Storm sleeping peace.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross to the other side of the lake.” So they took Jesus in the boat and started out, leaving the crowds behind (although other boats followed). But soon a fierce storm came up. High waves were breaking into the boat, and it began to fill with water. Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. The disciples woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭35‬-‭38‬ ‭NLT

Mark’s gospel, with its raw and punchy language, tells a progressively radical truth that Jesus has power over all things – proving He is God.

Jesus has healed the sick, kicked out demons and here he has power even over nature itself! It’s just my opinion, but open water in daylight is a delight. However, open water at night is a fright!

Whether it’s lake or sea, creepy things happen on the water when it gets into the bewitching hours of the night. Some of the disciples were seasoned fishermen, but even then, they respected the lake, especially at night.

Lake weather is tricky. The water can be like glass in the morning, but by three O’clock the winds can often create white capped waves. I was once in lake storm as a boy with my grandparents. We had a nice sunset cruise and had finished dinner out on Lake Mohave. It was dark, but my grandfather didn’t seem at all worried. Then, out of nowhere the wind turned into a squall. The waves were coming in and even over the boat. Grandpa had to head for shore as quickly as possible. He was scared that we would capsize! We spent the night at some random folks campsite. I’ll never forget it.

In this passage, as Peter tells this story to young Mark, the lake storm was fierce! It describes enough of the scene that anyone who’s been in a boat, in a storm like this, knows how terrifying it is. Then suddenly the story shifts to Jesus. It was Jesus’ idea to cross AT NIGHT. Where is Jesus and what is he doing? He’s sleeping in the stern on a pillow! The tumultuous storm with wind and wave, the men yelling out commands to row and bilge out the water as it came into the boat. Jesus was at peace – asleep.

The disciples woke Jesus up, not because they thought he could help, but because they were shocked that he seemed so disengaged with what was happening. They asked him, “Don’t you care?” They weren’t just being dramatic they thought this was the violent end to their life! The paraphrase would be, “how can you sleep as we go to our deaths?” Ouch, that’s gotta hurt! Jesus heard their fear and a complete lack of understanding about who was in the boat with them that night!

Jesus woke up and spoke to the storm. He spoke to the winds and waves! He spoke to nature itself like it was some petulant pet who had just misbehaved. ”he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. How is this supernatural miracle different from the others? The other miracles were of flesh and spirit – healing and exorcism. This was of the wild and irrational forces of the earth itself!

Commanding the wind to stop is a miraculous feat all on its own. But Mark tells us that even the waves stopped their motion! Jesus spoke two very cool Greek words to the wind; “siópaó” be quiet, and “phimoó” muzzle it! The wind obeyed its master and immediately “kopazó” grew weary of its gale. The waves also submitted and became greatly “galéné” calm. I’m not a physicist, but I’m pretty sure that stopping the wind and wave in motion is impossible! I can kind of see how the wind would die down quickly, but stopping waves in motion? How’s that work?

The object lesson of Jesus power over all things is certainly apparent because the disciples instantly feared Jesus more than the storm and asked “who is this guy?” Who is this, that wind and sea might obey him? God was in the boat. God was in the storm with them. And, when God made nature match his own internal character and emotion of PEACE, we should understand how powerful he really is! Are we capable of being calm in life’s worst storms? Is God with us? Why do we still fear? Can we have storm sleeping peace?


You are my peace in the middle of the storms that quickly arise all around me. Jesus did not have the disciples avoid the storm, Jesus took them through it. That’s how it is, right? Not peace avoiding the storm. It’s peace within the storm? When I am overwhelmed with fear, I need your peace that surpasses my understanding. Amen.

The Teacher’s Shtick.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Jesus used many similar stories and illustrations to teach the people as much as they could understand. In fact, in his public ministry he never taught without using parables; but afterward, when he was alone with his disciples, he explained everything to them. ‭‭Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Every great speaker or teacher has a shtick, a method, a way of setting them apart from the others in their profession. Rabbi’s told stories and they are really good at it. Think of a Andy Griffith giving Opie a life lesson or helping Barney learn how to be Sheriff himself one day. Mark writes about Jesus’ shtick, His go to method of teaching truth woven in with miracles and stories. Mark uses the word, parabolḗ, parable – which literally means to cast alongside. A well known teaching aid used in ancient times and still used today.

Parables are amazingly helpful when a real life object lesson, illustration or story is presented alongside the lesson to be learned, thus “casting additional light” which is often fictitious or metaphorical, but sometimes true itself. What makes this chapter even more unique is that Jesus tells three seed parables, but throws in a light or lamp illustration as well. This lamp parable gives a spotlight not only on the multiplying effect of truth, but also what these teaching aids do to help us listen, process and eventually learn how to apply truth to our everyday life.

Jesus profoundly says, “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given—and you will receive even more.” Jesus used another linguistic trick here, playing a word alliteration game to help us remember. He uses the Greek word “metron” (measure) three times in rhythm driving the point home – use the measurement of how well you listen to measure how its usefulness to you. Then, Jesus will use that same measurement to decide how much MORE he gives you. Jesus gives us more truth, more understanding based on our listening capacity and our ability to put it into practice. It’s a compounding reinforcement of truth.

Let’s say we go for a walk in the woods and I want to teach someone survival skills. As we start out I say, “Look at those flowers over there.” Then I say, “The flowers are purple today.” The listener may think nothing of it. But after a bit more walking, I say, “Look at those flowers over there,” and ask, “What color are they?” The learner may say, “orange,” or “yellow.” Then at the end of the hike we stop and look over a field of flowers with many beautiful colors. I tell them that some are good for food, but others are poisonous. Then I ask, “What color was the first group of flowers spoken of at the beginning of the walk?” The ones who listened would remember their color? Did you remember without having to look back a couple of sentences? What if I told you that your survival depended on your knowledge of the color of the flowers? Let’s say the purple flowers are safe and eatable, but the others are deadly. Truth would be compounded into very useful information should you be stranded without food.

Jesus also highlighted a known necessity for learning – a healthy curiosity. The curious listener is a lifelong learner! Mark makes a profound observation in his gospel of Jesus’ life. Mark says, “In public ministry, Jesus never taught without using parables.” God wants us asking, seeking and knocking. God answers when we do! But maybe God answers to the measured level of our listening.


I’m pretty sure that people only see the Bible as a means of knowing You, learning about Your will and ways. And, that’s true. But Your Word, being a lamp and light reveals not just spiritual truth, but also knowledge and wisdom of how the world works, how life itself works. Your Word goes far beyond just teaching us about yourself, it does just as much to teach about ourselves and others as well. Help me Oh Lord, not just be a multiple measured learning, but a compounded effective teacher as well. Amen.

God wants seekers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secret of the Kingdom of God. But I use parables for everything I say to outsiders, so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled: ‘When they see what I do, they will learn nothing. When they hear what I say, they will not understand. Otherwise, they will turn to me and be forgiven. Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark gives a now famous parable (a simple story with a hidden truth), and gives us the Jesus’ commentary, like the director’s comments about the story and the bonus explanation. Jesus wants his disciples not only know the meaning of the parable, but maybe even pickup the teaching style itself.

Does God hide for us to find him? Both Matthew and Mark write, “Then he told them many things in parables.” An old quote rings true, “For when the disciple is ready the Master is ready also.” Learning seems to require curiosity! Parables and object lessons both help us to mentally dig a little, forcing our brains to get a little messy meddling in the dirt of a plethora of information. Parables encourage us to connect the dots, to make sense of what we hear. How often do I approach God with everything but patience, humility and a holy openness of curiosity? I have needs. I want answers. But to sit and be still? Or to come to God’s Word just to hear His voice echo through the pages. As the reader, what am I looking for? Truth? Knowledge? Results?

I come to the words in this story without the context of the original listeners. I am missing the wispy-wind off the lake. That smell of fresh water mixed with what reminds me of lake-life. The feeling of sand beneath my feet. And hearing the Master’s words reverberating off the water.

I am not lost to the irony of Jesus telling a farming story while delivering it from a boat! Jesus often told stories while he was in the environment of the story itself. Picking a grape while talking about wineskins or picking figs along the road while teaching about the dangers of looking like religious leaders, but not capable of producing real spiritual fruit. Jesus speaks of sowing seeds while on the water. Maybe it was a farmer’s meetup at the Galilee shores that day?

Jesus, remembering the words of Isaiah (6:9-10), knew that he was both experiencing and fulfilling what the ancient prophet foretold – they will see and hear, but will learn nothing! Jesus was also fulfilling the truth of what Ezekiel was teaching the Israelites about disappointment of hearing, but never following through with doing. Ezekiel (33:32) writes, “Indeed, to them you are nothing more than one who sings love songs with a beautiful voice and plays an instrument well, for they hear your words but do not put them into practice.”

Doesn’t that just sound like us today? We may know a lot of God’s Word and even about God’s character, but it MUST show up in our lives as behaviors. Followers of Jesus were never meant to be simply Snapple-cap facts or some form of Bible-pedia. Jesus promises, when we seek we will find him. However, the proof of finding is most effective in others when we DO what God’s Word says to do. If you have found Jesus, now what are you going to do with your life?


You found me. And, I was a mess when you did! I am so thankful you rescued me when you did. Now, I have spent the entirety of my life fulfilling Your calling on my life. The sum total of my life will be seen as a surrendering to Your will and Your ways. Let my actions always reflect what I know about You. May everyone see Jesus in and through me. Amen.

Meals with Jesus.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Later, Levi invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. (There were many people of this kind among Jesus’ followers.) But when the teachers of religious law who were Pharisees saw him eating with tax collectors and other sinners, they asked his disciples, “Why does he eat with such scum?” When Jesus heard this, he told them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”Mark‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Mark’s gospel records these really punchy moments when Jesus just seems to casually invite people to follow him and then either gets invited or invites himself to a home cooked meal. When Levi (Matthew) throws a dinner party, who gets the invite? Yeah, a bunch of HIS friends, other tax collectors! But Mark adds some spicy flavor to the scene when he adds that Matthew also invited, “and (hamartólos) sinners.” Hmmm, what sinners do you suppose paired with wealthy, Jewish traitors? Yes! Probably those filthy lucre, money-grabbing, financial tycoons.

The religious leaders just could not understand why any self-respecting Rabbi would party with sinners. The New Living Translation takes some extreme liberties in translating the word “sinner” into “scum” when the asked, “why does he eat with sinners?” Of course, Jesus often attended religious folks dinner parties as well, so it is true, He ALWAYS ate with sinners.

Jesus gives a life-lesson still used today, “healthy people don’t need a doctor,” (ischuó), strong, powerful, healthy people have no “needs” at all! Ah, but (kakos) badly (physically or morally) evil, miserably sick people do. Pseudo “healthy” folks can only live in denial for so long.

Jesus is calling and looking for the (hamartólos) sinful person not the (dikaios) the innocent or righteous in their own eyes. Jesus eats with whom He pleases, both the sinner and the righteous. But who needs God the most? Don’t both equally need Him? Ah, but only one is willing to admit their illness.


These stories about Jesus eating and meeting with all kinds of people often challenge me. They not only challenge how I view myself, as a sick-sinner or a self-sufficient righteous type. These stories also challenge my thinking when it comes to who I eat with or hang out with. Meals with people are usually pretty intimate, especially in our homes. There’s a lot of trust when inviting people over to share in a meal. Do I only invite those over who look like me and believe like me? Normally, the answer is yes. But, what if I invite myself over to other’s houses as well – bringing food with me of course? What a great idea! Thank you for finding me and coming to me even while I was and still are a sinner! Thank you that my righteousness, my innocence doesn’t come from within me, but from you! Amen.