Can jealousy cause cancer?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.‭‭ Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sure, the New Living Translation takes some liberty by using a shocking word like cancer. Cancer, of course, is a mysteriously, radical rebellion that starts within a cell of our own body! The Hebrew word isn’t cancer it’s, “raqab,” rottenness or decay. Which is morbidly more creepy.

Bone rot? Proverbs gives us a stark reality – envy or jealousy in our heart does real damage to our physical body! This overly passionate want, this zeal for more, or for what others have, is doing far more harm than just be a soul-sucking experience, it will cripple us!

The comparison to what the Hebrews considered to be a “marpe,” sound or healthy heart – which Bible translations choose to use the word, peaceful or tranquil heart GIVES health, GIVES life itself. A jealous heart gives this rottenness and decay to our body’s infrastructure. It’s a clear warning to not let envy drive the conscious moments of our thoughts lest we release death throughout our bodies!

Dismiss jealousy. Kick envy. Do not let these toxic emotions sit and fester in our heart. Seek God’s perspective. Seek wisdom. Seek contentment with what you have, not what you want or think you need. Stop looking for more – especially when comparing to what others have! God’s word has given us warning labels to help us avoid self-inflicted diseases!

I believe that cancer is the personification of sin within our own cells. I believe the bigger problem is when these rogue cells enlist other healthy cells to their rebellious cause and form an evil unity of cells we call tumors. But what if Proverbs is physically accurate to one of the causal effects of jealousy or anger, bitterness or hate. Could those secret, harbored thoughts and emotions trigger a single cell to turn and become a traitor within our body? I’m not a medical doctor nor a cytologist, but I wonder if it’s true. The point is, keep your heart sound. Nurture your thoughts towards Godly peace and stay clear of bone rot.


Proverbs is filled with principles of wisdom and truly life-giving advice. And, it’s also filled with warnings and consequences that I absolutely believe are true. In all our human learning and understanding, there are still a myriad of mysteries about so many things. We know cancer kills, but no one knows how it begins. Maybe your word sheds some light on what really rots us from within? David, a chief sinner, when he repented asked for a pure heart. I ask for the same. Amen.

Hunting peace.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For the Scriptures say, “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns his face against those who do evil. ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter offers amazing results for those of us who want the good life. In a world of decisions that have immediate consequences, this is GOLD. Peter writes if we want a life filled with love and see good days… what is required? Simple – just “pauó,” restrain our tongue! And something even more difficult – stop our mouth from trash-talking “dolos,” deceit. Wow. Was Mom right? Even Thumper, from the Bambi movie knows this, “If you can’t say somethin’ nice.., don’t say nothin’ at all.”

The Apostles all write about this in one form or another. Paul in Colossians 4:6, Ephesians 4:29, James in James 3:6 – they all speak of controlling the little fire-starter organ, known as our tongue. Apparently our mouth is the gateway to the hateway!

Peter’s godly, Spirit-filled advice is to help us control our mouths. It starts by controlling what we think about, even starting with what we look at. He writes, “zéteó,” seek or search for peace. Peace, “eiréné,” is the Hebrew equivalent to Shalom. Peter follows that up with not just seeking it, but when we find this peace we should, “diṓkō,” pursue it or aggressively chase after it! Search for peace, targeting it, then hunt it down and make it ours.

This godly peace must do some deep work inside our hearts, allowing our heart to see the world, our friends and our circumstances differently. Can a peace perspective have that kind of dramatic effect on my mouth? Writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit, directing thoughts and quill-strokes on parchment, I believe this is direct wisdom from God! When I feel my heart is angsty and out of sync with God, I can easily see my hot, viperous words flying out of my mouth. But if I hunt down peace and allow the Spirit of God to settle my soul and de-escalate my rabid rise of evil thoughts, maybe – just maybe, I can put the kabash ( a real Hebrew word) on my wild tongue.


I try really hard to guard my words. They seem to fly out of my mouth faster than I can put a stop to it. It’s flat out embarrassing to think the battle started in my heart. It is sad to think that my heart was seeking, and desperately searching for anything other than peace. My heart was looking for trouble, looking for a reason to validate my feelings and emotions that actually came out of some poor attitude or pity-party I was having. I am so sorry. Help me with my thoughts! Help me with the posture of my heart. Remind me to hunt down peace rather than something awful and evil. Thank you for your supernatural peace that will eclipse my soul, helping me think right and therefore speak better words, godly words. Amen.

Lens check.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast.” Proverbs‬ ‭15‬:‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I went to get my eyes checked because I thought something might be wrong with my eyes. It was getting harder to read small print up close, without adequate lighting. I thought, “oh, here we go, my eyes are going bad!” My optometrist checked my eyes and gave me the news. I braced for the worst. He said, “there is nothing wrong with your eyes.” I retorted in disbelief, “but I can’t see as clearly as I used to.” He replied, “yeah, your old and your eyes ability to focus get a little weaker, you just need some help with reading glasses.” I wasn’t going blind, I was just getting old!

Is it possible that our perspective, our mental, emotional lenses can effect what we see happening around us? The wisdom writers confirm, it can and it does. The ESV translation is accurate in giving us the original Hebrew version, “all the days of the afflicted (ani: poor, afflicted) are evil (ra’: adversity).” The perspective from those who are poor, physically and/or spiritually is ALWAYS tainted with adversity. From their lens, their daily picture of what life is and what life gives, is all hardship and trouble.

I see people, I talk with people who live this way. Even though they may not actually be physically or spiritually poor, their lens only sees bleakness and doom. I spend a few minutes with them and I’m depressed just listening to their litany of tragedy. I can’t talk them out of it, I only listen and grieve with them. It’s always the same perspective of misery.

Proverbs contrasts this lens with another view. The one who’s heart is happy. Isn’t that interesting. A happy heart is the corrective lens that is able to see differently. The cheerful (towb: beautiful, pleasant, agreeable) heart sees a whole different life. This heart sees a feast (mishteh: a feast), a party filled with friends, food and laughter. I also talk with people like this! They are usually upbeat and are so excited to tell me about all the good things that are happening in their life. How strange! The contrast and comparison is wildly different. Can I be honest? I don’t enjoy being around forever negative people. I feel it is my Biblical responsibility and pastoral duty to do so.

The miserable are ALWAYS miserable and the cheerful are ALWAYS cheerful? We know that can’t be true. There must be some good things that come to the despondent heart. And, conversely, there must be some bad things that come to the cheerful heart. But the lens, the perspective, seems to be radically different.

When I start seeing everything as trouble and adversarial, I need to get my heart lens checked. I will find that my heart is not broken, it just gets tired and overwhelmed. I need to get some “spiritual readers,” to help me focus and get clarity on what I see. My heart is the lens of my soul’s view of life! I need to tend to correcting its focus! God’s Word, the Holy Spirit and close friends are my corrective lenses. They help me focus my heart to get a Godly perspective of reality.


Who can know my heart, my thoughts, my motives better than you. When my heart is sad, my perspective is dark and blurry. But when I spend time with you, especially in Your Word and prayer, you comfort my heart, you lift my soul from despair. As I have learned from the Psalmists, I can be completely open and honest with my feelings, but ultimately I need help tweaking my lenses to see what is true, right and good. Thank you for tending to my heart which dictates my view of everything around me.

This is THE way.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭4‬:‭25‬-‭27‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sounds obvious, simple. Wandering eyes and distracted attention is bound to get you walking into a pole or traffic. Anyone noticed the new pedestrian entitlement? Especially in parking lots. Folks wander, zig-zag and just walk right in front of your car or just keep walking when you’re backing out of a space. There’s a creepy sense that modern cars with cameras and warning systems will auto-stop the car before hitting them. And now that jaywalking is no longer a crime, pedestrians rule the streets! I think some people WANT to get hit just for the insurance money. Sorry for the rant.

Wisdom makes a far more spiritual point using this idea of focusing our eyes so that our feet will follow. The eyes of our heart is our mind. And the things we think about absolutely dictate the direction of our attitudes and behaviors. The idea of fixing our thoughts to control or drive our behaviors is not a new concept in the Bible. Proverbs 23:7 in NKJV begins with, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” The Apostle Paul picks up the idea in Philippians 4:8. “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” This is wisdom’s way, walk in it.

Proverbs also reminds us that these practices of looking and focusing can keep our feet from following evil. We realize our feet have no sense of desire or cravings, right? Our feet are a symbol of our behaviors, they just obey our eyes and brain telling them where to go. I am still very much reminded of Jesus’ words that the “safe” path is also the narrow one, less popular, more difficult.


I sure hope my thoughts of you, your Word and your Will dictate my direction! It’s a mental struggle for sure. You call it sin, Paul calls it the flesh (sarx), but boy can it get me or lead me into trouble. It’s hard to fix my eyes on what’s right, good and holy when there are so many stinkin’ shiny objects dangling all around me. No wonder Job says he made a covenant with his eyes! Your Word is the light on my path and the wisdom to choose to walk in it. This is the way.

SA – Spiritual Awareness

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“People may be right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines their heart.” Proverbs‬ ‭21:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I don’t know if you follow this trend idea but emotional intelligence and self awareness are HUGE buzz words in leadership and engagement with teams. Emotional intelligence is the ability to “read the room.” That room may one person you said something offensive or insensitive to and didn’t even know it. That room may be filled with coworkers and you’ve told some old distasteful joke and everyone gets quiet, but you don’t notice. Self awareness is taking a read on your own words and behaviors. Both phrases have the ability to check yourself when you’ve gone verbally rabid. IF, you have a decent EQ score.

This wisdom proverb catches a layer of humanity that goes further, deeper into our soul. How many of us can be Spiritually intelligent or aware? Can we improve and get better at such things? I believe that followers of Jesus, who are soaked in the Spirit of God, can and will work on listening to the voice of God!

And do so not just to check ourselves but check the spiritual situational awareness around us as well. We MAY be correct in our perspective and rights, but to tap into what God is doing goes far beyond our own will and desires. There are so many Bible verses about how we humans look at each other. We judge by what we see. Of course, when it comes to others “seeing” us we want to be judged our past, our story, our reasons for what we said or did. However, in every interaction of relationship there’s a third party perspective- God himself. What does God see, what does God want? God always looks into and examines our hearts.

God looked into Cain’s heart, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve and saw his outward appearance, “Why do you look so dejected?” the Lord asked Cain. But God simultaneously looked into his heart and openly addressed it with Cain. God said, “Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” Genesis‬ ‭4:6-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬. Who better to peer into the mysterious areas of our own thoughts, feelings and attitudes but God? Of course our actions and behaviors are important and matter, both good and evil. But God sees the motivations behind our behaviors.

For me, Spiritual Awareness always starts with myself before I ever venture out to poke around in other people’s hearts. I always tell our family about situational awareness, knowing who and what is happening around them at all times while in public places. I need to balance that by also talking about our spiritual awareness of not just ourselves but also those around us.


As believers, I think we all need to increase our spiritual awareness. Not just to take a read on ourselves but also to read the room where others may be hurting. Can you help us remember that your always watching and always working?

Meme for your heart : Guard it or you’ll crash

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We live in such a “quippy” world. Back in the 70’s & 80’s it was all about bumper stickers, fridge magnets and cross-stitched plaques otherwise known as ancient memes. Now, short, punchy, even purposely vulgar pics, sayings and gifs are ubiquitous across social media, hanging on earth-toned, organic, reclaimed barn wood or pallets in our homes or printed on T-Shirts, hats and even derrières! I don’t know if Solomon or his wisdom crew had sayings hanging in the palace schoolhouse or sewn into their draperies at home.

Let’s just say that, as humans, we’ve always wanted quick, shortcut style sayings to help us memorize and hopefully internalize complicated ideas.

GUARD a heart? He’s not talking cholesterol here. Attitude determines altitude! So whether Edwin Louis Cole, Zig Ziegler or John Maxwell said it, it’s true. Proverbs says, my heart determines my course! No one wants to go on a hike in the forest with a broken compass, no one wants to sails the seas with a faulty sexton. We want our guiding instruments to be in good working order and TRUE! For us, it’s our heart.

So how do I guard my heart from anger, frustration, bitterness, comparing, jealousy, stress, guilt, depression or a whole slew of emotions that are negative? I don’t want those emotions determining my course or my relationships! I can’t advise on what your heart triggered solutions might be, but for me these have been helpful.

One, name it to tame it. I have to force myself to identify what I’m feeling, this isn’t easy. I get lost in the emotion then the blame of someone or something that made me feel so _ fill in the blank. I have to say it first to myself, then to God in real, psalm-like prayer (honest and unguarded). Then, just so I don’t spew verbal acid and emotional toxicity on my wife and close friends, I often need to tell them as well.

Two, I need to find or get into a physical space where it’s quiet and I can slow down to think.

Or three, contrarily, be with our Garvin circus troop filled with chaotic noises of children crying, squealing and the beautiful sounds of conversation and laughter with our adult children. Our FULL house means cacophony of kids, dogs and the making, eating or cleaning up of a meal. It’s weird, but it works! Maybe it overwhelms my senses and temporarily puts brain into shock, thus distracting the fact that my heart was being attacked by runaway emotions.

I’m in this current phase of trying to MINIMIZE the emotional fallout of an unguarded heart. It used to take days to get control of and turn my attitude around. I’m working on getting down to hours.

What are your methods of guarding your heart?


Just knowing that you KNOW me and are aware of my situations and my weaknesses are really helpful. Also, finally being honest and telling you how I feel. Even telling you about the misperceived actions of others. I know that you are my greatest source of peace and my trusted perception adjuster. I feel safe and loved when I spend time reading and reflecting on your Word and listening to the gentle voice of your Spirit.