David’s Hit Country Western Song.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one! ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭53‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that this Psalm was written by David while he was king of Israel. A few interesting things about this Psalm.

One: The most notable… is that this was a song – A SONG! The mysterious instrument was a Mahalath. It was possibly some kind of guitar. And, a couple of fairly infamous people were named Mahalath – Ishmael’s daughter and third wife of Esau ( Genesis 28:9 ), Isaac’s granddaughter! Also the name of David’s own son (Jerimoth). She was one of Rehoboam’s wives ( 2 Chronicles 11:18 ).

Two: This Psalm shows up twice in the book of Psalms (14 & 53).

Three: These Psalms became popular while Israel was in captivity under Babylon’s rule. Ezra brought it out of the archives of David’s writings and introduced it to the nation, his people, while they were king-less, leader-less and in a foreign land.

But just look at the words of this song that people actually sang while in the lowest of circumstances. It totally reminds me of a “woe is me, country-western” song. I’m sure it was a big hit during its day! David starts the song with a strong theme – “only the fool.” This word for fool is “nabel,” the most evil of fools mentioned in Proverbs. Nabel is the bent and seriously broken fool whose heart has completely been given to evil and the destruction of others. It’s a great, cryptic, rally-cry to declare the kings, the Nebuchadnezzar’s of Babylon to be these most evil fools.

The Israelites were living among the most wealthy, powerful, world conquerors of the ancient days. David sings of God’s perspective of all the might and influence of the nations during his own day – God searches for wisdom among the nations and finds NONE. And it sounds so fitting for the captives of the great Babylon to sing this as their own top song on the playlist. I imagine they gathered together while symbolically “crying in their beer,” finding solace and comfort in the fact that God would have the last word for the evil fools who blatantly, boastfully declare there is no God!

Babylons will rise, but all of them will eventually fall. This Psalm is perfect for the lament of our own soul when we look around and see evil flourishing while wisdom and common sense are fleeting. Thanks David! Play it one more time.


These Psalms are timeless as reminders and even comfort when our world feels very much like the evil fools in charge are getting away with so much. Sadly, we have even declared a whole month to celebrate our own arrogance! David’s song, his lament, rings loud and clear even today. I pray as you look out over the human hearts today, that you would find pockets of wisdom, places of good. I know you will have the final word – and it will be just, right and true. Amen.

We are what we speak.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Fine speech is not becoming to a fool; still less is false speech to a prince. Proverbs‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Proverbs is so good at comparing and contrasting concepts and character. ESV (English Standard Version) translation captures the punny play on words here, with the words “fine” and “false.” In this little proverb, there is a lot of truth packed into the words and rhythm of speaking it out loud. Just say the words, fine, fool and false out loud.

Words that describe us as humans, are a glimpse of our character, and become pretty sticky and consistent over time. In other words, people get to know us by our words. And, either the words we use match our behaviors, or they don’t – both outcomes are very telling!

The wisdom writers point out that you should not hear trash-talk coming from true royalty, or a leader for example. They use the comparison between a fool (nabel: wicked, stupidly evil – used 18 times in the Old Testament, only 3 of those in Proverbs), and a Prince. They juxtapose “nabel” with “nadib.” Nadib is used for nobility, a prince, a leader. The word Prince means one who generously incites to good. The noble lips drip with “yether,” abundant excellence, the evil fool with “sheqer,” lies and deception.

Does our character define our vocabulary or do our words define our character?

Rant warning! Is it just me or has there been a massive increase in public potty mouth? It’s not just F-bombs either. Folks used to apologize for potty-mouth words! My grandmother was a cusser. She would would go off with a Sailor’s string of profanity, but often end with “excuse my french.” I didn’t think those words sounded French, nor did I know if the French were constantly using swear words in their country. We have lost our “ability of civility” to control our potty mouths! It’s just not cute to hear a five year old drop F, S, or B words in casual kindergarten conversation! The only reason swearing isn’t on “public” television or “OTA” (over the air), is because the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) fortunately, still makes it illegal. Cable, satellite and streaming are not held to any standards even though the content is sent directly to homes with children watching! BTW, it’s ridiculous that somehow “Christian” freedom has been cited for believers to sound like trashy potty-mouths! End of rant.

Proverb’s wisdom still speaks today! The trust in leaders has been completely eroded away in our culture! We know that when a politician, media spokesperson or anyone defending themselves in the spotlight opens their mouth they are LYING. Do we want good character? Then we should should quit sounding like fools!


Oh my goodness, we’ve got ourselves is a mess! It’s a mess that only you can resolve. Help us O’ God. We ask for your forgiveness, your mercy. As we yield to you, renew and restore our sense of right vs wrong, truth vs lies, good words vs evil ones. We cry out to you. Lord, hear our prayer.

Wisdom, begging for you to listen.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I call to you, to all of you! I raise my voice to all people. You simple people, use good judgment. You foolish people, show some understanding. Listen to me! For I have important things to tell you. Everything I say is right, for I speak the truth and detest every kind of deception. My advice is wholesome. There is nothing devious or crooked in it. My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.” Proverbs‬ ‭8‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Many of us are physical learners. I have a granddaughter that is very kinesthetic! She learns through physical exploration. She grabs, climbs, rocks and pushes back in her seat, just for fun. Then through falling, scraping and slamming to the ground she discovers the beauty of pain as a teacher. Every kinesthetic toddler seems to be shocked that things didn’t go the way they thought they would. My granddaughter then looks for comfort and somewhat blames her elders for not saving her before the inevitable happens.

Every parent, grand, teacher and friend knows what it’s like when you have to BEG a physical learner/extreme adventurer to heed WISDOM. I’m NOT saying these kinds of learners are simpletons, as Proverbs professes. I am saying that wisdom knows that some are destined to learn through failure and pain. Wisdom calls, begs and beckons to just give her a chance! She is right, truthful, wholesome, plain and simple. All one has to do is listen and heed her advice.

Ah, but we know better, right? It won’t happen to us, right? A thousand have tried and failed, but I – I will beat the odds! Ha – that’s original. My two cents, my fractional bitcoin – just give it a try. I have discovered that wisdom is right and good and I have benefited from it even as a knuckleheaded-youth. Don’t take my word for it, take hers. Get wisdom. Make her one of your bff’s.


What can I say? You know what you’re doing! Your will, your way is THE best, the most helpful. And, when I listen. When I obey. Things go far better than I could even imagine. Help me to continue to learn wisdom and never be satisfied with what was learned, but stay curious until I die.

Wisdom doesn’t celebrate April fools.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“You simple people, use good judgment. You foolish people, show some understanding.” Proverbs‬ ‭8:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Ok, today’s proverb is too perfect for the calendar! It’s April Fool’s Day. A day that used to be filled with jokes, puns, tricks and stunts you’d play on your teacher, co-worker, boss, family or friend. It should just be called “prank” day but apparently on tiktok or IG that’s everyday.

Proverbs is filled with this word fool. And, basically there are only four different Hebrew words used. In this one verse, two of them are used – kesil & pthiy. These two would be the most used words for fool and they are both the more innocent words, describing folks who are slow or simple.

Don’t misread these as critical for those born with special needs or some kind of diminished mental capacity or delays in learning. That is NOT what proverbs is about.

These fools are fools by behavior, choice, regular consistent lifestyle decisions that leaves them vulnerable by lack of learning. The fact that wisdom is BEGGING them to see, hear and make changes, reinforces the idea that they are this way because of sin, or selfish stubbornness.

The wisdom writers have wisdom personified, calling out to the “kesil” stupid, dullard, fool. And says to use good judgment. This is the word, prudence. It is interesting because this specific Hebrew word is a normally a negative word, but here it is to be used and applied POSITIVELY for the one who ALWAYS seems to be taken advantage of. There are to learn and apply some shrewdness or craftiness. Think about this. Sometimes the simple are always being mistreated unfairly because they’ve never learned the art of reading other people’s motives. They become victims of a continuous cycle because they’ve got this emotional target on their back that says “kick me.” Wisdom says, take off the sign and start paying attention to being ripped off! Quit “believing in others” to the point of sacrificing your own self worth and self respect. Get some shrewdness, LEARN to find your voice and stand up for yourself.

To the “pthiy” fool. The simple, perhaps open-minded, (when used negatively the root word, pathah, means open – like an airhead). Wisdom has some different advice, she says show some understanding – the word “bin”: to discern. For these folks who are silly (i.e. seducible) and may love playing the clown or enjoying the momentary attention that this “act” may bring. Wisdom calls out their nonsense and gives stern warning that this lifestyle is filled with heartache and they will continue to be the beneficiary of bad “luck”. It’s not bad luck, it’s just sad to see them live down to the worst of what others see and never apply themselves to change. This again is someone who constantly leans on an apparent ease of apathy, of no concerns for anything serious or consequences of inaction. Their perception of themselves and the world around them is a perpetual lie! Wisdom’s advice, start filling your head with something of substance, like knowledge or passion, or God’s word. Quit living life with a helium-filled brain!

If these two words describe you in anyway – you CAN CHANGE. Do not believe the lie that life will never get any better or that you can never be anything different. If you know a “fool,” love them, but be straight with them. Call them up to better. See their potential and constantly remind them of a future that is good. Offer help and feedback to get them unstuck and moving forward.

Have fun with the day of pranks, but please don’t play the fool.


I am so thankful for your wisdom. You are an amazing father to the fatherless and you do such a good job training us in wisdom, discernment and discipline.

Real men are not fools.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“While I was at the window of my house, looking through the curtain, I saw some naive young men, and one in particular who lacked common sense.” Proverbs‬ ‭7:6-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Wisdom, personified as someone looking out of the window of their house, sees young men. I don’t know what kind of neighborhood wisdom lived in but wow, she could look out and see some solicitation happening right across the street!

She sees young men and specifically the one who lacked common sense. What she saw was one of the four words the wisdom writers use for “fool.” Did you know there were four Hebrew words for fool? 1. Keciyl- stupid or silly, 2. Pethiy- seducible or simple, 3. Eviyl- perverse, and 4. Nabal- wicked (for more – bit.ly/biblefool).

Here the word “naive” in other translations is “simple” and yep, you guessed it, the seducible kind. I totally believe that wisdom looks out and sees this in some young men.

However, I’ve seen a lot of “simple” men (not just young) in my life. I used to think these were men who had horrible-to-none father figures, but some had/have great Dads and they just want to be knuckleheads.

I look out my own window and see plenty! I see young men race through neighborhoods, not caring about young children darting out in the street. I hear young men “sharing” their over-driven, expensive, testosterone fueled stereos leaving car alarms blaring and windows shaking. I see really expensive cars, all customized and tricked out with all the bling that could have gone into a ring for their girl. I see prison tats and angry death-glares as they swagger down our street scoping out a score or peeing spray paint to tag a neighbors wall. I hear f-bombs dropped as they talk to their woman and illegitimate children in tow. Oh, I see and hear a lot of vibrato, but I do not see men or maturity. I see fools.

I drive though my city and see young boys, preschoolers walking with their moms. They are as cute and as innocent as can be. I pray they don’t grow up to be fools, but I also know about the vicious cycles of a macho culture that will leave them with few choices to follow wisdom.

My heart breaks. I, like wisdom herself, want to call out and beg them not to be seduced by all the evils of this world, all the easy opportunities to just grow up mirroring what they saw in their own estranged father.

These stories of the simple do not turn out well. The wisdom writers, speaking of the temptress, say, “Her house is the road to the grave. Her bedroom is the den of death.” Honestly, sex isn’t the only seduction – power is just as tempting. And young men who figure out “to be feared, is to be powerful,” mistake the real purpose of power. Real men, wise, mature men, know that real power is to protect the weak, not intimidate them. And real men know that sex is not love. Sex is given, received and experienced in a lifetime bond of commitment and sacrifice to one woman; and to make kids that grow up secure, protected, and wise to love God & others.


I would never have figured out how to be a man if you had not found me and rescued me from a cycle of chaos. You pulled me out of generations of some good-hearted but weak, simple men trying to be fathers in my life. Of course, Ben, dad #3, wasn’t kind at all he was a Nabal kind of fool – wicked and conniving to his core. Thank you for wisdom. Thank you for discipline of character. Thank you for being a great Dad!