In, but not of.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God, while we look forward with hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, will be revealed. He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.” ‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul, writing to “young” Titus, gives Pastoral instruction of how to guide the flock in the faith. “Young” Titus does not mean that Titus was a young man, just that he was younger than Paul. Titus had served with Paul before Timothy and long after Barnabas. Titus was such a devoted and trusted Pastor that Paul sent him to one of the most difficult cultures to become Bishop over several churches that had been planted.

Titus was Bishop of the island Crete. The Bible Project talks about the Crete culture and just how throughly worldly they were. The Cretans were proud and known for being deceitful liars! Titus’ first task as Bishop was to kick out the compromised pastors and install true godly men. Here in chapter two, Paul makes the point that is crucial when living under extremely wild cultural influences. The gospel must prove itself in the public square! “The gospel has got to work in the worst of the worst cultures. Christianity is compelling when it looks culturally similar but is based on a different value system and devoted to a different God,” (Bible Project).

The churches in Crete were failing because the people and their pastors mimicked the culture so the word of God was discredited and the message wasn’t compelling. Paul’s words to Titus was to have high, holy standards, but be culturally relevant on the island. Not an easy task when Cretan culture was corrupt. One of their own philosophers, Epimendes, said, “Cretans are always liars, vicious beasts and lazy gluttons.” This is why it was so critical for the Pastors and their families to be different, but not so different that it made them unapproachable. The church’s elders were to set examples of marriage fidelity, not sleeping around. It was important for the elders to actually have children instead of being just a hip and cool childless couple. The kids would have an active role in also setting an example of godliness without judgment in the community. We’re not talking about some kind of super fake “holiness,” caricatured kids. It just means they were not lying, conniving, rebellious, drunken, and sexually loose teenagers! Sometimes it just takes someone who’s not a potty-mouth, crass, trash-talking gossip who just happens to go to church. It’s really NOT that hard to be “different” from the popular culture of the day – to be IN the world but not OF it. Paul basically wanted Titus, the elders and their families to not drink the immoral cultural-punch of society and be susceptible to every social virus that sweeps through town. So, Paul instructed Titus in a solid gameplay – to live IN this evil world WITH wisdom, righteousness and devotion to God, yet not be disconnected and disengaged from the people.

This is tough. It means we have to keep our own heart and mind clean – free of “sinful pleasures,” constantly attending to our own disordered desires, submitting them to the power of Holy Spirit to free us from every kind of sin. That alone should keep us humble and busy, realizing we’ve got our own battles to face. We cannot hide behind a false righteousness, like we are better than the culture, better than the liars, vicious beasts and lazy gluttons of Crete. May Jesus be revealed IN us and THROUGH us.


I get it. If I had not been raised in a totally non-christian household, this would be more difficult to understand. I knew the culture, the ways of our family and the their friends. For a while, I felt the need to pull away from all of it – just for my sake of sanity! I realized this was not good as a witness and had to humbly reengage, proving that I was still myself, but changed because of Jesus 👏🏼. Now, I clearly see how tough it is for those who are being changed by your grace, to see ourselves as sinners, still needy, humble and hungry for You. I completely agree with Paul’s words to Titus – they are true, but oh so difficult to live out. Help us live authentically, yet self aware of our own struggles. Amen.

Losing our footing.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You already know these things, dear friends. So be on guard; then you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people and lose your own secure footing. Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All glory to him, both now and forever! Amen. ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Peter’s warnings about such things that happen in the last days. He writes about folks who are carried away, using the Greek word, “sunapagó.” The New Testament description of being led away or carried along with others. Culture has always been a powerful force of influence on us! We are relational beings, so we are especially affected by social viruses that spread quickly through popularity, influencers and a strong desire to belong. As with any temptation to wander away, we see the flashy objects that look good, even desirable – sound familiar? When our eyes are fixated on what looks good to our eyes and makes us look wise, it should tip us off that there is normally an enemy whispering for us to eat it and share it others.

Peter matches this idea of being enamored and swept off our feet with another powerful word. He writes that these cultural icons we are so smitten with are actually “athesmos.” The term “athesmos” is used to describe individuals or actions that are contrary to divine law or moral order. It conveys a sense of being without regard for God’s commandments or ethical standards. In the New Testament, it is often used to highlight the moral corruption and rebellious nature of certain people (Biblehub).

These influencers can cause us to lose our own secure footing (New Living Translation), our own “stérigmos.” The word for being firmly established or having a stable foundation. It conveys the idea of spiritual steadfastness and the ability to remain unwavering in one’s faith and convictions. Can the lure of culture mixed with the corrupt morals of powerful carriers cause us to LOSE our own stability in Jesus? Peter says – YES, absolutely. Peter also says that we should know better. Of course we know with our head, but we allow our hearts to be swayed, longing to be in with the crowd.

The antidote to these powerful social viruses is to constantly grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. To “auxanó” grow or increase our spiritual and communal development! Staying curious, humble and continually learning and investing in our primary relationship with God. There is a lust of belonging or going along with the current trends of others. We often fear of standing out or standing up for what we believe. We must stand not shrink! We must lead not be led or swayed! Paul told the Corinthians, who faced a plethora of plurality and squishy morals – stand firm in the faith, be strong!


There are so many flashy, lusty lures and shiny people to distract us from keeping our eyes on you. It is constant and consistently dangled in front of us. It’s like the scene of the forbidden fruit of good and evil playing on repeat over and over again. Except this fruit is not good! Sin is so powerful. Our disordered desires so subtle. We need the power of your grace to hold us fast, keeping our footing secure as we grow. Help us be strong. Amen.

David’s Hit Country Western Song.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one! ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭53‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is believed that this Psalm was written by David while he was king of Israel. A few interesting things about this Psalm.

One: The most notable… is that this was a song – A SONG! The mysterious instrument was a Mahalath. It was possibly some kind of guitar. And, a couple of fairly infamous people were named Mahalath – Ishmael’s daughter and third wife of Esau ( Genesis 28:9 ), Isaac’s granddaughter! Also the name of David’s own son (Jerimoth). She was one of Rehoboam’s wives ( 2 Chronicles 11:18 ).

Two: This Psalm shows up twice in the book of Psalms (14 & 53).

Three: These Psalms became popular while Israel was in captivity under Babylon’s rule. Ezra brought it out of the archives of David’s writings and introduced it to the nation, his people, while they were king-less, leader-less and in a foreign land.

But just look at the words of this song that people actually sang while in the lowest of circumstances. It totally reminds me of a “woe is me, country-western” song. I’m sure it was a big hit during its day! David starts the song with a strong theme – “only the fool.” This word for fool is “nabel,” the most evil of fools mentioned in Proverbs. Nabel is the bent and seriously broken fool whose heart has completely been given to evil and the destruction of others. It’s a great, cryptic, rally-cry to declare the kings, the Nebuchadnezzar’s of Babylon to be these most evil fools.

The Israelites were living among the most wealthy, powerful, world conquerors of the ancient days. David sings of God’s perspective of all the might and influence of the nations during his own day – God searches for wisdom among the nations and finds NONE. And it sounds so fitting for the captives of the great Babylon to sing this as their own top song on the playlist. I imagine they gathered together while symbolically “crying in their beer,” finding solace and comfort in the fact that God would have the last word for the evil fools who blatantly, boastfully declare there is no God!

Babylons will rise, but all of them will eventually fall. This Psalm is perfect for the lament of our own soul when we look around and see evil flourishing while wisdom and common sense are fleeting. Thanks David! Play it one more time.


These Psalms are timeless as reminders and even comfort when our world feels very much like the evil fools in charge are getting away with so much. Sadly, we have even declared a whole month to celebrate our own arrogance! David’s song, his lament, rings loud and clear even today. I pray as you look out over the human hearts today, that you would find pockets of wisdom, places of good. I know you will have the final word – and it will be just, right and true. Amen.

Access to the Bible grew, but did we grow?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

”I praise you, O Lord; teach me your decrees. I have recited aloud all the regulations you have given us. I have rejoiced in your laws as much as in riches. I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in your decrees and not forget your word.“ ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭12‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It’s been quite a phenomena over the past five hundred years since Martin Luther translated the Bible into German and then began printing it. Imagine that. For centuries, people had no real access to read the Bible for themselves, in their own language. Yes, illiteracy was extremely high, so even if the Bible were available, only the educated could read it.

Today, the Bible has been at least partially translated into 3,658 languages, giving over 90 million people access to God’s word. In the U.S. we have about 900 English translations or paraphrases of the Bible! That’s come a long way since the 1611 publication of the King James Bible. The point is this. With the explosion of printed, and now digital versions of the Bible, has it permeated the lives of Jesus followers exponentially? Has our reading (or hearing) of God’s Word increased at the same rate as the Bible’s availability? It’s still the number one book sold! Has everyone who declares Jesus as their Lord and Savior spent a significant amount of time – daily – in the Book of all books?

The Psalmist cries out to God, that the Lord would teach His decrees, His regulations. Now that we also know that God has gone beyond writing His laws on stone, but now has written them on our hearts. Has our delight for the Bible increased with the overwhelming availability and access to it? Robin and I watched an old movie where Catholic Missionaries went to Japan to share the gospel. There, they found hundreds of believers (Catholics) with no Bibles, no church, no mass, no confession, no priests! And they were still willing to die for their faith when faced with torture and death. The Japanese leaders just wanted them to recant their faith, deny Christ and live, but they refused. This was also true in the early Church. Their only shred of belief is that Christ lived, died for their sins and came back to life. They had no Bible, they only had their faith!

It’s embarrassing and intimidating to think of millions of people who have been saved by faith alone and never even had access to the Word of God. We have an abundance of the Bible in every form and fashion of our wishes. We even have favorites translations (some great, some awful) of the Bible and we struggle to do what the Psalmist did – study, reflect and delight in God’s Word. There may come a day when the written, digital or audio Bible could be declared illegal or culturally cancelled, what would we do then? Have we been in God’s Word, or memorized enough of God’s Word to help us continue to obey and delight in it? Rather than guilt us, shame us or scare us into reading more of the Bible, it would be so much better to remind ourselves of the invitation to KNOW God through His Word! God already knows us, but how well do we know Him?


I would be lost without you! I would also wander away without regularly spending time with you in Your Word. It is my light, lamp and salvation! Your Word is the only anchor that holds me, secures me to peace and to do what is right. I love Your Word. It reveals so much about you and so much of the mysteries that I would never understand on my own. I do not ever want to take Your Word for granted, nor let my heart grow cold away from its power to keep me.

I promise on my mother’s grave.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“You have also heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you make to the Lord.’ But I say, do not make any vows! Do not say, ‘By heaven!’ because heaven is God’s throne.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This section in Matthew where Jesus digs into some deep Jewish history and culture is fascinating. Matthew really loves bringing out the rich, but controversial nuances of Jesus’ teachings on Old Testament values and behaviors. This one goes into the loose but socially accepted use of promises or vows.

There was a hierarchy of worthiness when one would attach a vow to a physical or conceptual object. A few are mentioned specifically in this teaching, heaven, earth, the beloved city of Jerusalem and one’s own head. At first I thought the whole “promises backed by – whatever” was kinda silly. The closer to personhood, for example my own head (hair or lack thereof), would be the least trustworthy. Moving on to the city or the earth would promise a more robust, reliable promise. Oh, but heaven, ah that was very serious, very dependable. Funny, right? You may have heard this phrase and ask why the Jewish people would never “swear to G*d?” Remember, a few years back, when that was super common to flippantly profane God’s name with such disrespect! I think the atheists and agnostics finally realized the hypocrisy in swearing to a God they didn’t believe in. The Jewish people would NEVER have gone that far. Using God’s name like that would mean instant and total judgment, you would be stoned on the spot. And if the crowd didn’t kill you for it, God would likely strike you with lightning himself – so it was thought. Even as a non believing, non church kid, I would have been smacked in the mouth if I said those words.

Years past we had similar, weird, promise-keeping associations as well, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” Or, “on my mother’s grave.” Or, “on all that is holy.” So, yes, our modern culture has done similar when trying to beef up a promise to make it sound ominously secure. All of these attachments are just begging the listener to just trust us at our word.

Jesus cut through years and layers of nonsense and silly wordplay to help us understand a couple things: let your word and your behavior BE your bond! If you say you’re going to do it – then DO it. If you vow or promise you won’t do it… uh… then DON’T do it. Stacking well respected places, things or people (heaven, Mom or our own death demise) just WEAKENS our word, our promise. Keeping it simple, keeps it effective – if you follow through with it. Is it yes? – then do it. Is it no? – then don’t do it. Jesus caps the conversation with a critical reminder. Anything beyond our simple “yes” or “no” is ponéros: evil or malicious. So quit stepping on the crack and breaking your mother’s back – or using her grave to boisterously boost your credibility!


How did we get so weird? We were created in perfection and I completely understand that our own sin, not just broken DNA from Adam & Eve, has really messed us up. But, we are such a strange bunch! And why is it that we are so socially susceptible to each other’s absurd proclivities that we willingly adopt them and start using them in our own life. I believe that much of our bizarre beliefs and behaviors are spread to each other in some kind of social virus! I see, I hear, I do and repeat. I see one person’s behavior or strange choice and I may be shocked or offended. I may even loath the sight of it. Then I see two and I am less put off, but still bewildered. Oh, but three, four or more and suddenly I’m intrigued, curious and feel the pull of peer pressure – even if they are not my peers! Next thing you know I’ve got a piercing or pair of retro bell bottom pants. How is this even possible? Are we, as humans, bound to each other by mimicking good and bad? Is this how thought and behavior is transmitted to take over my own self will? I don’t like it. Not at all. I just want to be a cultural contrarian. Help us Jesus. Help us see and model your ways above and beyond our culture, our influences of friends or strangers.