Our environment wants justice.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“The earth mourns and dries up, and the land wastes away and withers. Even the greatest people on earth waste away. The earth suffers for the sins of its people, for they have twisted God’s instructions, violated his laws, and broken his everlasting covenant.” Isaiah‬ ‭24‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Isaiah picks up on this theme of of extreme eco-disasters coming to earth because of the sins of its inhabitants. Earlier, he had said that God would “destroy the earth and make it a vast wasteland. He devastates the surface of the earth and scatters the people.” Human sin and our selfishness has deep and irreversible effects on our souls, our kind, plus the entire animal and plant kingdom of the world.

I’m sure environmentalist would quickly agree that, as humans, we misuse and abuse our own home. Isaiah’s point goes much further than our carbon footprint, plastics addictions, or pulling far too many precious metals out of the earth. Isaiah says the earth suffers because of our sins against God, not the planet!

I for one believe that believers in Christ should be the very best at caring for the planet and ecosystems of our world. We were in fact given that job back in the garden of eden. We have a responsibility as good stewards. But I would also be the first to say, in no way should our care for animals, plants and natural resources take priority over human life. I’m not a fan of saving whales and sea turtles only to end the life of infants in the womb. This is a gross misunderstanding and results of our sin. Isaiah states what much of our world has lost site of, God is the creator, is good and He alone dispenses justice and truth.

When we are in line with God’s laws, the planet, even in our sin, fares much better. The end is coming though. The finality of this planet, in anticipation of a brand new one, is approaching as each moment of time passes us.

It’s coming. Our culture senses it and it shows up most often in our entertainment of movies and shows. If someone were to map the amount and frequency of apocalyptic books, movies and shows, you’d clearly see that everyone believes there is a end coming. Some are some very dark, like “the walking dead,” or the Terminator or Matrix franchises. Others are oddly utopian in nature, thinking of some strange technological advancements that help humans achieve and neurochemical enlightenment of some kind. The movie, Moonfall finally told us some truth. People are ridiculously gullible, untrusting and turn back into base animalistic behaviors when the end finally comes.

All of these fantasy projections either resolve in perpetual misery or happily received annihilation. God’s story is very different. The planet will be destroyed and remade. Human life, our souls and bodies will not end in annihilation. We will find ourselves living in eternity in one of two places – heaven, where God continues to rule as He always has done. Or hell, a place of eternal separation from God and in that, a forever tortured soul in misery of never ending loops of pain, blame of selfish lonely conversations with themselves. I ask myself, “who wants that?” The possible answer, people who would rather live in misery than bow heart and knee, submitting to God’s authority and rule.


It is so interesting that you were speaking through Isaiah, thousands of years ago about all the events (Christ, the messiah coming and a lot of end times) that would take place in the future. I remember hearing that the prophecy had to make sense to people then and now. What a challenge for those back them. I’m pretty sure their world was more violent than even ours today. I would make sense to the listener back then. I don’t look forward to the world ending, but I do look forward for the finalizing of your plans for the Kingdom of God on earth to be here.

Check the expiration date.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“I will gather the armies of the world into the valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will judge them for harming my people, my special possession, for scattering my people among the nations, and for dividing up my land. They threw dice to decide which of my people would be their slaves. They traded boys to obtain prostitutes and sold girls for enough wine to get drunk.” Joel‬ ‭3:2-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We have all sorts of foods, mostly spices, that made two or three “house moves” with us. My son in law pointed out that we have a lot of expired foods still stored in our kitchen. One, I had no idea spices even had an expiration date. Two, I though sealed cans and dry goods were, ya know, eternal. Everything here on earth has “best by” date on it.

Joel is the book of “final days,” when justice and judgment are fully realized on the earth. The people that have not only done their own thing and had their own way, but have done so in horrible, ways have an expiration date. Humans that ultimately pursue the darkest, dirtiest deeds to bring them pleasure through power over others, will come to an end.

It is a fact, humanity is not getting better, we just cycle in and out of horrendously selfish behavior. We are getting worse. In ancient times they had whole industries for abusing children for their own pleasures. Today we have local and global gangs and underground businesses that traffic children – human trafficking is more lucrative than drugs. It’s more sophisticated today, but runs as a constant sub-current of our society.

What would happen if all the vices of human pleasure were to suddenly be shut down? These are things we call “freedoms,” and personal rights. My body, my money, my right, my autonomy… my my my. Each one has alluring, even innocent edges. “It’s just gaming,” not gambling. It’s “recreational,” not additive, nor destructive to family, especially children. “It’s occasional,” infrequent, I can’t quit anytime I want. The worst lie we tell ourselves, “I’m not hurting anyone.”

Joel is speaking for God when he writes, “my people.” God is possessive, He is jealous over us. Many think that just goes for Israel, “God’s people.” It goes far beyond that. It extends to us, all of humanity. We were created in perfection, no vices, no sin, shame or regrets.

It was our choices to not trust God, thinking He was holding out on us, keeping us from truly knowing evil. What’s God hiding from us?, we thought. Obviously it’s something really good and God is just being mean and controlling by keeping it from us. Yeah, we STILL believe that lie, don’t we? We all have this little voice inside our head and it’s not just an American thought, “I want everything I’m due… all of it!” Joel affirms, “you can have it, but it will not end well.” Getting “all of it,” experiencing all of it, having, managing and keeping all of it – will never end well. Check the expiration date.


How can I ever give up this pursuit of evil and just go all in on pursuing good? The pursuit of evil, no matter how tasty it looks, always results in a bitter outcome. Cursed are these cycles we endure as humans. Maybe I ache for justice to finally and forever get that curse off my own back? I see the evils of our kind and have experienced the destruction it has caused in my life and so many others. I yearn for that final day when this world closes out and the new one is born.

Reading the end of the story.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. You have little strength, yet you obeyed my word and did not deny me.” Revelation‬ ‭3:8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​I never go to the end of a book to see how it ends! I read from the beginning and let the author take me where they want me to go. I follow.

Reading the book of Revelation, Revelation not Revelations, is very different. I believe God wants us to, invites us to see how it ends.

In the book that talks most about finality, then eternity, it’s a page burner. It reveals a winner, God and an eternal loser, evil. Yes, evil has a name for the long season called earth, it’s Satan – the deceiver. He was the character to introduce a human rebellion against God. He did so by not only introducing this idea of sin, but also the beginning of deep distrust of our creator. And there are, there will be humans who see God, believe God’s rescue plan from our own choices and spend eternity with him and others who are similar. There are also humans that want to follow the deceiver and play the rebel all the way to their own judgment and permanent separation from God. Each will get their own way.

John writes about these angelic pronouncements as the end draws near. This one is about the churches or types of believers that are like Philadelphia. The angel speaks kind and encouraging words. This “open door,” the protection, crown and a promise of being “pillars” in the temple. This are powerful annunciations to churches who were suffering from intense, bodily persecution. Everyone, if they understand what the angel is saying, wants to be in the Philadelphia church!

Doesn’t everyone want to live a life of meaning and reward that comes with that reputation. However, even knowing it now or reading about it in the first century, doesn’t seem to be enough to convince us of the work necessary, the faith necessary to BE that kind of church.

We want the results but not the lifestyle necessary to get them. This is our human dilemma! This is our cross to bear, our working out of salvation. I want to be the kind of person that obeys God. I want to be a part of a community that endures suffering, and holds on to their crowns of joy and kindness (real godly kindness, not the value-exchange, bumper-sticker kindness of today). The rewards are real. The struggles to BE and DO the deep work are also real.


You know that I would want these qualities the angel listed to about the churches of Philadelphia, but you also know there’s a lot of flesh-barriers and selfishness still running around in my heart. Plus, I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I am just not a big “do it for the reward” kind of person. I would like to think that I’ll do it because it’s right and good. I see small, incremental bursts of goodness in me. But I also see all the other. Can I only think good, be good, do good when I’m not stressed or under pressure of performance? I fear I’m going to end up being one of those other churches 🥴.

Journal entry from Ezekiel in 593 bc

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. This happened during the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity. (The Lord gave this message to Ezekiel son of Buzi, a priest, beside the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians, and he felt the hand of the Lord take hold of him.)” Ezekiel‬ ‭1:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​On a nice, warm, summer day back in 593 bc Ezekiel is out by a river in Babylon. He tells us that they had been in captivity or exile for five years at this point. We are reading a journal entry of a man that lived over 2600 years ago! He writes about this extraordinary vision as he looks over the river and up into the sky. And, he knows it’s a message and feels the hand of God on him. Chilling right? Then, for the next several verses, Ezekiel describes what he sees.

I’ve got to tell you, I read this as a new believer and could not make any sense of it AT ALL. And, I remember thinking, “who CAN make sense out of this?” It kind of blew my mind when a special speaker came through our church and asked us, “as an ancient observer, how would you have described something “futuristic,” maybe something that would not exist for thousands of years ahead.” Like a vision from someone who travels through time? Whoa. I would never have imagined something so syfi, so cool.

I mean 593 bc could not have had, would not have had any modern day equipment, especially something that could fly! This was a theory I had never thought about – and I liked it! Is it true? I have no idea. Could Ezekiel have been describing a modern Black Hawk helicopter? The guest speaker seemed to think it could have been. Ezekiel could only use words of things that existed in his time to describe what he saw – most of which are animals with a mixture of human faces or features that only the great beasts of his day had. Rotor blades back then could only be described as wings – like a giant dragonfly!

It turns out the modern helicopter may have been designed by studying the dragonfly (The world’s leading helicopter manufacturer, Sikorsky, finished the design of one of their helicopters by taking the dragonfly as a model, IBM, which assisted Sikorsky in this project, started by putting a model of a dragonfly in a computer (IBM 3081)).

Yeah, Ezekiel could have been seeing a futuristic scene of a war and God was telling him to write it down and even share it with the leaders of Israel. This was not just a fanciful dream and Ezekiel wasn’t trippin on some wild mushrooms. There was a reason for it. Many of Ezekiel’s visions were straight out of scenes from the apocalypse, the end times, the final days of the earth and its struggle against evil.

There have been so many possible interpretations and theories of these stunning visions and when they come true in real life, folks will be able to say, “oh, that’s what Ezekiel saw!” So, if you just recently turned thirty, just know this is the kind visionary of stuff you can look forward to! j/k.

Unless I’m joining God as a warrior in his army, I’m not sure I want to be there when this future scene takes place, especially if it’s some kind of global world war. Either way, I know God has got this, He’s in control.


Wow! These Ezekiel (and others) visions are so amazing. We can only wait and watch as you bring about the finality of your grand story, the epic war and peace, the ultimate love and justice of all things! It’s all there – all written out beforehand for everyone, anyone to read and see for themselves. Either folks have heard or have seen your truth and make a decision. All of us have been given ample time and opportunity to do so. I am so very grateful for your Word and the plans you have for me and the entire world.

The wedding reception invites have gone out!

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.” For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” And he added, “These are true words that come from God.” Revelation‬ ‭19:7-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​John writes about an ongoing object lesson that concludes with a grand banquet. Now, admittedly, this illustration is only fitting and even understood by those who believe in Jesus and have become comfortable comparing the body of Christ, the Church to a beautiful bride on her wedding day.

I’m not exactly sure where the beginnings of this picture show up in scripture, but I do know that John the baptist hints are just before his famous quote, “He must increase and I decrease.” John the baptist speaks as a best man at a wedding. “It is the bridegroom who marries the bride, and the bridegroom’s friend is simply glad to stand with him and hear his vows. Therefore, I am filled with joy at his success.” John was speaking of this marriage event that had started and that he, as the best man is to simply witness the vows and union. John clearly understood this was about Jesus as the groom and the church as the bride. Jesus also told of a wedding party that took place but the groom was delayed. And in that story, some of the attendants (bridesmaids) were not prepared for the extended waiting and missed the party. I’m guessing that ceremony itself was the death and resurrection of a Jesus vowing to commit, save and make the bride perfect by God’s sacrificial act.

Here in Revelation, an angel talks about the gigantic party that will be thrown after the ceremony. The final feast, the wedding feast of the Lamb. And even though these events span across several millennium, the banquet itself and its attendants are very real. The global invitations have all gone out and now it is time to see who responds by knowing when and where the event takes place. I have officiated a number of weddings. There is always a nervous anticipation and palpable energy that comes from a certain elegance, even perfection leading up to the ceremony itself. And, even in our post-wedding celebrations today there is still this “presentation of the bride and groom.”

Here, the angel makes a specific note about the bride’s dress. Isn’t that interesting that even in eternity there is a fashion statement of who’s wearing what and who designed it! This bride is wearing an absolute gorgeous material made from the good deeds of God’s holy people. The fashion statement of all times is the good, pure, holy actions of the saints of God! I get chills thinking about it. The angel declares blessed are those who are invited! And I’m sure blessed are those who make it and attend.


Wow! Some powerful and emotional events are still ahead of us to experience in your grand story of redemption. I am one that plans on attending that great feast, that grand ball to beat all banquets. I have received and accepted the invitation and I will wait with preparation and patience as you have instructed. I can’t wait to be there!