Is it really you?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“John’s two disciples found Jesus and said to him, “John the Baptist sent us to ask, ‘Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?’” At that very time, Jesus cured many people of their diseases, illnesses, and evil spirits, and he restored sight to many who were blind. Then he told John’s disciples, “Go back to John and tell him what you have seen and heard—the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭20‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After 400 years of silence, 700 years since Isaiah made his bold proclamations about the ONE, THE Messiah, expectation had almost disappeared. Think of that! In our modern times, what stories, predictions or promises have made it further than fifty years or even a hundred years? None. Our social, generational structures aren’t strong enough to even pass down events or stories from our great grandparents!

The Jewish people had an amazing ability to teach and pass down their stories – much of it because of the way they stored their ancient scrolls, the writings of God’s laws. It is a spectacular miracle that 100% of the copies of the original Old Testament parchments has remained intact for thousands of years! The first book of the Bible was written some three thousand five hundred years ago, while the last one was completed nearly two thousand years ago. The text of the Bible not only has survived throughout the centuries, it has survived virtually unchanged.

John the Baptist as well as every religious leader during the time Jesus walked this earth had patiently waited for the messiah. Jesus coming as a baby, born in Bethlehem and preaching in the area of Galilee, had fulfilled anywhere from 300 to 570 Old Testament prophecies. Although there were a few who proclaimed to be THE Messiah before or during the time of Christ, there have been hundreds of false messiahs since! Jesus did not just align and fulfill every single prophetic promise, he also performed about forty miracles, ranging from turning water into wine to raising Lazarus (and others) from the dead. For John and his disciples to ask Jesus if he indeed was the one and only Messiah was more of a desire of an announcement than proof. They wanted Jesus to clearly articulate the proclamation the he is the messiah and would ascend to the throne of David, defeating Rome and restoring Israel to its previous glory.

Listen to Jesus’ response – he gives God’s plan of healing and saving people not kingdoms! The good news, the gospel, was given to all who are suffering, poor and needy. The more I learn about the facts, the truth of what the Bible declared and fulfilled, plus the life of Jesus himself, I realize this – for people who want proof of the existence of God, the reality of Jesus living among us to bring salvation to all human kind, there is more than enough. Most do not need proof, they need faith. The answers are all written and have been proven to be trustworthy and consistent throughout all human history. Yet, folks, bent on denying God, desiring their own way, their own will, pick at popular lies and stories “disproving” God’s Word. It is by faith that one comes to Christ. The same reports that John’s guys brought back to him still are true today – the miracles of Jesus still exist today. Jesus still heals, saves and preaches good news to the poor and those who know they are in need of a savior!



My generation, my cultural existence, has no sense of connected history beyond my grandparents! Our stories, our history, is nowhere as beautiful and significant of those who are Jewish. Even our own “God stories” and testimonies of your greatness rarely make it past our children. So the idea of waiting for hundreds of years for the fulfillment of a promise has no real understanding today. We can mentally imagine waiting for the promised Messiah, but have no way to emotionally bear that weight of time and patience of faith. I can see how your faithfulness extends far beyond what I can comprehend! Thank you for keeping Your promises. Amen.

The Curse of Passivity.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Every nook and cranny of Edom will be searched and looted. Every treasure will be found and taken. “All your allies will turn against you. They will help to chase you from your land. They will promise you peace while plotting to deceive and destroy you. Your trusted friends will set traps for you, and you won’t even know about it. At that time not a single wise person will be left in the whole land of Edom,” says the Lord. “For on the mountains of Edom I will destroy everyone who has understanding. ‭‭Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Who is Edom and why was God so angry with them? This is what the one chapter spokesperson of God explains to us. [link]. Edom is Esau’s clan! Jacob’s brother and son to Isaac. Although Esau made peace with Jacob, he never did make peace with God. But as a warrior from birth, he was able to capture and keep the hilltop city of Mount Seir. The city that was impossible to conquer. Obadiah himself was an Edomite.

Why was God so angry with the Edomites? Their passivity towards their own people, Israel was unacceptable. A people who wanted peace at all cost, lives with no risk and safety with no conscience. Obadiah spells it out in his prophetic word of destruction towards his own brothers. “Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel, you will be filled with shame and destroyed forever. When they were invaded, you stood aloof, refusing to help them. Foreign invaders carried off their wealth and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem, but you acted like one of Israel’s enemies.” Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬-‭11‬.

Under the guise of passivity lies the sins of pride. The ethos of Esau, withdrawing from his family because of perceived betrayal and favoritism. The egregious act of Esau marrying one the arch enemies of Israel, the Canaanites – Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael Abraham’s son. Then holding up in a fortified city on the hill, all created a cultural elitism and gloating when Israel was mercilessly attacked time and time again. God declared that enough was enough.

Even though the Edomites believed no one could possibly touch them, in their haven in the heavenly, God declared, “Though you soar like the eagle and make your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down.” And God did. Edomites were driven from their land by the Nabateans, they migrated to the southern part of Israel and became known as Idumeans. [link] Much later in biblical history, Herod the Great, an Idumean, appears on the scene. It was Herod who tried to kill the infant Jesus in Bethlehem—through Herod, the rebellion of Edom continued. In AD 70, the Idumeans joined the Israelites in their revolt against Rome, and they were wiped out when Jerusalem was destroyed. At that point, the descendants of Esau disappeared from human history, just as God had said.

Passivity mixed with pride, safety and peace at the cost of loss of human lives is a horrible combination for any country, any people group. Edomites did so in arrogant rebellion against God. Can you think of countries with similar beliefs? Ever heard of the Bystander Effect? [link]. Edomites were an entire ancient people group that chose to not get involved.


Is this us today? Is this the Church trying to be so neutral that it ends up being disengaged with highly controversial, highly contagious social viruses? I don’t want to be like Esau or the Edomites. I also see direct connections to our position on the country of Israel. They are really being targeted and once again there are stirring echoes of hate surrounding the Jewish people! It seems so surreal that this mysterious animosity keeps looping through time lashing out at the Jewish people. Obadiah’s words are eerily relevant today, “The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge all godless nations! As you have done to Israel, so it will be done to you. All your evil deeds will fall back on your own heads.” So I pray for the peace of Israel! Amen.

Tricky end-times questions.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Then they asked him, “Why do the teachers of religious law insist that Elijah must return before the Messiah comes?” Jesus responded, “Elijah is indeed coming first to get everything ready. Yet why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man must suffer greatly and be treated with utter contempt? But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they chose to abuse him, just as the Scriptures predicted. Mark‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The disciples had experienced a massive amount of change in their pre-conditioned beliefs propagated among the religious leaders of the day. It is interesting that when we don’t know something about God, we look to religious leaders for answers, but it turns out they often get it wrong! Knowing the scriptures in the past and interpreting for the present is already hard. Then add the ability to guess at its future fulfillment? That’s nearly impossible!

I find it interesting that the disciples, common working class guys, are now interested in eschatology – the end of things. They are so curious that they are listening to the lectures and debates of the Pharisees and Sadducees – which made up the Sanhedrin, the religious council of 70 men in New Testament days.

After the experience of Peter, James and John, it prompts the guys to ask Jesus some pretty heady spiritual questions. They ask, why do the “teachers” insist that Elijah must come before the Messiah! This is a great question because Peter had already declared his belief that Jesus is the Messiah! So, if the religious leaders are correct, when did Elijah come (other than three of them seeing him earlier on the mountain with Jesus and Moses)?

This discussion could have become very complicated with Jesus trying to explain the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophetic word in Malachi 4:5-6. “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.” It made it even more difficult because John the Baptist came behaving a lot like the Old Testament prophet, to the point where people asked him, “Are you Elijah?” To which John said, “No, I am not,” John 1:21.

Jesus, more than once, referred to John the Baptist, as the one who fulfilled the Spirit of Elijah, paving and preparing the way for the Messiah, Matthew 11:9-14. It is believed that Jesus confirmed the Spirit, the same kind of passion as Elijah, showed up in John’s behavior and ministry. Yet, the physical return of the ancient prophet, Elijah was still yet to come. This technical and timely discussion was important to prove that God keeps His promises, and that Jesus, and only Jesus, would fulfill 100% of the prophecies, the future-telling of the Messiah.

Jesus being THE Messiah is an undeniable truth. I understand that as we experience our own cycles of tremendous change and signs of the end times, we can get very anxious and naturally curious. However, we must be careful in listening to “religious experts,” who have only proven to be consistently wrong throughout history. Some even declare they are prophets of God and have heard “words” from the Lord.

It is critical that we continue to focus on the Word of God, and our mission of both being a disciple and making disciples. There have been many signs in our past and there have been plenty of misguided promises and projections. The truth is, even when we see the signs, we still do not know exactly when the Day of the Lord, nor the parousia, the “catching away”will happen. But, guaranteed- it will. Because everything God promised and Jesus confirmed will happen. We can trust in Jesus and take comfort in our future.


I’m tracking with the disciples. I am just a common, come from chaos, kind of man. I love to think I understand complex theological issues and have thoughts on theories, but when it comes down to it – I’m simple! I depend on folks much smarter to help navigate all the scriptures in the past to bring understanding in my own life. And, just as important, what I then do with that knowledge! What I do know is that I trust you and I trust that what you will do in our future. Amen.

With healing in his wings.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding. She had suffered a great deal from many doctors, and over the years she had spent everything she had to pay them, but she had gotten no better. In fact, she had gotten worse. She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe. For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭5‬:‭25‬-‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This story that Mark captures is one of my favorite miracles in the gospels! It certainly highlights Mark’s purpose for writing his accounts taken from Peter’s direct experiences with Jesus. Jesus has power to heal sickness and in Jairus’ daughter, power over death itself. However, there was an interruption in the story. As crowds pressed Jesus after landing on the shore, Jarius makes his desperate plea and Jesus begins making his way to the home of a very sick little girl. But there is also a desperate woman in that crowd.

Mark summarizes her situation. She had been suffering from a trifecta of hope-sucking events. She had some kind of genetic disorder that would not allow her blood to properly clot after she had her cycle. So she was constantly losing blood for twelve years. “Doctors,” tried everything they knew to try. I’m guessing their answers were a mix of wife’s tale wisdom and tips they’d shared in the ancient medical community. I’m not saying they weren’t smart, or knowledgeable, but they could not have had advanced training on the human anatomy and certainly not what they needed to know about diseases concerning the blood. She suffered because of constantly having hope deferred. And now she was broke. To top it off, she was extremely lonely. Her blood disease made her “untouchable,” no friends, no family, no community. Folks at that time were not allowed to be around an actively bleeding individual because of the possibility of spreading the cause and making one “unclean.” The priests were very involved in not allowing someone like this woman to have any contact with another human being until they could verify that she was completely healed. She had no human contact, sans doctor’s examinations for twelve years. She wasn’t just dying from anemia, she was dying of “Touch starvation” as well – it’s a real medical condition!

Here in Mark, the brave woman put herself and others at risk when she ventured into the crowd. Normally, she would be forced to announced that she was “unclean,” giving people a chance to stay clear of her. On this day, she remained silent but laser focused. Her “eye was on the prize,” as they say. What was she trying to do? She believed that Jesus was the Messiah before she ever determined to risk it all and break the law!

But there was a particular piece of Jesus she was after and it wasn’t his robe as the Bible translations try to explain. Sure the Greek word, “himation” is a garment, cloak or tunic, but that’s not what she wanted to touch. She wanted to touch Jesus prayer shawl (Tallit), one of the tassels of his prayer shawl to be more specific.

Every orthodox Jewish male had a weaved prayer shawl and at each of the four corners they had a tassel made of beautiful blue threads with knots. The prayer shawl would hang over their shoulders on the outside of their outer robes. This special prayer tassel was given to them by their mothers, as prescribed by Numbers 15:9. “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: Throughout the generations to come you must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a blue cord.” The knots on the tassels were a way to remember each of the laws of God as you prayed. It was a wearable reminder to pray.

One of the more interesting things with these prayer shawls is a unique folklore about the Messiah. There was a unique prophecy out of Malachi 4:2, “But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” The people knew that the title “Sun of Righteousness” was THE MESSIAH. However, they didn’t exactly know what Malachi meant by healing in his “wings.” It came to be understood that the Messiah’s Tallit tassels would have supernatural abilities to heal those who touched it. The Jewish mothers, thinking their sons might just be the Messiah, began making the Tallit tassels more vibrant blue and actually began extending the length of these tassels over time.

Of course Mary would have given Jesus his Tallit. And, like every Jewish momma before her, she would use vibrant blue threads and extra long tassels. It is absolutely a fact that Rabbi Jesus often wore his Tallit. On this day, in the crowd, this woman would make her way to Jesus, specifically believing that he is THE Messiah and that his and only his Tallit tassels had the power to heal her of her disease.

The prayer shawl, nor its tassels actually held any power, but Jesus did and the woman’s faith – even in a misinterpreted folklore of Malachi’s prophecy held the belief that she would be healed! It was actually faith in who Jesus is that brought healing to her thin, anemic body. But Jesus also brought a complete healing of soul and spirit when he turned and spoke to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.” It just gives me chills to hear the love and mercy in those tender words. Jesus indeed has healing in his wings!


I am so moved by this story about Veronica. I see your compassion and mercy in Jesus’ words and behavior towards her. These stories give me hope for those who are suffering. I know that you are the God that heals! Amen.

Israel is still relevant to God’s story.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

For in that day,” says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, “I will break the yoke from their necks and snap their chains. Foreigners will no longer be their masters. For my people will serve the Lord their God and their king descended from David— the king I will raise up for them. “So do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant; do not be dismayed, Israel,” says the Lord. “For I will bring you home again from distant lands, and your children will return from their exile. Israel will return to a life of peace and quiet, and no one will terrorize them. For I am with you and will save you,” says the Lord. “I will completely destroy the nations where I have scattered you, but I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you, but with justice; I cannot let you go unpunished. ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭30‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I say it ALL THE TIME – God’s stories are very long!

Whether I read an ancient text like this one in Jeremiah, written almost 3000 years ago, or I read the promises made to Abraham close to 5000 years ago – it does not matter. God stories are long stories. Yet time has no bearing on His promises, they are always fulfilled.

When God, apocalyptically tells Jeremiah the future, it can have immediate results as well as future applications at the same time. God did bring them back then and God will bring them back again! Jeremiah was writing to a rebellious, yet broken nation. Today, Jeremiah still speaks to a stubborn, yet broken nation.

What is it about Israel that makes it so controversial, so complicated? Is it truly because God declare the country to be His? And Jerusalem to be the object lesson of God’s faithfulness? Israel is such a small country, with 8,630 sq. miles and a population of about 9 million people. On the topic of ownership, the Israeli state was declared in 1948. Not only did God gift Abraham the land, but also bought the portions of the land legally and legitimately. There are several ancient transactions recorded in Genesis 13:15-17, and David’s purchase of the temple mount in 2 Samuel 24:18-25. Plus, the entire area known now as Israel was barren and almost worthless when Israel took it over in 1948, It is no secret that the Jewish people turned the dessert into a paradise! The Jewish people even resurrected a dead language that hadn’t been spoken for 2,000 years – Hebrew!

Israel’s GDP was $522.03B in 2022. They are the top in the field of agriculture, health, science, medical advancement, military weaponry and technology. Many of the best and brightest minds in the world are Israelites! The very long story has still yet to be fulfilled.

The Jewish people will one day recognize Jesus as their messiah! And God promises, through passages just like this one, that He will bring all His people back their land. They have been scattered all over the world, but they will return. They have been reviled, tortured and killed, but God still has His eye on His people and the promises made to ancient desert fathers, like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be fulfilled in modern times. Israel is still in the news because Israel is still waiting for the completion of all things, the end of days!


It is so heartbreaking to see the violence of war perpetrated on the folks in Israel and the Palestinian people. It is gut wrenching to watch the innocent be caught up in the mayhem and destruction of life, homes, businesses, schools and hospitals. We are a violent people at heart, especially when we wander from you and seek our own way. The struggle and deep seated hatred and anger is too complex for me to even understand. But, I know in all of this terror, you are at work to fulfill your promises, even extending life and freedom to those who behave as enemies towards you, if they would turn their heart towards you.

The gift of God’s liberator.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you, and I will give you to my people, Israel, as a symbol of my covenant with them. And you will be a light to guide the nations. You will open the eyes of the blind. You will free the captives from prison, releasing those who sit in dark dungeons. ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Story of God has always been about making promises and His ability to keep them. From the very beginning, God promised that He would personally repair and restore the breach that humans made and He has consistently done that ever since creation began.

Isaiah is filled with future-casting the Messiah, the savior, the liberator for humankind. These particular prophetic-promises come into view at two very popular holiday seasons: Christmas and Easter, winter and spring. This spring, 2024, our world is experiencing enormous chaos. We have a two global conflicts or wars simultaneously happening. One in the Ukraine, the other in Israel. Russia, wanting to reclaim Ukraine, invaded the country in February, 2022 and it continues on today. Hamas, a terrorist organization, invaded Israel in October 2023 and it also continues on today. Plus, the always struggling nation of Haiti has recently been taken over by Haitian Gangs, who closed the entire country! On top of all that, the U.S. is heading towards yet another highly divided presidential election in just a few months and we are still trying to climb out of the effects of the 2020 pandemic. Nothing is the same and no one has any idea what the future holds for our world in crisis.

Celebrating Resurrection Sunday this year in the United States, means doing so with a massive exodus of those who have left the Church because of “church hurts,” or “deconstruction” of their faith. God knew there would be cycles of darkness and deep disturbances in human affairs. When the promise of the Messiah arrived at the turn of the calendar from B.C. (Before Christ) to A.D. (Anno Domini), it was very tumultuous. And, by the time Jesus became of age to officially become a Rabbi in the Jewish faith, Rome had bullied their way into what the citizens considered to be peace (Pax Romana).

The cost for peace was enormous and the social, religious experiment of a pan-theistic belief system was constantly on the brink of revolt. The Jews were itching for a champion, a warrior like King David to reclaim their country and God-given right to their own land and way of life. Even the early church, completely believed in Jesus’ resurrection, but persecution and mayhem was so horrific they also believed He was returning soon!

Our world has gone through many cycles of desperate despair to the exhilaration of hope that the end has come! We are in another cycle right now! Yet, with each plunge into apparent chaos, there is simultaneously a search for God, for meaning, even for eternity. That time is now! The story of God’s liberation and promise-keeping ability gives us hope. We may all be in a perpetual, even cyclical Good Friday, but God always has a glorious resurrection Sunday coming. Behold God comes… always… to make all things new!


Our lives may be filled with trauma-troughs, ruts and pits of pain, sin and suffering, but even then You are with us. And, in each and every dark moment, or sunless season, you bring peace and comfort to our hearts. Thou art with me! Even in those down-cycles of fear and the unknown, you can lift me out of the depressions of what is seen all around me to the vistas of your view, your perspective and your plans. Thank you God, for you are my refuge and my hope.

Concerning God’s first house.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“It was in midspring, in the month of Ziv, during the fourth year of Solomon’s reign, that he began to construct the Temple of the Lord. This was 480 years after the people of Israel were rescued from their slavery in the land of Egypt.” 1 Kings‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Bible gives specific dates about when construction began on the Temple – 480 years after leaving Egypt. There are some fascinating details in this chapter about the building of the temple. First of all, remember, God told David, He didn’t really need a permanent place to visit (1 Chronicles 17:5) Andy Stanley says, “God is a mobile God!” I love that. God also told David, that Solomon would build the temple, but He would only continue to visit as long as the people obeyed His commands (2 Chronicles 7:19-20).

The temple was massively ginormous. It was constructed in near silence vs. 7. And, it was elaborately gorgeous! The chapter ends telling us the construction took seven years! Wow – what an extraordinary achievement in ancient times. But for all the beauty in architecture and decor, in all the detail of perfection in the design and flow of what would take place in God’s first house – it was completely eclipsed by one thing and only one thing. God’s presence! Solomon dedicated the temple in 1 Kings chapter 8 by bringing the Ark of the Covenant in and invoking an amazing prayer of dedication over the building.

God answers by reminding Solomon and the people of His promise. If they are obedient, one of David’s sons will always rule on the throne. If they disobey the commands of God, He will uproot Israel and reject the temple (1 Kings 9:6-7). Solomon and the people of Israel DID NOT keep their promises, disregarding and disobeying God’s laws. But God kept His promise, eventually placing an everlasting King on the throne – Jesus Christ, the Messiah! God also moved His presence, with all of His laws, ways, decrees and desires into a permanent place – into the hearts of those who believe and follow Jesus as Lord.


We are now your dwelling place! You have come and written your laws on our hearts, instead of inscribing them on stone. We are now the temple, yet you are still mobile because we are living and moving around, carrying the your Spirit within us. Thank you for abiding in hearts of flesh. Thank you for dwelling among us from within. Because of Jesus, you have not only kept your promise, you have made it possible for us to keep our promises through Christ’s own righteousness. Amen.

The Powerful Messiah.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit in the place of honor at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭110‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This Psalm, written by David, sometime after his fall from grace, speaks of the future where Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and is given the power to rule, reign and crush the enemies of God.

Jesus himself picks up this Psalm in a discussion with the religious leaders in Matthew 22:41-46. Jesus stumps the Pharisees by asking them who they thought the Messiah might be, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They replied, “He is the son of David.” They agreed that the Messiah would come through the bloodline of David, but Jesus pressed them further when he quoted this Psalm. ”Jesus responded, “Then why does David, speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit, call the Messiah ‘my Lord’?” How can a father refer to his son as “Lord?” ”Since David called the Messiah ‘my Lord,’ how can the Messiah be his son?” So what’s the mystery, what’s the point?

One, David is prophesying about the Messiah, who will come and judge all things on the earth.

Two, it is clear that no one could figure out exactly what or who this Messiah would be. The war-language of enemies and footstool only lends itself to the idea that the Messiah would be a mighty warrior, a conquerer. The only problem with that is, as humans, we only interpret that as a world leader, bringing peace and prosperity to the people in the Messiah’s kingdom. But, do you remember Jesus saying, “My kingdom is not of this world,” in John 18:36? I wouldn’t be so hard on the Pharisees for being confused. The war-language, the battle over good and evil is far more than just bringing justice to bad actors of this world. It’s not like the warmongering doesn’t deserve judgement, because it does. And, it’s not like we don’t deserve death for our individual and collective selfish choices, because we do. What is far more powerful is that the Messiah, Jesus has conquered and made sin and evil itself his footstool – which is totally a reference to the earth itself as well (Isaiah 66:1). The Messiah has the power to create the new heaven and new earth, setting justice and God’s ways back to order.

Three, the Messiah has come to free the earth and its inhabitants from the ruler who had taken over the planet – Satan! We read the word, “enemy” as if it’s the people Jesus died for! We see the word “judgement” as though God wanted to rid the earth of people. Jesus has come to free people from sin, rescuing and redeeming our lives destined to destruction by our own choices of joining with Satan.

When Jesus returns, to fulfill the finality of all things, He brings justice and judgment to end evil and end the reign of terror on the planet from its ruler – Satan. When David wrote this Psalm, he had real enemies and Israel had real enemies as well. Those enemies were countries, tribes and people under the curse of sin as well as the spell of Satan. These groups were led and driven by ambition, gain and lust for more. Most of these countries and tribes had committed themselves to very real demonic influences, all of which God classified as idols. Behind the wooden and stone poles and statues of Ashtoreth, Baal, Chemosh, Dagon and multiple Egyptian gods there were very real demons desiring to lash out at God and destroy humanity. Even then, the enemies behind the maniacal, narcissistic men were all variations of Satan and the angels who rebelled against God. The Messiah would conquer the issue of human sin and death first. Then He will bring all evil to justice, starting with the prince of the power of the air, as Paul makes reference in Ephesians 2:2. I look forward to that day!


I know that evil permeates every part of the world. Evil is not an isolated, “American” problem, it’s global – every country, tribe or town has bad actors, making evil decisions. However, behind our human choices and behaviors, I also know there is a very real enemy that works to seduce and enslave us! It is that entity, that liar which is laying the foundation of enmity between us and you. Thank you for the Messiah that did not just come to save us, but will return to finally put evil, injustice, hate and destruction under His feet. Thank you that a new heaven and a new earth is coming. Your Kingdom come and thankfully your will be done! Amen.

The Prophetic Puzzle.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,” the angel said. “Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” That night Joseph left for Egypt with the child and Mary, his mother, and they stayed there until Herod’s death. This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you look at all the pieces of prophecy spoken about the Messiah, hundreds of years earlier, you begin to understand the amazingly complicated movement it took to get all the key figures in place to fulfill every single promise made by God.

Jesus was from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, but came out of Egypt? How was this all supposed to work? At one point, Jesus was just a baby in womb, a newborn in Bethlehem and a toddler in Egypt, how did the God-child get around? Jesus even made a quick trip to Jerusalem at 8 days old, to fulfill that prophecy as well and meet two very special people that God promised would see the messiah, Simeon and Anna.

It is a wonder to behold that God carefully orchestrated Joseph, Mary and Jesus to be exactly where they should be, exactly when they were supposed to be there! These are just a small grouping of miracles that took place. I have already commented about Jesus coming from a sordid family in the past. And, I’ve already commented about how difficult it was on Mary and his foster dad, Joseph, who were already poor and from a small village known as Pitville (Nazareth was strangely known for lots of holes in the ground). Jesus was born into a brand new loving environment, but it was not comfortable and certainly not what would be expected for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! But remember the extraordinary places Jesus had to be at, timed perfectly!

“Flee to Egypt,” the angel told Joseph! And they did. After Herod died, the family would return to Nazareth, where Jesus’ journey would lead him to fulfill every single prophecy, many say at least 300 of them! What are the odds of that? I read that just fulfilling 8 of them is 1 in 10 to the 17th power or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000! I don’t get super excited about the incredible odds, I get excited about God telling us what He will do to save us and Him following through with every single one of those promises! He is faithful and true! I can absolutely trust Him because He has proven His trustworthiness.


Honestly, I trusted you well before I knew any of these stories. I believed before I knew you had a perfect track record since the beginning of time. I committed my life, ALL OF IT, to you because you offered me something no one else could give. A life! A life different from the one I saw played out in my broken family connections. One different than the chaos, fear and sadness that surrounded me as a child. You offered me hope – and I believed You. My life is a miracle of your grace. The odds of me being anything other than what my family origin story would have predicted are outrageous. But You changed all that. All these promises you’ve kept are amazing, but I only needed one promise kept – that you would be my Father and I would be adopted into Your family. The promise You kept. Thank You.

Extraordinary promise fulfilled

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house will be the highest of all— the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship. People from many nations will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob’s God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths.” For the Lord’s teaching will go out from Zion; his word will go out from Jerusalem.” ‭‭Micah‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“End times” certainly gets my attention! I’m a product of the sixties and came to Christ, late in the seventies. I completely remember our church teaching that Jesus return was IMMINENT! So soon, that my wife, Robin, felt that Jesus would come back before we were married. The very cultural push in the church was definitely the results of what was happening on the global stage. Fuel shortages, price hikes, and wars along with an explosion of films that predicted certain apocalyptic themes – it was obvious to the church, Christ second coming is near!

Here in Micah however, a spokesperson for God, wasn’t writing about the end of the world. Micah was writing about the coming of the Messiah and what the “end” of the old ways, old covenant would look like. The Old Covenant that covered the Jewish people would be fulfilled by the Messiah and usher in a new covenant, which would now fully embrace the Gentiles as well! Yes, these Old Testament prophecies can have dual fulfillments. One that takes place in their near future AND one that takes place at the end of time. Micah writes about the historical moment when ALL will come to Jerusalem and gather to hear the teachings of God’s ways.

This actually took place, when Jews gathered in Jerusalem at the time of Christ’s final week before His death. And the Sabbath Day during that time, the one in which Jesus meets his disciples for the “last supper,” was also the last Sabbath, the last “high” Sabbath. Truly all people from many nations arrived in Jerusalem for this special “Feast of Unleavened Bread” which was combined with the festivities of a regular Sabbath made it a multi-day, “High” Sabbath. Micah’s prophecy continues to talk about God’s intervention during this time, “The Lord will mediate between peoples and will settle disputes between strong nations far away.“ He was speaking of the Messiah’s ability to judge and make peace between Jews and Gentiles and clearly bringing salvation even to the heathen, the non-Jew.

This prophecy is ongoing even today! And it will continue to be so until Christ returns and brings a finality to all things. Micah is uniquely special during the season of Advent or Christmas because he had declared in Micah 5:2 EXACTLY where the Messiah would be born. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”


It is so amazing to see the historical accuracy of your plan, your will being done. However, it is multiple times more spectacular that you keep your promises! They are guaranteed and witnessed throughout history. And we are the beneficiaries or your grace! Thank you.