Just another new trick up his sleeve.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the signs and great miracles Philip performed.” ‭‭Acts ‭8‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Simon the Sorcerer. What a nickname, what a title to carry around. Luke admits that Simon was a big deal in Samaria. He had a big following of people that called him “The great one – the power of God.” Interesting right? Simon was earnestly flamboyant. Then SHOCKER, he becomes a believer and is baptized. He was a formerly a great magician, a crowd pleaser. Now he’s a Christian following Philip around, learning the ropes of this new religion along with signs and wonders. Curiosity must have got the best of him. Simon must have thought, hmmm, Philip was a believer and so was he. Then how or why could Philip perform these feats of great power with miracles. Could he do the same?

The answer would soon arrive with Peter and John’s arrival. When the apostles heard what had been happening in Samaria (of all places), they sent a couple of guys down to see what was happening. Doing a little follow up, they “they prayed for these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit.” I’ll let you sort out the truth of this moment. Luke says that the Holy Spirit had NOT YET come upon them even though the belief in Jesus and Baptism meant the Holy Spirit would take up residence in them just as Jesus had promised. What? How is that possible? Yeah, there’s a second and critical “in filling, outpouring” of the supernatural work of the Spirit. Peter and John were just following the instructions that God had given them.

What were the results for the Samaritan believers being filled? Luke doesn’t say, but clearly Old Simon the Sorcerer saw something! He saw something they had that he did not have. Was it speaking in other tongues? Probably. Was it prophesying, boldly proclaiming the works of God? Sure. It was clearly something Simon had not received. And, he wanted it desperately! But, not for the right reason.

He tells Peter and John, “Let me have this power, too,” he exclaimed, “so that when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the Holy Spirit!” Wow! He wanted more “power” than his former theatrical performances could possibly possess. That’s just what the show needed, a new trick to bring in more people, possibly more money! Simon tries to cut a deal with the two apostles and Peter quickly rebuked him, immediately revealing Simon’s motives, “But Peter replied, “May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God’s gift can be bought!” Whew. I never thought about people trying to buy the power of God. I’ve heard of people trying to buy salvation. Well there have been long dark seasons in history where the “church” was selling salvation as well!

Peter, who is full of the Holy Spirit and has the gift of discernment because of this, tells Simon far more about himself that we would have ever known, “for I can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin.” Whoa. Wasn’t Simon just some street performer trying to make a little more money? Where did Peter get all that from? From the same Spirit that Simon was trying to bribe! Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, wanted to lovingly and quickly judge this new believer’s heart and motives by exposing his sin and giving him opportunity to repent of his wickedness, this controlling sin of bitter jealousy. The light of Jesus Christ shines in darkness exposing sin to make us or allow us to get rid of it. We don’t know what happened to Simon or his sideshow after that. But all his new friends, who were believers, all knew what Simon was really struggling with.


As powerful as this scene is, it’s also a little creepy and convicting. Creepy because it is so mystical and outside of our understanding of how Christianity or certainly religion is supposed to work. Convicting, because it really hits home with my own sin and your desire for me to be completely free of things that I hold onto. Thankfully it’s not bitter jealousy or obsession with money, but I’ve got other problems to deal with. I am thankful that when I confess and turn away from my sin that you forgive and clean me up.

What do YOU want?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!” Solomon replied, “You showed great and faithful love to your servant my father, David, because he was honest and true and faithful to you. And you have continued to show this great and faithful love to him today by giving him a son to sit on his throne. “Now, O Lord my God, you have made me king instead of my father, David, but I am like a little child who doesn’t know his way around. And here I am in the midst of your own chosen people, a nation so great and numerous they cannot be counted! Give me an understanding heart so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours?” ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

God asked Solomon in a dream. What a dream that must have been. Just coming off the Christmas Day experience yesterday, that question gets more and more difficult to answer as you get older – at least it does for me.

If God came to me in a dream and asked me what I want, I’m not sure I could answer right away. Solomon was probably 20 to 24 years old and was looking at ruling a population of 5 million people. And, shocker, Israel had become so large and powerful that their previous captors, Egypt, became an ally! The Pharaoh gave his daughter to be married to young Solomon.

In this dream where God asks Solomon a question that had never been asked, Solomon answers God. He humbly and honestly asked God for what he needed the most to carry on the legacy his father had left him. What leader doesn’t grab all that he can get with an offer like this at the outset of his totalitarian rule? Maybe Solomon had a sense, a taste of what ultimate power and wealth brought him. It didn’t look like more of the same would help him be the son, the King that God’s people needed him to be. So he answered, “give me an understanding heart,” so he could govern well. So the nation would be known, and have a culture of knowing the difference between right and wrong. Wow. Anyone who has studied history knows how many wacko leaders have taken the reigns of power and wealth, only to use them for their own selfishly sadistic purposes. We had those kind of rulers then, and we have them scattered throughout the globe even today. You can probably name the mentally-maniacal men ruling and ruining lives as you read this sentence! Solomon, as a young man, wanted to judge and govern well and to do so with God’s wisdom and justice. God, give us leaders that want this today.


We still have rulers, kings and leaders in every part of the world. And some are responsible for populations as big or much bigger than Israel at the time of Solomon. I live in a country that used to be united as individual states, under a series of balanced power or cooperative leaders. Now, under our nation of Divided States of America, we have deep divisions and distrust with sweeping, reactive grasps of power. We have each cycle of elections and votes trying to wipe out the changes of the other regime. We all ache for justice for our own agendas. I see the end coming. Especially when the world looks for that one person who has all the answers. They search for the one who will give us what we want AND promise peace. Each time I’ve seen this cycle of chaos in our world, I understand the real possibility that THE antichrist (not an antichrist), the imposter of all time will come to power soon. When, where, who – I do not know. But all the signs start showing up again. My longing for the Kingdom of God grows in these turbulent times. Come quickly Jesus – maranatha!

Confidence without cockiness.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“One day as Jesus was teaching the people and preaching the Good News in the Temple, the leading priests, the teachers of religious law, and the elders came up to him. They demanded, “By what authority are you doing all these things? Who gave you the right?” Luke‬ ‭20‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus was teaching and preaching IN the Temple. This is the pro league if religion were a sport (and to the religious leaders, it was). It was written elsewhere that Jesus spoke with authority and the common folk noticed and liked it. The religious leaders, comparatively, had the authority to speak, given by long-standing rights and privileges passed down to them and conveniently given the stamp of approval by their mentors.

The religious leaders, of which three power-groups are mentioned, the leading priests, the teachers of religious law and the elders approached Jesus. Sounds intimidating right? What were they asking? And why were they asking? There were systems and steps that one had to go through to gain the right to speak in the temple, or even a local synagogue for that matter. Those steps were incremental and had the guidance and blessing of a “master” Rabbi so to speak. That master Rabbi would have been well known and approved by others himself. Ray Vander Laan writes, “Jesus seems to be a type of rabbi believed to have s’mikhah or authority to make new interpretations. Most of the teachers were Torah teachers (teachers of the law) who could only teach accepted interpretations.”

I can almost see these powerbrokers of the temple getting together and trying to figure out who was Jesus’ master Rabbi. Was it Nicodemus? Was it Gamaliel? These religious leaders could not connect Jesus with any known Rabbi, yet he spoke with “authority.” Jesus not only quoted other Rabbi’s from time to time, he also did something extraordinarily rare, he interpreted the law and the prophets making application from the entire Old Testament passages. Who gave Jesus that authority? Who gave Jesus this right to interpret? God himself!

Jesus answered their own question with a brilliant question. He said, “Let me ask you a question first,” he replied. “Did John’s authority to baptize come from heaven, or was it merely human?” Ah, yes! There was another Rabbi who spoke with authority and interpreted scriptures as well – John the Baptist. Jesus knew how much religious leaders STILL couldn’t stand God’s spokespersons (Prophets). And Jesus knew how the locals, the “people” loved hearing the pure truth of God spoken with power.

This power group, approached Jesus to shut him down and ended up being scolded for not recognizing the Spirit of the one they were supposed to be working for! Jesus flat out told them, “I’m not telling you who gave me my credentials.” Most of them ended up referring to Jesus as Rabbi from that point on.

I understand that leaders can start out being protective, like a good shepherd should. Knowing who is speaking on behalf of and leading others in the ways of God. But when it twists and turns into controlling others, this is where it goes badly. Power and authority is to protect NOT to control!


Help us, as leaders, as “religious” Rabbi’s so to speak, always lean towards protecting and not controlling others. Help us to be servants, humble and meek, taking every opportunity to love and give and reflect the true nature of a shepherd to those who believe. Help those in positions of influence be careful to lead, only reflecting Jesus and not themselves. Help us gain back the trust we squandered in the past.

Power prayers of Paul

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Ever since I first heard of your strong faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for God’s people everywhere, I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly,” Ephesians‬ ‭1:15-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wow, I read Paul’s prayer for the folks in Ephesus and I think, “my prayers are so fluffy and weak comparatively! Here’s Paul’s prayer: “asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance. I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.”

Here I am asking God to give my friends peace and comfort and Paul is pushing for spiritual wisdom, GROWING in knowledge, flooded with light and confident in hope! Wait, there’s more… He also prays that they understand God’s power for US who believe (calling it resurrection power).

These are examples of continued TRANSFORMATION prayers. Paul writes of us, frail, broken humans being God’s rich and glorious inheritance. I think about that, we are God’s inheritance?

We are the outcome and expression of this epic battle of free will to choose Him, choose good over evil. Even after knowing and experiencing evil. Even after being lured by lies and falling for the bait every time. Even after carrying guilt, shame and natural consequences of our CHOICES! We can still chose God? He has provided the way back to himself.

How many times have you longed for the innocence and wonder you see in a child? When they were at a stage that they only knew of the safety and love of a good parent. Before they discovered bullies and lies. Before the fear of real monsters who prey on others. Before they even knew we, as parents, were not perfect! Oh, I know children aren’t completely innocent. But in terms of what they know of their world, remember how we feared the day they found out that not everyone and everything is good?

I have longed for that innocence and a future without politics, predators and pain. Paul prays that the church would know God, as He has always been and always will be – GOOD. But to also know God even in the midst of and surrounded by bad.


I want to know this wisdom, knowledge, hope and power now, when I need it the most. I pray for my family and friends to know these things now as well. Why wait, right? Why believe in in these eternal ideas and not live in such a way that reflects those truths now? I want them in my life and friend’s lives – now – because we so desperately need them now. Father, help us to remember to not just pray these words, but believe and live these words in our lives.

Gehazi goes side-giggin’

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, the man of God, said to himself, “My master should not have let this Aramean get away without accepting any of his gifts. As surely as the Lord lives, I will chase after him and get something from him.” 2 Kings‬ ‭5:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Why not get a little something-something for my trouble? In Gehazi’s mind, his master, Elisha, was a poor money manager, negotiator and certainly lacked the common knowledge – you never say no to money! Gahazi thinks, Elisha should NOT have let this Aramean (uh, foreigner) get away. Oh, but Gahazi, who was learning about these mysterious ways that God interacted with Elisha, must have drawn the line at the whole “work man worthy of his hire,” or “don’t muzzle the oxen when it’s eating,” concepts that are very common in minister circles today.

And it was hard to figure out the pattern by just observing Elisha. Remember there was famine in the land. One time Elisha asks a widow to give him her last bit of food for herself and her son. Then another Elisha feeds hundreds of people with the gift from from Baal-shalishah. Elisha said, “Give it to the people so they can eat.” 2 Kings‬ ‭4:42‬ ‭NLT‬‬. It must have driven Gehazi a little crazy.

No matter the motive, Gehazi’s plans were sketchy from the start. He runs after Naaman’s entourage, and bold-face LIES to Naaman about Elisha changing his mind! “my master has sent me to tell you that two young prophets from the hill country of Ephraim have just arrived. He would like 75 pounds of silver and two sets of clothing to give to them.” What? Two guys arrived SINCE the time I just left? Naaman doesn’t care about the money or the expensive clothes, he just received a new lease on life! Sure “take double that,” he says being extremely generous.

You feel the moral tension when the text says, “Gehazi took the gifts from the servants and sent the men back. Then he went and hid the gifts inside the house.”

The next interaction with Gehazi and Elisha is so predictable. It’s like that conversation every Father has had with their lying, scheming Junior High son! Elisha asks Gehazi, “Where have you been, Gehazi?” Now, I need to insert here that great parents all play the same game of truth or how-dare-you with their kids. Parents ask questions they already have the answer to!!! We’re just trying to let our children have one last chance to come clean and confess to something we already know about. It’s a setup and it works every time.

Gehazi replies with the most ridiculous answer, “I haven’t been anywhere.” Oh really? So this whole time you’ve been GONE, nowhere to be found, you were really here, but just what, invisible? Elisha doesn’t give him a second chance to be truthful. Apparently, Moms are the only ones with “eyes behind their head!” Prophets have that spirit-intuition that something smells nasty!

Gehazi must have turned sheet-white when Elisha dropped this question…“Don’t you realize that I was there in spirit when Naaman stepped down from his chariot to meet you?” I would have been sick to my stomach if I were Gehazi. Then, oddly, Elisha goes on to describe MORE than just Gehazi’s greed, he lays out the young servant’s true plans and intentions for his future. A future filled with lots of wealth and lots of influence! Gehazi didn’t just want money, he wanted MORE of everything. Elisha asked him, “Is this the time to receive money and clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and cattle, and male and female servants?” The answer for prophets in training or young ministers everywhere is NO. This is NOT the time for more. Then maybe to discipline Gehazi, but possibly even to save his life, he blessed him with Naaman’s curse – incurable skin disease.


These are hard lessons for those who are called to be ministers, servants, evangelists or even prophets. The lesson of how to handle money and power. The lesson of how to “know” things in the Spirit and NOT let that go to one’s head. To have multiple opportunities to get ahead or secretly take or make a deal on the side and think like Gehazi’s, “I deserve this.” Or, “know one will ever know.” It gives me chills to think about how often this happens in ministry and ministers today. Help us oh God to trust and completely depend on your supply, your care for us and our families. Help us to do the right thing always!

To thine own purpose be true.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭4:14-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​“This above all: To thine own self be true.”William Shakespeare wrote this in Act 1, Scene III of the famous play, Hamlet. The Apostle Paul writing centuries before, told Timothy something far more eternal, and far more profound. Paul’s version would be, “This above all: To thine own calling and purpose be true.”

Not only does every person carry a purpose from God within, but each person is encouraged to find it, let others help shape it and then fan the flames of that calling into an effective, God-glorifying pursuit. You can only be you! You SHOULD only be you! God’s purposes, His truth is eternal, so Timothy as well as you and I should be completely focused on that.

No matter how we may fantasize or compare to others with more wealth, influence, fame or following – we cannot be someone other than ourselves! Several phrases come to mind to help me deal with my own deficiencies. My favorite, God works in and with my weakness. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I have no idea how or why God continues to see my sin and weaknesses, yet still uses me to participate and accomplish His will.

I love how Paul closes this thought with Tim. “Stay true,” he writes, “for the sake of YOUR salvation and OTHERS.” I am leading my own life in godliness, attitudes, loyalty, discipline and persistence. However, in that pursuit, there are others watching, learning, listening and some are following. That’s a huge weight of responsibility on every believer. That’s a responsibility as a parent, with our own littles, teens and twenties following. That’s a responsibility as a husband or wife with our lifemate following. That’s also a responsibility as a good friend with our community following.

I cannot neglect those gifts of purpose, I must pursue them and focus on being and doing what no one else on this planet can be – ME.


I may not like what I see in my sin or the reflection in the mirror each day. However, when I look back and see who I used to be, the way I used to believe and behave – wow – you have changed me significantly! I press on, with your grace. I press on in my weakness as your power is perfected in my life. I keep moving forward with faith in who you are and who you have made me to be. Amen.

Leading in a vacuum.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? That’s what your ancestors did, and so do you! Name one prophet your ancestors didn’t persecute! They even killed the ones who predicted the coming of the Righteous One—the Messiah whom you betrayed and murdered. You deliberately disobeyed God’s law, even though you received it from the hands of angels.” Acts ‭7:51-53‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​What in the world makes us so weird and trippy about religion? These men, and they were all men btw, who murdered Stephen for his mouthy truth telling were nothing more than elevated scribes from Ezra’s day, some 400 years earlier.

Ezra was a “scribe and a high priest” in the Old Testament, which was a well respected position and important place of honor in Israel.

Ezra did something extraordinary. He started a school, a school for “ready scribes.” These were writers, translators and keepers of the written laws of God.

Interestingly enough, it was the Persian king, “King Artaxerxes, King of Kings,” who appointed Ezra to this task. “This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the Law of the Lord and to teach those decrees and regulations to the people of Israel.”

Artaxerxes speaking, “And you, Ezra, are to use the wisdom your God has given you to appoint magistrates and judges who know your God’s laws to govern all the people in the province west of the Euphrates River. Teach the law to anyone who does not know it. Anyone who refuses to obey the law of your God and the law of the king will be punished immediately, either by death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment.” Ezra‬ ‭7:10, 25-26‬ ‭NLT‬‬.

God was certainly with Ezra, and I am sure he was a great guy for the job. However, it’s worth noting that God never told Ezra to create this special class of scribes who would eventually become the religious leaders of Jesus day (Pharisees and Sadducees). They were like a religious council both controlling the high priest and the people of God. And no doubt these religious council leaders still operated under the authority of the school of scribes started by Ezra.

Just remember it was Artaxerxes who charged Ezra and his appointees to punish, with death, anyone who would refused to obey the law of God. Plus, Artaxerxes was the first guy to finance their newfound positions, “Any silver and gold that is left over may be used in whatever way you and your colleagues feel is the will of your God.” Ezra‬ ‭7:15-20.

Whoa. This was still in place when the religious leaders used temple funds to pay Judas to betray Christ! All that power, all that wealth, used just to force the New Testament people to obey their massive rules attached to the law of God! So when they didn’t like what Stephen was saying, they were in their Artaxerxes given rights to stone him to death. Wild huh? Do you think keeping the priestly, scribe-like position is a good thing for the Church today? I am not a fan.


It is so disturbing to think of what we are capable of being and doing in a vacuum of godly leadership. I’m sure that Ezra’s motives were pure. Maybe his actions were a little off, but wow it started a very long line of spiritual abuses of excess and misappropriation of justice. It’s a good thing we don’t run the Church like that today… or do we? Christ’s example of servant leadership was supposed to be the preferred model, right? It seems hard to lead without power and money. Yet, this is how it should be done, if we are to lead under the authority of Jesus – right?

The heckler.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Then someone called from the crowd, “Teacher, please tell my brother to divide our father’s estate with me.” Jesus replied, “Friend, who made me a judge over you to decide such things as that?” Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” Luke‬ ‭12:13-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Luke writes that some guy… just some dude yells out complaining about his brother. Is this a joke? Seriously. This could not have been a real comment with the guy expecting Jesus to settle an inheritance dispute with the family.

Then, instead of ignoring the comment, Jesus bantered back – haha “who made me judge?” It is kind of ironic response given that Jesus would judge ALL THINGS.

Arm-twisting is not going to be helpful in this case. However, Jesus does take a heckled comment to give the crowd a perspective on wealth as well as being poor. That’s right, he talks about a rich fool and those worried about their next meal.

For the heckler he says, looking beyond the cheap laughs, beware. He gives this younger brother a gift, the wisdom of God.

Guard against greed. Money? Yes. Power? Yes. Success, stature, social standing? Yes. Yes. Yes. Guard against every kind. Ah, but Jesus used the word, pleonexia: covetousness, avarice, aggression, desire for advantage. The word is two words combined: possess and more, the lust for more.

Jesus warned against the exceeding abundance of possessions. Where certainly the holder of such abundance loses control and the abundance now possesses or owns them! When there is an abundance, you no longer rule over it, it rules over you. Jesus, in a way, asks the brother, that’s not really the life you want, is it?

Who wants to be a slave of anything or anyone, let alone to a bunch of amassed wealth, power or influence. How many rich are trapped by their own wealth? How many politicians are trapped by their own power-base? How many celebrities are trapped behind the image or fame portrayed as success? All of them are simply rich, powerful or influential slaves – they are not free. Do you think money is what you need? How about power or popularity? Guard against pleonexia!


Whoa. I do not want to be a slave of abundance! No wonder you want me to be generous. Does generosity play a role in not listing for more? Not being owned or enslaved by the obsession for more? Wow. That’s amazing. Can the joy of giving BE the antidote for the poison of pleonexia? That’s a lot to think about. Sounds like wisdom to me!

Am I a one percenter?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“I said to myself, “Come on, let’s try pleasure. Let’s look for the ‘good things’ in life.” But I found that this, too, was meaningless.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​The heart searches, but does it find fulfillment? First of all Solomon was afforded something most humans never have access to – leisure.

I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard about this 99% of the world don’t have a lot. Does the majority of humanity even have the resources to enjoy leisure?

Solomon had a life that gave him the opportunity to even ask the question, “What do I really want?” Most work, sleep and eat very little and have no time to ask about dreams, wishes or even a moment to search for Solomon’s list.

Look at what he tries out for fulfillment. Pleasure. Laughter, enhanced by wine. Then he pauses and admits, “I tried to experience the only happiness most people find during their brief life in this world.” He knew he was entitled. He knew he had the access, money and opportunity to push every boundary possible to see what’s out there to fill the emptiness and/or cravings in his soul.

He tried more noble pursuits, like building. Oh, he didn’t build these things himself, he only dreamed the design and architecture of what he desired. Slaves built HIS dreams. Read the plurality of he “built,” big homes, vineyards, gardens, and man-made lakes (reservoirs). He bought slaves! He bought people to serve himself and his kingdom. And, he had the unashamed, zero self-awareness to couple those purchases with animals. He bought people like he did animals, and used them for his search for fulfillment! He acquired massive amounts of wealth, wealth upon wealth, money that makes more money, by ever increasing in value. He hired singers and had numerous sexual encounters with women and possibly men as well (concubines). He captured his plenty in this sentence, “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure.” He even tried actual WORK. What did he go out an pull a weed? Did he play slave for the day?

What is the point of all this pursuit? And, why the excess? Solomon decided, since he was the wisest human to ever exist until Jesus came along, that he would find the answers and record them for anyone interested in knowing what’s out there.

You know what he found, exhausting every known pursuit – nothing! Nada! Zilch! He writes, “There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.” I question the wild, abandoned pursuit of any of these things Solomon thought would bring him fulfillment or satisfaction of life itself.

But, I do know this. One, he did it so that I don’t have to wonder, “what if.” Two, Jesus, being the wisest ever, lived a totally and completely opposite kind of life. He didn’t live for pleasure, humor, wine, buildings, vineyards or gardens. He didn’t buy people or animals to amass a popular image. Jesus was financially BROKE, not having any real money or real estate to his name. Every cool little luxury he had was borrowed! Yeah, donkeys, rooms, goblets, gardens and even his own tomb – all donated by others. He died naked and even wore someone else’s burial clothes!

Solomon lived a life of excess and ecstasy so we can see how worthless it really is. Jesus lived a simple life, even a poor life, to show us the perspective of God towards a truly generous and eternal life. Jesus owned NOTHING, but had EVERYTHING. And, in God and accomplishing his mission, found the fulfillment that Solomon searched for.


If I am living the 1% life, and I believe I am. Then I really need to pay attention to a couple things: To whom much is given, much is required and I need to live a far more grateful, thankful existence. I need to constantly tend to my generosity and gratitude!

A demon goes to church one day

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Then Jesus went to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and taught there in the synagogue every Sabbath day. There, too, the people were amazed at his teaching, for he spoke with authority. Once when he was in the synagogue, a man possessed by a demon—an evil spirit—cried out, shouting, “Go away! Why are you interfering with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” But Jesus reprimanded him. “Be quiet! Come out of the man,” he ordered. At that, the demon threw the man to the floor as the crowd watched; then it came out of him without hurting him further.” Luke‬ ‭4:31-35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

One day a demon and the Son of God walk into a church. In older movies, evil is portrayed as mystically being afraid of going into “holy” places or crossing thresholds of good. Along with the symbols and odd objects writers thought would repel or put fear in an agent of evil, the idea is that Satan knows his boundaries and certainly cannot have access to or reside in a space that’s been dedicated to God. Well Luke and the other gospel writers told us thousands of years ago – none of that is true.

Evil spirits, can and will inhabit humans and pretty much go anywhere they want and cause problems and suffering anytime they can.

We should learn truth from the Bible because God is the creator of all things and tells us about things we should be aware of in His word. None of these stories of evil or demonic possession are to be given any more attention than necessary. The point of these stories isn’t to highlight demons or sickness or really even healing. The point of the story is who Jesus is – God in flesh and all authority and power is at his disposal to do the will of his father.

In this story, Luke tells us there was a demon in church that day and had full control of a human being. The demon used the man to shout out its questions and concerns, and the questions are pretty telling. “Why are you interfering?” Like they owned the place – and the man himself. And, “Have you come to destroy us?” They knew their destiny was destruction, but had no sense of when it would happen. Then the confession – “I know who you are.”

That was enough talking so Jesus commanded it to come out of the man. Then after one more dramatically staged protest, throwing the man to the ground, out he comes. Luke adds another interesting note, “without hurting him further.”

Folks wickedly romanticize these interactions with demons or agents of the enemy. They highlight “deals” or “promises” being made to give power, fame or money. The Biblical writers write truth – the enemy’s plan is always the same – killing, stealing and destroying. Anyone who toys with demons ALWAYS gets a prison sentence of death.

The New Testament folks were far smarter and aware of these physical, spiritual interactions of demons and the human soul. We, as westerners, just pretend that evil entities are psychological states of mind and are basically emotional manifestations of our wounds from our origin stories.

We are such fools to ignore the realities of a personal, evil entity at war with God and humans. We just prescribe drugs and group therapy! I’m sure that those who actually have a demon controlling them are frustrated that we keep medicating their bodies without treating their soul. Our modern streets seemed to be filled with these Zombies that wander, hopelessly waiting to be free.


I’ve seen these hopeless victims, not in our churches (although some are probably there), but in the streets of my own city. My heart breaks for them. I pray, sometimes I give them food or money, not to “further” their addictions or illusions, but to let them know that I care and trust that a moment of hope transfers in my words. I want to give them so much more – life, hope, freedom, love. Lord, please continue to lead and direct me to be bold and compassionate just like Jesus.