Aspiring to inspire.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“This is a trustworthy saying: “If someone aspires to be a church leader, he desires an honorable position.” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Leadership is never easy, especially when it involves guiding people. And, every sector of culture needs leadership to make things happen, whether that is in business, government, healthcare, education, protective services, nonprofit or the Church. Paul writes to Timothy, saying, anyone that “oregó,” stretches or aspires to such a position, “sets their heart upon,” a good thing.

Paul lists a very high degree of requirements to be an overseer, a bishop in the Church. Paul is looking for a stellar reputation to lead as a chief shepherd, even more so when they are over other ministers. It is no surprise that Paul starts with the family structure of the leader.

The New Living Translation also lays down the word, “must…” adding to the imperative of high standards. The leader MUST… Live a life above reproach, blameless. Faithful, if married, to only one. Exercises self-control, sober and temperate. Must be respectable, well-behaved, and hospitable. Hospitality is a major part of leadership, requiring an openness of home and an authenticity in the way one lives their life in all things – business dealings, personal connections inside and outside the church. One of the skills required of an elder, is that they must be able to teach. Often, people who aspire to lead, want to do so in humility, preferring to stay behind the scenes. Humility is admirable, but leaders have got to also speak, leading requires teaching. Alcohol use is mentioned because the church leader cannot be known as a drunkard! Not violent, but gentle. Not argumentative, and definitely into generosity rather and hoarding and being cheap. Beyond just being a person grounded in family, an elder cannot be a new believer, Paul citing that arrogance can quickly go to their heads and cause their fall. Finally, Paul sites the necessity of having a great reputation outside of the church, these are the unbelievers God has called us to reach. Being a leader in most other areas would not have the intense scrutiny required for being a church leader. Unfortunately, most people, secular or Christian believe that church leaders should be perfect, which we know is impossible.


With trust at an all time low and more necessary than ever before, it leaves the church at a crisis point. We need more great leaders, not less! More charactered leaders, full of the Holy Spirit, not less! The timing of all this is amazing. Less of our younger generation desires to step into leadership because it’s hard, but also there are so many generational conflicts and frustrations. We are absolutely dependent on You, Oh Lord! We long for a supernatural move of God among us, pulling us together in unity. We admit our failures and shortcomings Oh God, please come and make Yourself known among this generation who desperately needs to see You moving on their behalf. Amen.

Template for a great leader.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Give your love of justice to the king, O God, and righteousness to the king’s son. Help him judge your people in the right way; let the poor always be treated fairly.” Psalms‬ ‭72‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

King David in Psalm 72 seems to pray a proclamation of true leadership, true reasons for royalty to protect, provide and preserve the kingdom. David’s prayer captures the core of what it looks like when one leads with power and wealth to wield and leverage righteousness to yield prosperity, peace and equality.

The psalm lays out the template for Solomon to be an effective and truly great king. The king should be deeply invested in the people, that they would “flourish during his reign,” that they would prosper in every way possible. Yet the king’s eye would always be attentive to “rescue the poor when they cry to him,” and “help the oppressed, who have no one to defend them.” The king’s heart would constantly be leaning toward the weak and needy, obsessing with ways to “redeem them from oppression and violence, for their lives are precious to him.” The might and authority of great kings, great leaders is to always look out for the least, lifting them from pits, lending them their own power.

We may recognize, this is how our Almighty God rules and reigns forever. God’s power and wealth have no end, His wisdom stoops toward the weak and His peace, grace and mercy are lavished on the meek and humble. Yes! This is not just a template not for kings, but for anyone who would lead others in their care! Question: How would you say David measured up to this kingly template? How about his son, Solomon. How do you think he did?


We are not You, not God! However, being created in your image, we are like you. That whole idea of emulating your character and qualities, criticality shows up in how we lead others. I am not a king, nor hold any kind of political position. Yet as a pastor, I have a charge to lead in a righteous and godly manner. I believe it does mean that I get to leverage what little power and money I am given to manage, it must be distributed with an eye to the poor and a heart towards the least of these! I must lead as you have led us – with wisdom, grace and mercy. Amen.

With you it’s different.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world Lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10‬:‭42‬-‭45‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus said, you know that those recognized to “archó,” to rule over the “ethnos,” a race, the nations (usually referring to unbelieving Gentiles, non-Jews), do so in two ways; they “katastrēniáō,” exercise lordship or dominion over, and they “eksousiázō,” exercise authority or wield power over. Using dominion and power to gain compliance. It’s a very common and effective way to force people to do things against their will. Jesus then told his disciples, “however, it should not be among you.”

Jesus noted that in this world there is a prevalent leadership model that uses hierarchy and power to achieve results. Sometimes it’s good results, sometimes it bad. James and John had asked Jesus to grant them this opportunity to lead with position and power by placing them at the right and left hand of his throne. They still expected Jesus to become the messianic king of Israel. Thus, James and John were asking for positions or titles of authority in this earthly kingdom.

In a very teachable moment, Jesus asked the brothers if they truly knew what they were asking. Then he asked them a rhetorical question (a rhetorical question is asked to make a point or emphasize something, not to get an actual answer), ”Are you able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering I am about to drink? Are you able to be baptized with the baptism of suffering I must be baptized with?” Still thinking Jesus was referring to the struggles of leading a revolution, the brothers replied “Oh yes, we are able!” Then completely reorienting their ideals of taking over Rome, Jesus said to them, that it’s not up to him, and they will indeed suffer. But, more importantly, Jesus makes his point – they are to be completely different kinds of leaders. Jesus strongly says, “It will NOT be with you!” Referring to how Rome governs people.

Jesus followers are not to lead from high status, but of low. They are not to wield power by controlling, but by serving. Is there such a thing as low, servanthood leadership? Jesus clarified that in His kingdom as the Son of man, he came to serve not to be served. He came to give His life as ransom-money to free slaves! Jesus modeled the leadership qualities he expected of his followers.

A simple observation, James and John felt comfortable enough to ask Jesus about the seating arrangements in his kingdom. The other disciples were incensed, but instead, Jesus engaged them with a question, not immediately giving an answer. Does the Holy Spirit still respond to our questions like this? Not immediately answering the question but sending us off on a journey of curiosity and discovery. A great question is a teacher’s delight because it means the student is hungry to learn!

As a Pastor/teacher I believe people should ask questions. And, I am sure they want answers. I have to refrain from thinking these questions come from places of doubt or manipulation. I get too defensive thinking it’s just a trap, like the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. Even then Jesus enjoyed answering with one of his own questions! James and John may have been asking for positions of power, but Jesus was able to use it for a teachable moment – but for you it’s different.


I should not be so surprised when I see Jesus using such powerful, patient words to cut through the pretense of the moment and engage people in truth. It’s like He knows us because He is the creator of all things! I get so defensive when I feel cornered, trapped or manipulated, it’s hard to think straight. Yet, Jesus was always looking for ways to engage our hearts and cause deep change within our soul and spirit. It is such a beautiful moment to read these real stories and watch the Master at work. Thank you for your grace and mercy, your patience and love in catching on to what you want us to see and do likewise. Amen.


Reading Time: 3 minutes

But Moses protested again, “What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The Lord never appeared to you’?” Then the Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. “Throw it down on the ground,” the Lord told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back. Exodus‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In our church, we’ve have been discussing God’s Grand Design through the idea of an individual’s calling. Old Testament patriarchs certainly come to mind. Moses calling is so extraordinary and filled with honest human emotions that come along with doubt. The creator of all things – God comes, makes himself known and speaks. But more than just revealing his plans, God chooses to include us in them. Why? We ask. From the beginning of time, God has invited us, even with all our faults and fears to be a part of our own redemption story. Amazing!

God tells Moses the what, the why and the who, but Moses throws up some protests, some reasons he believes that God has the wrong man.

Here’s Moses’ counter arguments:

First one; who am I – 3:11? The inference is, I am a nobody, an unknown, in fact a failure.

Second one; who am I to say sent me – 3:13? One can’t be a hero without the proper credentials, right?

The third protest; What if they don’t believe me – 4:1? I’m not sure why these sound a bit ridiculous, especially because no one is asking for a famous, royal ambassador who has made up a fanciful story about talking with God! Who’s asking these imaginary questions? Pharoah? The Jewish leaders? No, Moses is asking these questions in his own head because he does not want to do it and thinks he can convince God to move on to someone else! God helps Moses out by giving him a cool miracle – the stick/staff/snake! And the backup would be the miracle skin diseased hand healing. These are meant to bolster Moses’ faith, thus saying YES to God almighty. But Moses still persists in protesting – what patience God has! You get the feeling that God will not let Moses out of this.

Fourth protest; Moses throws out another idea – Oh… and I STUTTER! You can’t have a stutterer be your spokesperson – 4:10.

Four excellent reasons to choose someone else and four patient answers from God, all workarounds for Moses to be obedient. Talk about a super reluctant leader! In vs 13 Moses begged God, “please send someone else.” In vs 14 God is now angry with Moses. He concedes, not to let Moses off the hook, but to have his brother be the spokesperson for Moses! God tells Moses, Aaron will be your spokesman, he speaks just fine – but you are still my spokesman, God still chose Moses.

Moses was a reluctant leader, who constantly wavered with unbelief and never felt worthy of being the man God called to lead and free the Jewish people from the tyranny of Egypt’s enslavement and onto the promise land that God had in store for them. God calls whom He wills and His plans are always perfect. God still calls people to great things, and small things today!

If we say we believe God and we are followers of Jesus the we have a general call to obedience and most likely a specific call to ministry, to passion or to pursue our purpose with the gifts God has granted to each of us. Let me ask you, “what’s in your heart?” What is your purpose, calling and gift? What are you doing with it? Go ahead, run your own list of protests like Moses who tried to dissuade God, insinuating that God doesn’t know what He’s doing! After you run out of perfectly legitimate protests in your own head, you’ll be faced with the ultimate decision – to obey or not! And to not obey is disobedience! Flip your stubbornness into faithfulness and determination to obey instead of angering God and trying His patience.


I put up a small resistance with tantrums and protests back in the day. And, still even today, question every one of my own beliefs, frailties and abilities. But through faith I will continue to believe you. With grace, I will continue to move forward to accomplish what you have called me to be and to do! I trust you far more than I trust my failures and doubts? Here I am Lord, send me again! Amen.

Earnest eagerness of our youth.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Solomon was about twenty years old when he became King of Israel. He followed his father, David, in a stable and flourishing kingdom. Solomon admits he has no idea just how ginormous his kingdom was, but it is estimated at 800 thousand to possibly a million people. Later, it was noted in 1 Kings 4:20, “There were so many people living in Judah and Israel while Solomon was king that they seemed like grains of sand on a beach. Everyone had enough to eat and drink, and they were happy.”

Being young and given the responsibility of ruling over such a vast amount of people humbled Solomon. One of the things Solomon decided to do came right out of David’s playbook – massive and public sacrifices to God in one of the most popular of tabernacles – at Gideon. A thousand sacrifices, in ancient days, were seen as a “King’s” sacrifice, acknowledging his submission to deity – this was an expensive, seven-day example of honoring Solomon’s one true God. He also made those sacrifices, in Gideon, where it had been known for sacrificing to Idols – one of the many “high places.” In one massive demonstration of humility and repentance Solomon showed the people where his heart and financial motives were coming from.

This decision pleased God, which is why it prompted God to ask Solomon what he wanted. “That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you! ‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬.” As a young man, a young leader of a large, thriving kingdom, filled with God’s people, he wanted to do what was right above all else. Yet, even with the gift of wisdom from God, Solomon was not able to hold fast to righteousness and to continue to lead the nation in godly ways!

I remember being full of great ideas, technological advancements and more efficient systems to get things done. But I was serving in a culture that was resistant to change! As I have gotten older, I still feel the positive pressure of the future coming towards us faster than ever. However, my lesson, my observation from scripture, especially from the lives of David and his son, Solomon is this; to grow consistently in my spiritual maturity. Systems, cool ideas and flashy programs will not make it to eternity. People are worth investing in, so I want to work to stay humble. I choose to serve others well, praise and promote those around me and give all glory to God. I want to be able to give my own thousand sacrifices well into my elder years.


It’s not about finishing first, it’s about lasting to the end. It’s a race to the bottom, the end of the line, to see others cross before me. The crown that awaits us is those who have turned their hearts towards you and join with me in heaven praising you! Amen.

David’s moral wishlist.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I will sing of your love and justice, Lord. I will praise you with songs. I will be careful to live a blameless life— when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them. I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil. I will not tolerate people who slander their neighbors. I will not endure conceit and pride. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭101‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that Psalm 101 was inserted toward the end of David’s life, but it’s obvious that he wrote it when he was young, likely before becoming king. I like what one commentator used as the word that described David’s intentions to rule his country well, DETERMINATION.

David was determined to do right. David was anointed king three times. Samuel anointed David in his youth, (1 Samuel 16:13). After Saul’s death he was anointed king over the tribe of Judah at Hebron (2 Samuel 2:4). Seven years later he was anointed king over all the tribes of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). But as life unfolded in David’s life, he lost sight of his original passion for God and justice. What was it that cooled or shifted his focus of being this righteous standard he had set for himself. David had a front row seat to observe what power, authority and wealth had done to his predecessor. He watched Saul’s spiritual life unravel right in front of him, throwing a spear at David because of the king’s spiritual torment. Is seeing a bad example of leadership helpful to guide one’s own idea of a good leader? I think it is. Yet, it is clearly not enough to be different. A great leader has to grow beyond just doing better than the person before them.

David’s own words in this Psalm must have haunted him as he looked back, he wrote, “I refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar!” Or, “I will reject perverse ideas and stay away from every evil.” These are evidence of a young man’s battle to control his own thoughts, disorder desires and overcome temptations that come his way. Job declared that he had made a covenant with his own eyes, “not to look with lust at a young woman,” (Job 31:1). When David was coming into his years of being a king at 30 years old, his intention, his determination was to NOT put up with conceit or pride. As it turned out, David’s moral wishlist ended up becoming his downfall. What he hated at thirty, he succumbed to at fifty. What do you think caused such a shift from passion to do right to passion to do whatever he wanted? Twenty years of battle victories led to kingdom wide peace and wealth. David no longer needed to go to lead his army against his enemies. He was too valuable, too important, too busy? In the spring when kings go off to war, David stayed home, (2 Samuel 11:1). Everything had been conquered in David’s life, except the desires within his own soul!

I get why this Psalm was inserted into the songs of praise at the end of David’s life, it is a reminder to guard our hearts and stoke the righteous passions of our youth even when we’ve made it, especially if we’ve won.


There are so many lessons to be learned from great men and women in the Bible. The heroic stories, the rags to riches stories, the famous “such a time as this” stories, all of them are so inspiring. Yet, David’s extraordinary life is one example of how quickly things can turn when I lose sight of the most important thing, the number one priority relationship in my life – you! I had wild and crazy expectations of changing my world and Your Church when I was young. Now, I just want to fulfill my calling and tend to my most precious relationships. I need your grace and mercy to finish strong and end well.

Are we missing leadership gifts?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the church: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who have the gift of leadership, those who speak in unknown languages. ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul, in an object lesson, compared the body of Christ, the Church, to a functioning human body. Each part has its unique abilities and each is necessary. Within this illustration, Paul lists the equivalent “parts” that God has appointed for the leadership structure of the Church. Although we are not given any specifics on how the Church functions in day to day operations. And, we are not given any specific polity on how the Church should run corporately. We are given a leadership model.

I have come to realize that the governing of the body is not nearly as important as the people who God has gifted to lead it. Although this is frustrating at times, I understand that it had to be designed this way to survive and thrive through centuries of global and local changes that culture would inevitably face. Our “modern” Churches are no longer similar to the way it looked in the first century Church.

Paul does however list the kinds of gifts as a reflection of Church officers. He even writes that these are just “some” of them. Apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle workers, healers, helpers, leaders and those who speak in tongues. Paul highlights that these are important gifts in the body of Christ. Does your church have apostles or prophets? I am still not sure where our modern day apostles are, nor prophets for that matter! There are so many times, I wish there were clearer apostolic leaders in the big “C” Church.


We have such denominational factions that I can’t see us agreeing on who those folks would be. Was Billy Graham one of them? Would men like Tim Keller be considered an apostle? Both men were certainly highly qualified and carried the authority as an apostle. The Greek just defines apostle as a commissioned messenger, one sent on a mission. It seems we have had these among us, yet would not define them as apostles.

Are denominational leaders automatically deemed apostles, even though they don’t all agree on minor details of theology? I find it completely fascinating that Paul lists some of the more powerful, supernatural gifts as necessities in the body of Christ! And yet, there are many denominations that don’t believe these gifts are still in operation today. Miracles, healing and tongues are so divisive that many churches just ignore them – or worse, teach that they are demonic if practiced today. It seems our ignorance of truth and wisdom paired with our legalistic pharisee-ism is still as destructive today as it was in the first century Church!

Paul does not apologetically encourage these gifts, he declares them as acceptable and helpful to the Churches. It is not stated, but I often wonder if the churches in Rome even accepted or agreed with the churches in Corinth? Yes, Paul’s letters to the Corinthian churches are extravagantly different than his other letters. Yet Paul wrote to Timothy, Senior Pastor and later Bishop at Ephesus, “all scripture is God breathed and profitable for teaching, correction, conviction and training. This includes the letters to Corinth!

As Paul concludes this illustration about the body, he introduces a powerful cliffhanger with these thoughts, “So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts. But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all.“ And boy oh boy does Paul tells us about the way of Love! The same Apostle who gave us 1 Corinthians 13 also gave us Corinthians 12 & 14. We can’t just choose what scriptures we like and ignore the ones we don’t like! I believe we are missing some gifts in the body of Christ. We probably ran them out of churches because we didn’t know how to humbly submit, nor how to yield control.


After reading several places where leadership gifts are listed, I aways wondered what happened to some of them. It seems the Church has settled for just pastor/teacher. I think we are missing out and that we need all the help we can get! My prayer is that we continue to lean into your word, obeying it and set our denominational and/or pre-conceived beliefs aside. Your Word is truth! Amen.

Experience and the examined soul.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Then all the tribes of Israel went to David at Hebron and told him, “We are your own flesh and blood. In the past, when Saul was our king, you were the one who really led the forces of Israel. And the Lord told you, ‘You will be the shepherd of my people Israel. You will be Israel’s leader.’” So there at Hebron, King David made a covenant before the Lord with all the elders of Israel. And they anointed him king of Israel. David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years in all. He had reigned over Judah from Hebron for seven years and six months, and from Jerusalem he reigned over all Israel and Judah for thirty-three years. ‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Coming into power and authority too quickly can be detrimental to a leader and those who follow. David spent much of his young life learning how to care for and protect the family sheep. When the sheep went out to pasture, there were weeks that David would be on his own. He learned most of his vital lessons being a shepherd, a veterinarian, a musician and a warrior. David was also skilled in writing poems and songs while living under God’s big sky with miles of country hills.

The prophet Samuel had secretly anointed David as the future king while he was just a teenager. And David got his first big break when word got out that he was an excellent guitar player, well more like a harpist, ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭16‬:‭18‬. His faith and somewhat exaggerated confidence landed him a confrontation with a Gathean mercenary conscripted by the Philistines – the giant, Goliath! So at the age of about 15 years old he became super famous. It didn’t hurt that Saul had offered his daughter’s hand in marriage and the family’s tax free life to the person who defeated the Philistine champion ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17‬:‭25‬. David even led several successful campaigns on behalf of Saul and became the commander of Saul’s armies.

However, because God had abandoned Saul and he was loosing his grip on reality, things turned ugly on young David, now about 20 years old. For anywhere from 8-10 years, David spent his life on the run. From being a legend to becoming an outlaw, was a struggle for David. He used those times growing closer to God, and writing about his darkest moments in the Psalms. By the time he finally became king over Israel, David had all the highs and lows of notoriety, infamy, and contempt. But as he was hiding and dodging Saul all those years, God was further developing David’s character.

As you are well aware, by the time David was about 50-55 years old he got Bathsheba (22-25 yrs old) pregnant and had her husband murdered and in battle. What happened to all that character development? When things got easy, did David get soft and morally weak. One clue is in Samuel, where he writes, “In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites.” Being that David’s warrior years and his thirst for conquest and victory had subsided. It turned into wandering around on the roof of the palace after taking a midday NAP! This midlife-misstep cost him the kingdom, his own family and his reputation of being the man after God’s own heart. God wouldn’t even let him build the temple (which God didn’t want nor need by the way) because David’s hands were just too bloody.

What an extraordinary life though. So many lessons in life and leadership. So many deep concepts about God and so much self awareness to be gleaned from the writings about David. What can we learn from all of it? Certainly there is a lot of leadership lessons to be learned in different seasons of one’s own life.


There is SO MUCH to learn from David’s life! I read these stories when I was young and it was fascinating and conflicting. Now that I am old, it is very different. From the angst of youth and proving oneself, to the wisdom and nurturing of a solid legacy to leave for children and grandchildren. Finishing well is just about all I think about these days. It’s not about me, it’s about the lives that you have placed in my care, in my capacity to lead. This is what becomes valuable in this season. Experience? Yes, but definitely with an examined soul! Amen.

A Titan for Titus.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This letter is from Paul, a slave of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I have been sent to proclaim faith to those God has chosen and to teach them to know the truth that shows them how to live godly lives. This truth gives them confidence that they have eternal life, which God—who does not lie—promised them before the world began. And now at just the right time he has revealed this message, which we announce to everyone. It is by the command of God our Savior that I have been entrusted with this work for him. ‭‭Titus‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Paul introduces himself in this letter to his other “true son,” Titus. He does so in such a unique way. Paul’s business card would say he’s a “Slave of God,” and “an Apostle of Jesus Christ.” A (doulos), bond slave. And a (apostolos), commissioned messenger. Paul certainly lived and led a life that exemplified both of these titles. Paul, writing from Corinth, had two young men specifically chosen to Pastor churches that were struggling in their theology and practice. Both Ephesus and Cretan churches had gone off course. Both churches had allowed judaizers and dissidents to destroy the unity in the churches.

Paul sent Timothy to Ephesus and Titus to Crete. Both Timothy and Titus had served with and under Paul in the Corinth churches, so they were not inexperienced when it came to wacky theology and massive influence of powerful, societal and religious cultures in these cities. Paul’s charge to Titus was to begin work on setting up godly leadership within the church to help him Pastor. He wanted Titus to get things back on track of the church, living the gospel and being Jesus to the city. They had to get rid of these influencers who continued to propagate a heretical theology. Namely those who would add anything to the gospel, with a Jesus+ circumcision or food rules or separation of worship between Jews and Gentiles.

Paul immediately writes to tell Titus how to find and setup godly leaders, establishing local church governance by ordaining presbyters. It is here that we find how to bring order and unity into a church that will help it flourish in the community. Appoint (presbýteros) elders in each town. It is interesting that Paul’s biggest concern is the proper structure of leaders and leadership instead of church policy and procedures. Jesus, nor Paul gave a godly template for how a church should be organized or structured in its decision process, democracy or levels of authority. It is clearly up to these elders or leaders as to how the church should come together, make corporate decisions and effectively do the gospel.

Today churches are free to choose several different ways of “doing church.” However, they are all instructed similarly on how to choose its leaders. Why did Jesus not leave us a church template on how to “do” church or how to make unified decisions. Why didn’t Paul leave us a governance model? Could it be that the Church should depend on individuals listening and following the Holy Spirit, keeping in mind that Jesus is the true “head” of the Church. Every pastor, elder, presbyter is an under-shepherd to the great Shepherd! It is well known that a good leader means there will be a good organization. Great leader = great Church. Bad leaders not only lead poorly, they also allow dissension, disunity and division to happen. And unqualified or poorly prepared deacons do similar in church as well. The model of choosing godly leaders IS the template for corporate structure.

People may struggle with this leadership model, complaining about top down authority structures or having too much power at the top. Whether folks decide to deconstruct their faith or just quit attending a church, refusing to be a part of the internal change that needs to happen. We must remember, this how God chooses to structure His church. I don’t know if it’s possible to LOVE God and hate or even dislike the Church. It’s still God’s Church, that will never change.


I’ve always wondered why the Bible hasn’t been more specific about how the Church should work, how it should look. Then I realized that any kind of structural methodology would not be flexible enough to work in New Testament times as well as today, or even the future. Like our own lives, you want us to lean into and be led by the Holy Spirit. That makes is so much more adaptable and simple over all the years. We are the ones that make things complicated! Thank you for Your Church – through all the highs and lows of change, it will not fail. It will accomplish your will. Amen.

Lessons from an introverted leader.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭4‬:‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Moses, the man, the legend! Moses’ life is a great example of God’s calling on a person. His story is famous, but his journey to fulfill God’s call is often overshadowed by the amazing scenes of miracles God did through his frailty. Moses wasn’t a weak man, not in grit or girth, but in his self confidence he was weak. His view of himself was not at all what God saw in him.

At eighty years old, God catches Moses’ attention out in the middle of nowhere. And, God waited forty years to approach him. Forty years is plenty long for the death of one’s dreams. At forty, Moses’ anger had finally boiled over when he murdered an Egyptian foreman because the man was mercilessly beating one of his own people. Moses escaped and fled to Midian, the desert where people can disappear. Now at 80 years old, he curiously checks out this crazy fire-bush.

A casual conversation with God on the side of a mountain takes place. God tells Moses his plan. He says, “I’m getting my people out of Egypt, out of slavery and setting up a new place they will call their own. A beautiful place fill with plenty, but there are some folks already there, but I’ll move them out to make room for my people. I’ve heard their cry and I am ready to send someone to lead them out. I am sending you!

It was all a nice conversation until it came down to a command. It wasn’t a question, like with Isaiah, “Whom should I send?” No, it was an order. Moses protested! Moses asked the most telling question of anyone who has ever been called by God. “Who am I?” This wasn’t humility, this was truth. Moses saw himself as a nobody because he was a nobody! He was living a quiet, simple life with his whole new family. He was married, had a kid; Egypt and his former existence was a lifetime in the past. Yet, God would not take no for an answer, because it wasn’t a request, it was a command. God’s patience is sweet, but He would have his way. Moses protest goes on for a very long time, from 3:11 to 4:17, you’ll find every excuse presented and dismissed. But you’ll notice a shuttle shift in wording in verse 10. Moses changes his method from “protest” to “pleading.” Three specific protests and two pleas! The final one, “But Moses again pleaded, “Lord, please! Send anyone else.”” God relented and Moses thought he was off the hook, God said, “fine,” I’ll let your brother, Aaron do the talking, but YOU are still going! What an incredible exchange between the God of all creation and this broken, wash-up, now invisible man, living in the desert.

Who can tell God no? The fears and frailties are real. The common misconception is that God “prepares” those he calls. Ha! That’s funny. Yeah, God prepares alright! He says, “Here’s what you’re going to do… now obey me and get going!” That’s the prep! I don’t know who started this nonsense that somehow miraculously one slowly grows into what God sees in them, when they cannot see it themselves. I can tell you from my experience, I grew and learned through OBEDIENCE. There was no model, no template, no lectures on methodology and no practice test. There was only, “Here’s the plan, go and be obedient.” It required 100% faith to cut through the overwhelming fear that I was not enough. I was not old enough, experienced enough, nor knowledgeable enough. I learned about leadership through obedience. You can take dozens of classes. Listen to hundreds of podcasts about how others did it. Follow a more experienced person and try to emulate what you saw. NONE OF IT compares to obedience and faith. You just have to DO IT.

Moses obeyed and told his father-in-law, then Aaron, then the leaders of Israel, living in Egypt, then finally Pharaoh himself. He became an extraordinary leader, not perfect though. I still see the pattern in Moses’ life… God speaks, he obeys.


Obedience is better than sacrifice. Obedience is faith in action. Obedience is not in my beliefs, it’s in my behavior. I can imagine that I am obedient to your will, your way, all day long, but until my behavior follows through, it’s just a game, a pretense. Thank you your patience, grace and kindness as I get over myself and learn to just do what you say.