Meme for your heart : Guard it or you’ll crash

Reading Time: 2 minutes
“Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs‬ ‭4:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬

We live in such a “quippy” world. Back in the 70’s & 80’s it was all about bumper stickers, fridge magnets and cross-stitched plaques otherwise known as ancient memes. Now, short, punchy, even purposely vulgar pics, sayings and gifs are ubiquitous across social media, hanging on earth-toned, organic, reclaimed barn wood or pallets in our homes or printed on T-Shirts, hats and even derrières! I don’t know if Solomon or his wisdom crew had sayings hanging in the palace schoolhouse or sewn into their draperies at home.

Let’s just say that, as humans, we’ve always wanted quick, shortcut style sayings to help us memorize and hopefully internalize complicated ideas.

GUARD a heart? He’s not talking cholesterol here. Attitude determines altitude! So whether Edwin Louis Cole, Zig Ziegler or John Maxwell said it, it’s true. Proverbs says, my heart determines my course! No one wants to go on a hike in the forest with a broken compass, no one wants to sails the seas with a faulty sexton. We want our guiding instruments to be in good working order and TRUE! For us, it’s our heart.

So how do I guard my heart from anger, frustration, bitterness, comparing, jealousy, stress, guilt, depression or a whole slew of emotions that are negative? I don’t want those emotions determining my course or my relationships! I can’t advise on what your heart triggered solutions might be, but for me these have been helpful.

One, name it to tame it. I have to force myself to identify what I’m feeling, this isn’t easy. I get lost in the emotion then the blame of someone or something that made me feel so _ fill in the blank. I have to say it first to myself, then to God in real, psalm-like prayer (honest and unguarded). Then, just so I don’t spew verbal acid and emotional toxicity on my wife and close friends, I often need to tell them as well.

Two, I need to find or get into a physical space where it’s quiet and I can slow down to think.

Or three, contrarily, be with our Garvin circus troop filled with chaotic noises of children crying, squealing and the beautiful sounds of conversation and laughter with our adult children. Our FULL house means cacophony of kids, dogs and the making, eating or cleaning up of a meal. It’s weird, but it works! Maybe it overwhelms my senses and temporarily puts brain into shock, thus distracting the fact that my heart was being attacked by runaway emotions.

I’m in this current phase of trying to MINIMIZE the emotional fallout of an unguarded heart. It used to take days to get control of and turn my attitude around. I’m working on getting down to hours.

What are your methods of guarding your heart?


Just knowing that you KNOW me and are aware of my situations and my weaknesses are really helpful. Also, finally being honest and telling you how I feel. Even telling you about the misperceived actions of others. I know that you are my greatest source of peace and my trusted perception adjuster. I feel safe and loved when I spend time reading and reflecting on your Word and listening to the gentle voice of your Spirit.