Shhhh – God’s working in me.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In these sets of contrarian vignettes of comparison, Jesus weighs in on the top religious behaviors of the day. Those who have, what they believe is a rich physical and spiritual life, seem to be flaunting their superiority.

It’s always a humorous expression to try to “out-god” God himself. Religious folks ought to remember, God sees all and knows all. Meaning, He sees not only the acts of “pholiness” (fake holiness), but also the heart motivations behind the scenes. No matter the grand expression, God is almost exclusively impressed with the movement of our soul.

The striking, blatant, dark comedy on the ancient streets that day was this; as the hypocrites (a theater term btw) parade their generosity with great fanfare, they do so right in front of God standing right there in the common crowd! Jesus, who would give everything, his reputation, possessions (which was minimal), and life would not be celebrated with trumpets but with a morbid mix of cheers, jeers, wailing and shrieking. Jesus good deed was indeed public, but it was not admired by others, it was despised!

Most, if not all giving of money or service or kindnesses, should be done so in secret. It’s like one hand is demonstrably waving at a friend, while the other hand is slipping some needy person a Franklin. I love Jesus’ closing remark, “and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.” You see that? Is it really about a reward at all? The hired Mariachi band maybe your earthly reward when you give obviously, but what’s the heavenly reward when giving in secret? I don’t know.

Here’s what I do know. When I emulate something good I exclusively learned from my Father (God), I honor him and it’s incredibly rewarding. When I see my own adult children doing something good they learned from myself or their mother – well it’s is rapturously joyful! When I give, I am modeling my Father’s character, His will and desires. That’s plenty of reward for me because shockingly, I see that salvation and sanctification are actually working in me!


In so many ways, I can hardly remember the person I used to be. Sure, I see flashes of dark shadows as sin continues to try to resurrect and control me. But in so many other ways, I see the light and love of your Spirit molding a new me. In this area of generosity, it has been such a remarkable journey. It’s not super scientific, but I feel that I have proven to myself that I can’t out-give you! In so many ways beyond money, it’s been a pleasure to grow in gifts that you are so good at – grace, mercy and generosity. Thank you.

The Magnanimous Gift!

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭22‬-‭23‬ ‭ESV‬‬

[WARNING: This contains theological controversy]

Who knew this little verse in Proverbs and this one little word, in this verse, would have such controversy and division surrounding it. You may have never heard of Arian or the “Arian Heresy.” However, this one verse and one particular word in this verse gave cause for some to believe that Jesus was less than the Father and it was a teaching that attempted to dismantled the three-in-one or trinitarian understanding of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Here in the ESV translation, the word, “qanah: to get, acquire” is translated “possessed.” “The Lord possessed me at the beginning.” The problem is the Greek Septuagint (Hebrew to Greek translation) wrote it as ἔκτισεν” which can also be translated as “created” or “formed.” The more simple NLT translation, sadly uses the word “formed.” A first century theologian named, Arian, chose to see the translation as “created.” Another theologian, Aquila, stood his ground and translated it as “possessed.” Arian the took this translation, along with some words from John 1:1 and built an entire belief system that still exists in cults today – that Jesus was a created being and far less than God himself. Arian’s own Bishop Alexander of Alexandria met with him and told him this was an unacceptable translation/interpretation of this verse and other passages of scripture. He was in error and Alexander tried to prove to him that if Christ is not God himself then there was no perfection of sacrifice for our sins and the whole gospel would be reduced to works alone and not by grace! You see the same lie living in modern cults today – one must EARN salvation.

This controversial persistence on Arian’s part, caused the second major council meeting of leadership. The First Council of Nicaea (325), I say second, because Acts 15 is really considered to be the first council (meeting) of leadership. As a basic common declaration of what Christian’s believe, the Nicene Creed is still taught, quoted and recognized as “orthodox” (correct). Arianism was declared heretical and forced it to be dismissed as the way or teachings of Jesus.

Not knowing the controversy behind this one verse is actually helpful, because we are able to take in the full power and beauty of this personification of Jesus depicted as wisdom. The word, “before,” is used in an escalation of scope pertaining to EVERYTHING that wisdom predates and sits in judgement over.

“Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.” Read Proverbs 8:23-29 yourself and just grasp the magnitude of all that wisdom can offer us. Then listen again as she woos those who lack her gifts, “And so, my children, listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful. Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it.”‭‭


It is some seriously dark comedy to see what we have been able to do to Your Word. We’ve broken it, we’ve bent it, manipulated it and flat out misrepresented it! How can you even put up with us and our evil ways? No wonder you search the whole earth just looking for a few righteous. The rest of us are using your Word – your living, eternal Word to start own own religions, or make ourselves rich, famous and powerful. What is wrong with us? I have a hard time wrapping my mind around how patient you are with us. Honestly, I am embarrassed to think about how we want to warp something so good, so pure and make it into some cheap gimmick to gain such a temporary advantage over others. Shame on us, this is NOT wisdom, this is NOT the way. Your wisdom is not only beautiful it’s right, just and true… always.

Liberty and justice for all.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Look at my servant, whom I strengthen. He is my chosen one, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or raise his voice in public. He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle. He will bring justice to all who have been wronged. He will not falter or lose heart until justice prevails throughout the earth. Even distant lands beyond the sea will wait for his instruction.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Isaiah describes the future Messiah who comes to liberate and bring justice to the nations, to ALL who have been wronged. And this revolutionary will do so not by war cries or violently crushing those who are weak and unable to rise up to fight or follow. The conqueror and promised savior will come to restore bruised reeds, to fan the flickering flames of oil light that are struggling to remain lit. The coming messiah sounds more like a red cross volunteer than he does a tank commander.

It is with this drive to both bring true justice for all and this extremely delicate care of mercy that allows him to continue to move through the war torn battlefields of humanity never leaving the wounded, disenfranchised or hopeless behind.

The Messiah will accomplish the mission of saving all who wish to be saved. The NIV translation gives us the tiny little Hebrew word for coastlands or island (אִי ) and tell us in that in his teachings, instructions or law that “even the Coastlands will put their hope.” Isaiah saw the prophetic picture not only of the future results of the Messiah’s justice, but somehow he saw how that tender message of hope would reach the furthest points on our globe. Places like Cuba, Fiji, Ireland, Jamaica, Philippines, Japan or Hawaii. There are some who believe that includes all cities on the coast of their countries. This would mean states like New York, California, Florida and Washington!

Isaiah foresaw the Messiah finishing his work of justice until it is set up or established throughout the earth! Christ’s death was payment for the price of freedom, and it was His resurrection that guaranteed that He and He alone had the power to bring about justice for all. Here’s the hard part, there is no true justice without sound and thorough judgment. No qualified judge let’s wrongdoers escape accountability. There is no justice for those who will not submit to God’s judgment. And since the judgment of God, His wrath towards eradicating sin, is accomplished through Jesus, His only and perfect son. The only way to justice is through Jesus himself. It just so happens that the only real liberty and justice for all is not in a pledge of allegiance to a country’s flag, it’s in Christ and Christ alone.


I feel the ache of those who seek justice through so many causes, campaigns, slogans and celebrities. They will never find true justice in any of them. Not only do I believe Jesus to be the one and only promised Messiah, I believe Him to be the only one capable of bringing real judgement and justice, real liberty and freedom for all. I have experienced that freedom in my own life. And, I have grown to only trust you more, not less. I have decided to pursue your way and not my own. I just want all those who ache for justice to see the day it is fulfilled in you, through Jesus. Pour out your Spirit once again. Breath on us once again. Let the people of the coastlands put their hope in you!

Holy Reintroductions.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.” Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.” The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭33‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This name of God is incredibly mysterious and intimate. Names have always been significant to me. It bothers me when parents choose their children’s names flippantly, as if their own children were the brunt of a joke or an attempt to make an outlandish statement to everyone that hears it. I feel sorry for today’s teachers having to learn complicated names and strange spellings of names because parents want to be uniquely cute. Hey moms and dads… it’s NOT about you so stop selfishly screwing up your child from day one!

Names have and hold honor or conversely horrible reputations. Moses (to draw out) repeatedly said, “God you know my name,” which alone is a powerful concept. Of course God knows his name! But when one knows that God knows your name and calls out your name is an experience beyond words.

God’s voice, was and is distinctly recognizable, Adam and Eve heard it in the garden (Gen 3:5). And Moses wrote that the couple heard the “voice of the LORD God.” Here, in Hebrew, Moses uses a doubling effect of God’s name, “אֱלֹהִ֑ים יְהוָֹה” elohim Yhvh – Jehovah God. Yhvh means I Am, I be (hayah). Earlier in Exodus 3, God had told Moses who was sending him to Pharoah to demand the release of His people. God said, “tell them “Yhvh” has sent me to you.” Here, many years later, in a much more personal, relational context, Moses pleads with God to STAY. God tells Moses, I will pass before you and speak my name – Yahweh. The Jewish people mistakenly treated God’s name so holy for fear that they would break law #3. They did not want to accidentally take God’s name in vain or be careless so decided they would never speak His name. They strictly forbid anyone from saying or even writing God’s name and forever used a shortcut to refer to Him – the vowels in God’s name were removed and we were left with Yhvh. Scholars best guess, putting the most likely vowels back in use, “Yahweh” or pronounced “Jehovah.”

The point of this dialog with Moses is that God WANTS to be known. God wants us to call out His name! One of most poignant moments in the New Testament is when the religious leaders started forcing Jesus to reveal who he was, only to trap him in what they considered to be blasphemy and they asked him in John 8:56-59, “Who do you think you are?” Jesus replied, “before Abraham was, I am,” our translations use the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew word “eimi: I exist, I am.” Jesus spoke the forbidden use of God’s name and insisted it is not blasphemy if he is in fact THE person of that highly secretive word! God knows our name. God wants us, like the couple in the garden, like Abram, like Moses, even like Lazarus, to hear and recognize his voice and talk with Him.


Abba, Father, God – I want to know you more. I know you know my name and I want to not only know your name, but everything about you. I want to bear and reflect your name in and through my own life, giving You glory and honor and praise in how I live, how I love. Thank you for your amazing grace to transform my life into something beautiful.


Reading Time: 3 minutes

“One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him. A little farther up the shore he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too. They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4‬:‭18‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus was tempted, went home for a bit, then headed to Galilee, fulfilling another one of Isaiah’s (Isa 9:1-2) prophetic words about the messiah. Matthew was tracking his movements.

Then he immediately began his mission, preaching repentance and the coming Kingdom of God. But Jesus did not do this alone, he quickly enlisted a team around him. Four fishermen (Peter, Andrew, Big James and John) right there on the shores of Galilee. The rest of the twelve, Thomas, Nathaniel and Philip may have also worked as fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector, a Jewish sell-out working for Rome. Simon was a revolutionary, maybe a secret political terrorist of sorts. Judas may have been an accountant, but was know for thievery (John said he stole from their own ministry account Jn 12:6) and little James and Jude (no occupation mentioned).

The point is, Jesus specifically went after twelve. It is said that 70 followed, 12 were discipled but only 3 were mentored. Jesus spent a lot of time with the 12, but pulled the 3 aside to reveal/expose to them the heart and mission of what He was called to do. They were eye witnesses and STILL had doubts, fears and struggles. They lived with, ate with, travelled with Jesus and still had difficulty reconciling their faith with what they were experiencing! The twelve were first experiencers and responders and doubters all at the same time.

Jesus said something profound to Thomas AFTER his resurrection, after coming back from the dead. Thomas watched Jesus live, watched him die and physically stood in front of him after his resurrection and was forever tagged with the nickname, “the doubter!” Are you kidding, every single one of those who gathered after the resurrection were doubters until they saw Jesus with their own eyes! Jesus told Thomas the shocking truth. Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” John‬ ‭20‬:‭29‬. That’s us folks! We are the believers WITHOUT seeing what Jesus closest friends and family experienced. Why? Because in very much God’s way, he has come to each one of us as individuals and called us out – out of darkness into light. Out of slavery into freedom. Out of professions and a past into a purpose and a task. We have seen because Jesus has shown himself to us and we believe and declare just like Thomas and the others, “my Lord and my God!” It is by faith we believe and we are happy (blessed) because of it. Come in closer than the seventy. Come in closer still, more than than the twelve. Come into to be mentored by Jesus and let him reveal and expose his mission to you and through you!


I believe. I am blessed because I have not physically stood before Jesus and thrust my hands in his hands and side. I am blessed because you made yourself real to me and that experience changed me forever. That moment is undeniable. I don’t care what happens in all the nonsense of religiosity and polity of Church. I don’t care about the controversies surrounding the famous platform pastors and the heresy wars among the christian elite. I don’t care about the cultural lies and subterfuge suppression of truth. I know what I know because you showed yourself to me, bid me to come, called me to your mission and I BELIEVE!

When all you have is fear and faith.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly. As he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. “Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1‬:‭19‬-‭21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Joseph did everything right and still he was going to thwart the plans of God. Not only was Joe going to do things right, he was even going to do them with the best motives in mind. He was going to break the engagement quietly, privately, so it would not disgrace Mary publicly.

Joe was much older than Mary and we don’t know all the details of his and Mary’s life before their pre-arranged marriage. You knew that right? This wasn’t a whirl-wind romance of Joe sweeping young Mary off her feet and promising her the world. History is fairly quiet about the couple, especially after the “incident” of being with child out of wedlock. Joseph was said to have been married before and was a widow. Mary being so young and both families living in a poorer part of Israel (Nazareth), may have had few to no suitors for her father to choose from. None of that mattered really, because God’s will, His desires, His plans before time existed was for these two, Joseph and Mary to raise the Son of God.

What do you do when a good man, a righteous man is going to break up with the woman carrying the Messiah? Who’s going to have that kind of conversation with Joseph and get him to change his mind, because clearly Matthew tells us he had already made his decision. And when a man… especially a Jewish man makes up his mind, well, you know, there’s no changing that! No worries, that too was all planned out with God.

God sent a messenger, a powerful, high ranking messenger, an angel of the Lord. The message isn’t, “Marry the girl or else!” The message is don’t fear the consequences of marrying this girl. The consequences were real. No one in those days (or these days) was going to buy the whole “virgin birth” story. Everyone knows where babies come from and how they’re made! If Joseph wasn’t the daddy, it must be another man – but who?

Gossip would have torn through their town like a wildfire, destroying everything in its path. Then there’s the whole danger of Mary being dragged out in the town square and stoned to death for adultery, killing her and the child within her womb. We couldn’t have that happen right?

No; God, Joe and Mary had to keep this whole thing on the downlow and make sure it played out well with the whole community. So the fear of consequences of what would happen to Mary and the shame that Joseph would have to bear was very real. He wasn’t the one carrying a miraculous child from God, but he would need BIG faith to believe and raise the boy as his own. Notice, even in the miraculous intervention the angel didn’t force Joe to do God’s will. He told him not to fear and then flat out told him the why behind all the mystery. For this child would save his people from their sin! Wow, gives me the chills. The angel didn’t tell Joe that he would raise a warrior, a king, or ruler to conquer Rome and put Israel back on top as a global phenomenon like in the days of Solomon. No, this child would save Israel from their sin. Joseph must have known exactly what that meant because of his own lineage and legacy. Matthew had just told us about Joe’s bloodline, a direct heir of Abraham, Boaz, David and Solomon! Joseph knew his people’s own sin story and the need for a future redeemer. Joseph would not be raising just a king, he’d be fathering the King of kings. He wouldn’t be raising a military hero, he’d be fathering the Savior, THE one and only Messiah. We know the intervention worked because Matthew writes, “When Joseph woke up, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded and took Mary as his wife.” Great job Joe. Great job angel of the Lord. And great job God! Mission accomplished.


In those moments of decision, Joseph could not have known the part, the role he would play in history. He could not have known the results of his decision and how critical it really was. No, he only knew of fear and faith. He could have only known how he felt when he heard the news about Mary and the faith he had to have to believe the angel and follow through with obedience to marry the girl who was carrying our Savior. We never know how our decisions of faith effect the future. All we know is to trust you and obey. You’re the only one who knows how it all works together. May it be unto me to also believe and obey!

Proverbs catches a conundrum.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Pride ends in humiliation, while humility brings honor.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭29‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

How can God be all powerful, all knowing and all present and NOT be arrogant? Is pride the opposite of humility? Pride certainly destroys lots of things: relationships, trust, faith and opportunities. Pride and humility cannot share the same space. One defeats and displaces the other. Pride also has an oder, it stinks. People smell it and it’s repulsive. Don’t mistake confidence for pride either, one is admirable, the other deplorable.

The wisdom writers tell us that humility brings honor. Honor? I think honor only comes from the honorable. To the proud, humility brings jealousy and confrontational complexity.

Robin and I watched the brand new Season 3 of The Chosen the other day. This season is far more intimately gritty. Dallas Jenkins and the writing team have decided to dig deeply into the characters and our unique human dilemmas. Questions are asked that we’ve all wanted to ask, but have never had the guts or the platform to facilitate them.

In episode 3, Jesus returns to his childhood hometown of Nazareth. I don’t know how Dallas pulled it off but Jesus, played by Jonathan Roumie, comes off naturally, if not even awkwardly humble! Jesus is portrayed as an introvert!

And he’s not just quiet, he’s shy! He quietly arrives at night. The next day is a big celebration, a Jewish holiday that honors the day God created the world. Families and friends are all out in a field like a massive community fair. Word had spread about Jesus’ miracles and fame. Thousands had come to hear him speak, the paralyzed cure, possessed were freed from demonic slavery. The news was everywhere! Yet the writers chose to portray Jesus as almost embarrassed by all the attention! Roumie playing Jesus, deflected praise, and avoided direct questions of who he was. While playing a childhood game, they had Jesus LOSE after clumsily dropping the ball several times! When meeting with Jesus’ childhood teacher and master Rabbi. They had Roumie genuinely honoring his own teacher and giving us the feeling that it was strange to have the roles reversing as now the student was becoming the master.

Jesus, who IS God and had stared down power, veiled threats, demons and doubters, was seemingly uneasy with this shift happening in his own hometown. Oh, it’s all true, but we’ve never seen it acted out like this.

There is a scene in the local Nazareth synagogue where Jesus opens the scroll to read out of Isaiah. Roumie rolls it up and gives it back to the attendant. He then sits down and scans the room, his eyes taking in everyone that has known him and his family since he was born. His eyes, his body language are amazing. He stares at his mother, Mary. He stares at his own Rabbi. And as he stares you feel the angst and anticipation of what is about to happen. Dallas, puts you in the synagogue, the room packed with emotion.

Jesus, at this moment seems to struggle. He does not want to tell this group, his childhood friends, his own mother, and his Rabbi what MUST be revealed. It is the most powerful moment of humility that I have ever seen! Jesus, being fully God and fully human, understands the pain and confusion this news will bring to his family, friends and all of Nazareth. But Jesus HAS to tell them! He has to reveal what God has spoken, what God has declared as His will. “Today,” Jesus says, “this scripture has been fulfilled today.” In the show, the crowd that’s gathered gets super aggravated and aggressive and they press Jesus. The Rabbi comes out and asks him, are you saying you are greater than the law of Moses? Ahhhhh, here it is. How will Jesus respond, what will he say? Dallas had Roumie say this, “I AM the law of Moses!” It gave me chills, it made me cry. It wrecked me! And, it must have wrecked them as well, because they took him out on the cliffs in Nazareth to stone him for blasphemy!

Jesus would leave and never come back to his hometown because he said he was God, but didn’t act like they thought God should act!


When I think about humility and remember the stories Jesus told and lived. When I think about Jesus’ mannerisms and attitudes, his gentleness and kindness, it is then that I begin to understand how Your ways are above and mostly unknown to me! How could any of us be so arrogant, so puffy proud? Am I above God? Do we think we are better than you, know better than you and can finagle our own way without you? That’s just insanely ridiculous! I am sorry for my own arrogance and independence.

The impossible becomes probable.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!” Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭28‬-‭31‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Gabriel has two assignments: visit Zechariah and visit Mary, and tell them what is going to happen. To Zach, the angel tells him about his son that will be born. Zach, being old, has a difficult time believing. Gabriel tells him, oh IT WILL happen, then removes Zach’s ability to speak until he writes out his son’s name – “His name is John.” To Mary the angel says she is favored and blessed (eulogeó: to speak well of). Luke records that Mary is extremely agitated and thoroughly confused by this visitation especially because of these unexpected, encouraging words. Gabriel hadn’t even told her the message from God! And in that moment, Mary couldn’t understand why she was greeted in this way. “Why am I considered favored and well spoken of?” she pondered in her mind. What teenage girl believes that they have a good life and reputation in their friend circles? Gabriel tells her not to be afraid while she was still struggled with a genuine compliment! Then the high ranking angel continues, “you have found grace with God!” All of this is overwhelming to Mary. The super affirmation and the declaration that God has extended grace to her – and she has done nothing but exist as an average, quite invisible teenager living in the poor, armpit community of Nazareth. Gabriel tells her not to fear, but I get the impression she was overwhelmed with the lavished kindness and attention that she could not even fathom. Maybe she felt worthless, unseen, small, insignificant and completely unimportant in those moments. She had to have asked herself… “who is this?” and more disturbing, “who am I?” She never saw herself as worthy of ANYTHING and now God has put a holy spotlight on her. Gabriel then tells her the purpose for the visit, you’re going to have a supernatural baby boy and you will name him Joshua (Jesus in Greek) – God saves. Mary, like Zach, had her doubts, but doesn’t offend Gabriel by saying, “how can I really know, know this will come true?” Instead she responds, “But how can this exist or be? I have not experienced a man.” Mary’s humility and curiosity is not offensive to Gabriel, so he tells her. The Holy Spirit will come upon you. And the power of the most high will overshadow, envelop you. And you will give birth to the holy one, called the son of God! The plot thickens up until the day Jesus is born.


Such a wonderful, mysterious way to announce the coming of the Messiah! I wouldn’t have expected anyone to really know how you planned to pull off such a monumental revealing. And the fact that you did so through a high priest, Zechariah, and a very average, normal young girl to bring all this about. It is still the best mid-story shocker! It’s like your jump-the-shark episode, except it was done really well. Bravo and I can’t wait for the final season!

Shut your trap!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Watching for their opportunity, the leaders sent spies pretending to be honest men. They tried to get Jesus to say something that could be reported to the Roman governor so he would arrest Jesus. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you speak and teach what is right and are not influenced by what others think. You teach the way of God truthfully. Now tell us—is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭20‬:‭20‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wow, things just don’t change all that much in the “set the trap,” let’s catch ‘em in a juicy sound-bite moment. Tisk, tisk, tisk, good luck catching God tripping up on some cheap word-trap and moral dilemma.

Luke gives us such a rich background to this moment. With words like “opportunity,” “spies,” and “reporting,” who wouldn’t be drawn into to this scene?

The guys, supposedly working FOR God, are trying to trap God to get him to quit interfering with their job of protecting God from rift-raft, fakes and false prophets. They never considered, even for a moment, that the REAL messiah, would show up and they would find themselves on the wrong side of truth. Can people get so turned around that they find themselves on the wrong side of truth?

Luke writes “they sent spies,” pretending (hupokrinomai), like actors on a stage, to be earnest in their query. Then they actually try to butter up God by telling him what a great guy he is!

Oh, you’re so honest Jesus.
Oh, people love following you Jesus.
You’re such a great leader Jesus.
What a bunch of DUNG!

It’s all fake flattery, dripping with barbs to trap Jesus into saying something useful, self incriminating and heard by so many. It was an excellent trap that everyone of us has fallen prey to.

The ol’ speak ill of the government trap.

Who hasn’t stepped in this one? The wacky laws, the ridiculous misuse of power and oh, don’t get me started on how they are spending MY tax money! I would have fallen for it and failed.

All Jesus needed to say is, “I can’t stand that Caesar and his wicked, mindless, money-grubbing cronies around him.” “Taxes? I wouldn’t give him one shiny new denarius, he’s a hack!”

His comments would have been captured, then reported and bada-bing, no more Jesus. Oh, but God will not be trapped by human traps and schemes. God is still not trapped by human schemes. In fact, God uses our ill-intents and petty manipulations to bring about His will and purpose bringing the reality of the Kingdom of God here on earth!

Jesus doesn’t fall for it. He asks for a coin, looks at it and flips it back to its owner. Cool as a cucumber he asks the owner of the coin, with the crowd waiting to hear the SNAP of the SNARE, “who’s image (eikón), who’s imprint (epigraphó) is on that coin?” The trickster responded, “well, of course it’s Caesar.” Jesus said, “then obviously give him back his coin!” The crowd was stunned, the religious leaders… silenced. This story is famous for this question, “who’s image and imprint does the coin bear?” It’s famous, because we, humans, are the image bearers of God. ALL of us. No one can flip our souls from one side to the other and not clearly see that we are unique and hardly “self-created!” We bear the image and imprint of God stamped on us. No other creature, flora nor fauna carries that same image, because God breathed Himself into our souls. So Jesus words are stingingly accurate even today, “Give to God what is His!”


I now know that I was bought with a price and I am yours. I know and love the fact that I am more than just a friend of God, like “I know Him!” But, I am your son. I’ve been twice adopted. I am in the family of God and my life bears your image and imprint. I return what “belongs” to you everyday. I am so thankful to bear your name and be your son.

Cannot see but set on being seen.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind beggar was sitting beside the road. When he heard the noise of a crowd going past, he asked what was happening. They told him that Jesus the Nazarene was going by. So he began shouting, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” “Be quiet!” the people in front yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke‬ ‭18:35-39‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is so much packed into this story Luke brings, highlighting Jesus’ compassion, attention to details, human needs as well as elements of faith. What I like is the triple surprise effect. The beggar, the BLIND beggar obviously had his spot at the gate. We’ve all seen the similar and consistent characters on our own neighborhood street corners. Surprise! That day wasn’t going to be normal at all. All the other days are mundane if not miserable, but this one – oh no – everything changed. Days can be like that for us, right? God can and often does surprise us.

The blind beggar man had lost his sight, but hadn’t lost his ears or voice. He had instincts, street-smarts and knew when something unusual was happening. I’m guessing he could sense trouble or the thrill of a crowd. What a great situational awareness skill! The crowd heard him, yet didn’t really see him. And, even though they themselves were excitedly talking, possibly even shouting, they did not feel the beggar needed to distract the miracle working Rabbi. Maybe the crowd had their own needs and we’re pressing in around Jesus, similar to the mob with the woman and her medical issue. Yet, the blind beggar would be heard.

There is something refreshing when someone has gumption, the nerve, the determined drive to be heard. Luke writes, “when Jesus heard.” The crowd had been listening, but Jesus was not yet close enough. Luke says “he stopped.” He told some of the people, bring him to me. You can feel the tension of the medical-powerball-lotto ticket numbers being read.

Surprise. Then Jesus does this thing I’ve only seen in one other situation. He asks the man, “what do you want me to do for you?” Now, before we might say, “isn’t it obvious!” I have to remind myself that “obvious” is only what WE see, not what God sees. The man that was paralyzed, you know where his friends lower him through Peter’s mother-in-law’s roof. It was obvious to everyone that he NEEDED to walk again. But Jesus knew he needed forgiveness! The paralyzed man by the pool of Bethesda only wanted a push into the miracle-stirred water. Yet Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be well?”

The blind man now SEEN by Jesus had an immediate response – “I want to see.” And surprise, Jesus says, “receive your sight!” Two miracles just like that. Being seen by Jesus, then seeing God! The first person his eyes would see was the only one he would ever really need to see!


How do I get the blind beggar skills without having to be blind myself? This guy was super-enabled! His grit and determination. And, his faith! Wow. I have great eyesight, yet there are so many times I do NOT see. I don’t see the needs of other. I don’t see your hand of grace and mercy. I don’t see Jesus nearly enough living in the mundane days. The blind beggar teaches me so many lessons. Thank you for these stories. Thank you for the surprises throughout the day. I am humbled.