The Haunting of Herod

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“When Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee, heard about everything Jesus was doing, he was puzzled. Some were saying that John the Baptist had been raised from the dead. Others thought Jesus was Elijah or one of the other prophets risen from the dead. “I beheaded John,” Herod said, “so who is this man about whom I hear such stories?” And he kept trying to see him.” Luke‬ ‭9:7-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​The haunting of righteousness and justice! Herod, fraught with guilt has three visitors in his head. The great Herod has lost his mind with too much power, money, drink and sex. He’s going mad! Rumors were floating around the city at the office cooler, the markets, the coffee shops. News travels up to power much faster than it travels down. He’s alive!?!

Herod gets himself written into the gospel story as character who’s sin has caught up to him. And as a good journalist, Luke records what Herod “reportedly” said, but, but, but… “I beheaded John!” And with a shaky voice, like out of some old Don Knott’s movie, he says, “so who is this man?” Cue creepy music here. Yes, like the ghosts of Christmas past, Herod hears that it could be Elijah coming back to judge him, or John himself, back from the dead to take his revenge. This man Jesus had been busy in Galilee, gathering disciples, healing the sick, kicking out demons. This Jesus seemed to be even more powerful than either of the prophets, old and new. It was like he was a combination of all the former spokespersons for God!

Jesus, son of man, son of God, had certainly stirred up the crowd. Luke suggests that the stories just kept coming in creating a sense of guilt and curiosity in Herod. Luke writes, “he kept trying to see him.” Jesus referred to Herod as that “fox,” probably suggesting that he was a rather weak, ineffective leader but very crafty.

Oh, eventually Herod would meet Jesus at a trial. Herod was so intrigued by Jesus calm, humble demeanor. He wanted to see Jesus flex some that power he’d heard about, that prophetic fiery voice that he had witnessed in John. He even wanted Jesus to perform some miracles at the trial for his life. Jesus said nothing. Herod “reportedly” died horribly, with gangrene that made him stink. It was said that he was eaten by worms!


I can’t say that I mind at all that Herod felt haunted. I don’t know where he ended up in eternity, that’s not my call. But I am glad that he seemed to experienced a poor ending to a life lived rather selfishly. I’m especially intrigued that you had Luke actually write about him AND that Herod is even a character that interacted with Jesus! What a moment. Herod thought he was SO MUCH in charge and was puzzled about Jesus not trying to get out of false charges and correct wild fake news. Most megalomaniacs think they are on top of things when in actuality they’re the least self-aware folks on the planet.