Am I a one percenter?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“I said to myself, “Come on, let’s try pleasure. Let’s look for the ‘good things’ in life.” But I found that this, too, was meaningless.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​The heart searches, but does it find fulfillment? First of all Solomon was afforded something most humans never have access to – leisure.

I don’t know if it’s true, but I’ve heard about this 99% of the world don’t have a lot. Does the majority of humanity even have the resources to enjoy leisure?

Solomon had a life that gave him the opportunity to even ask the question, “What do I really want?” Most work, sleep and eat very little and have no time to ask about dreams, wishes or even a moment to search for Solomon’s list.

Look at what he tries out for fulfillment. Pleasure. Laughter, enhanced by wine. Then he pauses and admits, “I tried to experience the only happiness most people find during their brief life in this world.” He knew he was entitled. He knew he had the access, money and opportunity to push every boundary possible to see what’s out there to fill the emptiness and/or cravings in his soul.

He tried more noble pursuits, like building. Oh, he didn’t build these things himself, he only dreamed the design and architecture of what he desired. Slaves built HIS dreams. Read the plurality of he “built,” big homes, vineyards, gardens, and man-made lakes (reservoirs). He bought slaves! He bought people to serve himself and his kingdom. And, he had the unashamed, zero self-awareness to couple those purchases with animals. He bought people like he did animals, and used them for his search for fulfillment! He acquired massive amounts of wealth, wealth upon wealth, money that makes more money, by ever increasing in value. He hired singers and had numerous sexual encounters with women and possibly men as well (concubines). He captured his plenty in this sentence, “Anything I wanted, I would take. I denied myself no pleasure.” He even tried actual WORK. What did he go out an pull a weed? Did he play slave for the day?

What is the point of all this pursuit? And, why the excess? Solomon decided, since he was the wisest human to ever exist until Jesus came along, that he would find the answers and record them for anyone interested in knowing what’s out there.

You know what he found, exhausting every known pursuit – nothing! Nada! Zilch! He writes, “There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.” I question the wild, abandoned pursuit of any of these things Solomon thought would bring him fulfillment or satisfaction of life itself.

But, I do know this. One, he did it so that I don’t have to wonder, “what if.” Two, Jesus, being the wisest ever, lived a totally and completely opposite kind of life. He didn’t live for pleasure, humor, wine, buildings, vineyards or gardens. He didn’t buy people or animals to amass a popular image. Jesus was financially BROKE, not having any real money or real estate to his name. Every cool little luxury he had was borrowed! Yeah, donkeys, rooms, goblets, gardens and even his own tomb – all donated by others. He died naked and even wore someone else’s burial clothes!

Solomon lived a life of excess and ecstasy so we can see how worthless it really is. Jesus lived a simple life, even a poor life, to show us the perspective of God towards a truly generous and eternal life. Jesus owned NOTHING, but had EVERYTHING. And, in God and accomplishing his mission, found the fulfillment that Solomon searched for.


If I am living the 1% life, and I believe I am. Then I really need to pay attention to a couple things: To whom much is given, much is required and I need to live a far more grateful, thankful existence. I need to constantly tend to my generosity and gratitude!

Tell your face

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit.” Proverbs‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

If you’re happy and you know it, tell your face! The commonly used phrase is “it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.” That’s a bust. Scientists just don’t agree on the number of muscles it takes. But there is a social science or physiological truth, we tend to mirror or mimic each other’s faces! And, it has been proven that a smile benefits the smiler and the smilee (observer).

The wisdom writers capture a truth about us, an ancient truth about us that transcends culture (don’t tell the Soviets), race, creed or color – when we smile it changes the perspective of those around us. And yes, Americans smile the most out of any country. It doesn’t mean we’re happier, we’ve just been socialized to do it more. And, I like it.

I’m back to driving our beloved freeways on my commute to our church. Traversing “the” 5, 605, 22, 405 and 91 (whew) I am a big-time people watcher with my 3 second neighbors. I can tell who is going to change lanes, or cut me off before they (or if they) use their blinkers. I watch their eyes in their tiny little mirror. I spend MORE time looking in my rear view mirror to see who’s naughty or nice and try to get out their way so they can go and “get my ticket” 😀. Anyways, I see a lot of freeway emotions everyday! Do you know what emotion I like seeing the most? Yep, a smile. When I see people smiling, it really does make me smile. It momentarily makes me think about my own life, circumstances and instead of being all grinchy, I just join in.

Some people think about how much God loves them and it makes them smile. I think about how God is in control of what I see as chaotic, and it makes me smile knowing that I don’t have to fix anyone or anything. I smile thinking I’m going to be obedient to God and give him my best! Even when my heart is broken or one my friend’s spirit is crushed, I still believe that God is at work on his good plan and pleasure. So go on get your heart in a glad place and then your heart WILL tell your face to smile.


You know I’d much rather be happy than sad. I am completely okay with moving through sadness, madness, frustration or even exhaustion – I just don’t like staying there. I often think about how terrifyingly miserable my life was from four to fifteen years old, eleven years of my precious childhood. Then I look at what life has been like since you transformed me. What a difference! It’s not like everything went perfect, or that some seasons weren’t extremely difficult. But the difference was YOU. You were with me. I was not alone. You walked with me through those times. I have determined to be as happy as I can because my heart is no longer broken. Thank you!