Sin is in fact infectious!

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says. Ask the priests this question about the law: ‘If one of you is carrying some meat from a holy sacrifice in his robes and his robe happens to brush against some bread or stew, wine or olive oil, or any other kind of food, will it also become holy?’” The priests replied, “No.” Then Haggai asked, “If someone becomes ceremonially unclean by touching a dead person and then touches any of these foods, will the food be defiled?” And the priests answered, “Yes.” Then Haggai responded, “That is how it is with this people and this nation, says the Lord. Everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin.” Haggai‬ ‭2:11-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I love it when God asks questions. Isn’t interesting? This one seems to be all about a food preparation object lesson.

These are ancient times and God has given Israel “laws” to help them in the proper way to handle food. He asks them if the “holy” meat makes other foods holy just by touching them together. The modern word for making meat holy is called Kosher and it most likely became the standard for all food preparation and handling.

We know so much more about handling food than we used to and yet, we still have warnings and about mishandling our food supply line today – especially with things like Salmonella!

Corruption and defilement only seem to go one way. Good can’t “defile,” or making something clean just by contact or touching. Holy meat cannot make anything holy simply by contact. God’s point… it’s different with corruption, disease or sickness. Bad can corrupt or defile good with a simple contact point. The Apostle Paul uses this analogy when he writes to the churches in Corinth, “bad company corrupts good morals.”

God’s illustration is touching a dead body, where corruption and death has begun breaking down the cells which used to be alive. In this very natural death process the body is experiencing corruption where bacteria and germs do their job to return the body to the earth where it began.

Scientists, healthcare workers and food handlers know this instinctively, death is dangerously infectious!

God’s boundaries, His laws for Israel taught them to not touch the dead without careful cleansing and mandatory isolation from others so disease doesn’t spread. This is well before they knew why death was so dangerous! Then God speaking through Haggai lands this mind-blowing concept to them – SIN = DEATH. Sin is corruption. Sin breaks down all living things and brings death. God explains to them, everything we do, everything we offer, CANNOT be holy, clean or free of death itself. We have sin. We ARE sin. Therefore, everything we “touch” will become corrupted and die. Sadly, this includes things we offer to God – ouch. Of course, post Christ’s death and resurrection, making the final and completely perfect sacrifice for the penalty of sin, our offerings as someone contraction-ally in good standing with God can, in faith, offer redemptive acts.


Sin is so dangerous! It is so infectious. We have so many social viruses spreading among us these days. These popular crowd-sourced and driven ideals are laced with death! These grand social experiences and experiments are ruthlessly effective to bring death in our relationships, families, and civil structures. It’s like we, as humans, take great joy in passing around a soul-virus, with zero care or precaution to their effects on our lives. Truth has been trampled and swapped out for lies! You said this would happen. You told us this is what the end looks like. We need your mercy Oh God. We need your supernatural intervention to stop this fast spreading disease called sin.

What does God want?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: “Consider all this, and call for the mourners. Send for the women who mourn at funerals. Quick! Begin your weeping! Let the tears flow from your eyes. Hear the people of Jerusalem crying in despair, ‘We are ruined! We are completely humiliated! We must leave our land, because our homes have been torn down.’” Jeremiah‬ ‭9:17-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​Learning from discipline.

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a child being properly disciplined, but it is quite a difficult scene to endure. I’m not talking about abuse or harsh corporal punishment from parent to child. I’m just talking about the extraordinary patience as a toddler melts down in public! Of course the child is crying, but often I’ve seen the child’s mother break down in exhaustive tears in complete frustration. There is wailing for sure.

As I read through the God-spokesperson’s words, His prophets, warning, imploring God’s own people to stop their temper-tantrum, destructive behavior. I understand why God would…. discipline them – severely! God does so as the most loving, merciful acts ever. Israel (and ALL of humanity) just won’t listen and stubbornly, even defiantly CHOOSE to go their own way, choose their own path. Even if it’s right off the cliff to their own death and destruction. They don’t, we don’t care – we want what we want when we want it and we won’t let anyone tell us any different!

What’s God to do with that total toddler behavior showing up constantly in grownup adults? Back then, God said, enough is enough! He has plans and God will have His way and nothing, NOTHING is going to stop Him from getting what He wants.

What does God want? YOU. He wants you back. He wants what is best for you, for me. He wants everything and everyone to be made right, whole, at peace, and back in the family. What if humans don’t want that? Well there’s the rub, right? There’s the struggle, the WAR, the problem. What if humans WANT to go their own way? Sure, God will eventually let them, but not without a fight.

What does it take to get it through our thick skulls – there is NOTHING else out there but chaos, death and destruction! And that world, that existence has its own ruler with his own ways of doing a life without God – that’s Satan’s realm and his plan to take as many as possible away from God and drag them to the eternal pits of despair!

For those humans who “live” it up here and just hope for annihilation, a eternal state of nothingness, it’s a lie.

For those promised some kind of union with “all” things and experience karma (with is nothingness) being “one” with all matter, it’s a lie.

For those who think they get to do life here, then come back, reincarnated to try again, hopefully as a higher life-being, it’s also a lie.

ALL those paths are shams leading to the same place, death and destruction away from God for all eternity. When God comes across harsh in His discipline methods, like stripping Israel of everything they knew and everything they owned – He does so out love! Because the alternative is eternally worse. So when you see people angry at God, or bitter because they believe God isn’t fair (which He is definitely not fair, but He is just), or they struggle and fight to run into the street like a wild, willful toddler – yeah, you’ll see some serious tears and tantrums going on.


Even though I completely acknowledge my sins, I have no intention of trying to get away from you to do “my own thing.” My life was a wreck before you got ahold of me. I remember your discipline in my youth. I remember how stubborn and feisty I was towards the things of God and how hard it was for me to just be obedient. Honestly, from my chaotic past, a lot of what you were teaching me did not make sense. If felt extremely counterintuitive from everything I had learned on my own. If it were not for your grace and persistent patience, I would not have made it this far. So, thank you for your steadfast hand of love.

Oh death, really, where is your sting?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Isaiah 38:10-20

“But what could I say? For he himself sent this sickness. Now I will walk humbly throughout my years because of this anguish I have felt. Lord, your discipline is good, for it leads to life and health. You restore my health and allow me to live! Yes, this anguish was good for me, for you have rescued me from death and forgiven all my sins.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭38:15-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

What do you do when you KNOW you’re going to die? Not think, but know. Isaiah told Hezekiah, get your stuff together because you ARE going to die! Then, God changed his mind… and added 15 years to his life! “Go back to Hezekiah and tell him, ‘This is what the Lord, the God of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will add fifteen years to your life, and I will rescue you and this city from the king of Assyria.” Hezekiah wrote these words of realty and humility AFTER he got better. But, it really shook him up. Isaiah loved his king and was heartbroken when Hezekiah finally did pass.

We had a pastor friend just die of Covid last week. I’m still processing the loss, the grief and sadness for his wife, three children and the church he pastored. I reflected on the five stages of grief and found someone who added four stages of hope after grieving. So denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are the grief stages. But waiting, wailing, weaving and worshipping are the hope stages.

Death, with it’s finality and processes, is hard to experience. Yet, it is also so clarifying, so pure in its ability to face the ultimate letting go. What really matters on your death bed? I’ve been with several who were dying and have been with some upon their departure. In a good, honorable, prepared for eternity death – there is only love. There is only a desire to be surrounded by those you love and those who have loved you well. It’s not just family, it’s also very close friends.

Being with the dying and upon death is as intimate as being in the birthing experience with a mom. It is holy. Time and all earthly, temporary things lose focus, and the pure moments of love are all that exists. There is no time. There is no worry. There is really no fear. It is as though the universe pauses all natural senses and you become part of a calm, quiet void – a transition. It’s so palpable, so real. You almost feel envious and a desire to be pulled along with them as they make their journey, leaving the body and releasing soul and spirit to go on, go over. For the believer it is miraculous and truly a journey of light.

There is NOTHING to fear at that moment! Fear and death and it’s grip on us, lose their hold. There is no sting, no pain, no worry. The living, fear because of loss or the undone or the unknown. But those who are prepared to die, do not fear any of those things.

Hezekiah was there at the edge and God brought him back for another round of life. But he was different because of the experience. He was humbled and more grateful. He saw his place, his station, his purpose in life and lived more in his last 15 years than he had done previous.