Answering to ultimate power

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O Lord? You are entirely faithful. You rule the oceans. You subdue their storm-tossed waves. You crushed the great sea monster. You scattered your enemies with your mighty arm. The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.” Psalms‬ ‭89‬:‭8‬-‭11‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Psalmist writes these broad strokes of power and huge overarching themes of ultimate control over all things – heaven and earth. This Psalm is written while Israel is parked in a 70 year timeout under Babylon’s rule. Daniel is the main character during this time, and even though he could have written this tribute to God it’s more likely that Ezra, the scribe wrote it.

I live close enough to the Pacific Ocean to enjoy parking along the cliffs of Big Corona and sitting on benches overlooking the expansive sea. It is breathtaking to watch the waves constantly, consistently crash on the shore and the reflective sunlight to dance on the endless vista to the horizon.

The ocean is so vast it’s intimidating. Every seaman story tells of its dangerous and untamable nature. No serious captain or crew underestimate its power and often merciless mysteries. That is why it so poetically appropriate for the Psalmist to declare God’s strength and dominion over the waters that cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and hold about 96 percent of all Earth’s water. As humans we all basically live on an island!

The Psalm says, “You rule the oceans.” I am impressed with God’s power, we all should be. All heavens and earth are His. How can God, with this much power not only be concerned but involved and in love with US? How can God with this much power and control not be feared, respected and obeyed? How can this mighty, ocean-ruling God put up with so many who mock, profane and arrogantly ignore Him as creator of all things? It’s shockingly unbelievable! Why doesn’t God just instantly zap every mouthy, foul fool into oblivion?

Because He made us, and has determined to love us. His enduring mercy and patience is utterly, unconditionally FOR us! However, time, like all created things, has an end. There will come a time when everything wraps up and concludes this existence. Every human is given time and every opportunity possible to remind us of God’s existence and His plan for our redemption, our rescue. Many have decided, with full recognition of God’s plan, to go at life and eternity their own way – which we know is simply death, then the moment of accountability. If you have rejected THE most powerful and most loving force in the universe? God will ask why and you will answer.


When I stand on the shores of the Pacific Ocean and look out to the unending vastness of the sea, I feel so feebly small. I also get just how powerful and as the Psalmist wrote, MIGHTY you really are. You tame the tides and control the storms, yet with our human hearts your greatest power is not force or constraint, but love and freedom. I am overwhelmed, undone, as Isaiah wrote, with your mercy. I will recognize your power and submit to your everlasting love.

Back to your eternal future.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Finally, the poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the heavenly banquet. The rich man also died and was buried, and he went to the place of the dead. There, in torment, he saw Abraham in the far distance with Lazarus at his side.” Luke‬ ‭16:22-23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus tells a story that should totally shift our perspective.

Here in Luke’s gospel, Jesus is still comparing, not just the rich and poor, but also, what happens to these folks when they are carried into the future.

The future being – in ETERNITY! What a shocker to folks listening. We only seem to take the PRESENT seriously, the NOW, the moment to moment. And, it seems that Jesus is trying to get us to think further, deeper, into the un-fathomless future called, eternity.

As humans we constantly struggle to think or believe outside ourselves, into what or who existed before us (history) and what or who will exist long after we are gone (legacy). We just make decisions for THIS moment and this moment only.

That seems to be the case with the unnamed rich man. Jesus sized him up quickly, a “rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and who lived each day in luxury.” And the rich man must have been eating well too because the other man portrayed with the name, “Lazarus,” seemed to be waiting for anything falling from the rich man’s table. Luke did not use the word “scraps.” The compare-contrast picture of a dog who waits and begs under the table (we have two such dogs btw) to the dogs who come and pity the man by licking his sores! Did you know that Dogs are very perceptive in caring and nursing humans that are injured? You have this picture that Lazarus is treated like a dog and gets better care from the dogs than he does his own kind.

Back to the future… both die. One goes to a banquet, the other a hot, horrible eternal summer in Indiana. Maybe Hell isn’t a dry heat after all. It is there that the rich man takes a serious look at his NOW present circumstances. He cries out to the host of the banquet, Father Abraham and has the audacity to ask him to send Lazarus over to just bring a drop of water to quench a nasty, flaming hot Cheetos-mouth in the rich man. Are you kidding me? The rich guy is still in some warped sense of entitlement while he’s in some kind of purgatorial HELL! Talk about ZERO self awareness even in this place of torment.

Jesus then comments on the now very uncomfortable, un-luxurious man’s second request. His SECOND request to Abraham, mind you. “can you at least warn my brothers.” Ah, there we go, finally the rich man grasps the gravity of every human being in this planet. Someone needs to warn them! Is the rich man hinting that Abraham should send Lazarus back to his five brothers in some kind of Jacob Marley, ghost-like visit? The guy is still trying to command and control happily-dead Lazarus! He doesn’t ask Lazarus himself. He doesn’t shout across the chasm – “I am so sorrrrrrry Lazarus…. echo echo echo.”

Even though he finally gets HIS own, well deserved, hellish predicament, he still has no understanding of what’s happened! Rich dude doesn’t get to tell anyone to do anything for him ever again! The ultimate reality check does not sink in, even after death! Exasperated, the rich man negotiates with Abraham in his utter loss of control. But, but but, he says, “‘No, Father Abraham! But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent of their sins and turn to God.’” Hmmm, what a thought. If someone comes back from the dead to warn the living of an eternal life that awaits them, maybe then – they would what? Repent, change their temporal, fleeting thoughts and behaviors that only exist in the “NOW” moment? What a grand idea!

In very Jewish fashion, Jesus reminds his listeners, quoting what “future” Abraham would likely say, “If they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’” And to non-Jews Jesus would say, “if they won’t listen to every whisper of God that shows up in every grand splendor of creation, every person that attempts to warn them (trying to show God’s love long before God’s final judgment), and has entertained a thousand promises that people would give God their life if only God would get them out of some horrendous jam they’ve got themselves into.” Oh – if they won’t listen to all of that, then it’s totally on them!

Even if God himself were to come, live like us, die like a criminal and come back from the dead to WARN us, they still wouldn’t listen? Yep – this is us.

It’s not just the rich that struggle to peer into their own future, we all do it. So we should quit waiting for some Jacob Marley, some nightmare or near-death experience. Just make the decision to follow Jesus and live your life, live your future NOW.


Forgive us for being to slow to see our future.

Three tools to view God’s promises.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble; the one who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps. The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade. The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon at night. The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.” Psalms‬ ‭121:1-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

A microscope, binoculars and a telescope. I think of these three tools when I read the wonderfully grand promises of God written in Psalms.

Remember the “wow” factor of looking through these glass visual aids and discovering a world you never knew existed. I read a book, How We Got to Now: Six Innovations That Made the Modern World by Stephen Johnson, where the author lists glass as the number one greatest discovery ever! With these three tools we can go from micro to macro views of our world in just a moment. With one we see incredible detail viewing things on a molecular level the eye alone could never see. With the other we see millions of miles beyond our wildest imagination. These tools help me frame God’s promises.

Normally I may read the Psalms with a microscopic view because I am in pain or struggling with difficult circumstances. And, when I use this very narrow purview, I am looking for God to come and help me NOW. But the Psalmist helps me see other perspectives, with a broader scope. He writes about by day and night. Then I switch to an even more robust, macro view and read that God watches over my life! I write this because I must be reminded that God is my rescue at each and every level.

Sometimes, I impatiently get buried in brain-ruts (repetitive neural pathways) and allow myself to feel trapped or squeezed by some random event or some small comment someone made. My mind starts spinning, spiraling down into the cellular level of doubts and fears like out of some creepy sci-fi movie. I instinctively grab the microscope lens of the Psalms to look for comfort amidst the swirling chaos of my own thoughts. Maybe I need to switch my view, my perspective tools and grab some binoculars to see the day, week or month differently. To allow the Spirit of God to bring Shalom, peace, to lower my blood pressure and remember God’s goodness, His trustworthiness.

And maybe, in my own life or the life of others, I need to grab the telescopic view, the really long view of life, even with eternity in mind. I have to laugh at myself to remember, I am not likely going to DIE over some comment or even some failure. And, even if some major event did happen, God let’s me know through His word, He’s still got me in the palm of His hand. God not only controls and shapes the circumstances of my moment or my day, but also my eternity! God keeps watch both now and forever!!


You are a GOOD God, a GOOD father. I give thanks because your love endures forever. You are ever mindful of me. Your grace, mercy are great and you are so long suffering. Thank you for the Psalms, the writings that remind me of your faithfulness to and throughout all generations!

The MOST reliable, stable, true and enduring thing I can know

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Your eternal word, O Lord, stands firm in heaven. Your faithfulness extends to every generation, as enduring as the earth you created. Your regulations remain true to this day, for everything serves your plans.” Psalms‬ ‭119:89-91‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We now know that God’s eternal word, as referred to here in the Psalms, wasn’t just commands written in ink on scrolls or finger-lasered by God on stone. It was Jesus, the son of God. The word is a person not just ideas, concepts or even doctrines. And Jesus does stand firm in heaven.

His faithfulness is extending to THIS generation, whether that be Millennials, Z’s or Alpha’s. It’s kinda sad that we’ve given human age groupings names like bad storms. Plus, His regulations or ways remain true today and everything does serve Jesus’ plans. In other translations vs 91 says “they” referring to heaven and the earth. The word “regulations” are Jesus’ judgements (מִשְׁפָט mishpat: judgment).

Three things I observe from these passages:

  • One, God’s word is eternal.
  • Two: God’s word is thankfully extended (endures and abides/stands) to each one of the generations that are passing through time. The way generations are counted, it is possible that there have only been about 100 or so generations from Adam until today – just a hundred!
  • Three: God’s word remains true through all of our entire human history (and beyond). It is THE most true, most enduring, unchanging entity (person) we have known or will ever know. It’s also the most real entity in our existence!

Ahhh, the Word is more real, true and trustworthy than even the laws that govern our universe. The laws of gravity, energy or matter are LESS trustworthy than God’s Word! The Psalmist declares an ancient truth here that defies our understanding of reality. We can’t imagine “doubting” gravity, but we have no problem doubting what God says? Geez, that’s heavier than Uranium (a little element joke there)!

As a follower of Jesus, I should have ZERO doubt in God’s Word and also have ultimate TRUST in His plans. The psalmist adds, “everything serves God’s plans.” Whew. I can sleep better and rest from trying to control people or running the world. God’s got this!


I don’t purposely TRY to worry or doubt, it just seems to creep up and grab me when I am going through difficult times or, I don’t know, like our world going through a multi-year pandemic!

I read your Psalms, your sacred songs and I can breath a little easier realizing how BIG you are and how very small I am. I can learn to trust in your Word because it IS the most reliable, stable, true and enduring thing I can know. I am learning so much of your character through your Word. Thank you.