Paralleling the Psalms.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

You welcomed him back with success and prosperity. You placed a crown of finest gold on his head. He asked you to preserve his life, and you granted his request. The days of his life stretch on forever. Your victory brings him great honor, and you have clothed him with splendor and majesty. You have endowed him with eternal blessings and given him the joy of your presence. For the king trusts in the Lord. The unfailing love of the Most High will keep him from stumbling. Psalms‬ ‭21‬:‭3‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When one reads the about the life of Israel’s ancient king David, then reads through the psalms, you’ll find an uncanny parallel between the words of David and the prayers and quotes of Christ! Jesus not only quoted frequently from the law and the prophets, he exclusively spoke from the psalms. But not just any of the psalms – specifically, the psalms of David.

Jesus had most of the books of the law memorized and it was obvious that he had amazing recall of the psalms. Jesus quotes the Old Testament so often, it seems as if he is just teaching and speaking his own thoughts and words. When I read the agonizing, painful reality prayers of David, I find that Jesus used these to express his own thoughts and understanding of God the Father, and himself as the messiah. Peter Johnson says, “the psalms helped Jesus to carry through with His redemption purpose. Psalms are believed to express deep emotions and full surrender to God.”

When I read this psalm and see David realize that his past days of running and hiding from Saul are gone. David looks forward to his life, now filled with abundance and blessing. Can you see the overlay of this wonderful sense of hope in Jesus’ own life as well. In complete faith that God will help him and see him through death and the hope of redemption and resurrection, Jesus himself can hang on to these ancient words penned by David himself. “You placed a crown of finest gold on his head!”

Can you see these heavenly exchanges; removing the crown of thorns, the mocking crown of shame and suffering and replacing it with a crown of gold, of victory and freedom. When we read of David’s days in life – stretching on forever, can you see the parallel of David’s past, running for his life, living in caves, but now his days are free and full – seemingly with no end! Jesus was buried in a cave, his life from our temporary understanding was over, but his resurrection brought everlasting life! David, in his past, wore tattered, borrowed clothes while dodging death, but as king he was clothed with splendor and majesty. A dynamic picture of rags to riches, funeral shrouds to kingly robes! Jesus lived this same version of David’s life and most likely quoted and prayed these psalms to fortify his own faith in God’s plan, his own mission. Jesus’ life paralleled the psalms!

We are not David nor Jesus, but wouldn’t you think these psalms – memorized, meditated on, and PRAYED would give us hope as well? God saw us through our darkest times, maybe for some literally running for our life. God was there in the darkness of caves and doubts. Our hope is that God is also with us now, giving us eternal blessings and the joy of his own presence! Why? Because God truly loves us and proved it through Jesus’ own life, death and resurrection. We too can pray the psalms! We too can parallel and track with the lows only to come out with the highs of unfailingly love of the Most High!


No wonder Jesus was such a fan of the psalms! He lived them. No wonder Jesus’ hope and faith was encouraged by memorizing the psalms, he used them when praying for strength while he was earthbound. Thank you for Your word. It is a lamp, a light and the hope of my salvation! Amen.

Cave Prayers.

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“I cry out to the Lord; I plead for the Lord’s mercy. I pour out my complaints before him and tell him all my troubles. When I am overwhelmed, you alone know the way I should turn. Wherever I go, my enemies have set traps for me. I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought! No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me.” Psalms‬ ‭142:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This is David’s prayer as he’s running for his life, being hunted down and most of all hiding in caves. This guy eventually goes from caves to being King! These cave prayers capture his helplessness and hopelessness. He sees no path that reflects the fact that Samuel (Samuel 16:1) has anointed him as future king of Israel. The first part of these anguished prayers are filled with cathartic venting. The endings come around to recognize that God is still there and very much desired, “Then I pray to you, O Lord. I say, “You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life.”

How many times have told God, “you are really all I want, all I need in this life?” Oh I have. I certainly have prayed this way under duress and dark times. And, it’s true, God is all I need. In good times, times of blessing and favor, this prayer comes out as gratefulness. I experience these moments of remembering where I came from – in chaos and obscurity to where God has brought me – family and a good name.

Doesn’t everyone NEED some cave time, along with cave prayers? We would never invite it, but shouldn’t we welcome it when it comes along? Cave prayers reveal our dependency, our humanity and humility. Cave prayers position us in suffering and force us to recognize God in a way that courts, kingship and abundance cannot. Cave prayers reveal our hearts and intentions, showing us our surroundings and admitting our need for God’s presence. It takes a cave to flip our view of our future. Instead of seeing those who pursue us, we see God who surrounds us with His peace. Instead of seeing our own dreams and aspirations, we can only see God as He comforts us.

I am not currently in a cave, but I remember when I was. A few times in my life when I felt completely alone and crushed by the darkness of those cave moments. I felt like the life I had known was gone and I could not see anything ahead in my future. Yet, God was there with me, right-there-with-me.


There is no way I can say that I liked my own cave time. I did not enjoy the loss of senses, direction or future. However, I did like the very cozy comfort of your presence, knowing that I was completely in your care, dependent on you in every way. And, like David, I realized that you were truly all I need.

I am enjoying gratitude much more than looking back than the dark desperation trying to look forward. I need a daily reminder of your presence, your will, and your ways. When I can get my heart and mind into that place of peace and assurance that you have all things under control and surrender to you, I can feel responsibilities, ToDo lists, even minutiae lift off my shoulders.