Perfect plans

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the Lord.” Proverbs‬ ‭21‬:‭30‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There is both comfort and mystery in this Proverb. It is a mind-boggling proposition to think of the entirety of human existence and total creation of all that exists being examined, challenged or micro-managed from our limited vantage point. Actually, it’s hubris to imagine that we could even begin to understand it. These concepts come under huge words like omniscience, omnipresent, and omnipotent – all knowing, all present and all powerful. The sovereignty of God!

These are big words to understand by us as eternal beings, who are very limited to our physical experience here on earth as created beings. God’s full foreknowledge of everything from OUR physical beginning to our physical end is nearly impossible for us to grasp. Super smart folks can think about someone or something outside of time itself, because time is also a created construct, but honestly, I can’t.

God being above or outside of all creation, means that everything is NOW. All our past is now, our present is now and our future is now. And, I’m not talking about my past, present and future, I’m talking about all of creation! Right there, just thinking about God being outside of time gives a glimpse of the mystery of this proverb. No human “anything” can stand against the Lord. And, neither can any other created thing or being stand against the Lord – even created angels for example. Angels, Satan being one of those, are created beings! They are not omni anything. This word, sovereignty, has been argued about and misapplied for eons! Does God’s foresight and foreknowledge mean that He made it happen – that God determined that it happen? That’s the big question of God’s sovereignty versus humans free will. The theological understanding of eternal security verses human choice or the ability to not believe nor submit to God’s will is a difficult conundrum. This paradox appears to look like God predetermined His acceptance of some and rejection of others.

You should see how this verse touches on this very old argument about God’s sovereignty! If God’s will is that you be saved, can you reject Him? If God’s will is that you be rejected, can you be saved? Hard huh? There are whole groups of people, whole denominations, that are oppositional on this very thing. And they’ve been arguing, disagreeing and divisive about it for hundreds of years.

Where am I on this? What do I believe? I believe in God’s total sovereignty! There’s no way I see the Bible declaring anything contrary. However, I believe in foreknowledge, God’s total knowledge of all things, all decisions. This does not mean that God forced, or made humans to decide one way or another. This comes up most often with two characters in the Bible, Pharaoh and Judas! Moses told us that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart and the gospels pretty much tell us that Judas was born to betray. Ah, but who knows the human heart and the decisions that those men made at the time. Only God knows that. Who’s to say that they made decisions against God’s will while God continued to convince them otherwise, right up the end of their life. Sooner or later, everyone who believes in God must reconcile this question of how God’s sovereignty works in our our lives beyond just salvation. It should also be settled in our everyday occurrences of pain and suffering. Is there determination behind our tragedies? Is there purpose in our loss and grief when unfathomable evil snatches our loved ones from this planet? I have settled such questions, have you?


I am thankful that I have only had to settle two big thoughts about your sovereignty. One, I believe you are always right, true and just. And two, I believe I can trust you no matter what circumstances or culture says about who you are. You have always been good and faithful in my life and I have no reason to doubt you in my future.

The tension of choice.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

“For God said to Moses, “I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.” So it is God who decides to show mercy. We can neither choose it nor work for it. For the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, “I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth.” So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some, and he chooses to harden the hearts of others so they refuse to listen.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭9‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have always believed that Jesus, and the writers of the New Testament do the best job in interpreting the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul shows us this in Romans. When I had read in Exodus that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart. I had a difficult time understanding that and believing it. What did it mean, God hardened his heart? “And the Lord told Moses, “When you arrive back in Egypt, go to Pharaoh and perform all the miracles I have empowered you to do. But I will harden his heart so he will refuse to let the people go.” Exodus‬ ‭4‬:‭21‬. The phrase then shows up after every plague thereafter, “and Pharaoh hardened his heart.” When the plague was over and the disaster disappeared, Pharaoh went back on his word to let the people of Israel go.

Here’s the thing; I believed that Pharaoh’s heart was hardened because he resisted God, disobeyed God, and in doing so, his heart became more and more like a stone rather than flesh. I believed that Pharaoh’s heart-hardening was because it was his choice to resist God. The Apostle Paul however, giving both the interpretation and the application of that idea (hardened heart) was that God to harden Pharaoh’s CHOSE not Pharaoh himself! God chose the Pharaoh of Egypt to display his power over the most powerful human in those ancient days. The Egyptian Pharaoh’s power, wealth and influence was renowned and unstoppable. Paul makes it clear here in Romans, God does what He wants to do by His will – and it is always perfect.

Paul writes, “God chooses people according to his own purposes…” Even later stating that there are those both “prepared for destruction,” and those, “prepared beforehand for glory.” God’s foreknowledge may not force anyone to rebel and resist Him. And, possibly, even in God’s choice of destiny, it could be said that He knows when one will resist no matter what happens. But from our very limited understanding of time and eternity, it becomes a theological battle. Is it free will or predestination? This has been the big debate in Christendom for hundreds of years. Famous theologians have argued vehemently over it. Eventually it became a label, a division and an embarrassment to Christianity. There is a Christian theological dispute between the followers of John Calvin and Jacobus Arminius that continues to this day. These are the mysteries of God’s ways and should always be held in tension. We will not see resolution until the end of time. It is not free will OR pre-determinism, it is both. God’s ways are above our ways, His thoughts above ours! Plus, God in His mercy and grace is always right, true and just! Our lives, our beliefs and behaviors should be based in faith, not in works and we should trust to participate with God in all things at all times. The annoying thing about us as humans is that we just don’t like that!


We really do not like tension in a world we do not understand, do we? It’s when we make these outlandish statements the the extremes of one belief over another that we arrogantly fall prey to divisiveness. Help us Oh Lord, to be under one banner of Love and Jesus. Help us be united, unified in our faith and not be belligerent in our beliefs or badgering in our words towards one another.