Waiting for Finality.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This is among Joel’s most famously quoted prophecies. It however follows after the great and dreaded Day of the Lord. “You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed. Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed – vs.26‬-‭27‬. One promise God made to Joel that caught my attention. And God says it twice! ” Never again will my people be shamed.

Oh, my heart aches when I read this because I have only known a history of God’s chosen people, Israel being shamed. I know God is NOT referring to a nation, because throughout all the stories in the Bible, Judges, Kings and leaders have eventually failed. But still God promises a remnant, the “root of Jesse.” A few that God uses to rebuild a people set apart for Himself. And yes, because of Christ, we were grafted into the tree, and have become the children of God.
But still, the Jewish people, within the bounds of Israel or scattered throughout the world, are still living in shame.

I believe there are cycles that we go through, global cycles of pain, healing and restoration. We are in a very precarious cycle even now. The global and local scene is chaotic, unpredictable and violent. I know one thing – EVERYONE starts looking up! Modern culture seems to respond in a science+fiction (Sci-fi) manner, especially in media.

The writers, philosophers and producers start looking for hope in space, hope in technology, hope in scientific breakthroughs, and hope in human ingenuity as well. They will look for anything EXCEPT the creator for answers. But they all feel it, they all sense – just like we do, that we are in another cycle of instability. My hope is not in Sci-fi. Oh, I find it interesting. I’m even curious who these characters are talking to when they speak of aliens, gods or human heroes.

My hope is in God! My hope is not only in the fact that He is real, and He created us. It is also in the fact that God keeps His promises. He has proven this in His Word, the Bible. But not only that, which is really all that is necessary, God has also proven Himself to me personally! I have God’s Word + my experience in relationship with Him.

So, although it’s entertaining to see people scramble for answers in space, religious experiences or hang their hopes on humankind’s ability to fix or save itself. I’m betting my life on God. I don’t want or look forward for the END OF THE WORLD, but I do know it’s coming. Everyone knows it’s coming one day. What comes after that? It’s all in the book – the Bible.


Robin said something last night that really hit me. Everyone is looking for the kingdom without The King! Everyone wants to be happy, wants peace and fulfillment out of this life. Everyone wants to be known, respected and feel valued. However, it’s within our human stubbornness to seek these things outside of You. “Oh, we want the good life, just without God!” Looking for other answers is like chasing shadows. Believing there is a way, a truth and a life outside of You is just a big fantastic, fabricated lie. We are so human. I’d ask for you to show Yourself in plain sight, but I know you’ve done that over and over. You are not hiding and neither is Your truth. Help us. Break our stone hearts and trade them out for hearts of flesh. Amen.

One of these days, Chicken Little will be right.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“The end of the world is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your prayers. Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It seems that every generation feels that things have gotten so bad, the end MUST be soon. I wonder if Noah thought the same thing – because, in his case, it was true! I don’t see a lot of apocalyptic references throughout the Old Testament, but there are a few. Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel have some visions of what the future held, and they were strange and mysterious.

For Peter to write the church and say this, he must have taken Jesus word’s seriously – he was coming back soon. John, the revelator writes, “behold I come quickly” Rev 22:12. But, what is quickly, especially to God, who is outside of time itself? FYI, I absolutely believe Jesus is returning and that God will wrap everything up according to his will and plan.

For us earth-bounders, we only see history and human behavior in cycles. Looking backward from these days, all the way to Peter’s days, we know that some behaviors have been atrociously worse. There have been so many global episodes of bad actors perpetuating on the masses in their respective domains of control. I have a friend who believes that earth is looking more like heaven than ever before! I don’t.

When Peter encourages the Church to be earnest in prayer, I wonder what that could have meant? In prayer for one another? It seems likely. Especially because he drops the famous line that “love covers a multitude of sins.” More sin, needs more prayer and more love, right? Then he backs up the idea of us needing MORE support while watching and waiting for the world to end with this – hospitality!

If you haven’t noticed even the entertainment industry has really ramped up the futuristic, syfi, apocalyptic shows and movies over the past few decades. Even non-believers in God are trying to figure out what the future holds. Of course, many of the future-casters are just trying to force behavioral change surrounding the hot topic of global climate change. In almost every one of their future scenarios, humans are the enemy that needs to be destroyed. Feels like they are just lashing out at God like petulant toddlers.

Peter reminds us that when everything gets bad, we should share goodness, like meals and shelter. If the global pandemic was a test run for an “end of the world” scenario, believers did NOT pass. I don’t think most of us were in a sharing and caring mood – we treated our own family members like the infected on The Walking Dead! There seems to be a particular idea from Peter that when the going gets tough, the tough should get together – not separate, and hunker down in isolation. I have a feeling we’ll get another chance when the next rotation of the “world ending” comes into view. We can do better then, right? One day, the sky will fall and this world will end. Chicken Little will be right.


I agree, things do look bleak. There is a lot going on in our country and in our world that makes us all nervous about the future. Yet, I know you hold the future! And, I know you are bringing about the most amazing plan of your Kingdom coming and your will being done! In that I find peace, comfort and even an excitement in the finality of waiting. I want to be ready. I want to stay alert and aware of what you are doing. This is not an escape prayer, but it is a “let it be done” prayer – Come quickly Lord Jesus!