Seasons just make sense.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to tear down and a time to build up. A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time for war and a time for peace. ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

By chapter three of Solomon’s “life experiment,” we begin to see some real insight and the wisdom of God begin to kick back into place. The general idea of chapter three is so obvious, but because of our human brain, it is also painfully and often ignored!

The heading: A Time for Everything.

It’s like our lives often feel like they are left in a spin cycle of teenage angst. We forget that nothing we experience here in life lasts forever. Sure, Murphy and his odd law of continued failure and doom may be the exception, Edward A. Murphy Jr. said, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” History, however, proves that impossible. Things do go wrong, but things also go right plenty of times. But even Murphy, as an American aerospace engineer, would agree, those calamities led to new creative possibilities.

Solomon walks us through the highs and lows of being human. He calls them seasons. If you live in normal parts of the United States, you get four distinct seasons. California only two seasons, summer and not summer. Our lives come with their own God-given seasons each year. Just reading the seasons listed here in chapter three makes me feel more normal. When a teen goes through their first love, followed by their first heartbreak, it’s painful wisdom to let them know that life is not over when that person breaks up with them. In terms of these seasons, these life episodes, they don’t last forever.

Grief, pain and extended suffering tend to last the longest, but even these do not triumph over the human spirit and will to rise up even in the midst of dark situations and surroundings. The sun will set today but will return tomorrow morning. What I love about chapter three is one of Solomon’s most powerful thoughts. It needs to be life-long meme – ”Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end,”(Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬).

Even in the seasonal downturns, if we really think about it, can be beautiful in their own way. Did you know that even our tears are different under various emotional states? Emotional or “psychic” tears have more protein-based hormones. Yet, even the molecular structure of emotional tears are different. Tears of joy look different from tears of sadness! The body doesn’t lie.

God is the one who not only brings comfort in tumultuous times, He can bring an odd, even euphoric PEACE. It might not make sense, but it’s very real. I have spoken with folks who have lived a very hard, very tragic life, yet never show it in their words or behaviors. I feel sorry for them, yet they encourage me. I guarantee you, they are not faking these calm, sturdy, hope-filled moments. God has gifted them with a delightful presence of peace that surpasses our comprehension. It’s an encouragement to remember – in God’s economy, His Kingdom here, yet coming, He makes all things beautiful in His time.


Now that I have taken a few trips around the sun, experiencing the lowest of lows in chaos, loss and grief as well as the highest of highs in love, gain and wonder, I completely agree with Solomon’s perspective. You become more extravagantly beautiful through the lens of joys and sorrows. And through all of the seasons of life thus far, I am humbly grateful to live seeing the fulfillment of every promise you’ve made. Great is your faithfulness! Amen.

Uniqueness of human life.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority— the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents. O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8‬:‭3‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We don’t know when David wrote this magnanimous Psalm. but it is believed the psalm was inserted into the collection towards the end of his life. This is yet another beautiful observation of the psalm’s ability to give us – PERSPECTIVE.

Have you ever thought of the unbelievable uniqueness of living as a human being on this beautiful blue sphere, miraculously spinning and seemingly floating in space? David, peering into the vast night sky, observing millions of stars and the cool glow of the moon, thinks about his own existence. You know, when one believes in a very real, very BIG God, we feel extremely small. “What are mere mortals?,” David reflects.

I don’t know how often you think of the grand scheme of all that we know about God and all that we don’t know about eternity, but the word “vast,” barely describes this season, this existence. Sure, it is an extraordinary existential exercise- but it’s worth it. Even with all the crazy chaos of our life and our world, it is such a powerfully unique experience, likely non existent anywhere else in the known and unknown universes out there. We could be the ONLY dark planet where Satan was imprisoned and sin was experienced by humanity.

We were created, “crowned,” David writes, with glory and honor, reflecting the beauty and power of our creator – God. And, God gave us dominion and dominance over all living things. We are co-caretakers of this planet and we have opportunity to CHOOSE God, create like God, love, give and BE like him. We are NOT God, but we get to use our God-given authority, power and influence to tame this wild existence. No wonder David, after reflecting on all that he sees and understands about our planet, contemplating our God and our existence, explodes into this exuberant praise – “O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!”


Every once in a while, I have these existential moments, like David, when I not only see the magic and majesty of what you have created, but also what opportunity and responsibility you have given to us as humans on this amazing planet! Even in the chaotic, generational cycles of sin and grief, I still realize the specific wonder of this season, I call “my life.” Yes, I exist among trillions that have come before me, but this is my time to see your grand plan and be part of something that may only exist here on this fallen planet. So, even in my own sin and the sins of my generation, I still see great opportunity to seize these moments and give you praise and thanks for my own existence. I will take these occasions, cherish them, and do my best to rise to my responsibilities with all the faith, grace and power you provide! Amen.

Desires for decompression.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. Mark‬ ‭6‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The New Living Translation takes too much liberty here describing the disciples reconnecting with Jesus and with each other. Of course, it’s true, they had just returned from their assignments and I’m sure they were full of stories and a lot of questions. But Jesus did recognize their need to get away from the crowds and just be alone, together. Mark notes that there were so many people with so many needs that no one got a chance to even eat. Eating in New Testament times was very much like it is still today in the middle east. It’s a LONG process involving several courses of food, but it is clear that long conversations and long stories are the priority over the main course being served. A meal easily could last a couple of hours! I don’t think they had any concept of “fast food,” or just grabbing a bite to eat.

Even though Jesus’ intentions are given, Mark lets us know that the crowd had figured out where the group was going and were waiting on the other side of the boat ride. “So they left by boat for a quiet place, where they could be alone. But many people recognized them and saw them leaving, and people from many towns ran ahead along the shore and got there ahead of them.” Maybe there was time to talk on the boat? With the crowds gathered, Jesus just could not ignore their passion to hear the words of God. Compassion once again drove Jesus to work while there was still light!

I find that in full time ministry these kinds of dilemmas happen far too often. Pastors used to brag about zero vacations and no days off, thinking it was honoring the responsibilities of ministry. Jesus intended to get away from the crowds with his team! He would often slip away at night or before sunrise to pray and spend time with Father God, but in this instance he wanted the group to get some rest. No breaks, no rest, no quiet, no solitude is a recipe for personal disaster! The difficulty was that Jesus ministry time on earth was rather brief – just three years. Three years to establish His mission of being the living gospel – the good news that God had prepared the way to make things right with sinful humanity and repair the breech that had been created in the very beginning of creation.

The crowds, that Mark wrote about, the ones who represented sheep without a shepherd, would be the object lesson or picture of humanity searching for something more than the misery of life under the religious and political leaders of that day. That crowd has only grown larger!

Look around the current situation in our world today. With unending ability to see around the globe from our screens, we know that the United States is not the only country in religious and political crisis. So, even though it is necessary to find places of quiet to rest, it is also possible to be available when the hurt and heartaches of the crowd stir up a passion and a hunger to hear the voice of God for themselves. Will we be available to speak truth and feed them the bread of life? Is the Church ready to set aside its bickering, complaining and judging hearts to BE the gospel of life for those who are searching? I hope so.


You see how tiring it is to be serving in the Church today! You see how exhausting it can be to carry the hurts, struggles and sicknesses of families. Yet, out on the horizon, I see a crowd forming. A crowd filled with despair and grief. A gathering of people who have discovered that they have been lied to and are living in that lie. Sheep who are looking for their good shepherd. The crowd is coming! Will I be ready? Will we be ready? Will we have the strength and clarity to give them the bread of life, the living water – your good news? Help us Oh God, in our time of preparation, to not lose heart, hope or strength! Amen.

Wisdom availability.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! On the hilltop along the road, she takes her stand at the crossroads. By the gates at the entrance to the town, on the road leading in, she cries aloud. Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In ancient times, Solomon writes about the access that normal, average folks have to wisdom. Notice the availability isn’t just to kings in castles, lawyers in court, or priests in the temple. No! Wisdom sets up her connection points in the places where everyone can hear her. And she shouts it out, making it available to everyone who hears.

Whether it’s on the hilltop, where the more privileged may live, or at the crossroads where businesses would often set up booths, capturing the natural flow of foot traffic. Wisdom even sets up to give out her advice and life-hacks at the gates, where major legal transactions took place, and men would discuss politics and economics of the day.

It’s not like wisdom is hidden. It’s not like wisdom is locked behind a security case. It’s not like it’s too expensive for some to gain. Wisdom is out and available to all, out and among the crowds, where the public can see and hear her.

It helps me realize, that wisdom being the personification of Jesus, means that God is not hiding. God is not unaffordable. God is not beyond accessible! Not only is God watching out for us, but like Solomon says, He calls out to all people from all the places we gather.

God is pursuing us! I think about this miracle when I recognized His voice at fifteen because it sounded so familiar. God had been there all along. I also think about the fact that God is doing the same with every person I see. With wisdom, God is calling out on the hilltops, crossroads, water coolers, coffee shops and courthouses! He calls for everyone. When I begin a conversation with someone, It helps to remember – God knows them, loves them and has been calling out to them their whole life! I just need to join with God, as He directs and watch Him do all the work. God handles the whole transaction of issuing life, real life – eternal life.


When I heard you calling out to me, it was amazing. My life was on an awful, tragic trajectory. After simply saying yes and giving my whole life to you, You began to teach me how to live. I began to read and learn about wisdom, discipline and faith. I heard wisdom calling out and I answered. Thank you!

Sophisticated Idols.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and mouths but cannot breathe. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭135‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Many of today’s idols are still fashioned and formed by human hands. I see them in person or in pictures of places around the world. They stand or sit as statues. They hang from car mirrors or are positioned on stands or small niches on the houses in my neighborhood. I see them prominently and boldly greeting me at some restaurants and stores. I see their brightly colored adornments and painted eyes looking at me with a steely stare.

These are the common, well known idols that have existed for thousands of years. And, just as the Psalmist declared back then, they STILL have mouths, eyes and ears! They are just as silent today as they were in antiquity. People pray to them, talk to them, and many still leave gifts of food or money, tokens of gratitude or bribes to winsomely stay in good standing. You don’t want these statues to decide to curse you rather than bless you. This kind of idolatry is alive and well even today. And, someone is making a fortune selling them!

But oh, these hand-fashioned, or machine-made creations are not the idols of the “enlightened.” No, no, no… the “new” ones are not physical at all – they are spiritual beings, which of course means that they may not have mouths, eyes and ears, but they most certainly speak, watch and listen. Yes, these sophisticated idols are of the dark realms, ordered about and orchestrated by the evil one, the liar, thief and enemy of humankind – Satan. These neo-idols do not require tangible gifts or sacrifices left at their ethereal feet, they desire something much more valuable to us. They require your allegiance and your soul!

They whisper lies and manipulate human desires to not only dissuade people from believing in God but to convince humans to believe in themselves as their own god! These idols aren’t hiding behind plaster or plastic statues, they are openly and defiantly leading folks to follow their own truth, whatever their heart wants. With promises of riches, power, position or fame, they offer more than just protection. They gleefully offer an alternative to the mean, vindictive, judgmental, unfair, unjust, singular path God! It’s insidiously popular to simply convince humans that there are in fact “other” gods. There’s a choice, an option – no need to believe in a one true God. Their smooth, subtle whispers to just try it out, just sample their agenda, their options, their ways. Go ahead, these idols say, take a peek, open that door. Eat the forbidden fruit; they promise you’ll love it. And they can get you more of it, anytime you want.

Solomon, the ancient wealthy and wisest human ever, wrote this in Proverbs 14:12, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Beware the sophisticated idols, they are even more dangerous than statues.


It is so clear that there is a battle for the human soul. Even though we were created in perfection, with the capacity and capability of choosing to disobey and do what we want, you still love us. You still fight for us, for what is best for us. I am so thankful you continue to pursue the human heart – even at its most rebellious stage, you died for us! May your light and love continue to penetrate the darkness and disordered desires of our soul. Amen.

Serving a life sentence.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I am writing to you, dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of his name. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, dear children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God lives in you, and you have overcome the evil one. 1 John‬ ‭2‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The Apostle John does an amazing job, transitioning from a journalist for Jesus to a hard hitting, truth telling, author. He even becomes a powerful prophetic voice, miraculously beating death, then recording the apocalyptic book of Revelation! As a highly respected Apostle, mentor and elder statesman of the Church, his letters are both gentle, but fiercely poignant! I would say this, when looking at all the teachings, miracles and behaviors of Jesus, John becomes the best first step of not just interpreting Jesus’ ways, but of understanding the motives of God. John’s letters are also the best way to answer the question, “how then shall we live?”

Here in these verses John breaks down the audience of the very young in faith, the “teknion,” little child. The elders of faith, “patér,” a father, or senior. And, the youth of faith, “neaniskos,” a young man or youth. These groupings possibly identifying the simple stages or maturity levels of those who walk with Jesus.

To the young, understanding the beauty and power that God’s forgiveness of sin has on us as we look at our past. Even though we still sin, the freedom to see ourselves as new creatures, is vital for us to move forward in our faith.

To the elder, the mature, to “ginóskó,” to come to know, recognize from first hand experience who God is, has always been and always will be. This is a steady, unwavering faith, that rides the swells of tumultuous moments and of time, where doubt can cripple our faith later in life.

To the youth, who’s faith MUST “nikaó,” to conquer, prevail and subdue the “ponéros,” evil, wicked, pain-ridden, malicious, slothful seasons of attacks, traps and pitfalls of life. This conquering is a quest of a cool Greek root word, “niké,” victory!

These phases or seasons of life are such a powerful story of how one should determine to live their whole life as a solid follower of Christ. From babes to mature, from milk to meat, as the Apostle Paul puts it. Each season has its own battles, its own victories. These letters John writes are for encouraging and admonishing us to move from childish to full stature adults in being formed into the image of Christ Jesus. Each season can bring a person’s faith down. Each one has its own challenges and opportunities. Yet, with Christ we can, every one of us, be more than conquerors! There seems to be so many who have “fallen away,” “deconstructed,” or just chosen to walk away from the grace of God. I know it’s not easy to live a whole life of unwavering faith, but I am determined, despite my sin, distractions or doubts. I will serve and follow God all the way to the very end of this life! I am serving a life sentence of FAITH!


I am so thankful for the men who gave their lives for the continuation of the gospel. What a supernatural, providential gift this has been for all of us, eons later. I absolutely love Your Word! I fell in love with you first but immediately discovered that to know You, I had to know Your Word. It is truly eternal and life changing. I am yours to the very end!

The smell of life.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I’m really a smell fanatic, or maybe a smellunatic. Most normal things don’t bother me at all. I’m not a big fragrance person with colognes or perfumes, but I’m really sensitive (annoyed) by certain smells. I can smell mechanical or electrical dangers long before most. I don’t mind the smell of Skunks. Tuna doesn’t bother me, but old fishy smells do. Robin can smell the effects of garlic and asparagus after someone eats it, I cannot. I love nature smells like ocean, mountain, rain, redwoods and desert.

The Apostle Paul has used the idea of scent before. Someone blogged that there are 52 aroma references in the Bible, Paul wrote about all 5 in the New Testament. I like the word aroma instead of odor, it feels more majestic. Paul believes that there is a Christ-like fragrance that believers carry on themselves. He uses the word “euódia” a good smell.

If life itself had a smell, emitting a fragrance, it would smell like Jesus? That’s a wild thought! I mean, He is God, the creator of all things – life itself. I’ve been a part of the “Church,” all of my adult life. I don’t mean as an attender or a congregant. I’ve been a part of the leadership in local churches as a career. I work for God. I work in His Church. I have come to believe that I want to be part of a life-giving church, not a life-sucking church. I want to BE a church that gives off the aromatic scents of LIFE. Paul says that’s what we are supposed to smell like, especially to believers.

To the world, to a dying, self-determined culture that wants to cast off all constraints of moral sensibility, the smell of Jesus presents itself as death. Do I stink to those who are rebellious towards God? Maybe! But to those are searching, hurting, and desperate, my prayer is that I smell like the ocean breeze, the mountain air, the summer rain – life itself! Paul uniquely writes, these contrasting phrases to those who are in process of being saved and those in process of being condemned. We are either “life to life” or “death-to-death.” Same Jesus, but Him in us, smells very different to folks, depending on their heart and eternal determination. Back to church folk… I not only want to be a church that is life-giving, I also want the foyer aroma of our lives to smell like life itself – like Jesus on resurrection morning!


Oh my goodness! I do not want to stink. I certainly don’t want to be or live a stinky life, smelling like death around those heading towards heaven! And, as much as I do not want to stink as a “in your nose” reminder to those destined to harden their heart towards you, I get it. When I smell like Jesus around people who are genuinely offended by Him, I guess that’s going to happen. Please, wash me, clean me and let me smell like Christ!

A word from our sponsor.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Just a quick, simple reminder that God’s wisdom is a health benefit to our life and body. It’s not free though. To pursue it costs everything. It’s the pearl of great price that Jesus told the story about. And, since wisdom is the personification of Jesus in the Bible, getting Him is paramount. When we get wisdom, there are so many promises of wealth, health and fullness in life. This is not a prosperity promise, it’s advice from those who’ve known God, walked with God and have proven that it’s true. From Proverbs, it’s like sitting down with the wisest, wealthiest human being to have ever lived and asking him how this all works. It’s all very practical.

I understand folks hesitation to follow some laws or rules handed down by a God they don’t even believe in. Plus, I know there’s the problem of submitting one’s life to this God. As people, we are a stubborn bunch. You don’t have to take my word for it, you can read Proverbs for yourself. You can look for wisdom! I’d love for someone to explain why they think it’s all some kind of religious propaganda when clearly it’s for their own, our own good. The choice is up to you, believe it, live it and experience it for yourself or don’t. I chose wisdom. I chose Christ. However, I did find the amazing truth – God was looking for me all along! And, God chose me long before I chose Him.


I did not have wisdom and I had no idea how to get it! I felt like I knew nothing about life or how to live it. Not only did I feel severely, socially delayed (like everyone else knew what to do), but I felt that everyone around me had help from parents or family. I did not feel like my Dads or Moms gave me a good roadmap on how to live. I came to you with such deficits! I am so thankful you met me, led and guided me and lovingly disciplined me in wisdom’s ways. Coupled with a commitment to read Proverbs everyday for like two years, there was also the gentle leading of your Holy Spirit. I don’t know how “long” my life will be, but I cannot say it hasn’t been full.