Me and my sophisticated idols

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Our God is in the heavens, and he does as he wishes. Their idols are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands. They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. They have ears but cannot hear, and noses but cannot smell. They have hands but cannot feel, and feet but cannot walk, and throats but cannot make a sound. And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them.” Psalms‬ ‭115:3-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​It is interesting to read about idols after listening to Matt Terry speak out of 1 Thessalonians 1 this past Sunday, February 6, 2022. He talked about the “other” side of God’s character that doesn’t get enough airtime – his wrath, fury, justice and holiness. He’s right. I’ve only thought and spoken about God’s love, mercy and peace. God will however judge all and everything. He has too. If God doesn’t judge right from wrong he would owe so many civilizations an apology for destroying them just for the complete and total giving of themselves to idols.

The Psalmist makes the logical argument. Idols are merely things made by humans. We’ve got this ridiculous idea that idols ONLY mean statues, buddhas, carvings or tiny stone figurines that hang from your car mirror or sit on your fireplace mantle. No wonder our “modernized” minds laugh at that and think we’re so advanced.

Who would sacrifice, give money, food, time or children to some weird dime-store tchotchke? Yeah, plenty of cultures still do this, but now they are considered religiously enlightened? Geez.

Well, that’s the big lie! Our idols are much more sophisticated, even digital. And there are thousands of them that demand our time, treasure and talent. They are now hidden in books, movies and games. They’ve gone digital and live on the internet. They are accessible every hour of every day and can be visited (worshipped) in public or in private and no one would even think twice about questioning it. Our idols are everywhere, ubiquitous, obvious and more deadly than ever. And we pretend they don’t exist at all. Idols have gone the way of fairytales and little red devils sitting on shoulders. Yet, they’re more expensive and time consuming as ever! It’s so much easier when we don’t think they exist, we pay, we play with fire and pass it off as entertainment, innocent little time passers or worse – mental health and wellness antidotes.

The Psalmist facts are still true, we just can’t believe we’ve been duped!

Our idols do have mouths (speakers or earbuds) and eyes (cams, infra-red and lidar). I’m not sure about digital noses, hands and feet or mouths, but our idols have far more human characteristics than some stuffy old stone or wood carvings.

Our idols can be blockchained, streamed, and have creepy conversations with us because of advances in artificial intelligence that more than mimics our own minds! Let’s be honest God has MORE reasons to hate our idolatry today than he did the ancients of old because theirs were so obvious. God is the same yesterday, today and forever and it’s not like He will quit being jealous of our god-affairs or giving ourselves away to someone other than Himself. God’s love for me isn’t possessive like our human love. He isn’t controlling either. Your will, my will, is ours to do with as we wish.

But, and this is the core truth, God knows that EVERYTHING we substitutionally worship is FAKE, harmful, destructive and a LIE. So in the tragically delightful story of freedom to do what we want, we have the destructive story of choosing an alternative to God himself! How insidious is that?

I would love to say to myself, go ahead Glenn chase after things that make you look cool, feel better, give you a self-confidence boost – but I must face reality when those things (idols) don’t truly fulfill, truly know or care about me.

They CANNOT respond as God, because they are anti-god. Even if one of my idols is a person or the ideal of a person, they still can’t be God. There is only ONE true God and that God HATES for us to have constant affairs with modern-marvels or idols.

I don’t know maybe I’m all whacked about this. I just know that anytime I set or have my affections on something or someone that is not God, I better ask the Holy Spirit about it and check the idol list again. Let me know if this is just me being weird or there is something to all this.


You have given me EVERYTHING! And I know you have always wanted the best for me. Help me destroy my idols and keep them from coming back.