Out-tricking truth.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Then what’s the advantage of being a Jew? Is there any value in the ceremony of circumcision? Yes, there are great benefits! First of all, the Jews were entrusted with the whole revelation of God. True, some of them were unfaithful; but just because they were unfaithful, does that mean God will be unfaithful? Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true. As the Scriptures say about him, “You will be proved right in what you say, and you will win your case in court.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Jews are the chosen people of God, the deal was made a few millennia ago with Abram. Ever since that time, they have made religion a high level profession. Who better to try to outsmart, out maneuver God? They believed they could convince God they were perfect, sinless because they “kept” the law.

Paul, who is Jewish, and a former Pharisee himself, explains their foolishness in this idea. Circumcision, for example, was a physical mark of dedication to God, but it did not make them perfect, not even a little. Then, Paul masterfully walks them through how all people are under the “power of sin.” No work, no act, no effort could ever be enough to break that power and erase the infractions of sin.

It is wild to me that people still believe that actions or behaviors are still the only way to heaven. People, who deeply care about a sense of right and wrong, still struggle to figure out how many kind or good acts does it require to be made right with God and gain eternity? And obviously, there are others who get frustrated trying. They just push past their conscience and “sin-it-up!” Paul addressed this in v5-8. Just giving up altogether risks the hardening of our hearts towards God! This makes it harder and harder to hear the Spirit of God helping us make good choices not to sin.

The old evangelism explosion question was, “if you were to die today and stand before God and He asks you, ‘why should I let you into heaven’? Folks still try to justify or prove they are worthy by talking about the good things they’ve done or by comparing that they are not as evil as the next person. The belief in Jesus, the faith required is that Jesus is the only perfection possible. And, through Him, we are accepted before God and set on a path towards heaven. It is faith alone, it has always been faith in God’s way. It’s not our goodness or even attempts at being good. It is has nothing to do with us better better than the next person. This is the gospel, the good news. Even the chosen people of God (Jews) must come to Him through faith in the Messiah, Jesus.


I am not only well aware of my sin, I am also aware of my ideals of perfection in me and others. Any goodness that comes out of me is because of you. And anytime I choose to use myself as the standard of goodness as compared to others is just rubbish! It is Christ and Christ alone! My life is hidden within His perfection. And for others, I just want them to see you in my life.

The priest and the politician.

Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Then Jesus told this story to some who had great confidence in their own righteousness and scorned everyone else:” Luke‬ ‭18:9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Jesus told a lot of stories. And, they are eternally effective. No matter what character you may relate to, you’ll find the commonality of humanity in these stories. It would be a mistake to overly identify with one and not the other. At some point in our walk of faith, our journey, it is likely that we play BOTH roles, depending on the stages of our spiritual maturity. Hint, the more “mature” stages can be the most unaware.

Jesus aims his word crafting skills at those with great confidence in their own righteousness. The confident compare and contrast with these regimented, performance based behaviors – what I do. The humble also compare to things they’ve done in the past and recognize them as wrong. One character mentions (to God, btw) how they are nothing like those around him. The —cheaters, sinners, adulterers, and most certainly (glancing over at) the tax collector! It is said that the sins you recognize and rail against are likely your OWN sins and desires, mirrored back in another human being. Obviously, a lavished lifestyle based on taking financial advantage of others instead of earning it is frowned upon. If the stereotype fits…

Then for the Pharisee, the bonum officium, good duties, are mentioned only to mask what’s really in his heart – “I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’” The other character, also, not only prays, but his entire posture lends to contrition. He stands off, away from others. He doesn’t even “lift his eyes to heaven.” And as he reflects on his own sin and standing before a perfect God, he “beat his chest in sorrow.” Then he prays “‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’”

What’s tough here is that one dutifully fasts and prays, the other rips people off and that seems all wrong. Is God applauding bad behavior and criticizing well known spiritual practices? No, no no – Jesus is wanting his audience to compare and contrast, not to each other, but to God – actually himself.

Can we compare to Jesus in purity of heart and behavior? Both characters pale. Can performance of spiritual disciplines stink before God? Are the smells of sins of comparison and judging others EQUAL to the smell of sins of ill-gained wealth and usury? Aren’t both sins as seeing ourselves to be entitled and deserving of advantage? In the light of motivation isn’t cheating and adultery both sins of using people for our own pleasure? Can fasting and tithing for the purpose of recognition, and personal power over others be exactly the same? Jesus is just showing us two sides of the same coin.

Jesus did not, would not do anything for this self-motivated glory we so crave! Jesus did not play the pharisee nor the politician in this story. He played the role of God and demanded his audience compare to that perfection. What about our characters, what happened to each? One of them “returned home justified before God.” The other went home, sadly unchanged, and worse off, further from God than ever. “For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”


When I compare to others, I may seem better than or worse, depending on my lens (wealth, spirituality, confidence, social standing). But when I compare myself in my thoughts and behaviors to you… well that’s just embarrassing! I must stop seeing others as less or more than me! We are ALL broken. We ALL fall short. We all fail at righteousness on our own. In this comparison game, I must remember not only who I WAS, but who I AM – a sinner saved by grace.

To thine own purpose be true.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through the prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you. Give your complete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so that everyone will see your progress. Keep a close watch on how you live and on your teaching. Stay true to what is right for the sake of your own salvation and the salvation of those who hear you.” 1 Timothy‬ ‭4:14-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

​“This above all: To thine own self be true.”William Shakespeare wrote this in Act 1, Scene III of the famous play, Hamlet. The Apostle Paul writing centuries before, told Timothy something far more eternal, and far more profound. Paul’s version would be, “This above all: To thine own calling and purpose be true.”

Not only does every person carry a purpose from God within, but each person is encouraged to find it, let others help shape it and then fan the flames of that calling into an effective, God-glorifying pursuit. You can only be you! You SHOULD only be you! God’s purposes, His truth is eternal, so Timothy as well as you and I should be completely focused on that.

No matter how we may fantasize or compare to others with more wealth, influence, fame or following – we cannot be someone other than ourselves! Several phrases come to mind to help me deal with my own deficiencies. My favorite, God works in and with my weakness. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” I have no idea how or why God continues to see my sin and weaknesses, yet still uses me to participate and accomplish His will.

I love how Paul closes this thought with Tim. “Stay true,” he writes, “for the sake of YOUR salvation and OTHERS.” I am leading my own life in godliness, attitudes, loyalty, discipline and persistence. However, in that pursuit, there are others watching, learning, listening and some are following. That’s a huge weight of responsibility on every believer. That’s a responsibility as a parent, with our own littles, teens and twenties following. That’s a responsibility as a husband or wife with our lifemate following. That’s also a responsibility as a good friend with our community following.

I cannot neglect those gifts of purpose, I must pursue them and focus on being and doing what no one else on this planet can be – ME.


I may not like what I see in my sin or the reflection in the mirror each day. However, when I look back and see who I used to be, the way I used to believe and behave – wow – you have changed me significantly! I press on, with your grace. I press on in my weakness as your power is perfected in my life. I keep moving forward with faith in who you are and who you have made me to be. Amen.

Is comparison a bad mental game to play?

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I said to myself, “I will watch what I do and not sin in what I say. I will hold my tongue when the ungodly are around me.” But as I stood there in silence— not even speaking of good things— the turmoil within me grew worse. The more I thought about it, the hotter I got, igniting a fire of words:” Psalms‬ ‭39:1-3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

David decides to play this game of comparing his life to the life of the unjust, the ungodly. From time to time, in his rise to power and running for his life, he looks around at the wicked and says out loud, “why do they get all the breaks?” “Why do the wicked always win?” In this humorous song, he decides “I’ll just keep my mouth shut and quit complaining and quit comparing my life to theirs.” Ah, but capping or stuffing the thoughts in his head only seemed to boil over and out into a hot mess of fiery words! Geez, the games we play in our head are bound to come leaking out in our words. David thinks, and we think, we can just stop, or steer those words into something useful. But the game of comparison is NOT played out in our words, it’s played in our hearts! And, if we’re going to stop the game from consuming our minds, we have to do so where it starts.

Comparison is a horrible game to play! It’s a devil’s dark game of seeing ourselves better or often worse than someone by guessing at their outcomes. We see someone’s promotion or hear someone’s accolades and seethe. We read of someone’s downfall or failure and we gloat.

When we play this game we always lose. Why? We are only seeing a completely disconnected, parenthetical moment of time. We don’t see the beginning, nor the end. We don’t even see the middle. We just see a glimpse of fame, fortune or promotion on the pedestal and think that represents a whole life. And in that fraction of feelings, we are jealous or proud.

Oh, and if we know or think they are wicked or evil it’s worse in our head because our brains just start firing justice triggers like crazy. We start screaming the same fiery words David did – “evil never deserves a reward!” I appreciate David’s honesty, but I think he should have and we should quit playing the game altogether.

Stop it before it starts. As a believer we should only be looking at our life, our walk, our splinters and gold stars in comparison to Christ and his purpose for our life. When we see others succeed we should be happy for them. When they fall or hurt, we should grieve with them. And when evil seems to triumph through a truly wicked person, we should bring them to God to judge wisely.


Far too often I’ve played this game and I always lose. Someone succeeds, does better than me, or rewarded for my idea – it happens and I have hard time with it. And, for those that are struggling, I find myself thinking, “I’m glad that’s not me…” Ouch. I am so sorry that I get sucked into these. Help me keep my eyes on you and be thankful for everything you’ve done in my life and everything you’ve given me as well. Help me not to compare to others!