Livin’ La Vida Loca

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. For the angel of the Lord is a guard; he surrounds and defends all who fear him.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin recorded that song in 1999. According to Bible Scholars, Psalm 34 is a psalm of David, regarding the time he pretended to be insane in front of King Achish, who sent him away.

If there is one thing we have to admit about David, shepherd to hero to criminal to King, he led a very interesting life for the 70 years he lived. David lived the crazy life in ancient days! The rollercoaster ride from obscurity to oligarchy, then crashing back down to some serious dysfunctional family problems – what a journey. He had seen all facets of humanity.

David was a scrapper – self-willed, determined, persistent and completely authentic in his missteps and mistakes. In this psalm, David centers himself by looking up, praying to God when he was trapped, cornered, and this time he runs to an enemy king, King Achish, to escape King Saul. But first he goes to Ahimelech the priest and lies to him, saying he’s on a secret mission for Saul.

David and his men are desperately hungry and defenseless. David begs the priest for a weapon, anything will do. Interestingly enough the only weapon was the famous Giant’s sword that David used to decapitate Goliath! Read it for yourself in 1 Samuel 21. David takes off and heads to Gath (the land of the giant warriors) and tries to seek protection with an enemy king, King Achish of Gath, but as David is making his pitch to Achish, he feels that something is off and decides to pretend that he’s mental, crazy, out of his mind! So he starts scratching on doors and drooling down his beard. Achish buys the ruse, saying, “Must you bring me a madman? We already have enough of them around here! Why should I let someone like this be my guest?” What a crack-up! David and his men escape with their lives.

It is in this wild, absurdity of life on the run that David writes about – God freeing him, rescuing him, saving him from all the calamities that life can bring. It is yet another HONEST Psalm David brings. As we read it, it sounds so determined, so encouraging, so hopeful. Remember, it was written after experiencing pure CHAOS.

This always comforts me. Knowing that these words were not written by a monk, in peaceful bliss of seclusion, surrounded by silence and mountaintop beauty. No, it was written in the most insane moments of how crazy life can get! Is your life crazy right now? Do you feel like you need to feign insanity to escape a really bad situation, a relationship, a job, a debt, an illness? David gets it. God gets YOU and me. Cry out in desperation like David did. Pray, and God will listen and come to your rescue! Let Jesus, THE Angel of the Lord, guard you with peace that passes our comprehension. Shalom Shalom.


I’m the middle of crazy and chaos, you are here. When all that surrounds me seems to close in, suffocating my perceptions and ability to feel safe and be at peace, you bring your presence. Let my face be radiant with Joy as David wrote. And, let there be no shadows of shame on my face because of your brilliant grace that shines on me.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Remember your promise to me; it is my only hope. Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭49‬-‭50‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Coming home to a devastated land. Painstakingly rebuilding the second temple in ancient Jerusalem. The Second Temple served as the central place of Jewish worship, ritual sacrifice, and communal gathering for Jews. At the dedication of the temple Ezra reads from the law as the people rebuild their hope in God. This brief verse in Psalm 119, written by Ezra is a reminder that God makes and keeps His word. Today, even while Israel is at war, I must remember that God is still at work. Every time something of this magnitude takes place in Israel, every believer in Jesus knows we are watching signs of the end times happening. Psalm 122:6 instructs us “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure.” And so, we pray!


War is never good. The loss of innocence lives, sacrificed to years of deep anger and hatred towards each other. Lies and revenge race through the streets like a plague. You told us this would happen. You warned us that wars would escalate and consume us in these end times. Now it is here. Now our eyes and ears are seeing the fulfillment of prophetic words. Even still our hope is in you, and your promises are true. God bring peace in Jerusalem!

Sanctity and safety of family meals

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Better a dry crust eaten in peace than a house filled with feasting—and conflict.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Memories of my own family meals growing up were filled with tension of one sort or the other. Truth is, there were probably many, many meals that weren’t chaotic, Dad wasn’t drunk and table was filled with laughter. However, I can’t remember a single one of those meals. I only remember the traumatic ones. Honestly, there are a lot of holes in my memories, black boxes of time, filed with things my body chose to store, but my mind put up barriers. I’m told this is just how childhood works.

As Robin and I began are own parenting journey, we were determined to make meals happy memories. Hopefully when our adult children look back, they’ll see and feel peace and lots of smiles. Sure there were the normal standoffs about eating certain foods like tuna, homemade mac-n-cheese and quiche with carrots and broccoli. But overall, there were many meals shared around the table or out at quick serve restaurants, surrounded by church family – in fun! We were able to eat crust, as in pizza crust, tacos, hot dogs and hamburgers in peace. They were pleasant feasts to us. Tonight, in Tahoe, we’ll celebrate a custom we created years ago – pizza on the dock. We changed it to a outdoor picnic when our littles came along. I am thankful for our family meals, where we all come together. There’s been almost no drama, trauma or conflict in our gatherings. If you get a chance to make peace happen at mealtimes, changing the habits of complaining, whining and being snarky with each other. I believe you can do it! It’s never too late to start. Make a family pact and stick to it. Eat without conflict, talk about the highs and lows of one’s day, feast in peace!


I am so very thankful for the chance to not only live different from my childhood, but also to give our family, our children much more than tension and trauma around the table. Even through my many failures as a Dad, you were still able to give us a peace that allows us to regularly get together even as adults. The laughter and joy is palpable, giving us hope that our grandgirls will experience the same for their future families.

Discovering life-gold in Proverbs.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When I first believed, there were only two lessons I needed to learn and that God was willing to teach me: Obedience and discipline. I learned to hear God’s voice and struggled with being obedient to it. Very soon afterwards, I began to ask God what He had planned for my life. Before Christ I had no future, no hope and absolutely no direction for my life. But after, I began to have hope in a future. But what would that look like? I had no idea.

Enter Proverbs. For two years plus, committing to reading one entire chapter every day. Since their are 31 chapters in Proverbs, it worked out well. When I came to chapter 16, three verses leapt off the page and highlighted in front of my eyes. Proverbs 16:1, 3 and 9. These verses became my game plan to determine what God wanted me to do with my life.

At first, it felt like I was just making stuff up! Maybe I should go to Long Beach State College and get a degree to become an electrician like my adopted father. I loved taking things apart and hadn’t killed myself playing with electrical sockets in our house, maybe that was it? I had gone to two college preview days (Junior and Senior year of High School) maybe I should go to a private Christian School and study to become a pastor? Who knew? I didn’t!

But applying these wisdom principles in my life gave me a confidence and a guide to help me determine my life’s big next step. I had some strange and miraculous things happen when I was 16. When I started my senior year of High School, I was feeling confident that God was leading me into full time ministry – as a pastor. The week before school began they took class pictures for the yearbook. For the seniors, they asked us what we were going to do after graduation. In my simple faith, or nativity, I wrote down – I’m going to be a pastor! Of course, my family was shocked, friends that knew me were shocked. I was even shocked when it came true!

These verses became my first decision grid on making major decisions in life. I love the mystery and wonder of 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” It’s like this. When we are walking we generally know where we are going, the direction of our whole physical body determining the next step as our foot lifts, then lands in front of us. In my mind, I imagined that I make a plan and set out on my day. What I’m going to do, where I am going to go, and who I plan to see or call. But here’s where the mystery comes in, just before my foot hits the ground (according to my plans) God seems to direct it to land where He intends, not necessarily where I intend. I notice every day, that I make plans, but God brings in His will, His way, His plans and supernaturally, superimposes them on my own plans, resulting in accomplishing God’s will in complete cooperation from me. Does that make sense?

I simply go about my day, my month, my year, making plans and yield (at every moment possible) to God’s intentions. Of course, it’s not perfect on my end! God also has the ability (mostly because He already knows my choices) to correct things in real time, re-writing mistakes and flub-ups to get me back on track with Him. And, all of this works together for His glory! This is how and when Romans 8:28 kicks in, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” So – go and make some plans! Dream big and make some Godly plans. Go for it. God will lead and guide by His peace.


I’m on the other side of life’s perspective of just starting out. Now, I’m looking back and can fully declare that you have been soooo faithful. Your will, your ways are perfect. I am thankful for your guidance and patience in my life. I can see how amazing these wisdom principles are because they have 100% worked in my life. What plans should I make now? I’m going to continue to dream big 😀!

The less I know, the better?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Lord, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭131‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The longer I live, the less I know. Of course faulty and forgotten memories play a part, but it’s more than that. The game to be played and won is just not as important now. It’s no longer a push or a rush to be first, to win at all costs and to be the brightest and smartest in the room. Is that just a game for youth? I certainly don’t have much to prove anymore!

Oh, but there is one thing I do know and still hold onto – I don’t need to know everything. And I am absolutely learning that I don’t have control over much at all. Circumstances? Nope. People. Nope. Economy. Ha, no way. Outcomes of elections, senate bills or supreme court decisions. Definitely not. The Church or the local church? Nope, I am not a prophet, nor the son of a prophet!

This psalm was put in the book late in David’s life. It’s titled “pilgrim’s ascent,” but it’s really his reflections, looking back over the span of a complicated, tumultuous, successful life. I just want to hug these two amazing lines out of this psalm. “I don’t concern myself…” oh, what truth. With matters too great, or too awesome for me to grasp. There it is! Years of wisdom finally spoken in moments of blissful truth.

David’s anecdote to the poison of worry and control… “I have calmed and quieted myself.” This from a guy who saw more, lived more, had more money and more power than I will ever see. This from his humble, field beginnings, to one of the most powerful men of ancient times. My simple faith and trust in God and Him alone should suffice, it must, if I am to finish well.

If you are in your angsty thirties, or your self-aware forties, listen to David’s godly advice. Practice this: Do not concern yourself with matters beyond your control or too complicated to even begin to understand! Trust God. Obey God. This will bring a calm quietness to your soul. When peace like a river attendeth your way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever your lot, God hast taught you to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.”


Reading one of David’s later psalms has given me hope. I don’t have to know or control everything. I simply must know you. I think about Paul’s powerful words to “know Christ and the power of His resurrection.” I should be far more content and at ease knowing that you know! You know me. You know everything. And, there is a peace that comes with the confidence that you are working all things out for good, mine and everyone else’s good, for those who know you, and have faith in you. What a mental relief to my soul! Thank you for all that you have done and all you are doing in my life today.

Stellar prayer for you!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When you are looking for ways to pray for one another, put this one on your list. What a powerful, helpful prayer for friends.

Every year I write hundreds of birthday cards and dozens of anniversary congrats to friends of mine. When I have the chance, I call and leave voicemails on their birthdays as well. And, for the past decade, I have included a scriptural prayer reference of what I prayed over them in those cards. Like in 2023, the verse is Psalm 20:4-5, asking for God’s favor to go before them. If you’re birthday is still ahead, sorry for the spoiler.

I just think that I need, we need every mean’s possible to encourage one another and a hand written card is like a heart IV straight to the soul! These verses give hint to why some scholars believe that Paul wrote Hebrews (I don’t) because of the phrase, “may the God of peace.” After reading Ezekiel’s own version of the “great shepherd” in chapter 34, I love finding another reference here in Hebrews.

Jesus is the great Shepherd of the sheep (us). But it’s more than a shepherd’s care and blessing, it’s a reminder of purpose. I know, I am drawn in by Jesus’ provision. But it’s the admonishment of equipping to “do his will,” and producing “every good thing” that is “pleasing to him” that inspires me to stay on task. It’s that kind of prayer I pray for you, the reader; to be at peace, be encouraged, but also stay on task – stay focused on what is right, true and lasting! May this eternal contract, cut with Jesus’ blood be enough to not just hold you, but propel you to purpose – finishing well. You can do it! We can do it together. Share this prayer with a friend and let them know you are cheering them on.


I read this and so many of my friends, who are struggling, need to hear this. May your peace, that peace that goes beyond, that peace that blows our mind, go before them and surround them. In all the mental messes we find ourselves in, your peace is tangible and sustainable even in the worst milieu of emotions we find ourselves drowning in. My prayer, Oh God, is that you would not only remind me of other’s struggles, but give me the extra push to reach out and let them know they are not alone and to not give up. We need you. We need each other to remind us how much we need you. Be our great shepherd today!

Future fairness and justice.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Soon—and it will not be very long— the forests of Lebanon will become a fertile field, and the fertile field will yield bountiful crops.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭29‬:‭17‬-24 ‭NLT‬‬

Things are not just, not fair, and absolutely not equitable here on earth. It’s not possible in a broken system, a humanly flawed system. It’s flawed because there are so many who just want what they want, when they want it. And everyone else is just a nuisance in the way.

Isaiah sees that just on the other side of this whole human experience, which has tremendous highs and devastating lows, awaits justice, wholeness and a global, godly equality that we all yearn for. The earth itself waits and aches for all things to just be made right again. Isn’t that something we ALL share? The angst and anticipation for everything to make sense? Isaiah gives a shortlist of examples of those who want but are not satisfied, but that completion is coming – “SOON,” he writes. In that day…

Goodness and justice will rise:
▪️ the deaf will hear words, read from a book, and the blind will see through the gloom and darkness.
▪️ The humble will be filled with fresh joy from the Lord.
▪️ The poor will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

Evilness and selfishness will subside:
▪️ The scoffer will be gone, the arrogant will disappear, and those who plot evil will be killed.
▪️ Those who convict the innocent by their false testimony will disappear.
▪️ A similar fate awaits those who use trickery to pervert justice and who tell lies to destroy the innocent.

We can all agree on these terms and future hopes! Ah, but for those who have no sense of, nor belief in eternity, they only have annihilation as the end of everything. I get it. They should try to cram it all into what is a very brief existence called life. Go for it. Reform the animalistic, degenerate, darwinian, literal hell out of humans. All you have to do is convince every single person, from every corner of the planet, every culture and conversation to snap to it and transform themselves for the better good!

It’s so easy, and humans without any shred of belief in God have been frustratingly trying to pull it off for eons. The non-believer does have a hope outside of the Creator though. It will be a short-lived hope. There will come an anti-god, a demigod, the Bible calls the anti-Christ who will come with platitudes and promises to bring world peace. He’ll be so convincing that billions with believe. Ah, but in the end, he’s just the master trickster representative, the guy behind the scenes with the the red suit and the pitch fork just enjoying his temporary rise to power.

Isaiah called it thousand of years ago. This will all come to pass and I just plan to be on God’s side of it and not shake my little self-determined fist at Him.


So be it. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Come and make things right and just forever and for all. Amen.

Don’t pour iodine in an open wound of the soul.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Singing cheerful songs to a person with a heavy heart is like taking someone’s coat in cold weather or pouring vinegar in a wound.” Proverbs‬ ‭25‬:‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What is it about making everyone feel good or constantly being positive? The wisdom writers pitch a counterintuitive idea. How about NOT cheering someone up?

When I am down or processing difficult, even unpleasant situations happening in my own life, it’s not that I WANT to be negative or depressed. I’m not a masochist when it comes to suffering. However, I am trying to unravel, decode or possibly solve the reasons behind the heaviness, grief or big emotions. And when I am working hard to sift through the whole situation, whether it’s about me or not, the last thing I want is some fluffy, quick, trite, pick-me-up to instantly try to snap me back to feels-good. And, yes, it makes it worse when someone gives me, in that moment, a Bible verse about how I should feel. A Philippians or a “count it all joy,” comment is not helpful.

I know, I know, I know, people are just being kind and I absolutely have friends who live on the amazing promises of God that got them through the darkest moments of their life. I don’t want to be rude and brush them or their comments off. I just want people to try to understand the difference between being a friend who just sits in a really crummy moment with me and someone just trying quippy up because of the uncomfortableness of grief, pain or sorrow. Those emotions are very real and very necessary at times.

Jobs’ friends in 2:11-13 did something very right, “they sat on the ground with him for seven days and nights. No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words.” Job was devastated by what happened to him and his kids and his friends, at this point, behaved bravely stellar!

Proverbs isn’t against cheering someone up or dispensing hope at appropriate times, it’s just asking folks to read the situation before saying something that would bring more pain. When grief or suffering can be like a warm coat in the cold of night, a friend comes along, singing a Mary Poppins tune and steals the one thing they need to bare the moment – a heavy heart. This is similar to another Proverb (27:14) about loudly greeting a neighbor in the morning. It’s just bad timing! So what is appropriate? Silence. A permission side-hug. A commiserating look of sadness. Even the simple words of consolation, “I am so sorry.” Maybe a quick prayer of God’s peace, his Shalom over them, would be nice. The last thing I want to do to a friend or have done to me is have Mercurochrome poured into an open wound of the soul.


It’s nice to know that grief, suffering or just awful traumatic experiences are just a normal part of life on this planet. I want people to be thoughtful to me and I to them when it comes to being vulnerable enough to share in these weighty moments. I am sure folks are well-meaning in their quick-fixes. I just don’t want to miss or mistake these moments for a light way to politely avoid awkwardness. Love can be awkward right? Thank you for your peace and comfort and our ability to enter into someone else’s pain to sit and join them for awhile.

Mob-brain Mentality

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“About that time, serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way. It began with Demetrius, a silversmith who had a large business manufacturing silver shrines of the Greek goddess Artemis. He kept many craftsmen busy.”
‭‭Acts 19:23-24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Luke’s writing sounds like it came right out the the Ephesus Times newspaper. It seems that Paul’s preaching about Jesus actually DID effect the idol businesses of that day or it just gave Demetrius the excuse of “handcrafted idols” taking a downturn.

Diana, or the goddess Artemis, mentioned here was THE prominent and well known and loved idol of the city. Right in front of the massive library, they had built a gigantic statue of her standing, overlooking the main road filled with multi-level houses and lined with street vendors selling their goods. Ephesus was a bustling port city until later, the inlet body of water itself dried up and city became an abandoned wasteland. Diana couldn’t and didn’t stop that natural disaster from happening.

Demetrius called all the smaller business owners (idol-makers) together and designed a city-wide protest against Paul. Demetrius played to their livelihood and their religious beliefs, “Of course, I’m not just talking about the loss of public respect for our business. I’m also concerned that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will lose its influence and that Artemis—this magnificent goddess worshiped throughout the province of Asia and all around the world—will be robbed of her great prestige!” Ah, yes, Demetrius was so “concerned” about their great mascot. Ah, maybe he was a true cult believer.

It got the whole city angry and it spilled into a riot, as Demetrius knew it would. After the crowd found and dragged two of Paul’s friends into the amphitheater, listen to what Luke commentates about this riot, “Inside, the people were all shouting, some one thing and some another. Everything was in confusion. In fact, most of them didn’t even know why they were there.” Most of them didn’t even know why they were there! Classic mob-brain mentality. Angry, frustrated and ready to do some serious protest-able damage – yet having no idea what it’s about. This #sohuman!

The crowd yelled, chanted and shouted the fury-filled phrase for hours, “great is Artemis!” Until the mayor of the town (Alexander) could finally calm them down, reason with them and then threaten that the Roman government hated riots because of damage it did to the empire. Rome wanted citizens to feel safe, be at peace and spend money (more money equals more taxes). We are well aware of what protests and public riots do – nothing but bad outcomes. It makes people feel unsafe, aggravated and they spend less money! Plus, the business owners have to pickup the cost of repairs after the looting, fires and destruction. Mobs don’t care about a cause, they only care about destruction and violence. Mobs love riots, protests and marches because they take advantage of the cover it provides to steal, kill and destroy!

Alexander, after a few tense hours, was able to appeal to their good senses, “Since this is an undeniable fact, you should stay calm and not do anything rash. You have brought these men here, but they have stolen nothing from the temple and have not spoken against our goddess.” He told them to settle the matter in the courts where real arguments and facts could be presented, where both sides could present their case. Novel idea right? Riots, mobs and protests don’t want court cases, those are driven mostly by reason. Mobs want emotionally driven outcomes that do not lead to change, they just do damage.


Wow, weren’t not just selfish and full of sin, we’re some fickle and a fragile non-thinking bunch. When we get worked up about something, it’s hard to see truth, hard to see right and wrong. And, certainly hard to make the necessary changes to create a good outcome for all. We are so influenced by each other’s emotions and behaviors. This is still true today. Isn’t it possible that the opposite is true? Wouldn’t our good behavior, our peaceful emotions be as viral as the bad? Like the mayor in this story, it seems that someone needs to address the situation and speak peace before things go to far.

Backing away from the mental edge of a cliff.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Rescue me from my enemies, O God. Protect me from those who have come to destroy me. Rescue me from these criminals; save me from these murderers.” Psalms‬ ‭59:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How to pray when you’re attacked! David knew how to bring his honest, earnest thoughts, fears and prayers to God. Again, how many of us talk with God with such specificity? David lists their methods of stalking and trash talking. “They come out at night, snarling like vicious dogs as they prowl the streets. Listen to the filth that comes from their mouths; their words cut like swords. “After all, who can hear us?” they sneer.” Isn’t it interesting that David KNOWS that God hears his prayer, but also hears the profane disregard for decency of the thugs that work for King Saul.

David also asks God to NOT kill them, but to throw them off balance, “Don’t kill them, for my people soon forget such lessons; stagger them with your power, and bring them to their knees, O Lord our shield.”

But while all of this is going on, even amidst the prayer for protection, David decides to behave in a very specific way. He decides, “But as for me, I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress. O my Strength, to you I sing praises, for you, O God, are my refuge, the God who shows me unfailing love.” He sings about God’s power, not the thugs. He starts his day by singing with joy about God’s unfailing (secure) love! David owns his attitude and sets his behavior everyday that he is going through this incredible pressure of being hunted down by the King. This is a lesson for me, for us when we feel that we are under the threat and pressure of attacks – real or perceived!


You know that when I am feeling out of control or certainly under any kind of attack, that my mind obsesses, for days, over the possible negative endings. And if it feels like an unjustified correction or complaint against me – it just sends me spiraling.

I’ve have tried and tried to shorten the amount of time it takes me to gain my mental footing and talk myself back into anything healthy. David met his enemies both external (the thugs) and internal (his own fears) with a very practical action – he prayed, he sang. He reminded himself of who YOU are and then sang about how trustworthy you are until joy and a sense of peace brought him back from the brink of that mental cliff.