How to get the rich to give.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I really don’t need to write to you about this ministry of giving for the believers in Jerusalem. For I know how eager you are to help, and I have been boasting to the churches in Macedonia that you in Greece were ready to send an offering a year ago. In fact, it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the Macedonian believers to begin giving. But I am sending these brothers to be sure you really are ready, as I have been telling them, and that your money is all collected. I don’t want to be wrong in my boasting about you. ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul is genius in both motivational and inspirational writing to the New Testament churches. As he writes to Corinth, we need to remember just what kind of cultural values were common during that time. Point blank – Corinth was a wealthy city, filled with rich folk! It was a port city that had all the modern conveniences of its day. Goods and services from all over the world came through the city. As we read Paul’s letters, think of Corinth being similar to Newport Beach, California! Choices, options, entertainment, food and a hoppin night life surrounded by multi million dollar homes. Of course there were suburbs of great disparity, where the poor and middle class had to eke out a life, but the churches were a mixed bag of mostly Gentile converts. When Jerusalem was going through enormous persecution and believers were super poor, the leaders put out the call for money to be sent to Jerusalem to feed and cloth those who were suffering. Paul got an early commitment from the Corinth churches, but they had not yet made good on the promise.

Here in Paul’s second letter, he masterfully crafts just the right kind of positive pressure to help the churches keep their commitment. First Paul flatters their ego – I know how eager you are! Then he tells them how popular they among the other churches, even spurring the poorest of the poor churches in Macedonia to give! He’s comparing Corinth’s wealth to Macedonia’s extreme lack of resources. Telling the Corinthians they are a shining example of generosity for even those worse off than Jerusalem. Then, Paul gets a little bit Christian “mafia-ish.” He warns them, “I am sending the ‘brothers’”! Finally he assumes positive intent by saying, he knows that “the money is already collected.” And with one more dig… er… reminder he writes, I know you don’t want me to look bad! The money eventually was sent and Corinth’s generosity was appreciated.

I’m not saying it’s the best way to remind wealthy people or wealthy churches to be generous just as God was generous to every single one of us who follow Jesus – but it worked. 1. Honor and recognize the gift of wealthy people. 2. Remind them of their reputation as an example to others. 3. Assume positive intent and personally follow through, holding them to their good intentions. Does this sound like a good plan? It sure worked for Paul.


Rich or poor or in between, you have set the standard for giving and generosity! Not only did you give it all, you also supply it all. And, it’s not only impossible to out give you, it is pure joy to know that beyond what I need is an ample supply of money, time and resources. This comes into my life specifically given TO me so that you can give THROUGH me. What a joy it is to be generous! Thank you for the lessons of faith, value and reciprocity. Amen.

Wisdom or Weakness.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul reminds the churches in Corinth that he didn’t show up to impress them with wisdom. Rather, Paul showed up with humility. What gifted orator would show up and hide their greatest gift? Paul would. And, he did. I am reminded that Paul gave more of his authentic self than he did his authoritative self. Paul had the credentials in both top level learning, having been trained by the best of the best rabbi’s – Gamaliel. However, Paul’s body bore the credentials of an outcast, a rebel and persecution – just read 2 Cor. 11:16+!

The interesting thing about Paul’s teaching approach to the Corinthians, is that Corinth is was oozing with wisdom, learning and endless philosophical debates. Mars Hill was known for its impromptu gatherings of the sharpest minds in the Roman Empire. It would be like pastoring in Berkeley, Boston or New Jersey. Contrarily, Paul did not come to impress, he came to empower. Corinth didn’t need another windbag, brainiac. The city needed someone who LIVED the gospel, not just knew it.

It’s the struggle with the old churches in the United States today – filled with knowledge about God, but limited in the behavior of a Spirit-filled, Spirit-led people. Paul knew the churches didn’t need better lectures they needed better examples of the godly life. Paul would purposely forget everything except Jesus and his crucifixion. Jesus dying in this manner of a criminal and not using the power of God for his own will and ways was considered to be weakness! Paul came in this weakness, this timidity and trembling. His messages weren’t dripping snappy sayings or meme-filled sound bites, they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit! Paul wanted the church needy and dependent on the same – the power of God.

How did Paul get this power? Through faith and obedience. By being led into synagogues and streets where the message of Christ was not accepted and he was beaten for delivering it. Paul went where the Holy Spirit directed even if he didn’t see results (ie: Troas or Crete). He determined to go to Rome to deliver the gospel to the Caesar himself, even though he was warned that it would mean imprisonment. The power of God came through humility of being poured out for the cause of Christ. It wasn’t impressive at all!

Paul knew what we should know today, people are not impressed by our memorized orthodoxy! But people will listen to our orthopraxy. We can explain love, spell love, define love and tell stories about love. But if we do not love, it’s just noise. It’s not preaching without good theology, but it is preaching out of humility and God’s power. Even the Corinthians, with all their heady, pride-puffed lives could see the difference. Paul did this so the church would not trust in human wisdom, but in the power of God.

The church still has a lot of name and claim it, church growth promises. Seven steps to get people in the front doors. Five steps to closing the back doors. Three steps to next steps. Get in, get saved, get pumped, get involved and just keep showing up to do church. The promise is that your church will grow. Was this Paul’s plan with the churches he planted? What was Paul’s sermon content while in town? What was Paul’s church growth instructions? I don’t think it was clever and persuasive training. Paul worked in the outdoor mall during the week and had hundreds of conversations with shoppers and other business owners. He was a tent maker by the week, went to synagogue on the Sabbath and church on Sunday. He preached Christ is risen in both places. He shared his own testimony of being a hitman for God, persecuting the very people that he would come to know as the Church. And in synagogue he would often be thrown out for heresy. And in churches he would be confronted as fake, a money grubbing charlatan. This is where Paul would practice the gospel!


We have really over complicated Your Church. We’ve systemized the Spirit. We’ve worked at perfecting our message and methodology rather than our humility and dependency on Your Spirit doing the work of changing our human hearts. Do I come in humility as I lead or speak? Am I thinking about tickling ears, scoring amens, or hearing the occasional praise of “good sermon pastor?” Do I show weakness? Do I show a heavy heart for those I know are broken and going through excruciating relationships or physical problems in their bodies. Help me Oh Lord to depend more on your power than my own. Help me to lean on Your wisdom rather than my own. Help me live the gospel LOUDER than I speak about it. Amen.

Unity in Diversity.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, and we all share the same Spirit. Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part. 1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In our recent sermon series we’ve been going through the image of God in us and through us. Our identity is reflective of God because He made us in His image. The Apostle Paul calls this out often within his 13 letters to the New Testament churches.

Here in Corinthians, Paul makes the case that even our body, made up of thousands of individual parts, make up one body. No part tries to outdo or take precedence over another. All our parts operate in total unity. Paul does not mention this, but the fact is Cancer is so dangerous and deadly precisely because it organizes rogue cells to commandeer control of the body. One cell becomes rebellious, seeking to destroy healthy cells by converting them to join their revolt.

Paul makes the unity object lesson, to point out the kind of unity believers should have in Christ. He uses two ethnic and two societal examples. Some are Jews, some Gentiles – both have been baptized into one body, one Spirit. Similarly, some are slaves, some are free – yet still we come into sharing the same Spirit. The Church is the one place where true diversity should exist!

The Bible doesn’t exalt or eliminate one ethos over another. All are created in the image of God, therefore ethnic groups should be celebrated. When culture aims to divide, bringing conflict and violence to obtain power of one over the other, the Bible aims to have unity within diversity because we are all one, all equal, all image-bearers of God.


You know I absolutely love the beauty and wildly extravagant differences, not just in our humanness, but also in Your Church. Really, no two churches are alike! Yet we share the most important aspect of our existence – Christ! I do believe, going forward, it will increasingly critical for us to in unity on the basics of belief instead thrashing our differences in public spaces. And for those who are out of sync with the truth of the Word, I trust that you will separate them out in the end. Thank you for Your Church. Thank you that it is unstoppable in reaching across the thresholds of hell and snatching people from the gripping lies of the enemy.

I remember.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

”Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭26‬-‭29‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It’s been quite a while ago, but I still remember that for a third of my life, I was a nobody. Forty-seven years ago, God changed everything about my life! I am not trying to be cruel or humble when I say I was a nobody, but for the first twenty years, I felt very invisible. I didn’t mind it at all. As long as I was invisible, I would not be held responsible.

The Apostle Paul’s admonition to the churches in Corinth, is that they too came from humble, almost insignificant beginnings. Twice he wrote, they weren’t powerful or wealthy – neither (dunatos) powerful nor (eugenes) of noble birth. Then again, they were from (agenés) unborn, of no family and even (exoutheneó) despised. In worldly standards, this is about as low as one can get. No real influence, no family name to help by dropping into a conversation and looked down on by the rest of society. That is from where God picks His “dream team?” Well, that described the church who could not possibly boast that they rose to significance on their own! Yet, God chooses these kinds of folks to shame the self-proclaimed “wise.”

I am in that community! I came from no power, no nobility, no family heritage and despised or just pitied. And, I cannot say that I rose from the ashes, from rags to riches to become some powerful leader or a social media influencer. I do remember, however, that I came from pretty much nothing and God built a really great life for me! Since my twenties, I have had the honor and privilege of being a Pastor, even in a current culture where Pastors are no longer honored! My story, my testimony is exactly what Paul says that God does in the lives of those He chooses! He chooses people like me to prove that He changes everything – if they’ll let Him. Paul is right, this stuff works!!! God does rescue, redeem and restore still today. Don’t let your past define your future! Don’t allow your family origin story to define your family’s future legacy!


I don’t think about often anymore, but each time Your Word reminds me of the past, I can’t help but be grateful for everything You’ve done in and through my life. It’s been a little foggy and bumpy at times, but what a ride! I can honestly tell anyone, “If God can do this in my life, He can do it in yours too!” It is true, my boasting, my pride is completely in You. Thank you.

Warnings from ancient life lessons.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

These things happened as a warning to us, so that we would not crave evil things as they did, or worship idols as some of them did. As the Scriptures say, “The people celebrated with feasting and drinking, and they indulged in pagan revelry.” 1 Corinthians‬ ‭10‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul pulls lessons from the ancient days of Israel’s sins after being freed from Egyptian slavery. He then applies those wandering-wants to similar modern day temptations.

He writes, “these things happened,” referring to God’s immediate judgment on the people for allowing themselves to be carried away with their sin. Even with the covering of Christ for our sins, there is still a serious warning of wandering off with rampant, disordered desires.

Some of the Israelites partied, celebrated and got drunk while indulging in sexual activities. The Hebrew language, in this verse just says, “they sat down to eat and drink, but rose up to (paizó) to play as a child.” But this wasn’t a “kid’s party” kind of play, it was sexual! Paul followed up with the fact that they were active in (porneuó) fornication. And that 23,000 died that day. But sexual promiscuity wasn’t the only prevalent sin then, nor today. They also (gogguzó), grumbled, mumbled or complained with a smoldering discontent.

I would have never seen the connection between sex and constant complaining, but don’t they both sound like pursing our own desires over what God wants for us? That’s chilling to think about. Paul’s admonition to a very Gentile (non Jewish) group in Corinth, is that these very old stories were captured for our benefit today or as he put it, “They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age” (‭‭1 Cor. 10‬:‭11‬). Point made Paul, Touché! They are still a warning for us today as well.


I used to really judge the ways and behaviors of the Jewish people as so stubborn or unaware of what you were up to. And, constantly thinking, why don’t they just OBEY? Ah, but maturity has had the strange effect on seeing my own faults, shortcomings, weaknesses and flat out failures. Now I get it. Being human is hard and an impossible task to be perfect. But I hear the warnings of Paul and understand my own desires that try to take over my decisions and write a different story for myself. One that is not of you, and honestly one that would end very badly. My story, like my life is anchored in your story, and I’m happy about that.

Is marriage a distraction dilemma?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

”I want you to be free from the concerns of this life. An unmarried man can spend his time doing the Lord’s work and thinking how to please him. But a married man has to think about his earthly responsibilities and how to please his wife. His interests are divided. In the same way, a woman who is no longer married or has never been married can be devoted to the Lord and holy in body and in spirit. But a married woman has to think about her earthly responsibilities and how to please her husband. I am saying this for your benefit, not to place restrictions on you. I want you to do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.“ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7‬:‭32‬-‭35‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul was never afraid of weighing in on hot topics or super controversial conversations. Pity the fool who thought, or thinks they can take on Paul and win a philosophical, theoretical or theological argument!

Paul was a fierce thinker, a natural debater. That’s just one of the reasons God chose him to take on the rigorous religious paradigms of his day. Remember, God didn’t try to argue with Paul to win his heart, He simply floodlit him on the way to being judge and executioner of innocent believers. The voice from heaven broadcast, “Why are you persecuting me?” Paul didn’t even know who was talking, saying “who are you?” Jesus replied, then blinded Paul for three days so he could see a little more clearly.

Here, in Corinthians, Paul lays out a ton of solid Biblical instruction, but also gives some of his own wisdom, as he writes – this time on marriage! Paul is honest and clear about this point. He writes about young women desiring to be married and says he does NOT have a command from God for them. He adds a critical, contextual phrase that helps us understand the situation Paul is addressing, “because of the present crisis,” they should remain single.

Paul uses the word, anagké, which is a word for constraint, or better yet, a compression. We know the cultural pressures of that time was severe. Persecution was at its highest and the demented Roman authorities were using the torture of family members to coerce confessions out of believers, getting them to deny Christ. Google “Blandina,” and you’ll see what Paul was writing about. Also, because of the great persecution, Paul absolutely believed the parousia, the snatching, the 2nd coming of Christ was near! So in his mind, the priority wasn’t on getting married, having kids and owning a home – it was on spreading the gospel, the good news, because the end was near. This was the time of soul-harvest, not settling down, in Paul’s thinking.

So, definitely content, culture and context play a huge part in Paul’s seemingly anti-marriage message. But Paul is not anti-marriage! He is anti-distractions. If you read all of the book of Acts, then all of the letters Paul wrote to the churches, you’ll find that Paul lived on MISSION! He was driven to do what God called him and gifted him to do. There was winning people to Jesus, there was church planting and there was mentoring young men and women to the high calling of being a pastor. Paul had zero time for dating. Who would want to be married to a man that was so passionate about mission that he traveled constantly and started riots in many cities where he preached. What kind of married life, father image would that be?

Cutting through all the cultural context, there is still a question that must be answered, “Is marriage a distraction dilemma?” The answer, is yes! It CAN be, but it should not be. Paul nails it when he uses these two words, “think” and “please.” Marriage and family take up a tremendous amount of thinking and pleasing when it comes to our wife, husband and/or children – doesn’t it? Paul seems to be focused on something far deeper than the word “distraction,” because he uses these two much more serious greek words: think: merimnaó: to be anxious for and please: aréskō – properly satisfy. My take is that when a distraction becomes an obsession over and away from God working in my life then I have taken it too far!

Dr. Henry Cloud just came out with a great article on what he calls, “Focused Attention.” But it was what he wrote about distractions that got my attention. He wrote, “Today a countless amount of distractions will fight for your attention. They will come in the form of urgent and even good, but their subtle ability to pull you away from your main priorities prove that they can be the silent thief of success.”

Back to the distraction dilemma… my point is this. Husband, wife or kids should not be the number one priority in a believer’s life and rhythms! Wives, you will be at your best if Jesus is #1 and the benefactors will be your husband and kids. Husbands, guaranteed, if Jesus is #1, He will lead, guide and mature you as a man! Your wife and kids will absolutely benefit because of that proper priority. Single? Make Jesus #1! Not career, travel, hobbies or financial independence.

Paul’s point is true and throws no shade on marriage at all – do whatever will help you serve the Lord best, with as few distractions as possible! Without anything (aperispastós) drawing you away. Anything could become a distraction dilemma for our relationship with Jesus, it’s our job not to let that happen.


It’s a no brainer to figure out that bad things can and do draw me away from you. My own desires and evils are fairly easy to see. It becomes much more subtle to see that good things cause me to drift from you as the priority in my life. Busyness masquerades as doing good, then I just feel too exhausted to spend quality time with you, praying and reading Your Word. I just don’t have time, I say, as I shuffle off to one more crisis, one more new idea, one more good deed for others. I may not be the most focused person, but I can tend to what’s most important- and that is You. Thank you for being patient when I lose track of priorities. And, thank you for gently calling back to that place of quiet with you.

A diplomat of hope

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬-‭20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

As humans we have the unfortunate gift of breaking things, especially when it comes to relationships. We hold a grudge, drift away or decide to be bored with friendships that are hard or seemingly unfulfilling. The Apostle Paul’s admonition on this topic of relationship, begins with the massive change that Christ has made in a person’s life. ANYONE, everyone, who belongs to Christ, who is in a relationship with Jesus has been made new.

Congratulations, you have a brand new lease on life! The old life is gone. Good riddance. And although this new life is completely a gift from God, reuniting and restoring a right relationship with Him, it is just the beginning of a brand new purpose. It’s kind of a side gig for every believer. Paul tells us that once we’ve been restored, we now have a new job, the responsibility to carry the message of reunion to others. To deliver hope to those who do not know that Christ has forgiven them and wants to restore them as well. This whole idea that Paul calls all who have been restored, to be Christ’s diplomat!

We are spokespersons to the point that we get to herald the message of hope to others – “as though God makes His appeal through us,” Paul writes. What’s our message? What am I supposed to do or say? It’s an odd campaign when you think about it. Paul says, just start telling folks to COME BACK! Come back to God! This is where it gets a little complicated to figure out on our end. It’s a deep, spiritual message reminding us that God has been speaking, shouting, wooing and whispering to every single human – “I Am here, I see you – come home.” Through circumstances and individuals, signs and reminders everywhere. God has planted eternity into every heart and it beckons to them. When we come along, as one of Christ’s ambassadors, we are simply picking up a very long and consistent message that God has been speaking to them since they were born – “come back to God.” People can try to drown out that voice, that message, they can run from it. They can build defensive walls of anger, lust, power, wealth or pain, but God still speaks to their soul, “come back home.”

Where is home? Home is that safe place of recognizing who God is, that place of forgiveness, and that place of rest and peace, wholeness and best of all HOPE. Who knows how people will respond when we just give the message. Some will rant and rage, blame and deny. Some may take it out on us! Just tell them, “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just doing my job.” It’s good to remember Paul’s words, “we speak for Christ when we plead.” Whoa.

No wonder it’s not really that complicated to disciple others. Especially if we can remember that God has done all the work, that God is actively getting their attention – all the time! Our simple restorative message to “come back to God,” makes it a whole lot easier. If you are reading this and feel far from God, then take this message to heart – “come back,” He’s waiting.


I knew you were there. And when I really understood you were calling me back to you, I got it. Help me to SEE those who are ready to hear these words to come back. Give me the boldness to do my job and be your ambassador of hope.

The smell of life.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I’m really a smell fanatic, or maybe a smellunatic. Most normal things don’t bother me at all. I’m not a big fragrance person with colognes or perfumes, but I’m really sensitive (annoyed) by certain smells. I can smell mechanical or electrical dangers long before most. I don’t mind the smell of Skunks. Tuna doesn’t bother me, but old fishy smells do. Robin can smell the effects of garlic and asparagus after someone eats it, I cannot. I love nature smells like ocean, mountain, rain, redwoods and desert.

The Apostle Paul has used the idea of scent before. Someone blogged that there are 52 aroma references in the Bible, Paul wrote about all 5 in the New Testament. I like the word aroma instead of odor, it feels more majestic. Paul believes that there is a Christ-like fragrance that believers carry on themselves. He uses the word “euódia” a good smell.

If life itself had a smell, emitting a fragrance, it would smell like Jesus? That’s a wild thought! I mean, He is God, the creator of all things – life itself. I’ve been a part of the “Church,” all of my adult life. I don’t mean as an attender or a congregant. I’ve been a part of the leadership in local churches as a career. I work for God. I work in His Church. I have come to believe that I want to be part of a life-giving church, not a life-sucking church. I want to BE a church that gives off the aromatic scents of LIFE. Paul says that’s what we are supposed to smell like, especially to believers.

To the world, to a dying, self-determined culture that wants to cast off all constraints of moral sensibility, the smell of Jesus presents itself as death. Do I stink to those who are rebellious towards God? Maybe! But to those are searching, hurting, and desperate, my prayer is that I smell like the ocean breeze, the mountain air, the summer rain – life itself! Paul uniquely writes, these contrasting phrases to those who are in process of being saved and those in process of being condemned. We are either “life to life” or “death-to-death.” Same Jesus, but Him in us, smells very different to folks, depending on their heart and eternal determination. Back to church folk… I not only want to be a church that is life-giving, I also want the foyer aroma of our lives to smell like life itself – like Jesus on resurrection morning!


Oh my goodness! I do not want to stink. I certainly don’t want to be or live a stinky life, smelling like death around those heading towards heaven! And, as much as I do not want to stink as a “in your nose” reminder to those destined to harden their heart towards you, I get it. When I smell like Jesus around people who are genuinely offended by Him, I guess that’s going to happen. Please, wash me, clean me and let me smell like Christ!

Plowing different paths.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said: “I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Apostle Paul strongly, boldly tells the Corinthian believers not to be love entangled with non-believers because they would be trying to pull the “one” life in two different directions. I heard this phrase often as a young believer myself, “no missionary dating.” The idea was that casually dating someone who is outright opposed to Christ would lead to “falling in love,” and not being able to call it off when it got more serious.

Falling in love is serious and once emotions kick in and bonding takes place it becomes difficult to see the dangers of becoming one with an unbeliever. I’ve seen all kinds of relationships end in tragedy when a believer wants to lovingly lead their “friend” into a decision for Christ by marrying them. Isn’t it already a struggle to get this truth through our heads, “we cannot change another person’s heart.” One of the big challenges is thinking someone can fix a guy or gal by marriage! So many believe that love will win over an addiction or a character flaw or an unbelief in God. We don’t have that kind of power to change another person’s life! I’ve seen women date, fall in love and marry a non-believing man and the man never changes his heart towards God. I’ve seen the same with men hoping for the best in a woman. Of course, there have been miracles in the relationship, but it’s rare. Each person just thinks following Jesus or not following Jesus is some kind of phase or fad and that it will eventually change. Faith isn’t a fad. These are really dangerous situations for both individuals. Both thinking they can fix or change the other!

This phrase Paul uses, “unequally yoked,” is only found here in Corinthians. Bible commentaries tell us Paul is referring to a little known verse out of Leviticus 19:19 where God warns the Jewish farmers not to try to use two completely different animals to pull the field-plow. Leviticus uses the word, “mate” as in don’t crossbreed your livestock, but it was also commonly used to refer to “hitching up to the same yoke” when plowing a field together. So not only does God forbid trying to force an ox to mate with a donkey, but also don’t “yoke” them together either. A yoke is a tool or device that pairs animals together making it easier on both but also keeping them focused on working together. The humor is the picture of a ox just plodding through the field while the donkey is bucking and kicking trying to get away from his field partner.

Paul’s words are more than just a “marriage” warning. How close is too close, how intimate is too intimate in a friendship? When friends begin to share deeper experiences with each other the bond of love increases substantially. And, I’m not talking about a physical/sexual relationship, I am talking about a merging of values, hopes and dreams. Paul’s warning is that any relationship that pulls us away from or cools our affections from Christ is dangerous and wrong. These deep friendships, not even marital unions, are red flags to avoid.

In Paul’s day, the church folk saw nothing wrong with doing temple one day and going with a friend to a “idol sacrifice” party the next day. These Greek parties were often far more than just huge barbecues with lots of music and dancing. They were full on ancient raves filled with alcohol, drugs, sexual orgies with “temple prostitutes” along with lots of fruits, veggies and animals being offered to greek demigods.

The warning to the church was… this has gone on too long and TOO FAR for a friend! Stop it. We become a version of the people we hangout with. At some point either in a dating relationship or deep friendships, there will be a moment we will have to make a decision – will it be Christ or someone else? God is jealous over us and our relationship with him. He certainly does not want to share us with the devil, the slander, the liar.


I do not plan on sharing my life or wearing a faith-yoke with anyone or anything that takes me away from you. Help us stay vigilant in these last days. Help us stay faithful and focused. Keep us, hold us in your grace. Amen.

Are you using your gift?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I don’t think the early church was quite as shocked as the modern church that the Apostle Paul would write about these Spirit enabled gifts (grk: charis) to the church in Corinth. Corinth was the wild-child city in those days. Wealthy, cocky, well educated and oh so hip and cool with all the latest cultural advances. The believers had come from deep greek roots that included all kinds of multi-god or pantheistic practices. There is more “Spirit-talk” packed into Corinthians than all the other Pauline epistles! If it wasn’t for 1 Cor 13, I think most would like to ignore the teachings all together! There’s plenty of mentions of speaking in tongues and other mysterious movements of the Spirit. Sad that many of today’s pastors and teachers, dismiss these words from Paul saying, “the gifts” died with the last living apostle. God’s ways have always been above ours and even seem strange to us – He is full of mystery.

Paul lists the nine helpful graces to be distributed to EVERY believer – “each of us.” Do an internet search, you’ll find many that only list seven! Chickens they are!

Here they are: word of wisdom, word of knowledge, extraordinary faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues.

The more “charismatic” gifts are often watered down to almost being useless and the two missing from most lists are of course, speaking and interpreting tongues. Why would people mess with God’s word by diluting it or removing it altogether? They’re not comfortable with things they can’t control! I believe these gifts are helpful to the body of Christ as well as helpful in sharing the gospel with those who are not believers in Jesus!

You may be scared off by abuses and misinformation, but you would be missing the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives TODAY. Plus, the Spirit of God is not about chaos but order. By dismissing the work of the Spirit today, you would be denying miracles and supernatural works of God. And to call the work of the Holy Spirit, as it is written in the New Testament, a work of the Devil… well that’s just blasphemy! We need MORE, not LESS of the Holy Spirit’s power, grace and transforming work today more than ever!


I could not deny the Holy Spirit and the work that’s been done in my life. I cannot deny the gifts given to help us live the life of faith, to help us love and serve those who do not believe in you. I need to yield more, not less. I need to lean in and towards, not away from the moving of the Spirit. Breath on us, our country, our planet once again. Bring yet another revolution to raise up those who come to you, return to you.