The real art of the deal.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The rich man had to admire the dishonest rascal for being so shrewd. And it is true that the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light. Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.” Luke‬ ‭16:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Dishonest and shrewd, and Jesus tells a story about it? The culture, the world, is far better at being fast and effective when it comes to the art of the deal.

A rich man finds out his manager has been wasting his money. I guess the rich hate waste. The word for waste is diaskorpizó, to scatter. Or, over-scatter, effectively spreading finances to thin. The rich man felt he was losing control of his cash-flow or cash on hand. Of course he is. We find out the manager had a lot of unpaid invoices out there! Even in this barter-system of running a business, payments were overdue. Not good.

When the man is called on it, and finds out he’s going to be fired, he decides he too old to work hard and to proud to beg. It is then that he comes up with a plan. The plan is a decent plan. Call all the clients and offer them to pay now and get the debt cut nearly in half! It’s like a post-discount on deals already done. The owner gets his quick cash, the debtor is happy and maybe the manager gets a little love for brokering these deals.

Jesus says the rich owner finds this act, shrewd. However, the greek word is phronimós: sensible. To a wealthy business owner, shrewd is a compliment! It’s smart, savvy and makes sense. Why didn’t the manager think of this before he let the accounts get so far in arrears? Maybe that’s part of the point Jesus is making?

Jesus says it is interesting that the “sons of this age” (aión: a space of time, an age) are quicker at thinking on their feet, adaptive in crisis than the sons of the light (clearly referring to Jesus himself as THE light of the world). How can the kids of the Kingdom of God think and behave in a dimmer capacity than those of this world’s culture?

The New Living Translation uses the word, “dishonest,” about the manager’s decisions, but the greek word is not so harsh. The word is adikia: injustice or unjust. It closer to being improper or not appropriate for this man to do this with his “master’s” money. If it were straight up dishonest the business owner would have been mad, but in Jesus’ story the rich man epaineó: to praise or commend the manager. Remember, the manager in this story had not been technically fired yet, so he still had the authority to broker these kinds of deals with the debtors.

Jesus then says another one of his odd, scratch-your-head kind of sayings, ESV says it best, “make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.” “It fails” is a euphemism for DIED. What? Huh? How superbly crafty Jesus’ words become for all generations and cultures. Make and USE the friendships of the rich to benefit both the wealthy, by modeling generosity and grace teaching them, and to re-direct their money to the causes of the poor. The generosity portion of this story would be to the debtors of the rich man, the redirection to the poor would be the manager he fired because he would now be destitute and homeless. The manager must have been a renter 😬. Thus, when you die, both the rich and poor will celebrate your life because you behaved generously to both.

What a story to unravel and decode for everyday living! What do you see as an application for your life? I’d love to know.


My head is still spinning trying to decode this story that Jesus told his disciples. Luke puts it in here as one of the many stories of the rich and the myriad of cultural twists and word-plays that Jesus loved to tell. I can confirm and completely agree with this, your thoughts and ways are way above and beyond my own. These stories are like mysteries, splinters in my mind to unravel, understand and then try my best to live into or up to. Either way – genius. Raving reviews on this one God!

Party with Jesus.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Hearing this, a man sitting at the table with Jesus exclaimed, “What a blessing it will be to attend a banquet in the Kingdom of God!” Jesus replied with this story: “A man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitations. When the banquet was ready, he sent his servant to tell the guests, ‘Come, the banquet is ready.’” Luke‬ ‭14:15-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

One man comments about how fun it will be to break bread in heaven – when the Kingdom of God is fulfilled. Something he said kind of triggered Jesus, because he keeps the “dinner party” discussion going.

This whole passage that Luke writes about is in the context of Jesus having a meal ON the Sabbath WITH religious leaders. So, Jesus didn’t just eat with street sinners, he also ate with religious sinners 😀. “One Sabbath day Jesus went to eat dinner in the home of a leader of the Pharisees, and the people were watching him closely.” Jesus WANTED them to watch him closely – in fact he wants me to watch him closely as well.

The dinner has the usual conversational conflict that both Jesus and any other self respecting rabbi would live for. It was entertaining for the really smart religious lawyers and pundits to start an argument. It was like watching British parliament with lots of fast words and emotional explosions. One guy there had swollen arms and legs and was obviously struggling. Was he a plant? Just for an conversational appetizer for starters? Maybe. Jesus, loving the opportunity to poke the Pharisees where God’s sonshine should shine, heals the guy…again on the Sabbath.

Then Jesus observes and comments on the natural order of human behavior at a honored guest invite in fancy pants houses of the rich and powerful. Everyone is jockeying for the best seat, the closest to the host. The aura of power that supposedly surrounds the master of the house. It’s so ironic that Jesus just gives out some free advise, you know, etiquette tips for the swanky. One, let the host decide who should be given honor, don’t assume it’s you. Two, don’t just invite a bunch of “kiss-ups,” friends, relatives and rich – that’s boring. Come on, that’s just a narcissistic love-fest. Mix it up by inviting the disenfranchised, the outcast, folks that never get invited because they’re marked as marginalized. This is when some guy raises his wineglass and says, in toast-like fashion, “won’t it be so much fun to hangout with friends like us in the future fulfillment of God’s Kingdom?” Oh! Oh OH! Jesus just can’t leave that comment hanging in the air, sucking the life out of everything he believes in!

So, Jesus tells a story. A massive dinner party story. A dinner party so grand and glorious that it’s declared a BANQUET, a feast. All the who’s who will be invited. All the “A” listers, influencers and mover-shakers in town. But oh-no, plot twist!

One by one, these upper-echelon guests start turning the host down, they’ve got scheduling “conflicts” and passé, snooty excuses. A strange list of reasons for turning it down follows. A field, oxen and newlyweds and all send their regrets. At this moment, every socialite in the room is furiously hanging on every word as Jesus weaves in the truth. The room must be mumbling, “how rude,” “so disrespectful,” “How uncouth!” Who would ever do such a thing.

Jesus lands his point. The host, the master was FURIOUS.

Every person at that dinner party agreed with Jesus. “That’s right, the host should be enraged…I know I would be!” they must have thought. Then Jesus tells them the host went out and invited the opposite of what was fashionable, popular or elitefully expected! Oddly, the room probably shifted to cheer this as well. “Yeah, that’s right,” they might have yelled, “that’ll show those deadbeats who embarrassed their host.” And all of a sudden they have found themselves thinking differently about these former “F” listers, who would have never been considered worthy to attend such a feast. There’s a chance, as they were carried along in the story, they thought, “those people deserve to be a part too!” Then Jesus dropped the last line and it had to have hit home in the hearts of the hearers – “For none of those I first invited will get even the smallest taste of my banquet.” Go Jesus… bread and mouths drop. His job is done here.


Not only do I want to be at that Kingdom of God, wedding feast of the lamb, I want to invite and hope to see as many there as possible.

Similar biases about the poor and rich.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Then I said, “But what can we expect from the poor? They are ignorant. They don’t know the ways of the Lord. They don’t understand God’s laws. So I will go and speak to their leaders. Surely they know the ways of the Lord and understand God’s laws.” But the leaders, too, as one man, had thrown off God’s yoke and broken his chains.” Jeremiah‬ ‭5:4-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I read Jeremiah’s words spoken to himself and I agree with him – we both have these strange stereotypes and biases about the poor (followers) and the rich (leaders).

Fair warning, there are some big assumptions coming up next.

I struggle with a belief that the poor, and disenfranchised do NOT have sin. I don’t quite think they are perfect, but I have a weird framework that puts them in a far more angelic posture than the rich. They’re poor! How can they possibly do any wrong or get into trouble – they are broke!

I dismiss so many behaviors for them. They lie, well it’s because they’re poor. They cheat, they steal because they’re poor. They are angry, violent at times, aimless, weak and frail – all because they are poor. How can they possibly be wrong? How can they sin, they’ve been sinned against so many times?

I live in a “below poverty level” neighborhood. And for the majority of my neighbors I just feel sorry for them. They work so hard to make money, mostly with side hustles. They walk or bicycle everywhere. They drive slow and cautious. They do so many things together as families. Many of my neighbors still WALK with grandparents, parents and children to a local church!

But It’s not just poorer families, we’ve got more homeless wandering the streets than anywhere else in our County. They are not just poor, they are mentally unstable, like a scene out of the walking dead. They walk across traffic without looking. They wander about ranting and raving, cussing at the air while standing on the corners. They walk our sidewalks completely naked, except for shoes. They huddle against the walls and front doors of our local businesses and stores, shaking from drug use and frightening anyone who just wants to be a customer.

Other than constant annoyance and pure pity, I still can’t judge, blame or otherwise see them as sinners. I agree with Jeremiah – they seem ignorant of God!

Oh, but the rich, the wealthy, the powerful – oooh baby, they are the sinners. They know better, they have more! They live a better life. Yeah, they should be judged, blamed and held accountable for their behaviors. Like Jeremiah insinuates, they are NOT ignorant! Earlier in this text, God tells Jeremiah something we all know to be true, “Run up and down every street in Jerusalem,” says the Lord. “Look high and low; search throughout the city! If you can find even one just and honest person, I will not destroy the city.”

It is ridiculous for me or Jeremiah to believe that the poor are angelic and the rich (leaders) are just evil monsters. It’s not right for me to excuse, my behavior, the poor’s behavior or the rich’s behavior based on these equitable qualities of money or influence. All of us have sin! All of us do sin well in our own ways! All of us find ways to be creative in our sin to get what we want, when we want it. Sadly, none of us are innocent and should be given a “pass” or excuses to make wrong choices.

I’m neither poor nor rich, but I could easily blame my past or my parents for my bad choices today. And it would just be the same smokescreen justification as the rest of humanity. It’s not my fault! Well, it’s a hard reality – it is my fault, and yours too.


Wherever I go, whatever I do, I cannot get away from who I am. I am still just a regular old sinner saved by grace. And, as I look at the world around me, rich and poor, I have to remember that we are all at fault for own decisions. We are all responsible for those choices. As much as I do not want judge nor pity, I have to give every person their own dignity of being human, created in your image. And still keep in mind that we are all broken and in need of rescue and redemption.

Exhausted but fulfilled.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Then Jesus turned to his disciples and said, “God blesses you who are poor, for the Kingdom of God is yours. God blesses you who are hungry now, for you will be satisfied. God blesses you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh.” Luke‬ ‭6:20-21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is something uniquely holy and all together supernatural about doing God work. Jesus had an entire night of prayer, talking with God about all that was happening and all that would happen.

I’ve had a few talks with my sons and daughters. I’d say, “how’d you’re day go?” They would tell me the good and more frustrating parts of their day. These updates are often filled with highs and lows, sadness and hilarity. Then it would move on to “what’s up next?” Oftentimes it would be a list of upcoming events or plans. But sometimes it would be a conversation about dreams and aspirations – and I would drink it in like a tall glass of watermelon iced tea.

After spending a night on the hill, Jesus called his team together and gave twelve of them a group name – you’ll be called Apostles, he said – Messengers, ones sent on a mission.

THEN Jesus comes down to start his day job – healing the sick and kicking demons out of humans. Luke, the doctor, wants us to know that it was hard work, exhausting work because he says, “Everyone tried to touch him, because healing power went out from him, and he healed everyone.” Hmmm, and he healed everyone? An exaggeration? I doubt it.

Whew, after a night of prayer, a quick but earth-shattering pep-talk with his people and a full day of supernatural power coming out of his soul. Jesus… what? Collapses? No, he gives a summary of the day to his team. He goes over the purpose of mission, the why behind what he’s there for and the template that these newly appointed Apostles would follow later on. He gives to them the quick outline of what the crowd produced in Jesus after a hard day’s work. The beginning of the be-attitudes.

God blesses, blesses, blesses those who are: poor, hungry and crying. These are not just physical deficiencies, they are deep cravings of the soul! Jesus reminds his team, there are those walking among you who are living below the physical and spiritual poverty level. There are those lacking daily physical and spiritual nutrients and are malnourished. And there are those who are physically and spiritually broken, who wake in pain and cry all day long. Jesus is saying this is why he came. Jesus is saying, this will soon be your mission to bless by healing, feeding and consoling. It was a very full day indeed! Prayer is exhilarating, people are exhausting. Welcome to the life of every believers day.


Whoa. That’s quite a day in the life of Jesus! It rattles my reality when I think of the desperation in our culture, the deep longing and searching for relief and something to dull the pain of a purposeless life or far worse. I think of folks in failing relationships, those trapped in addictions to self medicate and perpetually seeking even a moment of peace or a second to quiet their soul. I know people in constant physical pain who wake up wishing their life, their world would change. And to realize that you BLESS those in these dark and lonely places? Well, that’s amazing. And to imagine that you’ve called me to be a messenger, an ambassador of hope? Wow, that’s powerful.