The real art of the deal.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The rich man had to admire the dishonest rascal for being so shrewd. And it is true that the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light. Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.” Luke‬ ‭16:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Dishonest and shrewd, and Jesus tells a story about it? The culture, the world, is far better at being fast and effective when it comes to the art of the deal.

A rich man finds out his manager has been wasting his money. I guess the rich hate waste. The word for waste is diaskorpizó, to scatter. Or, over-scatter, effectively spreading finances to thin. The rich man felt he was losing control of his cash-flow or cash on hand. Of course he is. We find out the manager had a lot of unpaid invoices out there! Even in this barter-system of running a business, payments were overdue. Not good.

When the man is called on it, and finds out he’s going to be fired, he decides he too old to work hard and to proud to beg. It is then that he comes up with a plan. The plan is a decent plan. Call all the clients and offer them to pay now and get the debt cut nearly in half! It’s like a post-discount on deals already done. The owner gets his quick cash, the debtor is happy and maybe the manager gets a little love for brokering these deals.

Jesus says the rich owner finds this act, shrewd. However, the greek word is phronimós: sensible. To a wealthy business owner, shrewd is a compliment! It’s smart, savvy and makes sense. Why didn’t the manager think of this before he let the accounts get so far in arrears? Maybe that’s part of the point Jesus is making?

Jesus says it is interesting that the “sons of this age” (aión: a space of time, an age) are quicker at thinking on their feet, adaptive in crisis than the sons of the light (clearly referring to Jesus himself as THE light of the world). How can the kids of the Kingdom of God think and behave in a dimmer capacity than those of this world’s culture?

The New Living Translation uses the word, “dishonest,” about the manager’s decisions, but the greek word is not so harsh. The word is adikia: injustice or unjust. It closer to being improper or not appropriate for this man to do this with his “master’s” money. If it were straight up dishonest the business owner would have been mad, but in Jesus’ story the rich man epaineó: to praise or commend the manager. Remember, the manager in this story had not been technically fired yet, so he still had the authority to broker these kinds of deals with the debtors.

Jesus then says another one of his odd, scratch-your-head kind of sayings, ESV says it best, “make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.” “It fails” is a euphemism for DIED. What? Huh? How superbly crafty Jesus’ words become for all generations and cultures. Make and USE the friendships of the rich to benefit both the wealthy, by modeling generosity and grace teaching them, and to re-direct their money to the causes of the poor. The generosity portion of this story would be to the debtors of the rich man, the redirection to the poor would be the manager he fired because he would now be destitute and homeless. The manager must have been a renter 😬. Thus, when you die, both the rich and poor will celebrate your life because you behaved generously to both.

What a story to unravel and decode for everyday living! What do you see as an application for your life? I’d love to know.


My head is still spinning trying to decode this story that Jesus told his disciples. Luke puts it in here as one of the many stories of the rich and the myriad of cultural twists and word-plays that Jesus loved to tell. I can confirm and completely agree with this, your thoughts and ways are way above and beyond my own. These stories are like mysteries, splinters in my mind to unravel, understand and then try my best to live into or up to. Either way – genius. Raving reviews on this one God!

Trilogy of loss

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“To illustrate the point further, Jesus told them this story: “A man had two sons. The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons. “A few days later this younger son packed all his belongings and moved to a distant land, and there he wasted all his money in wild living.” Luke‬ ‭15:11-13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Trilogy of loss.

Luke weaves together a few of Jesus’ parables or stories about loss. In one story, about sheep, there is clearly a large number of sheep comparative to just one – a 99 to 1 ratio. The point, of course the one is important and needs to be found. Jesus tells this story in the context, the audience of religious leaders seemingly devaluing the sinful commoners. Maybe Jesus flips it and suggests the sinners are the 99 and safe, but the Pharisees, the religiously lost are the one and are in danger!

Then Luke gives us the story Jesus told, of the woman with ten coins. It may have been part of her dowry from her father. It may have been the life savings of a poor or even widowed woman, likely her retirement plan for living out her old age. This is a 9 to 1 ratio, but this one coin could mean complete poverty once she runs out of money.

Then we get to the “lost sons.” This ratio is a 1 to 1. But this isn’t a sheep that you are responsible for. Nor a coin that endangers your quality of life. This is your blood, your boy, your highest priority of love, pride and promise! No one says, “well good thing I’ve still got one boy,” or “that’s why we have an heir and a spare!” No, this is a heart-crushing experience that every good mother and father fears the most – losing a child!

I have so much compassion and deep agony over any parent that loses a child – I have buried sons before their time! It is out of sync with expectations of how life should go. Oh, I know the boy here in the story didn’t die, but almost worse he clearly declared he wanted to be DEAD as far as his family relationships were concerned. Truth: the money the son demanded at this point meant NOTHING to his father. The father was forced to drink a bitter poison of failure, shame and shattered future.

As the son goes off to pay and play on Pig Island – the Decapolis (Gerasenes), the Dad was daily in mourning. This loss was so personal, so deep that the men who listened must have been jerking and twitching to hold back tears. No father, no parent should ever experience this kind of loss.

Who are we in these stories? Maybe we are the one sheep, lost and longing to be found. Maybe we’re the one coin, causing a anxious ripple in the future livelihood of its owner. Maybe we’re the one father who has to face the ultimate rejection of his love, whose life and legacy is linked to the well being of his children.

Which one of these is God? Is He the shepherd, the widow, or the father who mourns? It gives me chills to think the gospel is all about going after lost things. God is all about pursing that which others have given up on. The biggest difference in the these stories… is that the shepherd searches, the widow seeks, the father – WAITS.


Whew, I got a little emotional thinking about these stories of loss, the sheep, coin and son. The one that hit me the hardest was the loss of a child. I could barely breath when I officiated Chad’s burial, with his mom and dad standing there, just empty shells of pain. I had the worst theological dilemma ever when I helped officiate Josh’s funeral attended by a thousand of his friends. This kind of parental loss is not like the others. Yet, I see that this is also your heart towards us, especially those who have DEMANDED their cut to live a life as far away from you as possible. I don’t know how you bare that kind of pain, but I am thankful you did it for me, for all of us.


Reading Time: 3 minutes
“If you want to be my disciple, you must, by comparison, hate everyone else—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.” Luke‬ ‭14:26-27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​All or nothing.

Yes, this is the part of the gospel story that we don’t often talk about. A relationship with God is not only primary, it’s all consuming. It is an all or nothing situation! Jesus saying, “by comparison,” our love for God, our consuming desire to follow, obey and dedicate our entire life to him makes it look like we don’t give a rip about all the other family responsibilities, including: dad, mom, wife kids and siblings. I would guess even grandparents, but they are not mentioned 😬. There are other Bible references that discuss this. Like, “eat of my flesh, drink of my blood” verses. Or, “be hot or cold, but never lukewarm.”

This idea that we are in and committed or were not and it’s all just a religious show. That ought to get our attention, right?

And, Jesus goes on to tell this crowd that is following him, “Count the cost first.” Jesus tells two examples, “who builds a building, or goes to war,” without figuring out what it costs, what it takes to win? I remember arguing this point with friends, especially in giving high pressure “altar” calls or guilt drives to make decisions for Christ.

Should someone believe in Christ, YES. Should they make a decision to follow Christ, YES. Shouldn’t they also count the cost, YES as well.

When I said yes to Jesus I didn’t know enough to look forward and see what it would cost me to follow him, especially thinking it would cost my entire life! But, you need to understand, I came to Christ knowing my life to that point felt WORTHLESS. And, I had no ability to see anything in my future but a giant black wall. No dreams of a career, marriage, kids, or white picket fence. From my perspective, there was no future! I was a broke beggar, so there was only nothing or with God – everything.

Yet still, I knew what I was doing; what I was giving up as well as receiving. I was giving up my life in exchange for God becoming my Dad, the father I never had. At that point, I had only experienced two loser Dads, the third being “psychopath Ben,” would come later.

If anyone is going to pressure folks into making a decision, I want it to be God himself, pushing and wooing – pitching His love and abundant grace. Not the fire escape plan or promises of prosperity and the “good life.” A relationship with God isn’t a way to escape hell, it’s walking with Him for eternity. Jesus promised an abundant life but it’s only after completely giving and surrendering our own life.

Yes, I’m all in and wouldn’t have it any other way. For me it’s not hating the family relationships in comparison, it’s more like hating the American Dream that everyone else seems driven to still pursue. In comparison to loving Jesus, I decided to hate the high paying cushy job, the open-space, multiple bathroomed house, two pets, multiple marriages, 2.5 kids and some grandchildren! I only wanted God and whatever He had for me. It is ironic, no, pure-comedy, that God gave me a job Pastoring people, one-wife-for life, kids, grandkids and a couple of dogs in a house with three bathrooms and a pool in the backyard! Figured that one out.


Really. How did I end up with so much when I started with so little? I had nothing. I was nothing. I was invisible and liked it that way. Now….well, I am not invisible that’s for sure. And I annoy people by being too chatty, too friendly, too weird and tell way to many stories that no one wants to listen to! Oh, the humor of heaven has been poured out on me. I got old and have stuff. I never imagined that possibility. I had no dreams and no hope. You… you gave me all of that and more. I am a hope broker because I was broke and you gave me the greatest gift of all – hope.

Party with Jesus.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Hearing this, a man sitting at the table with Jesus exclaimed, “What a blessing it will be to attend a banquet in the Kingdom of God!” Jesus replied with this story: “A man prepared a great feast and sent out many invitations. When the banquet was ready, he sent his servant to tell the guests, ‘Come, the banquet is ready.’” Luke‬ ‭14:15-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

One man comments about how fun it will be to break bread in heaven – when the Kingdom of God is fulfilled. Something he said kind of triggered Jesus, because he keeps the “dinner party” discussion going.

This whole passage that Luke writes about is in the context of Jesus having a meal ON the Sabbath WITH religious leaders. So, Jesus didn’t just eat with street sinners, he also ate with religious sinners 😀. “One Sabbath day Jesus went to eat dinner in the home of a leader of the Pharisees, and the people were watching him closely.” Jesus WANTED them to watch him closely – in fact he wants me to watch him closely as well.

The dinner has the usual conversational conflict that both Jesus and any other self respecting rabbi would live for. It was entertaining for the really smart religious lawyers and pundits to start an argument. It was like watching British parliament with lots of fast words and emotional explosions. One guy there had swollen arms and legs and was obviously struggling. Was he a plant? Just for an conversational appetizer for starters? Maybe. Jesus, loving the opportunity to poke the Pharisees where God’s sonshine should shine, heals the guy…again on the Sabbath.

Then Jesus observes and comments on the natural order of human behavior at a honored guest invite in fancy pants houses of the rich and powerful. Everyone is jockeying for the best seat, the closest to the host. The aura of power that supposedly surrounds the master of the house. It’s so ironic that Jesus just gives out some free advise, you know, etiquette tips for the swanky. One, let the host decide who should be given honor, don’t assume it’s you. Two, don’t just invite a bunch of “kiss-ups,” friends, relatives and rich – that’s boring. Come on, that’s just a narcissistic love-fest. Mix it up by inviting the disenfranchised, the outcast, folks that never get invited because they’re marked as marginalized. This is when some guy raises his wineglass and says, in toast-like fashion, “won’t it be so much fun to hangout with friends like us in the future fulfillment of God’s Kingdom?” Oh! Oh OH! Jesus just can’t leave that comment hanging in the air, sucking the life out of everything he believes in!

So, Jesus tells a story. A massive dinner party story. A dinner party so grand and glorious that it’s declared a BANQUET, a feast. All the who’s who will be invited. All the “A” listers, influencers and mover-shakers in town. But oh-no, plot twist!

One by one, these upper-echelon guests start turning the host down, they’ve got scheduling “conflicts” and passé, snooty excuses. A strange list of reasons for turning it down follows. A field, oxen and newlyweds and all send their regrets. At this moment, every socialite in the room is furiously hanging on every word as Jesus weaves in the truth. The room must be mumbling, “how rude,” “so disrespectful,” “How uncouth!” Who would ever do such a thing.

Jesus lands his point. The host, the master was FURIOUS.

Every person at that dinner party agreed with Jesus. “That’s right, the host should be enraged…I know I would be!” they must have thought. Then Jesus tells them the host went out and invited the opposite of what was fashionable, popular or elitefully expected! Oddly, the room probably shifted to cheer this as well. “Yeah, that’s right,” they might have yelled, “that’ll show those deadbeats who embarrassed their host.” And all of a sudden they have found themselves thinking differently about these former “F” listers, who would have never been considered worthy to attend such a feast. There’s a chance, as they were carried along in the story, they thought, “those people deserve to be a part too!” Then Jesus dropped the last line and it had to have hit home in the hearts of the hearers – “For none of those I first invited will get even the smallest taste of my banquet.” Go Jesus… bread and mouths drop. His job is done here.


Not only do I want to be at that Kingdom of God, wedding feast of the lamb, I want to invite and hope to see as many there as possible.

Jerusalem, the city where messengers go to be murdered.

Reading Time: 4 minutes
“At that time some Pharisees said to him, “Get away from here if you want to live! Herod Antipas wants to kill you!” Jesus replied, “Go tell that fox that I will keep on casting out demons and healing people today and tomorrow; and the third day I will accomplish my purpose. Yes, today, tomorrow, and the next day I must proceed on my way. For it wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed except in Jerusalem! “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers!” Luke‬ ‭13:31-34‬a ‭NLT‬‬

Pharisees WARN Jesus? How strange is that? Of course it was only “some” of them. Who was Herod Antipas and why did he want Jesus dead? Herod’s the guy that married his half brother’s wife, Herodias. Then hosted a party where his step-daughter did the magic-mojo dance and in his own inebriated state offered her whatever she asked. Then, daughter and wife asked for John the Baptist’s head! So Herod’s reputation for murdering a prophet had ruined the already thin popularity with the people.

There’s no way Herod would have followed through on this veiled threat. In fact, it is said that Herod himself instructed the religious leaders to spread the rumor so Jesus would take off for Judah and leave Jerusalem. That would be a win-win for Herod and the Pharisees. Clearly, the Pharisees were not trying to help or “save” Jesus. This is one of the reasons Jesus called Herod the “fox.” He was wicked-crafty!

It doesn’t surprise me that Jesus publicly declared, I’m not going to stop pursuing my mission because of threats. Herod didn’t control Jesus’ destiny! Maybe we put to much stock in threats, as if they determine our own calling, mission and destiny?

Then Jesus says the most shaming Jewish people phrase ever! It wouldn’t do for a prophet of God to be killed anywhere else. Whoa.

Jerusalem, was the city known for where prophets go to die? All those Old Testament prophets that the leaders and likely, the people, just didn’t want to listen to – gone, killed to shut them up. That’s not a compliment on God’s own people, killing God’s actual spokespersons. Jesus’ stinging words echo out, Jerusalem, the city that kills God’s messengers… and, even God himself!

Whew, this puts a dark perspective on those stories Jesus told about the land owner leaving his property and entrusting it to others to manage. When violent men show up to take it over, the owner sends someone to warn the squatters. They beat the messengers and chase them out. Then the owner sends his own son, the heir to his own property. The squatters say, “if we kill the owner’s son, then the whole thing will be ours!” Not ever thinking, the owner will come back, not to claim his property but to enact justice for such disregard of life and ownership.

Jesus is telling the religious leaders and ALL OF CREATION, it’s once thing to claim ownership, it’s another thing to kill the owner’s son and believe they can; one, get away with it and two; control their own destiny.

There are those outside of God’s grace, belligerently denying God’s existence, and denying His ownership of EVERYTHING that exists. Plus they disdain God’s own plan to repair and restore the vast breach between himself and humankind. What else is God supposed to do?

This little scene should send shockwaves through humanity, especially in this “God is love and grace” era. Of course God is those qualities. However, we can’t excuse the brash, rude, entitled attitude literally challenging the creator to a old fashion stand off! Us, like tiny little fleas, shaking our fist at heaven and saying, “yeah, what are you going to do about it?” Not a good posture at all.

I believe in Christ and committed my life to him, NOT to escape hell or even judgement. I didn’t believe just to go to heaven. I could not comprehend either heaven or hell as a fifteen year old. I believe because I heard his invitation to be his. That he did love me and he would guide me. Looking back, I didn’t realize what a mess I would have been heading into without him. I came to understand that Jesus seriously DID rescue me and transform my life. He rescued me from myself and the path I would have taken to search for love and meaning. Jesus rescued me from bitterness and anger over several dad abandonment issues and not having a “normal” childhood or life at that time. I believe because I came to know Him through his word – the Bible. I have no intention or desire to run from God or to pretend He doesn’t exist or to be god myself. Nope, I’m his forever.


It is so good to read about Jesus’ determination of mission yet profoundly sad to read the resolution and disappointment in his words about the “City of God,” you’re city, your people. It breaks my heart to also see a mirror reflection of our own human stubbornness. In a sense, it’s like our “free will” went awry to not just do what we want, when we want but to also do so while running away from you and simultaneously blaming you for our evil decisions and outcomes. It just doesn’t seem fair that you have given us, all of us, so much and we just try to use that against you. That is the wickedness bound up in our human hearts. I ask for forgiveness and mercy, for we do not REALLY know what we do.

What Jesus saw.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“One Sabbath day as Jesus was teaching in a synagogue, he saw a woman who had been crippled by an evil spirit. She had been bent double for eighteen years and was unable to stand up straight. When Jesus saw her, he called her over and said, “Dear woman, you are healed of your sickness!” Then he touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praised God! But the leader in charge of the synagogue was indignant that Jesus had healed her on the Sabbath day. “There are six days of the week for working,” he said to the crowd. “Come on those days to be healed, not on the Sabbath.” Luke‬ ‭13:10-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus is teaching in a synagogue on the Sabbath. He sees a woman walking, bent over, making her way through the people. She was there to listen to the word of God on the Sabbath as well. Doctor Luke, extraordinarily writes a diagnosis IN the storyline. The woman was crippled, not from a physical cause, nor from some genetic disposition, but from an evil spirit who had wormed their way in to torture her EVERYDAY for 18 years. She had not stood up straight because of a demon messing with her for all this time – who knew? Jesus did. Jesus sees this stuff. No one else saw it. Get this, this gal was most likely a regular at the synagogue! Wait, I thought demons couldn’t stand being in church, being around the reading of God’s word? Well this one did and he had been getting away with it for a very long time.

Think about something terrible that happened 18 years ago. A broken bone that never healed. An abuse or attack on your body that no one ever knew about. You’ve carried it, bent over in soul and spirit, You’ve got a noticeable, physical limp. Or, even deep emotional limp that people can’t see. You go about your life, secretly carrying this ailment, but no one even knows about it. Jesus does. Jesus sees stuff we don’t! Jesus notices a limp, a broken heart, a damaged soul. We look around and see a woman bent over, struggling and feel pity, maybe even nicknaming her, “there’s ol’ doubled-over-Donna,” or something similar.

Jesus saw her and called her over. He made her hobble over to himself. Jesus did not want this to be a quiet, don’t draw attention to her moment. She had to shuffle over to him! No one knew the cause of her problem, they didn’t need to. Jesus, gently speaks to her and tells her she is healed of her sickness. Jesus uses this word, apoluó, release (discharge). Like Jesus was setting her free. Interestingly enough, this word is normally used in a DIVORCE context! It’s like Jesus told her and the evil spirit, “I am pronouncing a divorce from this demon! Take a hike, split, un-cleave, leave and never return – demon! Then he touched her and immediately she stood up straight.

Would you show up to church if this was going on in the service? What if you’d been tormented by physical or spiritual harassment? I’d go for that.

The synagogue leader was furious and said the wildest thing ever, “I don’t want anyone coming in here on the Sabbath to “work” a healing. You can come any of the other six days, but this day is so holy, God doesn’t want to stoop down to take time on HIS day off!” This religious guy is WHACK! The synagogue is for the sick and the healthy. And, the gathering of God’s people, the Church, is the perfect and appropriate place for the broken and the well! We should not only see hurting people as Jesus sees them, we should call them over and speak DISCHARGE from spirits or physical ailments dragging them down and holding them hostage.


Wow. We’ve really drifted off your ways. Our gatherings, our church services don’t even have time to really SEE people. We could have a doubled-over Donna in our church and just barely have pity, let alone have the faith to release them from their pain and tortured life. Help us God! Help us to get back to seeing things as you see them. And give us faith to make them look more like heaven than earth. The Kingdom of God is here, we should act like it.

Greasy gossip and sleazy theology.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple. “Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered? Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem? No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.” Luke‬ ‭13:1-5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus is told that Pilate had some Galileans murdered and mixed their blood with the blood of sacrifices to the Roman gods. Jesus’ response is pretty blunt. Word spread quickly about these rebellious Galileans who had been feuding with Pilate for years. Galileans taught that Jews should not pay tribute (taxes) to the Romans because it was a form of idolatry, giving money to Cesar.

However, the real gossip kicked in when people started talking about God’s judgment and the fact that the Galileans may have deserved death because of their wickedness. Jesus clarifies what God thinks about punishment of sinners.

Don’t confuse suffering with judgment!

Galileans are murdered, a tower falls on 18 people and you think God did that, or God “allowed it”? Read Jesus lips, “quit making stuff up and misrepresenting God!!!” Don’t you just hate it when people speak for God and they’re wrong about it?

Jesus has an edge in his tone when he talks about folks blabbing on about their theories and leading others astray when it comes to knowing God. So, maybe that’s why he says this stern rebuke: When you see these things happen (horrible suffering) maybe you should check yourself instead of falsely gossiping about God’s intent.

This is an often ignored truth – EVERYONE dies! But for those who will not turn (metanoeó: to change one’s mind or purpose – to “think different.”) there is a very real, very permanent ending for them. These stubbornly, self focused, my-truth thinkers have a very sad reality waiting. Jesus says, these “unchanged minded” will face a kind of obliteration (apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly). God is always concerned about my heart, my attitude, my eternal destination. It does little good to try to back-seat drive someone else’s life and be all smug about it.


I never ever want to misrepresent you or purposely shoot off my mouth, presupposing I know how to run the world better or that I can clearly go around judging people’s final destination of judgment. I can barely figure out my own heart let alone peer, like a spiritual stalker, into someone else’s heart and call out their motives. What a sick, twisted thing to see a person or family go through a horrible tragedy and make some snide remark about how they may have deserved it! What part of that sounds godly? Yuk! Help me to stay clear of that and especially help me not misrepresent you to an unbelieving friend.

The heckler.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Then someone called from the crowd, “Teacher, please tell my brother to divide our father’s estate with me.” Jesus replied, “Friend, who made me a judge over you to decide such things as that?” Then he said, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” Luke‬ ‭12:13-15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Luke writes that some guy… just some dude yells out complaining about his brother. Is this a joke? Seriously. This could not have been a real comment with the guy expecting Jesus to settle an inheritance dispute with the family.

Then, instead of ignoring the comment, Jesus bantered back – haha “who made me judge?” It is kind of ironic response given that Jesus would judge ALL THINGS.

Arm-twisting is not going to be helpful in this case. However, Jesus does take a heckled comment to give the crowd a perspective on wealth as well as being poor. That’s right, he talks about a rich fool and those worried about their next meal.

For the heckler he says, looking beyond the cheap laughs, beware. He gives this younger brother a gift, the wisdom of God.

Guard against greed. Money? Yes. Power? Yes. Success, stature, social standing? Yes. Yes. Yes. Guard against every kind. Ah, but Jesus used the word, pleonexia: covetousness, avarice, aggression, desire for advantage. The word is two words combined: possess and more, the lust for more.

Jesus warned against the exceeding abundance of possessions. Where certainly the holder of such abundance loses control and the abundance now possesses or owns them! When there is an abundance, you no longer rule over it, it rules over you. Jesus, in a way, asks the brother, that’s not really the life you want, is it?

Who wants to be a slave of anything or anyone, let alone to a bunch of amassed wealth, power or influence. How many rich are trapped by their own wealth? How many politicians are trapped by their own power-base? How many celebrities are trapped behind the image or fame portrayed as success? All of them are simply rich, powerful or influential slaves – they are not free. Do you think money is what you need? How about power or popularity? Guard against pleonexia!


Whoa. I do not want to be a slave of abundance! No wonder you want me to be generous. Does generosity play a role in not listing for more? Not being owned or enslaved by the obsession for more? Wow. That’s amazing. Can the joy of giving BE the antidote for the poison of pleonexia? That’s a lot to think about. Sounds like wisdom to me!

Am I a fungus infected sin activist?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Meanwhile, the crowds grew until thousands were milling about and stepping on each other. Jesus turned first to his disciples and warned them, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees—their hypocrisy. The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!” Luke‬ ‭12:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Crowds as thick as a rock concert in Central Park. Did I ever notice that Jesus was looking over the throngs of people when he delivered this famous passage? No. He sees thousands out there and says, watch out for “leaven infection.” Sure, leaven is yeast as New Living Translation says, but I can’t use that word coupled with infection!

Yeasts are single-celled microorganisms classified as members of the fungus kingdom! YIKES 🤢. Let’s just stick to its properties in food.

Yeast is used in baking as a leavening agent, where it converts the food/fermentable sugars present in dough into the gas carbon dioxide. This causes the dough to expand or rise as gas forms pockets or bubbles. When the dough is baked, the yeast dies and the air pockets “set”, giving the baked product a soft and spongy texture. Yeast also rapidly reproduces, effectively permeating every cell of the dough.

Why was yeast (leaven) associated with sin? First, on a practical level, the Israelites had to be ready to leave Egypt at a moment’s notice and thus they couldn’t wait for the dough to rise. Second, leaven in the Bible is symbolic of sin and deceit. Leaven, a picture of sin, makes the bread inflate. The visual is that sin makes one prideful and puffed-up. Plus, it only takes a very small amount of fermented dough to make new dough rise (Gal 5:9), thus the idea that fermentation implies a process of corruption. Yeast or leaven is NOT sin! It’s just an object lesson.

Jesus looks over this massive crowd and finds a few Pharisees among them. Effectively saying, “it only takes one” bad 🍎 to infect this entire crowd. The Pharisees message of weaponizing the Law of God to keep people from God is a deadly fungus that kills! Plus the fact that people that say they believe one thing but practice another are a hypocritical joke.

Yes, everyone at some point is a hypocrite, but no one should be an activist about it. Jesus warns – ALL SECRETS will be known! God will pull back the cover of darkness over all humankind and expose everything. I can’t, you can’t hide sin forever 😬. So what’s Jesus point? Well, the biggest one is don’t be a SIN ACTIVIST, publicly parading about proudly mocking God himself. You’d just be behaving like a fungus, socially infecting everyone around you. Two, the light of world, Jesus, will shine on every human heart and expose everything.


Whoa, I see what you did here with the Pharisees, religious leaders of the day. I understand that I could easily see you exposes their thoughts and deeds and just be happy for a bit of justice for all the misery they (and those like them today) have caused. But I know how this works. I also need to see myself. My heart. My deeds. And when I think of all the times I try to get away with sin by being sneaky, or covering up, leaving no bodies to be found – that I’ve “gotten away with it,” the Holy Spirit arrests me on the spot! I then confess, repent, and turn from my sin. I WANT my sin covered, not by darkness but by the blood of Jesus that cleans me and makes me whole!

Dinner with perfection.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“As Jesus was speaking, one of the Pharisees invited him home for a meal. So he went in and took his place at the table.” Luke‬ ‭11:37‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Can you smell the whiffs of fresh baked bread, the roasted herbs and see the deliciously colorful vegetables and fruits. Not with Luke’s account of Jesus going to the home of “perfection.” Do you know what Jesus smelled? A setup. Have you attended a meal where you knew the host was, you know, uh, let’s just say they are very fastidious about detail? If you have you know the feeling of nervousness and uneasiness and learn that the night will not be about the meal at all. And, neither will the meal be relaxing with lots of laughter and stories that make you feel part of the family. Meals at homes about perfection are all about performance and elite edicate, watching your “p’s” and “q’s.”

“But he started it!” This might have been the reason Jesus lit into the host from the git-go. Luke tells us that Jesus KNEW what the host was thinking. “His host was amazed to see that he sat down to eat without first performing the hand-washing ceremony required by Jewish custom.” Was it the host’s open gaped mouth or the lowered eye brows with a tight-lipped side frown? We don’t know, but Jesus did! Wait, Jesus didn’t wash his hands before dinner? No, no, no, come on – Jesus wasn’t born in a barn, er, without manners. This was a highly detailed, cultural, ceremonial cleansing purely for a religious show of “insider” rules practiced by pure-bred, wicked-smart elites.

The poor, the common would have had a VERY simplified version of this ritual. Jesus, just purposely skipped it altogether. He may have decided, “let’s just get right to the heart” of why he’d been invited in the first place. This host’s meal wasn’t about making peace at the table, it would be a failed lesson about righteousness and holiness!

Jesus spoke the first volley, serving up a spiked, fast comment right away. Jesus answered the grimaced, chagrined face of his host. “Then the Lord said to him, “You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy—full of greed and wickedness! Fools! Didn’t God make the inside as well as the outside? So clean the inside by giving gifts to the poor, and you will be clean all over.” Yikes! Ouch! Boom! Bam! Jesus goes for the religious jugular. Not so subtlety saying, “just STOP it!” You can’t “pull the wool” over the eyes of God. You can’t deceive or fake or have any pretense before the real standard of perfection.

Wow. Jesus admonished this “never been corrected” religious leader. And, if you look hard you’ll see God’s grace and mercy. Oh, you’ll find brutal, unvarnished TRUTH, but you’ll also see hope.

Truth: INSIDE you filthy, greedy and wicked, and no amount of ceremonial hand washing is going to fix that! Hope: Stop the pretense and give to the poor. That’s the hosts antidote, his potion to rid the poison of his soul. Give to the poor! Now, lest you think that giving to the poor will clean or save you, save me – it won’t. Unless you are living the “religious” purity scam, while being a greedy miser, living high on frugal principles while others suffer around you. Giving to the poor is not your antidote. Let the Holy Spirit point out your poison and then listen carefully for God to prescribe the perfect recipe to save your life! What a dinner that was, right? I wonder if Jesus shook off the dust on his sandals as he left that house?


Please remind me to NEVER try to fake perfection around you! And, to never try to impress you or anyone else with some kind of religious ritual as a performance. I’ll just remember to come before you naked and humbled by my station in life.