has given us warning labels to help us avoid self-inflicted diseases!

I believe that cancer is the personification of sin within our own cells. I believe the bigger problem is when these rogue cells enlist other healthy cells to their rebellious cause and form an evil unity of cells we call tumors. But what if Proverbs is physically accurate to one of the causal effects of jealousy or anger, bitterness or hate. Could those secret, harbored thoughts and emotions trigger a single cell to turn and become a traitor within our body? I’m not a medical doctor nor a cytologist, but I wonder if it’s true. The point is, keep your heart sound. Nurture your thoughts towards Godly peace and stay clear of bone rot.


Proverbs is filled with principles of wisdom and truly life-giving advice. And, it’s also filled with warnings and consequences that I absolutely believe are true. In all our human learning and understanding, there are still a myriad of mysteries about so many things. We know cancer kills, but no one knows how it begins. Maybe your word sheds some light on what really rots us from within? David, a chief sinner, when he repented asked for a pure heart. I ask for the same. Amen.

Young men’s folly.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The woman named Folly is brash. She is ignorant and doesn’t know it. She sits in her doorway on the heights overlooking the city. She calls out to men going by who are minding their own business. “Come in with me,” she urges the simple. To those who lack good judgment, she says, “Stolen water is refreshing; food eaten in secret tastes the best!” But little do they know that the dead are there. Her guests are in the depths of the grave. Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭13‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Proverbs sets up this interesting discussion about the dangers of womanly trickery. Whole chapters discuss her wily ways, alluringly, setting and snapping the death trap for men – young men in particular.

If Proverbs was a training manual for young Jewish boys, then these topics became salacious reading material. And, I’m sure there were secret whispers on the backside of the local synagogue. When I read these Proverbs, as a young man, I remember having visions of sleazy, vegas-strip like scenarios. I could viscerally feel the ick as I imagined some boy, wide-eyed and mesmerized, being lured in like a deer led to his demise. It was creepy, but appealing in a dangerous sort of way.

Proverbs 7 reads like a dirty magazine hidden under the mattress. I had not been to Vegas, nor visited a wayward women’s establishment nor a strip club. I have no personal experience with these awful, misguided, rights of passage. However, I no longer believe the wisdom writers and their teachers were attempting to mentally or visually tantalize the young souls of men.

Wisdom is saying something much deeper, much truer than blaming all the temptations on the temptress. I now believe EXACTLY what these verses propose. The woman’s name is Folly!

There are basically four words for foolish in Proverbs. One, in this description, is (kesiluth) stupidity! It’s the most benign of the four. It just means unlearned, unaware. Wisdom is the cure for stupid! However, we are fortunate because this verse contains the second most common word for foolish, (pethiyyuth) simple. It comes from the root word, (pathah) spacious, wide or open. As it pertains to a fool, it would mean, easily enticed, deceived or persuaded.

The warning doesn’t just come from the context of the young man being stupidly unaware and easily manipulated. It also comes with the voracity of this personified woman. This kind of tempter, is a (hamah) a predator who growls, and roars boisterously! There is a brash confidence to consume the innocence of their prey. There is far more than the sexual escapades of youth being allured by foolishness. Foolishness can be anything that deters, distracts, disengages a young man’s attention from doing what is right.

It may not seem as dangerous as succumbing to the seductive whispers of sexual freedom, but there are other temptations that lead to death. There are dares, bribes, and arrogance that surge in a young man’s soul. The triple-dog dare to lick the frozen pole. The bribe to try the latest social media challenge to huff, swallow or handle some untested experiment, experience or drug that puts one in an early grave. The rush of arrogance to be a somebody in demented group-think challenge of speed or reckless behavior.

The invitation to “come in with me,” isn’t always from a woman named Folly! It’s just as often a voice challenging a young man to prove himself by engaging in stupidity! And, the Proverb is 100%, accurately true – little do they know that the dead are there. And Folly’s guests are all found in the grave!

Our young men need Fathers. Our young men need mentors. I have seen more than just a delayed adolescence over the past several years. I have seen an extension of the folly season continue on into someone’s 20’s and 30’s. No wonder Wisdom BEGS us to listen. No wonder Wisdom constantly goes out searching, seeking for the simple so they might not become easy prey for the predators of foolishness.

Remember young men, the war for your heart and mind is real. Don’t be the casualty of folly! I have always recommended the Apostle Paul’s advice in 1 Cor. 15:33, “bad company corrupts good morals.” Get out while you can. Run from Folly. Embrace Wisdom.


Help us! Rescue us from ourselves and those who prey on the innocence of our youth. You found me and saved me. Pour out Your Spirit on our young men all over the globe. Meet them, Father them, as you have done for me. Amen.

Wisdom availability.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! On the hilltop along the road, she takes her stand at the crossroads. By the gates at the entrance to the town, on the road leading in, she cries aloud. Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In ancient times, Solomon writes about the access that normal, average folks have to wisdom. Notice the availability isn’t just to kings in castles, lawyers in court, or priests in the temple. No! Wisdom sets up her connection points in the places where everyone can hear her. And she shouts it out, making it available to everyone who hears.

Whether it’s on the hilltop, where the more privileged may live, or at the crossroads where businesses would often set up booths, capturing the natural flow of foot traffic. Wisdom even sets up to give out her advice and life-hacks at the gates, where major legal transactions took place, and men would discuss politics and economics of the day.

It’s not like wisdom is hidden. It’s not like wisdom is locked behind a security case. It’s not like it’s too expensive for some to gain. Wisdom is out and available to all, out and among the crowds, where the public can see and hear her.

It helps me realize, that wisdom being the personification of Jesus, means that God is not hiding. God is not unaffordable. God is not beyond accessible! Not only is God watching out for us, but like Solomon says, He calls out to all people from all the places we gather.

God is pursuing us! I think about this miracle when I recognized His voice at fifteen because it sounded so familiar. God had been there all along. I also think about the fact that God is doing the same with every person I see. With wisdom, God is calling out on the hilltops, crossroads, water coolers, coffee shops and courthouses! He calls for everyone. When I begin a conversation with someone, It helps to remember – God knows them, loves them and has been calling out to them their whole life! I just need to join with God, as He directs and watch Him do all the work. God handles the whole transaction of issuing life, real life – eternal life.


When I heard you calling out to me, it was amazing. My life was on an awful, tragic trajectory. After simply saying yes and giving my whole life to you, You began to teach me how to live. I began to read and learn about wisdom, discipline and faith. I heard wisdom calling out and I answered. Thank you!

Is wisdom enough?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Getting wisdom is the wisest thing you can do! And whatever else you do, develop good judgment. If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you. She will place a lovely wreath on your head; she will present you with a beautiful crown. Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon, was the key person initiating this book of proverbs. And, most likely, Solomon was the principal of the school of wisdom for young men being trained with these truths using it as curriculum.

However, when one compares proverbs to how Solomon actually lived his life, something is askew, it doesn’t add up. And, coupled with reading Solomon’s other book, Ecclesiastes, you end up asking a difficult question, “if Solomon was so wise why did he disobey God?” (Do an internet search on that question). Why did he intermarry with thousands of wives from foreign countries? Why did he allow idolatry to flourish in his own palace and throughout the nation of Israel.

I have utmost respect for Proverbs! It was the first book I tried to pattern my own life after, learning discipline and obedience to God. So, I am not bashing the book, nor the wisdom it provides. The other book, that was most helpful to me was Psalms. Again, amazing book and so helpful. All about learning how to walk with God, to pray, to listen, to be completely honest in my conversations with God. But, David’s real life has some difficult, disturbing tragedies as well!

Using Solomon’s words as a foundation and an amazing teaching tool is fabulous. However, when the layers of his own life are laid over the truths in Proverbs, like a plastic transparency, we find that wisdom cannot be separated from God. Wisdom must be carefully and humbly integrated into a deep and abiding walk with God, following and obeying Him instead of allowing our hearts to be seduced by our own desires or carried away with these concepts of the “good life!”

Can wisdom be decoupled from God? Can a human being obtain the intelligence, creativity, knowledge and even wisdom apart from God? Absolutely. Case in point, some of the most famous, incredibly smart and capable humans ended up trying to disprove, even oppose God! Folks like Charles Darwin. What a mind. What a passionate drive to study and love the flora and fauna of God’s creation. Yet, he was used to build an entirely new and wickedly designed lie using God’s wisdom – the religion of evolution!

As much as I love wisdom and am thankful for every bit of help it gives me, because I am so socially and emotionally broken – I love God MORE! I love God’s ways, his law, his boundaries and even his correction. I am determined to keep wisdom deeply connected to my relationship with God. And that is not as easy as it sounds.


Is wisdom enough? No, it is not. I need to constantly be giving you more of myself. Surrendering, confessing, repenting, seeking and being utterly satisfied with you and what you’ve given to me. Gratefulness must replace my hunger for more. Thankfulness must conquer my thoughts, aspirations and comparisons. You are the giver of life and everything that’s good in me! You are enough. Amen.

Wisdom won’t perfect us.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By wisdom the Lord founded the earth; by understanding he created the heavens. By his knowledge the deep fountains of the earth burst forth, and the dew settles beneath the night sky. ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭19‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Solomon writes this amazing chapter about wisdom – how to get it and where to get it. Here in these two verses, Solomon goes beyond just this “concept” about wisdom. He writes about something much deeper, much more profound. Solomon writes of the personality and character of God as entity in which all things that exist, exist because of someone, not something. Of course we know that entity, that person, to be Christ! The Apostle Paul makes this abundantly clear in his letters to the New Testament churches. In Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:24) he writes, “Christ is the power and wisdom of God.” And in Colossians (1:15) he writes, “through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see— such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Solomon in his own gifted wisdom sees that everything that exists was in fact created by someone even wiser… historically and prophetically speaking of Jesus! Solomon wants the reader to understand that by looking at the earth, the sea and sky, you will see the perfection, precision and power of God who not only creates, but systematically sustains creation through wisdom.

Science knows how “perfect” our world MUST be or it would cease to exist. They’ve known for years, even through the demonic detours of Darwinism, that perfection is at the heart of universal existence. Our “just-right” gravitational force. Just right distance from the sun. Just right amount of light, darkness, heat and cold. Just right EVERYTHING. This is the wisdom perfection of Christ seen in creation and leveraged for our own salvation.

Christ, as wisdom, is the Goldilocks’ story of our lives! Jesus is JUST RIGHT. Solomon’s proverb plainly points out that if one is looking for wisdom, they will find it in God. If one is wondering how to get wisdom or how it all works, they have to surrender to Christ who invented it, freely gives it and shows us how to live a godly life. I’ve seen wise people in the Church. I’ve seen folks who have a 100% grasp and memory recall of the Bible. Yet, they often lack love, often lack mercy. It’s almost as if their wisdom and knowledge has had a hubris effect on their ability to see themselves as still sinners saved by grace. May our wisdom and knowledge never rid us of humility and grace.


Once again I am completely amazed at the depth and beauty of Your wisdom. I am smitten by the love, sacrifice and wisdom of Jesus. Yet, I am confronted by the fact that Solomon, being the wisest person in human antiquity, still could not obtain perfection through wisdom alone. He sinned, just like the rest of us. He lost the Kingdom because of his own distracted lusts for other gods. He was wise, but corruptible. My own pursuits of wisdom and knowledge can never be eclipsed by my love for you and you alone. Thank you for wisdom, it has saved my sanity. But thank you more for your grace for it has saved my soul.

Fathers’ discipline & correct.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In a cultural milieu of anti-patriarchal conversations, the Bible is either out of sync OR it’s timeless truth that shapes our lives, our families and especially our children.

The wisdom book, the eternal expression of God culminating in the life of Jesus, has a lot to say about parenting! Fathers play a significant role in the lives of children- it’s a sociological fact, backed by solid statistics of their influence in the family unit.

What is truly amazing to me is that while doing a sermon series prep, I came across this theme in both the book of Judges (2:19-22), Proverbs (3:11-12), Corinthians (1 Cor. 11:32) and Hebrews (12:5-8). Israel, God’s chosen people, had an awful time cycling in and out of sin and disobedience. God would rescue them, and they would run right back to idols and fake gods, doing despicable things. God would then judge them – harshly, allowing other nations to raid and plunder their cities.

Almost no one wants to talk about discipline or correction, especially as adults! I mean it’s great to talk about it as parents raising children, but who disciplines and corrects adults? God absolutely does! All these Bible verses make it clear – God corrects those he loves and delights in. Hebrews goes further and says, “Who ever heard of a child who is never disciplined by its father? If God doesn’t discipline you as he does all of his children, it means that you are illegitimate and are not really his children at all.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬” BOOM💥! Leaving us alone and to our own selfish ways would mean that God abandons us, proving we were “nothos,” a bastard, illegitimate child!

This is a strong word for parents who feel that they shouldn’t impose their will, their morality, even their beliefs on a child. By NOT doing so they are showing a disinterest, a disdain for the child’s welfare in their future. This nonsense that a child should choose morality or beliefs for themselves is a damnable lie, destroying a foundation that allows a child to feel safe and know they are loved! A child cannot and should not “raise” themselves!

Fathers, keep correcting your child because you love them and delight in them. Adults, know this; God isn’t mad at us when he corrects us. He purposely roadblocks our drive to get what we think we want – when it’s clearly wrong. God loves us and delights in us when he brings in someone or something to knock us off our destructive path. I try so hard to ACCEPT, not reject the Lord’s discipline, knowing that is for my own good!


Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between being harassed by the enemy of my soul OR being disciplined because of my bad choices. I depend on the Holy Spirit to pinpoint the issue. And, when I realize it’s because of some dumb, selfish decision I made – clearly SIN, I repent and yield to whatever you bring as consequences for my actions. It’s hard, but I know that you love me. I am so thankful you don’t let me wander off or storm off too far before you send a little pain and struggle my way to humble me and get me back on the right path. I am so grateful for your grace and mercy towards me. Amen.

Kindness is the character of God.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation.“
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I would guess that most of our culture truly believe that someone just made up the word kindness, separating it from the character of God! Words like kindness and love have been marketed, capitalized and promoted to buy and sell product as well as pass around the “good feels” of being nice to one another. But these words have their origin in God’s original design of how he created humans to be. We broke (and break) that relationship with God, with each other and with the earth itself.

The Hebrew word, “checed” used in this verse for “kindness” is far richer in meaning. It means favor or goodness being given and received in our interactions and expressions with and from God, as well as from and towards one another. It is much deeper than just being nice! It goes further and than just being “Minnesota nice” – which is a GOOD stereotype of people from Minnesota being reserved, polite, friendly, and non-confrontational, often used to describe their behavior of being helpful and friendly in public. It is a deep, consistent, commitment to treating others better than yourself. In the New Testament kindness (chréstotés) is powerful enough, Paul says, to lead us to repentance! Paul also lists it as a fruit of the Spirit, a benignity forged by listening to and following the Spirit’s leading instead of our selfish, fleshy ways! This isn’t just being nice, it’s behaviorally mirroring one of God’s attributes.
The NLT translation also uses the word loyalty, for the Hebrew word, “emeth,” which is a faithfulness embedded in truth. In the Old Testament this word “emeth,” or its root word, “aman” is a powerfully supportive, nourishing word, often used for speaking of a foster-mother or father.

This duo of displaying fostered-favorability means that in return we find grace from God and humankind, thus earning a stellar reputation. Proverbs, in instructing the young on how to build out their own lives, puts a premium on behaving like God. This both pleases God, but also has a pleasant ROI on character investment into others. As we know reputations are difficult to achieve and easily lost. Keeping a “fostered-favoring” towards others helps us display the fruits of the Spirit and reflect the image of our God! Every time we are faithful and show favor we behave towards others like God behaves towards us.


This powerful Proverb brings home the point that Jesus made in the New Testament. “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” Your own faithfulness, your own favor of grace and mercy has been lavished out on me again and again. It is very humbling to see that happening in my life everyday! More than just building a godly life and having a godly reputation, it is amazing to me that I even have the capacity for good towards others. Because of your Spirit within me, I am daily challenged to see every person through your eyes of grace. Thank you for the opportunity to display the fruit of the Spirit in ordinary moments with people whom you love and to know that you are fiercely working and wooing them towards yourself. Amen.

Backsliders Beware.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”Backsliders get what they deserve; good people receive their reward.“ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The only reason I am highlighting this verse is because I am SHOCKED that the word, “backslider” shows up in the Bible. I thought it was just a churchy word, used for people that once had a relationship with Jesus, but then fell away, aka – slid back to their former life! This really bothers me!

It bothers me because I often heard this word easily roll out of the mouths of folks who dismissively described a person struggling in their faith, going through hard times or even rebelliously denying Christ. I would ask, “what happened to Bill?” Answer, “oh he backslid.” The Hebrew word is real and simple, it’s “sug: to move away, or backslide.” It is often just written, “turning back.”Translating the whole Hebrew thought written out, was much easier to grasp, the “backslider is one who moves away from God because he wants what is in his own heart, more than he wants God.” Okay, I see that happening, in some degree or another, in a lot of people – I even see it show up in my own heart as well! This idea that we are either moving towards God or away from God is a powerful lesson, a warning. I think the Old Testament writers talk about it in terms or softening or hardening our hearts towards God – and His will, not ours.

A heartbreaking picture is shown in C.S. Lewis’ little parable book, “The Great Divorce.” A story about God sending a bus from heaven to hell to pickup anyone that would want to a glimpse of heaven, kind of seeing what they missed out on – like a day trip. But in the story, Lewis describes the community members in hell itself. They seem to all arrive at this “bus stop,” but in complete anger, hate and rebellion immediately make their journey to the interior of hell’s estate. The most evil, he writes, are not only desperately trying to get as far away from God as possible, but far away from any other human contact as well. It’s as if hell is an eternal drive to get further and further away, thus isolating themselves in their own misery. I’m not sure that’s how the Bible describes hell, but I can tell you this, I often see people vehemently trying to get as far away from God as possible! They are often very open, almost proud of it! Many self-disclose hurtful things like saying, “I NEVER really knew God,” like they were lying or faking it the whole time.

Given the context of this backsliding, it is a very sad realization that God allows us to move away, go back, harden our heart, or turn from His grace and mercy. God gives humans this choice! People often complain that believers are trying to “cram religion” down people’s throats. It seems impossible to do so, knowing they have the ultimate choice, not about religion, but about acknowledging the rescue float while they are drowning in the deep sea of their own despair! Since I became a believer at fifteen I have heard this truth, “God does not force Himself on anyone.” I believe that’s mostly true. What I believe is that God still accomplishes His will through humans; His plans and intentions are to save us and all of humanity. And, even though we will fulfill what God has planned, in those moments we are still given a choice to accept or reject Him. What do you think about this?


It is hard for me to imagine rejecting you after all you have done for me, in me and through me. Even through my own sin, my desires are for you and NOT to fulfill the disordered desires in my heart. I am crushed thinking of those who knew you and then make a decision to reject you. I think of the warning in Hebrews, “it is impossible once they have tasted and seen to bring them back to repentance.” God, help us be steadfast in our commitment and keep our hearts soft and obedient in all things before You.

Word Keepers.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Putting confidence in an unreliable person in times of trouble is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a lame foot.” Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Leave it to Proverbs to give us the raw, straight-up truth about relationships and the struggles we have maintaining them. This might seem like a common sense, a “no-duh,” concept. Believe me, we try to apply grace and allow ourselves to give them just “one more chance,” but we end up chewing food with a broken tooth, when it comes to trusting a friend to come through for us. Why do we do it? We want to give the benefit of the doubt, assume positive intent, but deep down we know – they won’t come through. Wisdom must snicker at us with this reminder – “sure, give it another go,” if you enjoy chewing your food with a broken tooth! Or, you just love waking around on a sprained ankle! Ouch!

Honestly, when I read this Proverb, I don’t review a list of friends that are unreliable. When I read this, I see MYSELF! I ask myself, am I unreliable? Over the last decade I have been working hard, committing to a difficult principle – “say what I’m going to do, then do it!” I think it’s one of the most important leadership qualities one could possess. If you say it, then do it! Quit making grand promises that are never fulfilled, grand ideas that may start but never finish. Say it, do it. That’s it. If I say I will be there, then I should be there! If I say I will help, then I help. It’s a matter of keeping our word and following through with our promises. What about emergencies, or unforeseen circumstances? Sure, that happens and there are some things beyond our control. But people can accommodate those when they are real and rare. It’s the always late with lame excuses or promises made but something always “happens” to come up. I don’t want to be the person, the friend, that makes OTHERS chew food with broken teeth or limp with a sprained ankle! I want to be a person that keeps their word – that says it and does it!

I can see how this trustworthiness reflects on how God works with us. He makes promises and keeps them. God says something will happen, and it absolutely happens! God is true to His word, and we should be doing the same. I want to be a word keeper not a promise breaker.


I know it is hard to commit and to keep our word when life is so fast. We just get exhausted when constantly saying “yes” to too many things. I need a lot of help when it comes to keeping my word. I think it builds character, I know it builds trust from others. We seem to be short on both these days. I can be thankful that you are always trustworthy to keep your word and follow through with your promises! Great is your faithfulness Lord unto me.

Wisdom breaks the fourth wall.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Listen to the words of the wise; apply your heart to my instruction. For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart and always ready on your lips. I am teaching you today—yes, you— so you will trust in the Lord.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The wisdom writers work hard to give us knowledge and understanding about how life AND God, as well as life IN God, works.

However, the whole key to this idea of doing life well, is all about application. It’s applying what is learned directly into how one should live. Knowledge isn’t enough. One example is the label on cigarette packaging. It’s right there, telling us what these things will do to us, beckoning, begging us, to NOT smoke them. Why? Because they will kill us! My family were smokers, and I heard it hundreds of times, my mom would say, “I know these things are gonna kill me, but I do it anyways!” The knowledge, the warning, did nothing to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Contrarily, just knowing I should walk, stretch and just move my body more does not always translate into exercise. In fact, in many cases, knowledge itself can be counterproductive to wisdom because it just turns into some random Snapple Cap, or trivial conversation at some boring dinner party.

Proverbs does encourage memorizing godly principles, just like it is wonderful to memorize God’s Word. But I love the reason, the why behind the idea of handily having quick access to truth. So that… I might not sin against God. Or, in this case the writer’s break the fourth wall and uses a cool literary trick to get our attention with a writing aside. Wisdom directly reaches out to the reader by saying, “I am teaching you – today.” Then, emphatically repeats, “Yes, you!” In this case the why of applying and committing these principles to memory is so YOU will trust in the Lord. The more knowledge is applied, becoming a reality in our behaviors, the more we grow in wisdom. Bonus, it further builds our trust in Yahweh.


How wonderful is Your Word! And, how amazing it is to see it work in my life and through my life. I love KNOWING your ways, but love LIVING your ways and behaving in godly character even more. I love it because I can feel and see the results in my life. May I continue ALWAYS – to be curious, to be childlike in a lifetime of learning. But may I reflect the beauty and wonder of your light and love in the world around me too!