Contrarian Hunters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Watch out,” Paul says, for people who cause division! Well Paul, that’s been happening for a very long time. Division in the Body of Christ is the quickest, and most effective way to nullify our testimony of the gospel’s work in our lives.

Similar to using the phrase, “keep your eye out for…” Paul uses the root word, skopos: a watchman, a mark (on which to fix the eye), like a hunter intensely focusing on a target. It would seem that Paul understood, and that we should also understand, there were and are teachings contrary to what Jesus taught. Folks have always determined to cause “dichostasia,” (standing apart, dissension) divisions which wrongly separate people into pointless (groundless) factions. And, these dissensions create these “skandalon” (sticks for bait of a trap or a snare). C.A. Chase writes, “Scandal is worse-as it involves seducing another to blaspheme, in order that another might willingly choose a negative option with eschatological consequence.” These divisions and baited-trap scandals, cause others to be deceived.

The tricks are as old as Satan’s lies. The kerfuffle is as damaging as the lie itself! It is interesting that Paul advises us to mark (skopos) but not to go in for the kill. Enlisting the community of faith to rally with pitchforks and torches just gives the scandalous teachings more attention and inevitability causes the division that plays right into the enemy’s plan! Paul’s, Holy Spirit inspired advice, is just to “ekklínō” – AVOID, bow out, deliberately walk away from it. Isn’t division worse than false doctrine? Let God handle the weeds sown among the wheat! We’ve got to warn our truth-lusting brethren who hunt down heresy, don’t make the issue bigger by highlighting the scandal. Mark it, watch it and then walk away.


You know that I know, there is a lot of trashy theology out there. You know there is damnable doctrines, sown and seeded by Satan himself! Yet, even as we are tempted and believe the lies, grabbing and eating the fruit of shortcuts and what seems to be appealing and appetizing to our souls, you are greater than our sin. You are greater than the lies, divisions and scandals. Your grace and mercy is powerfully effective in reaching our human hearts and frailties. Help us keep our eyes fixed on you!

I promise on my mother’s grave.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“You have also heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must carry out the vows you make to the Lord.’ But I say, do not make any vows! Do not say, ‘By heaven!’ because heaven is God’s throne.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This section in Matthew where Jesus digs into some deep Jewish history and culture is fascinating. Matthew really loves bringing out the rich, but controversial nuances of Jesus’ teachings on Old Testament values and behaviors. This one goes into the loose but socially accepted use of promises or vows.

There was a hierarchy of worthiness when one would attach a vow to a physical or conceptual object. A few are mentioned specifically in this teaching, heaven, earth, the beloved city of Jerusalem and one’s own head. At first I thought the whole “promises backed by – whatever” was kinda silly. The closer to personhood, for example my own head (hair or lack thereof), would be the least trustworthy. Moving on to the city or the earth would promise a more robust, reliable promise. Oh, but heaven, ah that was very serious, very dependable. Funny, right? You may have heard this phrase and ask why the Jewish people would never “swear to G*d?” Remember, a few years back, when that was super common to flippantly profane God’s name with such disrespect! I think the atheists and agnostics finally realized the hypocrisy in swearing to a God they didn’t believe in. The Jewish people would NEVER have gone that far. Using God’s name like that would mean instant and total judgment, you would be stoned on the spot. And if the crowd didn’t kill you for it, God would likely strike you with lightning himself – so it was thought. Even as a non believing, non church kid, I would have been smacked in the mouth if I said those words.

Years past we had similar, weird, promise-keeping associations as well, “Cross my heart and hope to die.” Or, “on my mother’s grave.” Or, “on all that is holy.” So, yes, our modern culture has done similar when trying to beef up a promise to make it sound ominously secure. All of these attachments are just begging the listener to just trust us at our word.

Jesus cut through years and layers of nonsense and silly wordplay to help us understand a couple things: let your word and your behavior BE your bond! If you say you’re going to do it – then DO it. If you vow or promise you won’t do it… uh… then DON’T do it. Stacking well respected places, things or people (heaven, Mom or our own death demise) just WEAKENS our word, our promise. Keeping it simple, keeps it effective – if you follow through with it. Is it yes? – then do it. Is it no? – then don’t do it. Jesus caps the conversation with a critical reminder. Anything beyond our simple “yes” or “no” is ponéros: evil or malicious. So quit stepping on the crack and breaking your mother’s back – or using her grave to boisterously boost your credibility!


How did we get so weird? We were created in perfection and I completely understand that our own sin, not just broken DNA from Adam & Eve, has really messed us up. But, we are such a strange bunch! And why is it that we are so socially susceptible to each other’s absurd proclivities that we willingly adopt them and start using them in our own life. I believe that much of our bizarre beliefs and behaviors are spread to each other in some kind of social virus! I see, I hear, I do and repeat. I see one person’s behavior or strange choice and I may be shocked or offended. I may even loath the sight of it. Then I see two and I am less put off, but still bewildered. Oh, but three, four or more and suddenly I’m intrigued, curious and feel the pull of peer pressure – even if they are not my peers! Next thing you know I’ve got a piercing or pair of retro bell bottom pants. How is this even possible? Are we, as humans, bound to each other by mimicking good and bad? Is this how thought and behavior is transmitted to take over my own self will? I don’t like it. Not at all. I just want to be a cultural contrarian. Help us Jesus. Help us see and model your ways above and beyond our culture, our influences of friends or strangers.

Oh, we are quite contrarian aren’t we?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!” Psalms‬ ‭53:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is one of those psalms I do not like waking up to first thing in the morning.

I love David’s opening line, “only fools.” but then he goes in to describe such a miserable outlook on humans – himself and me included. This is not how I want to face my day and go out to try to do some good, make some right decisions and add to the value of God’s Kingdom somehow.

I do think about the audacity of folks who feel so smart, so sophisticated and self-aware when they declare their disbelief in God. Look around, I think to myself. Who made all this? I ask. Oh, nothing, no one, they say. So when has something come from nothing ever before, I ask. Oh, it’s only happened once and it will never happen again, they say. Is that so? Effect without cause, design without a designer? Wow. That does sound foolish. Their beginning is without purpose and their end is meaningless. Where’d they get these outlandish ideas? From a liar.

From David’s perspective God did look and find no one good. But from God’s perspective and his perfect plan, he looked and saw our humanity through one particular man, the Son of Man, and saw not only good, but righteousness, perfection. Yes, it’s quite the spectacular mystery of grace. And, yes, it’s quite frustrating to live in a world of sin and corruption while waiting for God’s endgame and total completion of his plan.

But while we wait, we get to see the unique beauty of our existence through our fractured and frosted glass of sin – like broken sea-glass that washes on the shore. We get to see the world we’ve made because of our choices – our wars, hatred, jealousy, division and incessant selfishness and self will.


What a dark and dim look at ourselves without seeing us through the filter of redemption. Oh, how patient you are. How how long suffering you are with us. You see our end as well as our beginning. I am so thankful you see us, you see me through the perfection of Jesus. I am eternally grateful for your mercy and grace extended through all our human history. Our thoughts and ways are not like yours – yet. But there will come a day where all things will be made right. I look forward to that day.