Peace Planters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. ‭‭James‬ ‭3‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

James, brother of Jesus and one of the early church leaders, writes to the churches about living a faith-filled and fruit-filled life. It is not just faith, it is obedient and visible works.

In just a few short thoughts, James captures the true essence of the word wisdom. Wisdom is evident in the behaviors of peacemakers and peace planters! James writes the attributes of wisdom, which was exemplified in his brother’s entire life. Jesus, the essence and personification of wisdom loved and lived peace.

Wisdom is first of all, pure (hagnos) holy and sacred.

▪️It is peaceful (eirénikos) whole and joined or tied together.
▪️ It is gentile (epieikés) equitable, yielding and reasonable.
▪️ It is yielding (eupeithes) compliant, pre-disposed to come to terms.
▪️ It is filled with mercy (eleos) pity and compassion and produces good fruit (karpos).
▪️ It is impartial (adiakritos) indistinguishable, without uncertainty about fairness.
▪️ And it is sincere (anupokritos) without hypocrisy, pretending, acting or faking truth.

What a list of behavioral attributes! This is not only what wisdom looks like, it is what a wise person acts like! Pure, peaceful, reasonable, compliant, merciful, compassionate, equitable and sincere behaviors. Think of what takes place in our country’s highest level of court justice. Think of what takes place in our country’s lowest level of street justice. Do we see wisdom? Do we see behaviors of peace?

James admonishes true followers of Jesus to not only think wisely, but behave wise. James inspires us to be peace planters, yielding beautiful fruits of wisdom! What am I sowing on Sundays as believers gather? How can I choose to seed peace rather than seethe hate at the insta or TikTok water cooler? How can the wisdom and peace of God be the antidote to the fast-spreading social viruses of anger, hate, disunity and violence? James is a big fan of behavior over simply belief!



Action is far louder than belief, behavior is far more effective for change than just my quiet thoughts on what I believe or how I feel. Your word, your wisdom, is actionable towards us. Your thoughts towards us are proven through your behavior towards us. Your love, mercy and peace have been demonstrated through Jesus! And my life can show proof of Jesus’ life and the eternal change in me through my behaviors of wisdom and peace. Thank you for rescuing me and calling me to be a peace planter!