Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord. And all their neighbors assisted by giving them articles of silver and gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock. They gave them many valuable gifts in addition to all the voluntary offerings. Ezra 1:5-6 NLT
One of the beautiful, but difficult mysteries about God is His impeccable timing. It is always perfect! We see God make promises, prophetic words of what will happen and we believe Him. We even trust him. But it is rarely about IF something will happen, it’s about WHEN it will happen.
God has been thoroughly, transparently trustworthy throughout all of human history. But even as we see how God fulfills his Word, we also get a peek at how long it takes for His promises to be fulfilled. Whether it’s 400 years, 70 years or 450 years – we forget because our lives are nowhere that long. Every generation waits for these amazing, global promises to be fulfilled, but only specific generations get to actually witness the results! And, even then, our hearts and minds, along with an inability to keep the stories of God’s promises alive, we become dull, even forgetful.
God has Ezra, the high priest and chief scribe announce the end of the 70 years of timeout and the good news that the Jews could return to their homeland and begin rebuilding what previous Babylonian rulers had destroyed. The temple, and as we know from Nehemiah, the walls surrounding Jerusalem were all in shambles. I find it an interesting, a very human clue that Ezra tells us in these verses about returning and rebuilding.
God prompts King Cyrus of Persia that it’s time to send the Jewish people home! This whole first chapter is about God loading up the people with vast amounts of riches, not only replacing what was taken by King Nebuchadnezzar but even given much much more. God had Israel’s enemies discipline His people and then had those enemies finance the entire rebuilding process! Wow.
Here in verse five, Ezra writes something unique. He says, “God stirred the hearts…” of the priests and Levites. The fire, the drive, the patience of the spiritual leaders of Israel had all been sapped! Much of these priests and Levites were appointed while in captivity. Ezra was born while in captivity – it’s all he knew. It’s not surprising, as God’s word comes to Ezra, that God himself would need to jumpstart the hearts of the leaders of Israel, giving them hope that rebuilding was even a possibility. They had all heard the stories of what got them to Babylon, but had no real sense of when it would be over and they would be returning home.
I love this simple verse because it reminds me of how much loss we (The Church) have experienced over the past 25 years. And even through Jesus himself prophesied that these days would come in Matthew 24:4-12, saying “Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold,” we have never really known WHEN – the timing of the final, final days. Since Jesus spoke those words over 2000 years ago, there have been many cycles and seasons of these signs of the “end times.” And, to each generation that experienced it, it was determined that it MUST BE THE END! I believe that this season has been the worst loss of faith and people walking away from Jesus ever. And so many faithful people just flat out gave up the gathering of the Church. Statistically it is true – there has not been a time like this.
But I also believe that God will once again pour out His Spirit, supernaturally speaking to the hearts of those who have believed the lies and experienced immense loss of hope and deep depression. I believe God will sovereignly stir the hearts of the broken and they will turn their hearts towards home! God’s grace and ability to woo the hearts of those He loves is powerful and effective to accomplish His will. We, as Jesus’ bride, the Church p, should be ready to embrace the broken and with open arms to welcome them into His grace. We should all be REUNION READY!
I am so glad you still stir hearts! I am one who was fortunate enough to be a part of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the 70’s and I remember how powerful it was to hear your voice, repent, receive forgiveness and a new life in Christ. I virtually knew nothing about the Bible, but you saved me and began disciplining me to be like Jesus! If you can do this for me I know you will do this again for so many. Pour Your Spirit out Oh sovereign Lord, save us from ourselves and our desires to be our own God!