God hears and answers.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life. And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for. ‭‭1 John‬ ‭5‬:‭13‬-‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

John answers the question many new believers often ask after praying or being led to repent and/or repeating a prayer by another. For some, the idea of a simple prayer holding such immediate and meaningful change in their life is hard to believe and understand. Of course the words are important, but God is looking and listening to our hearts! God knows the status of our need, faith and honest conversion.

John’s words here to the churches, likely in the Ephesus region, are an admonition, an encouragement to continue to follow through with faith, in “parrésia,” boldness, confidence that God is listening and active in our salvation. It is faith that pleases God, so beginning to grow and practice faith, right from the start is critical. Given those kinds of request, earnest and aligning with God’s desires (will), John is confident that God will give us what we ask for. This is good news! Not only that God hears us, but also is at work to answer those requests.

Our whole existence is an exercise and expression of faith. Jesus said, “we have not because we don’t ask.” Jesus also asked, what father doesn’t want to give good gifts? When a child asks for something they need does a good Dad trick them and give them a snake, stone or scorpion instead? No, good Dads only give good gifts! God only gives us good!

These are reminders for those who have walked with Jesus for many years or they are just starting their journey. Asking and believing for eternal life is just the beginning of a long, lasting relationship with our eternal and gracious God. Each prayer, matched with God’s answers help us grow in our faith and grow in our ability to share truth experiences with others. If these letters were written to the believers in Ephesus, this confidence, these moments of faith, plus watching God answer those requests would be quite the powerful testimony.

This is especially important in light of the city where the majority placed their lives and livelihoods in the hands of the fake god – Diana (Artemis). The cultural wars within the city would have as big as the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. Except in this case, instead of a massive gathering with fire consuming the altar, the people John is writing to would be shining their light one miracle at a time.

This is another example of Jesus commanding his followers to both BE a disciple and MAKE disciples. Being a disciple is growing in faith, confidently asking God for what we need. Making disciples is sharing the good news that the one and only living God does more than just listen – God answers our requests!


I knew that you heard me when I pray, when I ask for help, guidance or specific needs. John’s encouragement to the churches in Ephesus remind me that you also answer! It reminds me that you are always working in and through my life. But even more, that those answers to my prayers become a way to share with believers and unbelievers alike. To those in the church it becomes a testimony, and encourages others to pray as well. To those who are curious about you or are frustrated talking to the “universe,” useless statues or believing they are their own god. Hearing my faith stories allows them to experience truth. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers! Amen.

A blameless man gets blamed.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“There once was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless—a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil. He had seven sons and three daughters. He owned 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 teams of oxen, and 500 female donkeys. He also had many servants. He was, in fact, the richest person in that entire area.” ‭‭Job‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Let’s be honest, God is certainly not overly concerned about creating mystery and tension in our human experience! The book of Job is one of those proofs. Job is the oldest written book in the Bible, from an unknown author about an unknown man. Job presents more questions than it does answers, but it is a fascinating read!

We are introduced to Job in poetic storytelling fashion – “There was once a man…” But remember, this is no fairytale! He lived in the land of Uz. Where is Uz and why does it sound so similar to Oz? Uz is a bit of a mystery as well. It is believed to be ancient Edom, and was located in the northwest corner of Arabia, southeast of Israel. Today it would possibly be Uzbekistan. When was Job alive? Many scholars place Job in the patriarchal period, around the same time that Abraham lived (Genesis 11:28–29). Even though we know very little about Job, he was noted to be blameless (“tam” perfect), a man known for absolute integrity (“yashar” refers to living in accordance with God’s laws and principles, embodying integrity and righteousness). Additionally, he stayed clear of evil in his dealings with others.

Not only was he a straight up solid, honest man – he was really wealthy. Not just wealthy in the currency of the day (animal stock), but also in the amount of ranch-hands he employed. And, he and his wife had 10 kids! Wow, Mrs. Job must have been a very busy woman as well. It is noted that he was the richest guy in the region. It doesn’t take much of a stretch to realize this, the people who knew Job and saw what he had would have completely believed this guy was BLESSED by someone. I would say he was blessed by God, the creator of all things. Others, may have thought he was blessed by nonexistent little g-gods. Some may have even thought that Job was such the richly righteous guy that he was PERFECT and deserved the wealth, massive land ownership and large family. This is just the kind of setup to tell us what ended up happening to Job and it would rattle everyone’s ideology AND theology!

The story shifts from a scene on earth to a scene that takes place in the heavens. “One day the members of the heavenly court came to present themselves before the Lord, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them.” Job‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬. Read the story for yourself, but be warned, it’s a rough ride to figure out the one thing we all want to know – WHY? Lots of Biblical scholars try to explain Job as though it were simple and clear. I have some thoughts, but I enjoy the mystery more than clarity at this stage of my life.


Early on in my faith journey I learned a very important lesson. You are God, I am not. You are always right, true and just. When things don’t seem right or make sense this side of eternity, I am 100% sure that it is my human perspective that cannot see nor understand the full scope of your will and your ways while here on earth. I knew then what I am still confident about today – I live on a broken planet among broken people and we all exist in the shadows until the full light of Jesus Christ is revealed at the end of days. Amen.

Is it really you?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“John’s two disciples found Jesus and said to him, “John the Baptist sent us to ask, ‘Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting, or should we keep looking for someone else?’” At that very time, Jesus cured many people of their diseases, illnesses, and evil spirits, and he restored sight to many who were blind. Then he told John’s disciples, “Go back to John and tell him what you have seen and heard—the blind see, the lame walk, those with leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭20‬-‭22‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After 400 years of silence, 700 years since Isaiah made his bold proclamations about the ONE, THE Messiah, expectation had almost disappeared. Think of that! In our modern times, what stories, predictions or promises have made it further than fifty years or even a hundred years? None. Our social, generational structures aren’t strong enough to even pass down events or stories from our great grandparents!

The Jewish people had an amazing ability to teach and pass down their stories – much of it because of the way they stored their ancient scrolls, the writings of God’s laws. It is a spectacular miracle that 100% of the copies of the original Old Testament parchments has remained intact for thousands of years! The first book of the Bible was written some three thousand five hundred years ago, while the last one was completed nearly two thousand years ago. The text of the Bible not only has survived throughout the centuries, it has survived virtually unchanged.

John the Baptist as well as every religious leader during the time Jesus walked this earth had patiently waited for the messiah. Jesus coming as a baby, born in Bethlehem and preaching in the area of Galilee, had fulfilled anywhere from 300 to 570 Old Testament prophecies. Although there were a few who proclaimed to be THE Messiah before or during the time of Christ, there have been hundreds of false messiahs since! Jesus did not just align and fulfill every single prophetic promise, he also performed about forty miracles, ranging from turning water into wine to raising Lazarus (and others) from the dead. For John and his disciples to ask Jesus if he indeed was the one and only Messiah was more of a desire of an announcement than proof. They wanted Jesus to clearly articulate the proclamation the he is the messiah and would ascend to the throne of David, defeating Rome and restoring Israel to its previous glory.

Listen to Jesus’ response – he gives God’s plan of healing and saving people not kingdoms! The good news, the gospel, was given to all who are suffering, poor and needy. The more I learn about the facts, the truth of what the Bible declared and fulfilled, plus the life of Jesus himself, I realize this – for people who want proof of the existence of God, the reality of Jesus living among us to bring salvation to all human kind, there is more than enough. Most do not need proof, they need faith. The answers are all written and have been proven to be trustworthy and consistent throughout all human history. Yet, folks, bent on denying God, desiring their own way, their own will, pick at popular lies and stories “disproving” God’s Word. It is by faith that one comes to Christ. The same reports that John’s guys brought back to him still are true today – the miracles of Jesus still exist today. Jesus still heals, saves and preaches good news to the poor and those who know they are in need of a savior!



My generation, my cultural existence, has no sense of connected history beyond my grandparents! Our stories, our history, is nowhere as beautiful and significant of those who are Jewish. Even our own “God stories” and testimonies of your greatness rarely make it past our children. So the idea of waiting for hundreds of years for the fulfillment of a promise has no real understanding today. We can mentally imagine waiting for the promised Messiah, but have no way to emotionally bear that weight of time and patience of faith. I can see how your faithfulness extends far beyond what I can comprehend! Thank you for keeping Your promises. Amen.

When we can’t see a solution.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Abraham was now a very old man, and the Lord had blessed him in every way. One day Abraham said to his oldest servant, the man in charge of his household, “Take an oath by putting your hand under my thigh. Swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not allow my son to marry one of these local Canaanite women. Go instead to my homeland, to my relatives, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.” Genesis‬ ‭24‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Genesis 24 is the grand story of “a wife for Issac.” Genesis 23 closes with Sarah’s death at 127 years old and Abraham purchasing the perfect burial place for his beloved.

This chapter opens with two facts: One, Abraham is super old and God has blessed him immensely! But there is one major problem hanging over the patriarchal promise to Abraham – Issac.

Issac is not the actual problem, but the fact that he is now 37 years old, makes him a kind of “past his prime, bachelor. “ What happened? The relationship pool for Isaac was entirely and solely Canaanite women – a “no go” for the son of promise! Here’s the dilemma, Ab is old, now Isaac is aging quickly as well. There doesn’t seem to be a supernatural solution to a big human problem. Since Isaac is clearly the carrier of hope for the plan of God, wouldn’t you expect some kind of miraculous intervention? Why didn’t God send the woman of Issac’s dreams and the fulfillment of God’s promise to Canaan?

Abram marrying his own wife, Sarai seemed completely unexpected, if not just random. In Genesis 11, we find the that Abram married Sarai. We also find that Terah, was THEIR father. Abram’s wife Sarai was his half-sister, Terah’s daughter. When God called Abram to leave Haran to head towards Canaan, Sarai happily went with him. Abram and Sarai had experienced so many miracles to get them to this point in Genesis 24. The heaven fell silent.

Because Abraham realized his own age and that Isaac had not yet had been a successful suitor, he made a plan. He asks his most trusted servant and loyal friend to swear to finding a wife for Isaac. Abram makes him promise to not allow Isaac to marry one of the locals and sends him all the way back to distant Aram-naharaim. Abram’s servant asked a great question, “But what if I can’t find a young woman who is willing to travel so far from home? Should I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives in the land you came from?” Abraham was vehemently opposed to this; “He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a wife there for my son. If she is unwilling to come back with you, then you are free from this oath of mine. But under no circumstances are you to take my son there.” The rest of the story is a beautiful, quite romantic miracle, that eventually leads Abraham’s servant to bring Rebekah home to meet Issac.

So what’s the point? There are many lessons to be learned here. I believe this is a great example of what happens when we know God has a plan and maybe even a promise, yet we see no movement, no answers out there. Abraham was in this same dilemma for a moment. But what happened? Abraham made a plan. And, he was very specific about what he wanted. A wife for his son, from his own tribe that is willing to leave her family and in faith come to marry someone she’s never met nor ever heard of. I love that Abraham even told his servant that there would be a supernatural assist in the process! “He (God) will send his angel ahead of you.” And that’s exactly what happened.

When I read this story, I see the fulfillment of one of my favorite Proverb – 16:9, ”The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Maybe not all promises are fulfilled through miracles from heaven. What if God is waiting for our faith and a solid plan? Have you heard a promise from God? Do you feel that He has called you to be something or do something, but you’ve seen no movement, no action? Do what Abraham did and so many others after him – make a godly plan and go for it. You’ll find that as your foot rises in faith, and returns, just before hitting the path of your destiny – that God has restructured your future to make your path straight.


Oh, what a wonder you are! You are not only the way maker, you are the path straightener. You are good. You are faithful to your Word and your promises are true and trustworthy. Thank you for your patient love towards us. Amen.

Disciple see, disciple do.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha (which in Greek is Dorcas). She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor. About this time she became ill and died. Her body was washed for burial and laid in an upstairs room. But the believers had heard that Peter was nearby at Lydda, so they sent two men to beg him, “Please come as soon as possible!” So Peter returned with them; and as soon as he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. The room was filled with widows who were weeping and showing him the coats and other clothes Dorcas had made for them. But Peter asked them all to leave the room; then he knelt and prayed. Turning to the body he said, “Get up, Tabitha.” And she opened her eyes! When she saw Peter, she sat up! He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then he called in the widows and all the believers, and he presented her to them alive. ‭‭Acts ‭9‬:‭36‬-‭41‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When we read about the amazing outpouring of miracles God did through the apostle’s lives, we are immediately reminded that Jesus said this is what His disciples would do. Just the paragraph above this story is about a man who was “paralyzed and bedridden for eight years.” Peter, now filled with the Spirit of God, now more comfortable with the mantle of spirit-empowered miracles, does exactly what Jesus had shown him.

Here, we have Tabitha/Dorcas, which means a gentle gazelle. Tabitha was busy serving others, especially widows, when she became very sick and died. They got Peter to come over and pray for her. When Peter arrived, Tabitha had already been washed and prepared to be buried, she had been dead for hours. In an upper room, widows had packed in to honor a woman that showed them love by making coats and clothes for widows in town. There, in the middle of this solemn widow’s honoring moment, Peter does what Jesus had done with the little girl in Mark 5:41. Peter does what he had seen Jesus do!

This surreal moment surrounded by death and mourning, Peter remembered exactly what it felt like before. There’s something spectacular about experiencing something so overwhelming, but someone in the room knows what they are doing! And when you experience the tension, the emotional state of the people in that space, at first it’s so very very hard, so awkward. Yet, once you’ve experienced it, it gives you an opportunity to hear, see, smell, and feel these powerful sensations in a slightly safer state of mind the next time you are in that situation – especially when you are with that one person that knows what they are doing.

Jesus knew exactly what he was doing with the little girl and it marked Peter’s life simply by being in the room! Notice that Peter does exactly what Jesus had done in Mark 5:40, he asked everyone to leave the room. Jesus held the little girl’s hand. Peter simply knelt and prayed. Jesus spoke to the body, saying “koum” (Aramaic for arise). Peter turned towards the lifeless body and spoke directly to it, saying, “anistémi,” (Greek for arise)! Tabitha’s eyes opened and she sat up! Then Peter also extended his hand to help her up – an invitation to rejoin the living, just as Jesus had done. Peter called in Tabitha’s widow fan club and I am sure they all praised God together.

Discipleship is all about first BEING, but then also DOING. Jesus taught by BEING one who obeys God and also DOING the will of the Father. Jesus disciples, his followers, also learned by being obedient to his commands, his teachings. But, they had to also follow in doing what he said to do.

Disciple see, disciple do.

Peter watched Jesus raise the little girl’s back to life, then he did exactly what Jesus had shown him to do. Do we want to be a follower of Jesus? It hasn’t changed – we must see and do. If we only listen, if we only learn but never do anything with it, we aren’t really a follower – we are just an observer. And if we are just an observer, then there is no one to see and follow us as we follow Christ! If we say, “well, I can’t raise people from the dead!” Then, that sounds like the life of an observer, but not a disciple. For Tabitha’s sake, I’m glad Peter didn’t depend on his own abilities to raise the dead! Peter was just a doer of what he observed. Disciple see, disciple do.


This life of faith goes so much deeper than I ever realized! No wonder it pleases you. This unusual, life-altering trust in you is WILD and untamed. It’s dangerous and mysterious. This follower’s faith is radically different from an observer’s faith. Believing and doing puts it all in perspective of setting aside my fears, comparisons and doubts and going straight to obedience. It’s not a blind faith, it’s a terrifying confrontation of my own abilities yet knowing that you are all powerful and do all the work, through miracles we need. Help me with my unbelief. Help me to be and do, to see and do! Amen.


Reading Time: 3 minutes

But Moses protested again, “What if they won’t believe me or listen to me? What if they say, ‘The Lord never appeared to you’?” Then the Lord asked him, “What is that in your hand?” “A shepherd’s staff,” Moses replied. “Throw it down on the ground,” the Lord told him. So Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back. Exodus‬ ‭4‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In our church, we’ve have been discussing God’s Grand Design through the idea of an individual’s calling. Old Testament patriarchs certainly come to mind. Moses calling is so extraordinary and filled with honest human emotions that come along with doubt. The creator of all things – God comes, makes himself known and speaks. But more than just revealing his plans, God chooses to include us in them. Why? We ask. From the beginning of time, God has invited us, even with all our faults and fears to be a part of our own redemption story. Amazing!

God tells Moses the what, the why and the who, but Moses throws up some protests, some reasons he believes that God has the wrong man.

Here’s Moses’ counter arguments:

First one; who am I – 3:11? The inference is, I am a nobody, an unknown, in fact a failure.

Second one; who am I to say sent me – 3:13? One can’t be a hero without the proper credentials, right?

The third protest; What if they don’t believe me – 4:1? I’m not sure why these sound a bit ridiculous, especially because no one is asking for a famous, royal ambassador who has made up a fanciful story about talking with God! Who’s asking these imaginary questions? Pharoah? The Jewish leaders? No, Moses is asking these questions in his own head because he does not want to do it and thinks he can convince God to move on to someone else! God helps Moses out by giving him a cool miracle – the stick/staff/snake! And the backup would be the miracle skin diseased hand healing. These are meant to bolster Moses’ faith, thus saying YES to God almighty. But Moses still persists in protesting – what patience God has! You get the feeling that God will not let Moses out of this.

Fourth protest; Moses throws out another idea – Oh… and I STUTTER! You can’t have a stutterer be your spokesperson – 4:10.

Four excellent reasons to choose someone else and four patient answers from God, all workarounds for Moses to be obedient. Talk about a super reluctant leader! In vs 13 Moses begged God, “please send someone else.” In vs 14 God is now angry with Moses. He concedes, not to let Moses off the hook, but to have his brother be the spokesperson for Moses! God tells Moses, Aaron will be your spokesman, he speaks just fine – but you are still my spokesman, God still chose Moses.

Moses was a reluctant leader, who constantly wavered with unbelief and never felt worthy of being the man God called to lead and free the Jewish people from the tyranny of Egypt’s enslavement and onto the promise land that God had in store for them. God calls whom He wills and His plans are always perfect. God still calls people to great things, and small things today!

If we say we believe God and we are followers of Jesus the we have a general call to obedience and most likely a specific call to ministry, to passion or to pursue our purpose with the gifts God has granted to each of us. Let me ask you, “what’s in your heart?” What is your purpose, calling and gift? What are you doing with it? Go ahead, run your own list of protests like Moses who tried to dissuade God, insinuating that God doesn’t know what He’s doing! After you run out of perfectly legitimate protests in your own head, you’ll be faced with the ultimate decision – to obey or not! And to not obey is disobedience! Flip your stubbornness into faithfulness and determination to obey instead of angering God and trying His patience.


I put up a small resistance with tantrums and protests back in the day. And, still even today, question every one of my own beliefs, frailties and abilities. But through faith I will continue to believe you. With grace, I will continue to move forward to accomplish what you have called me to be and to do! I trust you far more than I trust my failures and doubts? Here I am Lord, send me again! Amen.

Steady steps with God.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23-24

A psalm of David, inserted into the collection of psalms during the Babylonian captivity. This psalm is an acrostic poem, each stanza beginning with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet, making it a Hebrew alphabet poem. It is a comparison psalm of the wicked and the just as well as of good and evil.

Not knowing how old David was when he wrote this, it’s most likely that he wrote it towards the end of his life, when one tends to reflect back on everything they have experienced. I love these couple of verses because I wholeheartedly agree! When I was young, about fifteen or sixteen, as a new believer in Jesus, I was digging deep into both Psalms and Proverbs. I decided to commit my ways to the Lord, just like Proverbs 16:3, “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” As well as, Proverbs 16:9, “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” These verses became my personal “decision grid,” when making big life decisions. These mantras were both mystical but powerful to watch God lead and guide my life, as well as direct our lives (Robin) together as a married couple. It was much later, in my fifties, I matched these verses with Paul’s famous words in 1 Corinthians 16:9, “because a great door for effective work has opened to me, even though many oppose me.” My wild-brain plans + God’s promise to plant our feet exactly where they need to be + big blue-sky opportunities = a life well lived in the Kingdom of God.

David had to have lived similarly! His life was a thrill-ride, full throttle rollercoaster. He experienced unexpected highs as well as crushing, debilitating lows. Yet, here in Psalm 37 his confession becomes a roadmap for all who desire to follow God – the Lord directs the steps of the godly! Should I seek peace in my decisions? Of course. Should I take risks? Absolutely. Should I look for wild opportunities that require more faith than sense? Why not! It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence in our great God and His foresight and wisdom in leading us. Does it backfire and blow up in our face sometimes? Yes, most definitely. Should that deter me from getting up, dusting off my dumb decisions and keep moving forward? No way. God DELIGHTS in every DETAIL! Even our failures. Not mockingly, of course, but as a good father who picks up their child after skinning their knee and declares – that was an amazing feat of courage! Let’s try that again.

David’s admonition should solicit our soul, though they STUMBLE (because we 💯% will do so), they will never fall! It’s God’s hand that holds us and sustains us. Go and live the great adventure of faith, wonder and beauty of God, it is totally worth it. “Only one life, ’twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” C.T. Studd (1860-1931). “Where sky and water meet, Where the waves grow sweet, Doubt not, Reepicheep, To find all you seek, There is the utter East.” C.S. Lewis (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader).


Not only have you given me one life to live, you have reached down and pulled me out of the muck and mire, the dark sludge of sin! You have set my feet on solid ground and put a new song in my heart – a song of great praise to you Oh Lord, my God. So whom shall I fear, for you are my light and salvation! Amen.

DIVORCE: Permits or puts up with?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Of course the religious legal department for the Jews would be trying to trap or trick Jesus into saying something they could use against him. The overarching irony is that they did not know who Jesus was, or what his purpose was for being on the planet. Jesus is the messiah, sent by God the Father, fully human and fully God. The religious did not, could not recognize their own boss!

These sects of the seventy (Sanhedrin) had piled up so much grief, pain and spiritual entanglements, it had super-hardened their stoney hearts. They were so bitter towards God that they couldn’t see him standing right in front of them. When they point-blank asked Jesus about divorce, Jesus just asked what Moses said about it in one of the books of the of the law. Moses had a section in Deuteronomy about miscellaneous laws. This particular one is hard for us to even fathom today. It’s found in Deut 24:1, “If a man marries a woman, but she becomes displeasing to him because he finds some indecency in her, he may write her a certificate of divorce, a hand it to her, and send her away from his house.” Of course this rather deeply cultural and communal guideline is in a group of fringe laws that maintain order and integrity for a tribal, desert wandering, community of over million people. This is right alongside a command in the previous chapter, “No man with crushed or severed genitals may enter the assembly of the LORD.” Huh?

Jesus asked the experts to quote Moses so he could hear the summary of what they believed was God’s truth about marriage. To the Pharisees, it was as simple as our “no fault” divorce laws today. The man needs no reason to break a covenant, a social contract, it’s as simple as declaring it and handing his wife a cease and desist letter and it’s done. Jesus wasn’t just correcting their understanding of the law, he was correcting their view of God himself!

Speaking as though he personally knew Moses and Moses’ motives, Jesus says, “He wrote the commandment as a concession.” Moses “permitted” it, he allowed it because of their dried-out, shriveled up hearts! Jesus pressed further, “But do you want to know what God really thinks about divorce?” Jesus takes the lawyers back to the original intent of marriage and the contractual reasoning for why it exists. It is God that instituted the Holy Estate of marriage! It was a template, a model for how male and female humans are to understand the bond, the mystery and the strength of both the physical union and spiritual union of two like but not like individuals. It was a singular, earthbound, permanent contract meant for health, wealth and happiness in producing more humans and learning about true love! A marriage should not be entered into flippantly. It is not easy to build, nor certainly should not be easy to tear apart. It is sacred because it is the foundation of family and a type of the covenant that God makes with us! God will not decide to wake up one day and announce three times, “I am done with you… divorce, divorce, divorce.” Go and find another god, find another lover, for I no longer am pleased with you. I am so thankful He keeps His promises!


I find it frustrating that you are so often blamed for things that we get wrong. We have strong wills and strange, wayward wanderings, then we wonder why everything has gone wacky! It is so amazing that there is purpose behind everything you do. Even in ancient laws there was divine reasoning. We look at so many of the Old Testament laws, viewing them through modern lenses and have a difficult time seeing the why behind the what! For me, it’s all about trust and faith that you have always known what you are doing and what is best for humanity and for me. That is where I place my questions and thoughts when I do not understand things. I trust that your will, your wisdom, your way is right, true and just so I can park my doubts under the banner of faith. Amen.

Aware of who we are.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered— how fleeting my life is. You have made my life no longer than the width of my hand. My entire lifetime is just a moment to you; at best, each of us is but a breath. ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭39‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Psalm 39 is a gritty, honest look at ourselves. It is a prayer of David expressing his awareness of his sin, mortality, and God’s judgment. It may seem negative and strange to focus on these dark, moody expressions of life itself. David so poetically writes about our existence as we pass through our time here on earth. ”We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth, not knowing who will spend it. And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.” Wow, merely moving shadows? So deep. And, “Listen to my cries for help! Don’t ignore my tears. For I am your guest— a traveler passing through, as my ancestors were before me.”

It is these kinds of Psalms that helped me process a lot of angsty emotions as a young believer. David’s own words allowed me to learn to be completely open and honest before God in my prayers. So often deep, dark or even disturbing thoughts are considered to be wrong or inappropriate to even have, let alone talk about. David’s words do take us through some “Radical Candor” moments, but what would be the point of hiding or denying circumstances and feelings denying to process the full range of emotions in this life.

Some moments are so high that David seems to explode in praise to God – not here in 39 of course! Others, like this Psalm wind down to the depths, even focusing on how short our lives seem to be, “Each of us is but a breath.” BTW, this Psalm was inserted at the end of David’s life. It seems to reflect the perspective of someone who has lived long enough to realize how slow time moves when you’re young and how quickly the sand moves through the hourglass of life as we age. Time, perspectives and even emotions are so different moving through life. When young, time moves slow and emotions are raw and extreme. When old, time often slips trying to get traction of what happened today, yesterday or even this month! And our emotions seem to get foggy as we age, a little dulled and definitely delayed. “Wasn’t I just angry at God?” “What about? I do not know.” “I shall just forget about it and move on!” “Was I happy yesterday?” I seem to remember a few captivating moments, “I may have been!”

I can imagine David looking back over his life as he stretches out his much older, much wrinkled hand. He stares at it, remembering how it gripped the sling or sword back in the day. As he draws a line across his hand in his own mind, he writes, “yeah, that’s about the length of my life.”


Being human is such an interesting mystery, even a dilemma. Mix in a high level of inventive autonomy along with a broken sense of morality and purpose and we are a glorious MESS. We are basically an emotional swamp filled with beauty and bewilderment all swimming around together. It truly means we depend on you to sort us out and suss out the helpful emotions from the destructive ones. I’m not complaining, I think it’s amazing when I realize the scope of high highs down to the lowest of lows. Having emotions and safely being able to share them with you feels like it’s the only route to sanity. Thank you for knowing and loving the real me! Amen.

When family & community fail.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

When I came across this episode several years ago, I was struck by one glaring issue, I had not seen it before. Question: How does a demon get into a child? We are not given the reasons behind several of the demonic possessions throughout the gospels. But most of them are in adults. It is believed that, at one point in their life, they either peddled or meddled in evil realms of spiritual darkness which opened doors for evil spirits to come in and take control over a human body. Another theory is that through narcotics, alcohol or other addictions, their minds are left defenseless and similarly open to demons making themselves at home. The mad-naked-man, in the tombs, was an adult that became infested with thousands of demons and caused mayhem in the hills above the city. The citizens would bind him with ropes and chains trying to subdue him, possibly trying to keep him and the neighborhood safe. Mark’s gospel uses these examples as a way to let the reader know that Jesus has all power and authority over evil spirits, so demon possessions are mentioned about ten times.

Here, the story is very dark and very sad. A father, in desperation, brings his son to Jesus. Notice, the father identifies this as a spiritual episode, not a physical one. Are we missing something today when we see a person unable to speak, throwing themselves to the ground, writhing, foaming at the mouth and grinding their teeth? We would only see this as an epileptic episode and safely hold them down until it passes. I absolutely believe in medical epileptic episodes and I am not saying that today these are possessions.

This father knew it was more than a physical abnormality! The father also reported that “The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him.“ When Jesus approached the child, he spoke to the evil spirit (that also kept the boy from hearing or speaking) and commanded the demon to depart, “the evil spirit then threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.” Everyone suspected the child was dead. This was something far beyond a physical or mental disorder. Jesus, knowing the difference between a physical problem and a spiritual one, didn’t command healing, he commanded deliverance!

There is enough hints in the story and the cultural background of the city where this took place, Bethsaida, a city known for its lack of faith (Matthew 11:21), that tells me the father and the community knew they were responsible for allowing evil into their town and their own children. The father told Jesus, “Have mercy on us and help us, if you can.” Help “US,” “IF” you can. The community not only had become known for unbelief, it had stopped being protective agents against evil – finally affecting even the children among them. This also makes sense why the disciples couldn’t just dismiss the demon. This evil spirit knew it could resist given the fact that the gawking crowd had little reason nor belief to kick it out. Of course, this would take prayer and fasting! Not just for an exorcism, but even more importantly to confront their stubborn hearts for resisting to God.

Do we have families that leave their children exposed to evil, practically inviting demons into the their homes and neighborhoods? Do we have cities with reputations of resistance and unbelief, where it becomes intensely laborious to speak truth and penetrate harden hearts with the gospel? I believe we do.

Ironically, I think our own “city of angels,” Los Angeles has become that. It’s not just that California is a state of known for hard, stubborn hearts, the city itself reeks of crime, corruption, sickness, poverty, and mental illness. Our dear city is a violent place, also filled with lawlessness, desperation, power and greed. It seems as though every attempt to bring healing and freedom takes prayer and fasting because the evil spirits know they are happily welcomed and accommodated in LA. What about your home, your neighborhood, your city? What you accommodate, your children will willingly accept!


I get the allure of selfishness to live the “adult” life. Which translates into little to none responsibility for children around us. My parents, all five, mostly did what they wanted. I know my adoptive mother worked hard and sacrificed to provide a good home, food and prompted my sister and I to do well in school. However, spirituality, there just wasn’t much there. I shiver to think of what suppressed or forgotten things we were exposed to! The story of this Father, coming to you, realizing he had messed up is heartbreaking but filled with hope. I can relate to that Father in this; what a powerful prayer to ask you for help in overcoming his unbelief. In agreement with all Dads out there, please help us in our own unbelief and have mercy on our children. Amen.